Some Dude Sounding High IQ Talking About Looksmaxxing On An Incel Forum


May 19, 2017
Hi @Jib and @JanP,

Talking of having parts removed, many young people are having their sigmoid colons resected for IBS, diverticulitis, colitis etc.

They end up with their bowel emptying out a hole in their side. They need ostomy bags to collect the ‘output’ which arrives without any control, as the rectum and anus have been bypassed.

I think these surgical candidates should be made aware of the success of carnivore and other low / soft fibre diets for restoring a functional bowel.

I imagine legumes are the worst offenders. Lentil soup used to cause me a lot of pain, probably from inflating pockets of gas from fermentation.

On the other hand, I find fruit, eggs, cheese and red meat easy to digest.

That selection also provides most nutrients. If you choose the right fruits (with the eggs, cheese and red meat) you might be able to cover everything.

eg. Peat’s OJ is a good source of folate...

If you get the food right you probably won’t need supplements to looksmax it with the pros!
This makes me really sad, especially in very young people / children. They are being fed crap all their lives, they are being poisoned left and right, and once their bodies can't take it anymore, they are being mutilated like that. They have literally no choice, they can't affect this in any way, and they are severly damaged for the rest of their lives.


Nov 21, 2019
His new name is @Seth Walsh
Imo it is not worth asking him anything
i know
he said he'll reply but is too busy atm

idgaf about your opinion about him, because thus far i have not seen you make any contribution.


Nov 21, 2019
This makes me really sad, especially in very young people / children. They are being fed crap all their lives, they are being poisoned left and right, and once their bodies can't take it anymore, they are being mutilated like that. They have literally no choice, they can't affect this in any way, and they are severly damaged for the rest of their lives.

and when they are then registerering on looksmax forums to make up for their stunted youth and shitpost to cope they are being ridiculed for it by the exact same people responsible for their shitty environments.
some boomers truly never cease to amaze me in their ignorance, twisted (and yes, bluepilled) world view and moral degeneracy
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Jul 22, 2020
i know
he said he'll reply but is too busy atm

idgaf about your opinion about him, because thus far i have not seen you make any contribution.
I know him since spring 2019 and we shared a bitmex account. Too much money spent on useless supplements and no outside thoughts or selfthinking in my honest opinion. He is like a robot and also publicly said that he is taking Ritalin among other drugs. He is not being creative, he is learning texts as many have pointed out here.
Many fall for him because he sounds impressive


Nov 21, 2019
I know him since spring 2019 and we shared a bitmex account. Too much money spent on useless supplements and no outside thoughts or selfthinking in my honest opinion. He is like a robot and also publicly said that he is taking Ritalin among other drugs. He is not being creative, he is learning texts as many have pointed out here.
Many fall for him because he sounds impressive
ok thanks.
i am trying to be the creative part indeed

The evolutionary purpose of baldness | - Mens Self-Improvement Forum

he said he will reply to this


Nov 29, 2017

"rather reductionist"
"stress hormones"

I find this forum rather reductionist too sometimes
So do I... I'm not taking a shot at you. I gave you props for your thinking....I just don't get it, that's all. I hope you find the cure to baldness, make alot of money and help me grow my temples back :)


Jun 30, 2020
Rostov-on-Don, Russia/Southern United States
sincerely wish I didn't know what "looksmaxxing" was, but the fact that it's a topic on "incel forums" is even sadder.

this thread is the katechon. once it's done the Kali Yuga is finished.

I'm always torn on incel looksmaxxing stuff. I respect the pursuit of beauty but I hate the gratuitous performative hopelessness and the fact that it's ultimately just to try and **** some girl and pretend it's some chick they had a crush in 10th grade


May 3, 2015
Hi @Jib,

Official dietary advice pushes soy, other legumes, whole grains, greens, and tells you to minimise fruit, meat, eggs and dairy.

Peat basically recommends the opposite of this.

Also beware of processed food. Doughnuts, Biscuits, pastries and pizzas can be high in polyunsaturated vegetable oils (PUFA = omega 6).

Frozen processed foods get lower in animal ingredients every year. Eg a beef curry or beef pie might contain 20% beef gravy, but the gravy might be only 10% beef, meaning the beef curry is only 2% beef.

Much better to buy a cut of pure beef, slow roast it, then eat it over a few days. 250g beef gives you protein, saturated fat, iron, zinc, selenium etc.

1 litre of OJ gives you folate and vitamin C with some potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese, energy...

100g of prunes gives you vitamin k with some potassium, magnesium, energy etc.

(Tomato and berries have a little vitamin k too).

500g bananas (about 3 bananas) gives you magnesium and vitamin b6 with some potassium, energy...

30g matured cheese gives you protein, calcium, saturated fat, vitamin k2.

Avoid bran to avoid phytates. Avoid spinach, rhubarb, Swiss chard, dark or milk chocolate, potato skin to avoid oxalates. (White chocolate should not have any oxalates).

That should be a low cost way to good health through diet, though you should experiment for your own body. If you stuck only to these foods there could be deficiencies long term.

You may need nutrients from lettuce, for example!


Mar 29, 2013
I'm always torn on incel looksmaxxing stuff. I respect the pursuit of beauty but I hate the gratuitous performative hopelessness and the fact that it's ultimately just to try and **** some girl and pretend it's some chick they had a crush in 10th grade

Yeah, I'm not too sympathetic towards incels, either. Elephant Man, Jake Barnes, and chronically ill types aside, they all seem hellaciously pathetic. They really like blaming others for the fact that they can't stop jacking off in their mom's basement long enough to attract a partner, and their online communities seem like support groups for continuing down a pitiful and hateful path, rather than support for actually improving the quality of their lives. Even PUA communities seem a little less reprehensible to me, because despite being chauvinist losers, at least there's some degree of self-honesty there and the motivation to try and improve their lot in life. The incel communities in contrast feel like a black hole of despair, hate, and wasted energy.

I'm curious why you respect the pursuit of beauty, though? I take it because we're talking about looksmaxxing on incel forums you didn't mean the 'pursuit of beauty' in, like, the Italian Renaissance kind of way, but maybe you did.

Because I see the pursuit of personal beauty as probably one of the saddest aims a person can have (beyond, you know, the more obviously loathsome aims.) I mean just look at women who can't accept the aging process, and the grotesques they become.


Mar 20, 2013
Because I see the pursuit of personal beauty as probably one of the saddest aims a person can have (beyond, you know, the more obviously loathsome aims.) I mean just look at women who can't accept the aging process, and the grotesques they become.

It's sad because it's a disease. "Obsession" is the key word. I would wager every single one of these people on any "Looksmaxing" forum all have advanced Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

I have pity for these people. I don't see it as a vain pursuit, or egotistical; I see it like they're possessed by an evil spirit and their soul has been taken over by this dark spirit that is feeding on their energy. I feel bad for them. I hope they can find self-esteem and realize that they're an equal creation of the universe. As much as anything else. And they are not less than or inferior to anyone or anything else. The compulsion to be perfect always comes from severe disruption in self-value. Of course they will be disagreeable and awful to people when arguing, I'm sure, and will refuse help, but that's just the way it goes. It's sad because it's like a wounded animal lashing out. They don't understand how to not obsess about these things and free themselves.


Jun 20, 2021
He has also written on hair loss in specific regards to wnt-signalling and believes samumed will come out with a cure @GorillaHead

pretty fun to dig this up ngl
Samumed now called Biosplice Therapeutics. SM04554 (dalorsirvat) is expected to hit markets in Turkey as early as 2022. Interested to see how things pan out. That conversation with Gudru feels like ages ago.

Excited to share ideas and get more informed from users on here. Found this forum through Lucas Aoun’s videos.

Quick question: Has anyone experimented with 5-amino-1mq? Seems too good to be true from what I’ve heard it’s capable of. Increasing intercellular NAD+ levels, supporting energy, fat loss, activation of stem cells in muscle tissue, mitochondrial support. All these benefits and no downsides?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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