Spiritual people usually look more vibrant - and younger - than non-spiritual people


Feb 13, 2021
This might be a common-sense hypothesis, but hopefully a good reminder nonetheless!

Spiritual people usually look more vibrant than non-spiritual people.

Sometimes much more vibrant, to the extent that they look much younger than their actual age. Here are some accounts and/or examples.

Joshua, age 85:

“Now then, just as the LORD promised, he has kept me alive for forty-five years since the time he said this to Moses, while Israel moved about in the wilderness. So here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then."
~ Joshua 14:10-11

Smith Wigglesworth, age ~70: looked energetic and continued ministering until his death at 87.

Sadhguru, age 64: looks quite young for his age, with glowing skin and firm under-eye areas.

DK Yoo, age 42, and meditation mentor, age 70: both have good hair, good posture, and glowing countenances.


These aren't the greatest examples...don't have time to find better ones at the moment. But it seems like inward spiritual energy is enough to prevent normal outward wear-and-tear!
Mar 10, 2021
This might be a common-sense hypothesis, but hopefully a good reminder nonetheless!

Spiritual people usually look more vibrant than non-spiritual people.

Sometimes much more vibrant, to the extent that they look much younger than their actual age. Here are some accounts and/or examples.

Joshua, age 85:

“Now then, just as the LORD promised, he has kept me alive for forty-five years since the time he said this to Moses, while Israel moved about in the wilderness. So here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then."
~ Joshua 14:10-11

Smith Wigglesworth, age ~70: looked energetic and continued ministering until his death at 87.

Sadhguru, age 64: looks quite young for his age, with glowing skin and firm under-eye areas.

DK Yoo, age 42, and meditation mentor, age 70: both have good hair, good posture, and glowing countenances.

View attachment 31835

These aren't the greatest examples...don't have time to find better ones at the moment. But it seems like inward spiritual energy is enough to prevent normal outward wear-and-tear!

That is interesting Occ! It goes to show that good health is more than just diet, exercise and other external influences.
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Jan 26, 2017
A place that needs more coconuts and sun
I have noticed, when my physical and mental health are doing well, that I am more *in tune* with my surroundings and the emotional state of those I interact with. My pupils are clearer and lighter, I am very happy, social, confident, etc., and I have very little under-eye bags (which are characteristic of me). My conversations sometimes become telepathic (I am able to respond to peoples' unspoken feelings before they are said). I am sometimes treated like a different kind of human when my health is a little *too well* for that day. I get this feeling, during these good days, that I am making monumental improvements and changes to everyone's life by asking how they are, listening effectively, and showing empathy in times where good human interaction is hard to find; even just for a day.

High-dose aspirin, plenty of sugar, niacinamide and caffeine seem to put me in the state; a little weed can make this state either crash or transcend.


Feb 13, 2021
That is interesting Occ! Glitter goes to show that good health is more than just diet, exercise and other external influences.
Indeed...now that I think of it, you could be added to the list of vibrant spiritual people too!


Oct 6, 2020
I have noticed, when my physical and mental health are doing well, that I am more *in tune* with my surroundings and the emotional state of those I interact with. My pupils are clearer and lighter, I am very happy, social, confident, etc., and I have very little under-eye bags (which are characteristic of me). My conversations sometimes become telepathic (I am able to respond to peoples' unspoken feelings before they are said). I am sometimes treated like a different kind of human when my health is a little *too well* for that day. I get this feeling, during these good days, that I am making monumental improvements and changes to everyone's life by asking how they are, listening effectively, and showing empathy in times where good human interaction is hard to find; even just for a day.

High-dose aspirin, plenty of sugar, niacinamide and caffeine seem to put me in the state; a little weed can make this state either crash or transcend.

Love this. Had these moments too. but they are insanely rare and i have no idea how to acquire that health neither temporarily or permanently.

Another thing that i coudn't realy explain was this:

There was a time where i practised alot of "acceptance" towards anything and anyone realy. Not sure how or why but i started, instead of being emotional about others or the way they act or think, i just accepted it by rationalisng it from a logical perspective of what i think is or could be theirs and thus create a understanding for it.
In situations where two partys had arguments over something, i found myself to be a observer understanding both sides.

Not that i expected much of this "practice" but during that time what i noticed were random surges of intense happiness coming out of nowehere for no particular reason. Obviously feeling like this makes you look very attractive. A glow so to speak.

What i can'T say however is that this did anything for my physical health however. On the contrary, that was a starting point were i got physically more and more miserable. Prolly why i stopped doing it. Focus shifted to deal with this mistery illness.


Mar 28, 2019
I notice it with some spiritual folk its not so much that they look younger but they have a 'glow' that gives the illusion from having a much higher light quotient, in other words they measure higher in consciousness (energy / vibration) than average who look 'dull' in comparison especially in middle age after the metabolic rate drops. Alot of it comes from doing deep work and letting go of negative (lower vibration) emotions people accumulate with age, this allows them to move up the scale by letting go of fear and be more in alignment with who they are.

"The higher we are on the scale of consciousness, the less we respond with stressful reaction." David R. Hawkins

I think the higher you measure on the energy scale (Dodson scale of energy for example) the more vibrant you look outside of nutrition/metabolism which is whats important not trying to look young which will inevitably cause the opposite to happen. For example movie stars/superstar athletes/spiritual teachers/high functioning artists etc measure in the 400-500s they usually radiate more than the masses of the mid 200s even if they "eat like ***t" and "do it all wrong" on the health front.

"When I think of all the make-up a 180 woman has to put on and then still does not shine – what she is missing is the beauty which comes from within, which comes from energy." Fred Dodson



Mar 12, 2017
I'm much more spiritual now than I used to be and while I'm under a lot of life stress at the moment, I have an entirely different and more youthful look to my face. It's almost as if you can see the evil in my face in pictures from years back compared to now. I think you can tell a lot about a person's inner state just looking at their face and particularly their eyes. People in a bad place usually have these dark, lifeless eyes, while people who are happy and full of light have bright, clear eyes.


Dec 15, 2019
I notice it with some spiritual folk its not so much that they look younger but they have a 'glow' that gives the illusion from having a much higher light quotient, in other words they measure higher in consciousness (energy / vibration) than average who look 'dull' in comparison especially in middle age after the metabolic rate drops. Alot of it comes from doing deep work and letting go of negative (lower vibration) emotions people accumulate with age, this allows them to move up the scale by letting go of fear and be more in alignment with who they are.

"The higher we are on the scale of consciousness, the less we respond with stressful reaction." David R. Hawkins

I think the higher you measure on the energy scale (Dodson scale of energy for example) the more vibrant you look outside of nutrition/metabolism which is whats important not trying to look young which will inevitably cause the opposite to happen. For example movie stars/superstar athletes/spiritual teachers/high functioning artists etc measure in the 400-500s they usually radiate more than the masses of the mid 200s even if they "eat like ***t" and "do it all wrong" on the health front.

"When I think of all the make-up a 180 woman has to put on and then still does not shine – what she is missing is the beauty which comes from within, which comes from energy." Fred Dodson

View attachment 31836

In your opinion, how to start doing this kind of deep work?


Mar 29, 2016
How do you separate being spiritual from being religious?

How do you separate being religious from being superstitious?

Can one be spiritual and be superstitious?
Mar 10, 2021
How do you separate being spiritual from being religious?

How do you separate being religious from being superstitious?

Can one be spiritual and be superstitious?

I don't see why not, as long as you are not living by rules like black cats crossing a path or walking under ladders. I think superstitious can mean intuitiveness. I don't think religious people are necessarily spiritual, with so many going through rituals out of fear, not joy. It isn't black and white.


Aug 24, 2020
a spiritual person is someone who believes that there is more to reality beyond what we can observe and measure and actively seeks to engage with those aspects of reality. that can take many forms. a religious person is a person who follows an organized religion. that also takes many forms. a superstitious person is someone who engages in magical thinking, i.e. in arbitrary rules of cause and effect that are often fear based, like if i step under a ladder it’s bad luck. people can be some or all of the above though. like rinse said above it’s not black and white.


Mar 29, 2016
I don't see why not, as long as you are not living by rules like black cats crossing a path or walking under ladders. I think superstitious can mean intuitiveness. I don't think religious people are necessarily spiritual, with so many going through rituals out of fear, not joy. It isn't black and white.
It was interesting reading Campbell and mythology and how religion is suffused with a lot of mythology. And mythology is intertwined with superstition.

Yet I don't believe in superstition being entirely unfounded. Because it is sometimes based on a spirituality that has been detached and repurposed or hijacked to serve a civilizational corruption of the masses.


Mar 28, 2019
In your opinion, how to start doing this kind of deep work?
Hard to give any recommendations as its very personal as you have to go with what you resonate with. So search around on different platforms things like "deep work" "shadow work" "higher self vs lower self" and see what blogs/people/ideas/books/vids stand out to you.

For me...Teal Swans vids are great if you search "shadow work" to get some ideas on what deep work really means https://www.youtube.com/c/TealSwanOfficial/videos

Hawkins book "Letting go" is excellent as the core technique of the book is v useful for getting in touch with whatever negative emotion you have under the surface (that most people spend their lives running from) and how to let them go which when done consistently improves just about everything in your life. For example I'm convinced that technique did more for my digestion than any dietary change.

Fred Dodson is a reality creation teacher which is just a more advanced way of framing law of attraction. He's great for gaining more self awareness on how your beliefs/thoughts/actions/emotional state ect are subconsciously creating your reality so you can become conscious of them and change them (and thus change your reality). His book "Levels of energy" is one of my fave books and is about the energy scale, where you are on it how you can move up on it (if you want to).

This is a good beginner exercise of his

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2VyAH9YBsk


I don't see why not, as long as you are not living by rules like black cats crossing a path or walking under ladders. I think superstitious can mean intuitiveness. I don't think religious people are necessarily spiritual, with so many going through rituals out of fear, not joy. It isn't black and white.
Black cats are obviously a glitch in the matrix. :D


In your opinion, how to start doing this kind of deep work?
Science. Observe the thought packages in your headspace and feels in your body like a scientist, and you'll ascend them. Practice makes perfect.

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