Should you get vaccinated?


Aug 4, 2020
Sorry haven’t read any of the other replies…I think the answer is…No..?
This gives an insight into the pharmaceutical industry and it’s internal works. Hedley Rees is a former pharmaceutical insider who worked in supply chain management.
Worth the sixty minutes of time invested.

@haidut @Rinse & rePeat @Lollipop2 @tankasnowgod @Peatress @Birdie @mostlylurking @AlaskaJono @akgrrrl


This gives an insight into the pharmaceutical industry and it’s internal works. Hedley Rees is a former pharmaceutical insider who worked in supply chain management.
Worth the sixty minutes of time invested.

@haidut @Rinse & rePeat @Lollipop2 @tankasnowgod @Peatress @Birdie @mostlylurking @AlaskaJono @akgrrrl
Have not watched yet but I am aware of Hedley Rees. What I will say is that based on the work Sasha Latypova, Dr Mike Yeadon, and others it is very unlikely that manufacturing error were responsible for the unorthodox practices of big pharma regarding the covid injections. This was a planned orchestrated programme of mass poisoning - it continues even as the body count grows.


Aug 4, 2020
This was a planned orchestrated programme of mass poisoning - it continues even as the body count grows.
I cannot argue with this point excess mortalities over a five year average have been observed in all nations with high gene therapy uptake. It is interesting that there is little to no desire within the political hierarchy to address an issue that is big enough to impact all cause mortality. Whereas during the pandemic one had to break the data set down to regional areas that employed various governments protocols to see spikes in all cause mortality.
A point raised by Hedley Rees was that Novartis has an approved gene therapy in circulation, two side effects noted were neurological damage, and cytokine storms. The latter being a signature feature of COVID-19, this to me demonstrates that a COVID-19 like illness can be pharmaceutically induced, there spin doctors can manipulate this in anyway they want to the media, be it a new viral variant or the next big pandemic.


I cannot argue with this point excess mortalities over a five year average have been observed in all nations with high gene therapy uptake. It is interesting that there is little to no desire within the political hierarchy to address an issue that is big enough to impact all cause mortality. Whereas during the pandemic one had to break the data set down to regional areas that employed various governments protocols to see spikes in all cause mortality.
A point raised by Hedley Rees was that Novartis has an approved gene therapy in circulation, two side effects noted were neurological damage, and cytokine storms. The latter being a signature feature of COVID-19, this to me demonstrates that a COVID-19 like illness can be pharmaceutically induced, there spin doctors can manipulate this in anyway they want to the media, be it a new viral variant or the next big pandemic.
I think all the covid shots have that potential.

Now that our governments know that they can poison us and have the backing of all institutions, including the media, they will stop at nothing until their mission is accomplished.


Aug 4, 2020


Judy Mikovits paints an even darker picture of the Covid events and the vaccines effects than even most who are speaking out are willing to talk about.

Christie Grace provides some very good insights into the possible mechanism of how the lipid nanoparticle is entering the vascular system based upon there being a negative charge on the lipid nanoparticle, which will provide entry to the vascular system irregardless of whether the needle breaks a capillary or vein. She also reveals that the lipid nanoparticle can and does alter the RNA that it encapsulates but opines that if it can do this in the gene therapy it can also alter the DNA inside the cell.



Dec 8, 2016


Nov 27, 2018
A new book by RFK Jr.


Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Oh these would be masters of the universe. Unelected people with diplomatic immunity and of questionable character and backgrounds.
Right and if people knew the details of the plans of the WHO there would be outrage. The media cover up our "conspirancies" of course.

The UN with similar priviledges are part of the problem too. A young lady named Noor Bin Laden has reported on these 2 groups notably.


Aug 4, 2020
Right and if people knew the details of the plans of the WHO there would be outrage. The media cover up our "conspirancies" of course.

The UN with similar priviledges are part of the problem too. A young lady named Noor Bin Laden has reported on these 2 groups notably.
The UN, WHO, WEF I do not think it is a stretch to say they are all tentacles of the same organization, that has permeated into all of the Western governments.
The biggest issue in my opinion is we are the many, yet have yielded once innate freedoms and control of our lives into the hands of a few, in exchange for a life of ease. We see this agenda playing out, with government becoming entrenched into every aspect of our lives.
Our biggest problem is we are the many, the governed, democracy is supposed to be predicated on the idea that governments power is based upon the consent of the governed. Some have opined that this idea terrifies those seeking total control.
We have forgotten our roots, and our abilities to be independent are now atrophied as well. Weakened by an educational system that does not teach self reliance, a food system that rather than bolsters health only lowers energy, and plants the seeds of disease, a medical establishment that treats symptoms rather than the root causes of illness for perpetual cash flow, and a government that takes the fruits of labour to promote perpetual war funded by ever increasing debt, taxation and bolstered by no fiscal or financial responsibility.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
The UN, WHO, WEF I do not think it is a stretch to say they are all tentacles of the same organization, that has permeated into all of the Western governments.
The biggest issue in my opinion is we are the many, yet have yielded once innate freedoms and control of our lives into the hands of a few, in exchange for a life of ease. We see this agenda playing out, with government becoming entrenched into every aspect of our lives.
Our biggest problem is we are the many, the governed, democracy is supposed to be predicated on the idea that governments power is based upon the consent of the governed. Some have opined that this idea terrifies those seeking total control.
We have forgotten our roots, and our abilities to be independent are now atrophied as well. Weakened by an educational system that does not teach self reliance, a food system that rather than bolsters health only lowers energy, and plants the seeds of disease, a medical establishment that treats symptoms rather than the root causes of illness for perpetual cash flow, and a government that takes the fruits of labour to promote perpetual war funded by ever increasing debt, taxation and bolstered by no fiscal or financial responsibility.
You summed our world. People have taken our freedom and prosperity for granted and we stand to lose it all. Some are waking up but let's hope it is not too late. Countries like Russia, China, and Venezuela are real. Like someone said freedom is not free. Just look at the FBI, so called Dept of Justice, lawsuits to strip people of their wealth and shut them up, and the Southern border shame. Pass your concerns on or let the Joe Biden communists take over. This is the United States in 2024. It is what the founders feared, the govt.
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