Sperm Count Drop 'may Lead To Human Extinction'


Jun 7, 2016
Better data in the west. For Oz, no doubt we have more Asian/phytoestrogen influence in the food compared to the dairy/meat based pre 1990s. Also fluoride in the water, plastic everywhere, radiation, cheap food additives and the food processing industry = see ya later sperm

The milk bars and take away stores that make the classic ham burgers can only be found in old towns in regional/rural areas from what I've seen.

I think the Lismore or Townsville regions are the only ones that don't put fluoride in the water.

+ Beer drinking culture.
+ Rape seed oil industry.


Aug 21, 2016
Sydney, Australia
The milk bars and take away stores that make the classic ham burgers can only be found in old towns in regional/rural areas from what I've seen.

I think the Lismore or Townsville regions are the only ones that don't put fluoride in the water.

+ Beer drinking culture.
+ Rape seed oil industry.

Yep, shame about beer. Absolutely love that hoppy goodness specially lagers like boags and crown. I did read somewhere that not much of the estrogenic active ingredient in hops makes it to the finished beer but alcohol is toxic to the gonads anyway

What do you think of oak milk?


Jun 7, 2016
Yep, shame about beer. Absolutely love that hoppy goodness specially lagers like boags and crown. I did read somewhere that not much of the estrogenic active ingredient in hops makes it to the finished beer but alcohol is toxic to the gonads anyway

What do you think of oak milk?

Thats interesting and good to know. I think if the liver is kept healthy, the odd beer isn't going to be too much of a burden. I like Crown.

I have always liked the strawberry Oak since I was a child and doesn't have any carrogeenan but all the chocolate ones do.


Aug 21, 2016
Sydney, Australia
Thats interesting and good to know. I think if the liver is kept healthy, the odd beer isn't going to be too much of a burden. I like Crown.

I have always liked the strawberry Oak since I was a child and doesn't have any carrogeenan but all the chocolate ones do.

Ahh didn't know that, switching from chocolate to strawberry


Jun 7, 2016
Ahh didn't know that, switching from chocolate to strawberry

The Oak vanilla malt doesn't have carrageenan either.

If you like iced coffee the Dare and Icebreak don't have carrageenan.


Jul 29, 2014
Extinction seems a little harsh. Wouldn't all the unhealthy people just die off? I seem to have no problems impregnating my wife... it's almost too easy :eek:

Quite observant. Now that you mention it, the Neanderthals and the Cro-Magnons - they were very masculine. Homo sapiens looks more feminine, definitely.:)

Ray talks about neoteny being the desired evolutionary path, or something like that, in his Generative Energy book.


Mar 29, 2016
Extinction seems a little harsh. Wouldn't all the unhealthy people just die off? I seem to have no problems impregnating my wife... it's almost too easy :eek:

Ray talks about neoteny being the desired evolutionary path, or something like that, in his Generative Energy book.

That was mentioned, wasn't it? But it was in the physical aspect of it, like "larger brain, smaller face," and not becoming more feminized, in sexual terms.


Jan 15, 2016
Wouldn't a population that is not burdened by greed be feminized in the first place?

I believe that something akin to feminization has been happening to all humans, for a very long time, ever since we started living in settled societies.

There's no way this can be true, genetic males producing viable eggs? It sounds impossible, and the LGBT groups should be going nuts over it.

Reading your post I'm reminded of what Professor @haidut said in Generative energy #14;

" A very common theme you'll hear is that testosterone is the male hormone and causes aggressive behavior, it causes you to be dominant and conquer other people, and get all the resources and the women, you know it makes you to be the king! Well that's not what actually happened when they did the studies with the volunteers, and it was a human study that they replicated. Not only did testosterone not make people exhibit these characteristics, it made them mellow. It did make them ASSERTIVE; basically it made them individualistic, self-reliant, assertive, compassionate, and intelligent. In other words NOT AGGRESSIVE. And the exact opposite when they gave people estrogen, and you got exactly the AUTHORITARIAN TYPE. Basically these people were angry, they were fighting with everyone, including among themselves, even though they were pitted in groups against each other. In general they weren't happy, they thought the world is a bad place and the only way you can make it there is by essentially taking away from other people, what ever it is that they have that you also desire"
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Jan 15, 2016
Here is a link to the podcast I pulled that quote from if you guys haven't heard it;



Mar 29, 2016
Yet being a woman isn't so much about estrogen as much as being a man is about testosterone, isn't it?


Jan 15, 2016
Yet being a woman isn't so much about estrogen as much as being a man is about testosterone, isn't it?

The estrogen in women serves a specific purpose in fertility and surges during a small window. Progesterone and testosterone have a lot of overlapping functions.


Mar 15, 2014
Reading your post I'm reminded of what Professor @haidut said in Generative energy #14;

" A very common theme you'll hear is that testosterone is the male hormone and causes aggressive behavior, it causes you to be dominant and conquer other people, and get all the resources and the women, you know it makes you to be the king! Well that's not what actually happened...it made them mellow. It did make them ASSERTIVE; basically it made them individualistic, self-reliant, assertive, compassionate, and intelligent. In other words NOT AGGRESSIVE. And the exact opposite when they gave people estrogen, and you got exactly the AUTHORITARIAN TYPE.

So from the posts in this thread you guys think killing and conquering everything is the "masculine" manifest?

I don't, but certainly many others in this thread do. Conquest, killing, and rape are actions of deprived people. You don't get the urge to enforce your will in such a way if you've actually lived a satisfying life.

My initial statement was that people have been feminized because civilized society places very heavy constraints on you. Civilization is the antithesis of the individualistic, self reliant behavior which is paramount to masculinity.

I will say that being mellow DOES get you more women as long as it's balanced with assertiveness. However, this can only happen when deprived others are not attempting to enforce their dominion on you. You can be a mellow, confident, 6'4" model, but if some insecure short guy with a gun kills you, he wins. With regards to Indoeuropeans, I think many of them were deprived of women.

Ray talks about neoteny being the desired evolutionary path

Neanderthals and cro magnons were both had bigger brains than modern humans, even though they were shorter than most modern humans. In terms of brain matter, the trend has been decreasing neoteny.
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Mar 15, 2014
I don't agree that civilization is necessarily anti-male if we think of a civilization a shared advancement and consider society as people coming together for the benefit of community.

Okay, but then you admit that civilization is collectivist and dependent.

It did make them ASSERTIVE; basically it made them individualistic, self-reliant, assertive, compassionate, and intelligent.

"What is feminine to you": I'm talking about mental femininity. Civilization selects for those who are more easily indoctrinated by the current civilization. In a primitive society, a man has more wiggle room in which to broadcast his ideas, be heard, and have impact. In civilized society, a man is more of a drone whose opinion and individualism matters much less.

Because civilization rewards this "femininity", today's men have a more feminine genetic architecture than those of very long ago; with the exception of leaders and rulers who've maintained high wealth for a very long time.
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Jul 6, 2014
Yep it's all going exactly as planned.

Herbicides sprayed on plants, poison added to foods, air and water, the nuclear industry and routine use of X-rays and of course the cancer industry are all effective methods the rich use to thin the herd.


Feb 18, 2016
Sometimes I wish it was a grand master plan by our fellow humans in the 'elite'league however they are eating the same diet and breathing similar air,they have less financial stress so that helps but they are still not living much longer,Monaco has the highest longevity at 96 I think,the food there is no better than any other wealthy city worldwide and it's mainly elites living there.
They really have no clue at an elite level about diets or thyroid etc,generally they are following fads ,they will also follow the doctors advice like anyone else.

I think we create the grand master conspiracy for our human ego,to try justify we know what's going on at some level,there is a collective human ego imo that we all contribute to,in reality we are demented/delusional most of the time and can't even manage our own thought processes or come to terms with our flow of consciousness and thoughts changing all the time and how natural that is,we fight this and become sicker and more demented. This behaviour is highlighted very well in academia and politics imo,what we get from academia and politics is an arguments about who's delusion should become the norm via subtle force. They replace the word delusion with the word fact.

@bdawg there is another article on the BBC website recently about Japan's working hours,I've read some in the past but the BBC one was shocking,average office staff working 100 hours per week! I think with the global connection we have and the likes of google translate we will begin to see and hear more about the darker side of Asian societies,the kids in Korea being pushed so hard for school exams they commit suicide because they can't handle 16 hours per day of study enforced by parents is a tragedy.


Jul 29, 2014
They really have no clue at an elite level about diets or thyroid etc,generally they are following fads ,they will also follow the doctors advice like anyone else.

Trump for example takes Finasteride.


Feb 18, 2016
Trump for example takes Finasteride.

Is that correct,he probably takes a lot more to offset it.
The guy is a puppet for Robert mercer who is going through a paranoid megalomaniac styled end of life meltdown it seems,a perfect example of inherited wealth at work,the rich kid trump supposed to turn America around for the working class folk in a capitalist system,the system and people his father exploited to make himself and kids rich.
Mercers spoiled daughter has filled his head with conspiracy theories,he buys into them,he's like John Nash but with billions,his daughter is unattractive and in a rage probably since her teens when she realised she scares people visually,the rest of humanity is now an energy sink for a spoiled billionaire kid in rage because the hot guys rejected her in school.


Oct 5, 2014
It won't surprise me if we wipe ourselves out in the most humiliating way possible,penis stop working syndrome,probably add spontaneous crapping of pants as bowel will no longer digest food,this will continue until we die ,we have grand visions of nuclear war or a meteorite,we will die with people walking around hands in pockets wondering what's going on with my penis while crapping pants,animals will be having the lols at humans!

Sperm count drop 'may lead to human extinction' - BBC News

"Humans could become extinct if sperm counts in men continue to fall at current rates, a doctor has warned.

Researchers assessing the results of nearly 200 separate studies say sperm counts among men from these areas seem to have halved in less than 40 years.

Some experts are sceptical of the findings, published in the Human Reproduction Update.

But lead researcher Dr Hagai Levine said he was "very worried" about what might happen in the future.

The assessment brings together the results of 185 studies between 1973 and 2011, one of the largest ever undertaken.

Dr Levine, an epidemiologist, told the BBC that if the trend continued humans would become extinct."

Don't worry pal. In case that happens (which I doubt) we'll be able to fertilize in vitro with a single spermatozoid or with any cell like in Jurassic Park. Take it easy.
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