Taking cynoplus and cynomel but temps are not coming up


Jul 22, 2012
Thought I'd repost Vinero's excellent post from another thread.
Temp related.

Vinero said:
It seems that a thiamine deficiency, also known as vitamin B1, can have some undesirable consequences such as:
-Increased histamine levels: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF01997372
-Low body temperature: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2090843

Haidut already posted studies about how thiamine can cure Crohn's/IBS, MS fatigue, and Alzheimers in massive doses ranging from 500mg-1500mg every 4 hours. The sufferers in the studies weren't deficient in thiamine according to bloodtests, yet benefited from supplementation.
The standards for adequate thiamine are simply too low; or the body has trouble getting thiamine into the cells despite normal blood levels.
So, if your still having low temperatures, stomach problems, and excess histamine despite doing everything right, you might have a mild thiamine deficiency going on. Especially if you are eating a lot of white sugar, caffeine, aspirin, etc which stimulate metabolism deepening the thiamine deficiency.


Jan 28, 2014
San Francisco
Thiamine deficiency is actually a possibility, Narouz... Thank you!!! In the early days of Peating (2 months ago), I was getting really low body temperatures, like 94.4 F mid morning. And yes, I am eating more sugar, aspirin, etc. I just got some of Haidut's recommended GNC B1 300 mgs. Will try that!
Nov 16, 2012
narouz said:
(Before I forget it, in that same interview --I think--
Peat made the very interesting note
that desiccated, glandular thyroid supps like Armour etc
contain no T4 or T3.
He explained that they contain proteins which are
when ingested
synthesized by the body into T4 and T3.)

I'm pretty sure that is wrong. NDT pills obviously do contain hormones, but the hormones are bound to proteins, as opposed to free - as they would be in synthetic supplements.

But that does not mean that they contain no hormones. See here for example:

http://www.thyroid-s.com/natural-desicc ... t-the-same


Jul 22, 2012
MyUsernameHere said:
narouz said:
(Before I forget it, in that same interview --I think--
Peat made the very interesting note
that desiccated, glandular thyroid supps like Armour etc
contain no T4 or T3.
He explained that they contain proteins which are
when ingested
synthesized by the body into T4 and T3.)

I'm pretty sure that is wrong. NDT pills obviously do contain hormones, but the hormones are bound to proteins, as opposed to free - as they would be in synthetic supplements.

But that does not mean that they contain no hormones. See here for example:

http://www.thyroid-s.com/natural-desicc ... t-the-same

Do we ever see T4 and T3 listed as ingredients on desiccated thyroid supps?


Dec 31, 2012
MyUsernameHere said:
narouz said:
(Before I forget it, in that same interview --I think--
Peat made the very interesting note
that desiccated, glandular thyroid supps like Armour etc
contain no T4 or T3.
He explained that they contain proteins which are
when ingested
synthesized by the body into T4 and T3.)

I'm pretty sure that is wrong. NDT pills obviously do contain hormones, but the hormones are bound to proteins, as opposed to free - as they would be in synthetic supplements.

But that does not mean that they contain no hormones. See here for example:

http://www.thyroid-s.com/natural-desicc ... t-the-same

That is a great article - very interesting. I have found the Thiroyd product to be the best product I've used - better than synthetic and definitely better than compounded thyroid - but that is just for me. Obviously that can be different for other people. It's good we have a few products to choose from.

Narouz - I've never seen T4/T3 amounts listed on a NDT product that I've used.


Feb 22, 2014
ttramone said:
MyUsernameHere said:
narouz said:
(Before I forget it, in that same interview --I think--
Peat made the very interesting note
that desiccated, glandular thyroid supps like Armour etc
contain no T4 or T3.
He explained that they contain proteins which are
when ingested
synthesized by the body into T4 and T3.)

I'm pretty sure that is wrong. NDT pills obviously do contain hormones, but the hormones are bound to proteins, as opposed to free - as they would be in synthetic supplements.

But that does not mean that they contain no hormones. See here for example:

http://www.thyroid-s.com/natural-desicc ... t-the-same

That is a great article - very interesting. I have found the Thiroyd product to be the best product I've used - better than synthetic and definitely better than compounded thyroid - but that is just for me. Obviously that can be different for other people. It's good we have a few products to choose from.

Narouz - I've never seen T4/T3 amounts listed on a NDT product that I've used.

Can you tell me what the Thiroyd has in the way of T3/T4? I am just beginning to take it and want to know. Or point me to a link? Thanks-


Jan 3, 2014
I'm new to thyroid supplementing but so far trial and error totally confirm what Aguilaroja and narouz report RP saying about most people needing at least some T4, and a ratio of about 2:1.


Feb 22, 2014
sueq said:
I'm new to thyroid supplementing but so far trial and error totally confirm what Aguilaroja and narouz report RP saying about most people needing at least some T4, and a ratio of about 2:1.

Sueq-- do you take the Thiroyd? Does it have the ratios you mention above? Any feedback on this product is appreciated.


Jan 3, 2014
Unfortunately no so I can't add anything.I'm taking tertroxin and diotroxin. Because firstly I finally got a doc to prescribe, I really wanted to avoid internet ordering and delays, and secondly I was hoping for uniformity between batches as all this is tough enough without variations in potency.even so I spent weeks fiddling and even a ratio closer to 3:1was too much T4 for my liver. Within days I got hypo symptoms. No surprises there. I know my liver is an issue. T3 alone made me intolerably anxious and jittery. Worse than feeling hypo. My ratio is about 1.8:1 right now and I'm considering a second daily dose but wary of losing current gains in terms of feeling balanced on this dose (5.5 T4, 3.1 T3)
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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