Shilajit, Fulvic & Humic Acid, Zeolite: Use & Shopping


Sep 29, 2017
Wondering why humic acid and/or fulvic acid arent more discussed here. I'm currently trying a supplement that contains 400mg pure humic acid per capsule and taking them throughout the day as an alternative to activated charcoal. Cause all I have read so far about humic acid sounds very promising and seems to be a safe way to lowering endotoxin and improve digestion etc.


Nov 9, 2012
Potential concern may be heavy metals, that's something I'd want to check before consuming. Probably hard to get information about that considering there are different sources of those minerals.


Sep 29, 2017
here in germany you can get it very cheap in a pharmacy as an OTC product that contains a patented form of humic acid called "WH67" . The product is calles "Activomin" . i dont think heavy metals should be a concern with such a product.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain


Apr 14, 2013
I am researching fulvic and humic acids, lignite (as in the product Restore4gut health), and Succinic acid, and i came upon this thread. So I'm here looking for knowledge and links to research/studies.

Specifically, I'm looking for treatment approaches for leaky gut and leaky blood vessels. Don't know if you all can help, but worth a shot...

- Lignite, in Restore4life, appearently helps considerably in the issue of permeable gut, or so they claim. Also, this supplement is highly recommended for people who have glyphosate toxicity (that'd be me!). However, it's formed from brown coal which is carcinogenic (see this guy's post)!!

- On to Fulvic and Humic acids; these are elements extracted from soil, peat, and coal and all contain cadmium, nickel, iron, and some other dangerous heavy metals. But yet, people seem to love them and swear by them for everything from IBS to hair loss.

- Succinic acid; RP speaks highly of this substance, especially in the context of helping the liver get rid of heavy metals, also it increases cellular reparation. I see @haidut has a new supplement out that contains this but I'm not sure if it would help since my naturopath told me (based on my blood work) that I have dysfunction in the electron transport chain pertaining to the succinic acid, so if I took it, probably wouldn't help. I might try it anyway, in conjunction with Oxidal.

So what's up with all these? How can these harmful substances be so helpful?
@Xisca have you benefited from any of these?

Potential concern may be heavy metals, that's something I'd want to check before consuming. Probably hard to get information about that considering there are different sources of those minerals.

It is hard to get that info. The substances themselves come from elements high in heavy metals so all the 'ingredients' will state they have things like iron, cadmium, nickel, and several others. Maybe I just need to keep looking.

here in germany you can get it very cheap in a pharmacy as an OTC product that contains a patented form of humic acid called "WH67" . The product is calles "Activomin" . i dont think heavy metals should be a concern with such a product.
Why should we not be concerned about metals in these products? Are the toxic effects negated in some way? I feel like I'm missing something here.


Mar 27, 2018
Sorry for bumping this slightly old topic, but I wanted to add my n=1 anecdote.
I'm one of the few that had a NEGATIVE EXPERIENCE WITH SHILAJIT.
I tried many supplements over the years, and have taken many since Shilajit and never had a similar reaction to another supplement.

Shilajit is the ONLY "supplement" that ever gave me visibly swollen, red HIVES.
I just chalked it up to a "Detox" effect :):rolleyes:), but it was scary regardless. I have never had hives before that or since that.

The hives looked identical to that and subsided after maybe an hour.

Whatever Shilajit does it's powerful and possibly a potent allergen, even though I have no allergies and am generally fine even in Spring.

Supposedly Shilajit/Fulvic+Humic Acids can clear the terrain for a healthier microbiome (by decreasing Endotoxin).
Shilajit as something one should ingest makes no sense, since Shilajit is an "ooze" or sap that is excreted on warm days between decaying organic matter between rock.

I would urge anyone to DO YOUR RESEARCH before trying Shilajit. The manufacturing of Shilajit is a big question mark, and its origins are equally shrouded in mystery. I've also heard that Shilajit = sap from a cactus-like plant.

Whatever it is, it's not necessary for optimal health.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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