Sjögren's syndrome


Jan 24, 2021
Yes, everything remains on sale so long as I have paid attention which is over a year :) That is what I mean about marketing. It has also been convenient to get a discount using the subscribe option and fairly easy to cancel if need be.
Aha! Thanks this is good to know.

Just looked at my invoice from when I purchase LGS thyroid last year and they were previously charging $25/5grams. So it has gone up $10. That is a big mark up. I wonder if with everything going on, it is getting difficult to supply the grass-fed organs from New Zealand? FH remains reasonable though.
Yeah, I've bought two now this year, they were both around $35 each.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
It is a good point that the FH NDT would be over double the product for the price at 11.7g/$35. I wouldn't necessarily call LGS a ripoff, but in this context it seems overpriced.
I am not allergic to the excipients in FH thyroid (Other ingredients include: rice flour, cellulose, dicalcium phosphate, silica, gelatin, and purified water.) But it is good that maybe people who don't want that have options.. I'm glad there are enough quality options to choose from.

When my supply runs out, I'll certainly reconsider getting it at FH. Thanks for the calculations.

Now I complain about FH marketing tactics, but I seem to help promoting them a lot..
its concerning the silica is listed above the gelatin and water though, that makes it seem like a single serving could have 100mg silica or something? gelatin capsules probably weigh 100mg or something...? and silicas listed higher in the list.
forefront doesnt say their thyroid is 100% grass fed but they claim it is grass fed and new zealand cows. capsules, even with fillers, involve more labor and are more expensive than powder forms. the ancestral supplements thyroid and the lifegivingstore thyroid seem very overpriced...


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
oh my dry eyes improved when i took out the pregnenolone and iodine no doubt, but they only improved moderately, im still nowhere near how my eyes were pre iodine/pregnenolone, although i can wear contacts if i want to. they are still shrunken and dried up, it seems like my eyelids expand/shrink depending on eye moisture level.
i dont have a dry mouth but thats because ive had a stainless steel permanent retainer in my mouth from over 10 years ago, its on the backs of some of my teeth. i got it after braces. actually, ever since i got braces, and then the permanent metal wire retainer, both those things seem to unnaturally increase saliva production, when i had braces i would start drooling if i left my mouth open for even a few seconds or so. its probably the presence of the metal, encourages the body to produce more saliva to get rid of it somehow.
the options after braces were to get a removable plastic retainer you put on at night or even during the day if not eating, or a permanent wired metal retainer. im thinking both have drawbacks, the wire retainer being stainless steel means there's probably small amounts of maybe nickel, or tin, which over time leech into the body? like maybe a few micrograms per day are ingested due to having the permanent wire in there. I suppose its better than the plastic retainer which you may bite into and, being plastic, you may be ingesting some plastic everyday while its in your mouth?
choline only has an effect if its supplement form or creatine. if its high choline foods like liver, eggs, milk, i dont get the effects like increased anxiety, oily skin/hair, increased acne, maybe some increased salivation.

eh im not sure, the pregnenolone could turn to estrogen or probably cortisol, its hard to say if you did a big change of diet, but at the same time if you changed to a Peaty style of diet you shouldnt be gaining weight unless your calorie intake significantly increased. even then it shouldnt be the diet since switching over to a peat diet should increase metabolism.
This is an old post, I was looking for information on dry eyes, which my wife is suffering from.

I am replying because of the steel wire retainer you mentioned.

My son, I don’t recall how old he was then, his dentist extracted baby teeth molars on his lower jaw and placed a stainless steel retainer wire, anchored on two molars gutter back. I asked the dentist if the wire contained nickel and he just said ‘no’. We went on vacation and after we returned, one evening we went to the movies and had some popcorn. Then during the movie he panicked, he felt a piece of popcorn was caught in his throat.

We went to the emergency, that was a waste of time and money. They numbed his throat to look down his throat but couldn’t find the dam instrument!

So we went to two throat doctors and they saw his throat tonsils were inflamed. These are not the mouth tonsils, those had already been removed. Then I became suspicious about the wire. We went back to the dentist and his colleague showed me the wire. On the package it said “do not use in patients with nickel allergies”. We had the wire removed and my son went through a nickel detox by our homeopathist. The swelling went away but my son’s tongue still shows signs of the damage from this wire.

The late Dr. John Diamond, Reno, had three young girls in his office, they had onset of breast cancer. All of them had braces with nickel wire from the same dentist (not our dentist, I think)! He had the braces removed and the breast cancer went away.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
This is an old post, I was looking for information on dry eyes, which my wife is suffering from.

I am replying because of the steel wire retainer you mentioned.

My son, I don’t recall how old he was then, his dentist extracted baby teeth molars on his lower jaw and placed a stainless steel retainer wire, anchored on two molars gutter back. I asked the dentist if the wire contained nickel and he just said ‘no’. We went on vacation and after we returned, one evening we went to the movies and had some popcorn. Then during the movie he panicked, he felt a piece of popcorn was caught in his throat.

We went to the emergency, that was a waste of time and money. They numbed his throat to look down his throat but couldn’t find the dam instrument!

So we went to two throat doctors and they saw his throat tonsils were inflamed. These are not the mouth tonsils, those had already been removed. Then I became suspicious about the wire. We went back to the dentist and his colleague showed me the wire. On the package it said “do not use in patients with nickel allergies”. We had the wire removed and my son went through a nickel detox by our homeopathist. The swelling went away but my son’s tongue still shows signs of the damage from this wire.

The late Dr. John Diamond, Reno, had three young girls in his office, they had onset of breast cancer. All of them had braces with nickel wire from the same dentist (not our dentist, I think)! He had the braces removed and the breast cancer went away.
the one i got was stainless steel, does that include nickel
Ray said that the wires have certain toxic metals added to them in order to make them stainless. he said with time, those metals leech out of the wire, and so with time the wire actually becomes safer once those more toxic stainless metals have leeched out. im not sure if i should get mine removed. also im concerned couldn't my teeth get out of balance if the wire is removed


Feb 22, 2014
finally, long time
can you discuss here or over DM have you used forefront healths dessicated thyroid product
I couldnt remember who introduced me to the site i was asking random people about their thyroid thinking they mentioned it before...
i ordered their 130mg thyroid capsules curious to see how well they work as far as boosting temps, digestion, energy, eyesight etc...
whats the source for their vitamin E, and what do you mean by brash sales tactics they dont seem to be aggressive with marketing?
Did I ask you on another thread about this product? If so, my apologies- I would like to know if you ever tried the FH thyroid? I am trying to decide between it and Ancestral Supplements. Thanks in advance for any feedback!

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Did I ask you on another thread about this product? If so, my apologies- I would like to know if you ever tried the FH thyroid? I am trying to decide between it and Ancestral Supplements. Thanks in advance for any feedback!
Their thyroid has silica in it.
But otherwise its a fair product, dosed much higher than ancestral.
But if I remember right their thyroid isnt as unaltered as ancestrals... if I remember right they may filter certain things out of their thyroid. The ancestral product is natural, inclusive of parathyroid, calcitonin, t1, t2, t3, t4, etc.
a lot of thyroid glandulars filter out the calcitonin and possibly parathyroid because those elements have significant value and are sold to the pharma industry or something.
Some glandulars even filter out t1 and t2 too.
You might want to combine ancestral with forefront thyroid.
Btw, i think ancestral is in general better sourced, i dont think forefront even claims their beef js 100% grass fed or organic, i cant remember if they source their thyroid from new zealand cattle or not. By the looks of things New Zealand cattle are far healthier than American and other ones, so I would guess the freeze dried organ products from New Zealand are better than even fresh organ meats in the us. Theres all kinds of environmental toxins and issues that don’t seem to be a factor in New Zealand


Feb 22, 2014
Their thyroid has silica in it.
But otherwise its a fair product, dosed much higher than ancestral.
But if I remember right their thyroid isnt as unaltered as ancestrals... if I remember right they may filter certain things out of their thyroid. The ancestral product is natural, inclusive of parathyroid, calcitonin, t1, t2, t3, t4, etc.
a lot of thyroid glandulars filter out the calcitonin and possibly parathyroid because those elements have significant value and are sold to the pharma industry or something.
Some glandulars even filter out t1 and t2 too.
You might want to combine ancestral with forefront thyroid.
Btw, i think ancestral is in general better sourced, i dont think forefront even claims their beef js 100% grass fed or organic, i cant remember if they source their thyroid from new zealand cattle or not. By the looks of things New Zealand cattle are far healthier than American and other ones, so I would guess the freeze dried organ products from New Zealand are better than even fresh organ meats in the us. Theres all kinds of environmental toxins and issues that don’t seem to be a factor in New Zealand
@ Dr. B Thank you so much for weighing in on these issues. It is very helpful and valuable to me. I suppose I am a review junkie- don't ask me why- but there are plenty of reviews on Ancestral (and FH for that matter) of very satisfied customers. I should qualify my interest in saying that I have not been diagnosed with any thyroid disorder, but going on a hunch. Very dry itchy skin, constipation, female mid-60s, average lower temps. Oddly enough, the situation has worsened since I lowered my daily caffeine intake, splitting my coffee 50/50.

I also have Thyroid 6C in homeopathic form that I will pick up again as an adjunct to whichever brand I experiment with, but for now I have more confidence in starting with the recommended dosage of the Ancestral to give it a try.

Many thanks again-


Dec 7, 2015
Do you mind advising what kind of tips and strategies it had
He tried Hannah Yoseph's diet for Sjogrens and quit after a while (before he got to the part of the diet that uses the Pauling protocol) because he didn't see any improvement. Then a while later he talked with someone who succeeded on her diet and decided to go back on it. I think he felt that when he started the Pauling Protocol (i think about 3 months into her diet) he finally started seeing results. He also talks about other things that he tried, some of which were helpful and some of which were not.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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