Help Churchmouth Log (27yo Acne, Low Temp, Thinning Hair, High Cholesterol & SBHG)


Mar 23, 2017
Hi all,

Hoping for people to share their advice based on the information available. Especially the labs - I am struggling to find a doctor to help me towards good health.

In return I promise to give feedback and not to disappear as soon as I resolve health (isn't that annoying and unhelpful for those looking to find out what worked!)

Work as an office engineer - every couple of days I'll get stressed (around delivering work and presenting). Work stress usually leads to an additional bowel movement.
Currently 27yo, single. Live with housemates and I don't feel lonely. Lots of interactions at work.

- Mood: Often wake tired, often low energy to face work. My mood doesn't seem consistent.. some afternoons I'll feel drained or spacey for no apparent reason.
- Had acne since I can remember. I currently get a couple of pimples every couple of days, but they take more than a few days to disappear so I end up with a decent amount. Usually form a white head with significant pus.
- 67kg, 6ft, low body fat, hard to put on weight in the gym, muscles don't recover well from the first set.
- Normally cold at extremities, can experience Renaud's when stressed. Morning waking temps are usually around 35.6C and by bed if I am lucky will be 36.3C. Can over heat quite quickly too, though.
- Over the years I have developed psoriasis of quite a few nails (probably exacerbated by a childhood habit of picking). I now also sometimes scratch at my scalp as a similar stress reaction (trying hard to stop this one).
- Don't have a good beard, and my chest and 'snail trail' is basically hairless. I have some hair on my nipples.
- I still notice new moles appearing/ developing and also lonesome black hairs on my back that grow long.
- I have a testicle variocele, and 5-6 smalls calcifications of the testi (revealed on ultrasound).
- Sex drive appears to be good (strong desire every second day). Trying to masturbate less.

Peat'ing for 2 months now seriously, previously for last 5 yrs have been some sort of low dairy, gluten free paleo with little success.
Small portion of liver every second day
ground beef (17% fat)
2 fresh oysters every day
2 shots of coffee spread through out the morning
lots of skimmed milk, also consume matured chedder cheese
Fried mushrooms, a handful of leafy salad greens cooked, usually some potato and rice.
3-4 eggs a day (PUFA!).
Only use coconut oil if I need to add oil.
I poach/boil a lot of bananas and apples and mix with gelatin for a sugary snack. Also slurp a bit of honey.
Don't have a good OJ source, so it is rare at the moment.
Bamboo shoots / carrot salads
Analysing one typical day ~2300calories, 34% carbs, 38% fats (mostly from cheese and ground beef), 28% protein.

Life extension Super K (contains some MK7 as well) - I take this every other day as I think I attributed aching bones to too much MK7.
Now Vitamin E 400IU applied to the skin every night.
Small dose of hallucinogenic mushrooms every fortnight to relax and meditate. Usually uplifts mood, also small amount has quite a pronounced and noticeable effect for me.
I have cyproheptadine now also to try on occasion but won't use it regularly. 1mg had quite a pronounced effect also.
Every few days I'll take 150mg Aspirin
Magnesium Glycinate every night
Egg shell calcium every night (a little slack with this)
I get about 10-15minutes of incandescent light shined on me before bed (150W, spot light, feels slightly warm on skin).

On order:
health natura K2, D2, Methylene Blue, Niacinamide, vitamin E.

Free T4- 10 (ref 9-19)
Free T3- 5.1 (ref 3.2-6.4)
TSH- 1.58 mU/L (ref 0.4-4) - noted this hasn't changed since tested 5 yrs ago.

Epstein Barr virus IgG detected, IgM not detected (note i never recalled contracting gladular fever, and since 5yrs I never contracted a flu or similar which in itself is quite remarkable as all through childhood I was catching colds).

25OH Vit D- 71nmol/L (ref 51-150)

SBHG- 75 Hnmol/L (ref 18-54)
FAI- 42 (ref 38.7 -91.7)
Free Test- 406.5 pmol/L (ref 243-571)

Fasting Cholesterol (mmol/L):
cholesterol 6.5 (ref<5.5)
trig 0.9 (ref<1.5)
HDL 1.5 (ref >1)
LDL 4.6 (ref<3.5)
Coronary Risk Ratio 4.3 (<5)

B12 469 pmol/L (ref 156-672)

Urea 6.3 mmol/L (2.1-7.1)
Creatinine Potassium Bicarbonate all in normal range
Liver function test (serum) all within normal range
Full blood count all within normal range, Platelets and white cells on lower end of range.
Haemoglobin A1c 5.2% (ref 4-6), 33mmol/mol (ref 20-42)
Estimated average glucose 5.7mmol/L

Ferritin 87 ug/L (30-500)


Oct 23, 2015
Analysing one typical day ~2300calories, 34% carbs, 38% fats (mostly from cheese and ground beef), 28% protein.

I would look at lowering the fat intake, keep PUFA very low. Increase carbs, more juice/ripe/cooked/dried fruit or additional sucrose.

When adding caffeine, K2, B3, aspirin, methylene blue... start low, they can cause low blood sugar so stress hormones compensate.

You probably just need to work on liver health(sugar storage), decrease fibrosis and fatty liver; very low PUFA, k2, caffeine, B3, cypro, adequate protein(focus on diary, 100g), are helpful.

Keep up with the bamboo and carrot.


Mar 23, 2017
Thanks Orion, A good caution on all these supplements for when they arrive. It is tempting to change everything at once but I will start slow.

Your encouragement to reduce fat has got me back on the kangaroo meat, in substitute for beef. It is very lean and is naturally free-pastured.

I'm a bit lost on my high SBHG and cholesterol (cholesterol seems to run in the family though, my father is on statins). I think I need more labs to fill in the missing gaps - I am missing key thyroid results and estrogen.


Oct 23, 2015
Increasing liver function should help hormone profiles, along with increasing thyroid T4 conversion to T3.

LDL cholesterol along with vitamin A and thyroid are used in steroid production(pregnenolone -> progesterone/DHEA). Experimenting with vitamin A supp, might be beneficial for you, but you are eating liver so should be covered there. You seem to have the right approach, it could just be leaning out the liver that gets you going in the right direction.


Mar 23, 2017
Thanks Orion.

I received my Health Natura items today:
Whole E, True K2, D3 1000IU, VitA 2500IU. Methylene blue & niacinamide

Now I can keep up the A when I am not eating liver. Will try niacinamide and methylene blue in small doses - not really interested in making these a long term thing - same with cypro.

Took 1/8th (0.5mg) cypro 3 nights in a row as a cheat to get me in bed early. It has a pretty strong effect, makes me feel weak and actually not hungry at all. I wonder if with my neuro/hormone profile the cypro isn't actually that beneficial.


Mar 23, 2017
Sunday (last week) - had a slight sore throat
Mon - Better but still fighting something off
tues - cypro for sleep, forgot i was ever sick
wed - cypro for sleep,
thurs - cypro for sleep,
friday - feel a little run down. Had a full haagen daaz treat. Sickness took over. Green and bloody snot in my nose in my throat.

Worst infection I have had in 5 years. I now wonder if peat diet is to blame. That said I thought it was abnormal that I never catch anything, any I would trade the overactive immune system for clear skin and better health in general.

Also, inspected my thinning hair today. Not improved, possibly much worse. Also worried that what I was eating before (higher fat, low sugar) was only leading to slow hair loss and now on peaty protocols I've accelerated it.. I suppose these are typical worried when not seeing immediate improvements from switching diets.


Mar 23, 2017
I saw another doctor today, 3rd Doctor I have seen who hasn't being able to offer any new testing or ideas.

Doctor said TSH/ Free T3 and Free T4 tests already taken is all we need to know my thyroid is OK (and that I am skinny). Low temperatures are ignored. He measured my ear temperature (37.1C) but I was practically sweating already in his office due to the intensity/ confrontation.

Also not interested in testing my Estrogen. How do I convince a doctor to test Estrogen, Prolactin, DHT etc? If they don't suggest it first they are incredibly dismissive. I suggested Estrogen can play a role in varicocele development and he said no, varicocele's just occur.

Of the things I have introduced lately, I am feeling really good with energy:
- Methylene blue (200mcg x 3 daily).
- Niacamide 70mg once or twice a day
- topical aspirin and niacamide into filtered water, rubbed into skin as acne treatment (facial skin looks great after just a week, maybe this immediate response isn't related though as it seems too soon).


Mar 29, 2014
Analysing one typical day ~2300calories, 34% carbs, 38% fats (mostly from cheese and ground beef), 28% protein.
If this is typical, I think this might be a key part of the issue. This is unlikely to be enough to sustain a robust metabolism for a tall man like you. AIUI, 3000 cals is closer to average for a mature male. Chronic undereating tends to lower metabolism and can therefore lower temps.
As long as you are getting at least 100g protein, maybe up to 150ish, it may be the carbs that could use a boost. But your tastes may help direct you on that.

Green and bloody snot in my nose in my throat.
What seems to help me throw colds off quicker these days is keeping my mouth shut at night with chinstrap or tape. It's a bit of a mission with the blocked nose, but seems to be well worth the effort for me. And gargling a little zinc if the throat's sore..


Mar 23, 2017
Thanks for the feedback Tara, I am the type of person that could keep eating until sick. I think I have conditioned myself to be satisfied with what I think is a normal meal - though this might be where I have gone wrong!

I definitely try and sleep with my mouth shut, mainly to prevent the mouth from drying out while sleeping.


Mar 23, 2017
Good news - Total cholesterol is back down within normal range (I like to imagine that I am getting healthier and my cholesterol is now converting properly into steroids). SBHB is even higher though, and I might be referred to an endocrinologist as the doctors don't really know what to do about it. I might ask Danny Roddy- just became a patron.

2 weeks in a row I have been getting a bad headache on the Monday, which leaves me feeling brain damaged the next day (is it related to the new health natura products, the MB, niacinamide, practising hand stands, eating chilli jerky?? Too many variables!). MB is up at ~1mg/ spread out through the day. I think maybe I should stop.. its a bit of a naive experiment.


Mar 23, 2017
Monday I am seeing the endocrinologist for advice on my high (above range) testosterone and SHBG.


Mar 23, 2017
Endocrinologist was rubbish - waste of money!

Anyways found another doctor who ran some more tests.

I have high estrogen, high transferrin saturation to add to the list. Reverse T3 was fine (90$ right there!).

SBHG has come down slightly and testosterone is climbing. Probably within Error of testing though.

Based on labs Peating for at least 4 months has seemed to bring my iron levels up, and increased my TSH. Not sure about what the Estrogen was before, but that also could have risen due to the dietary changes (I'll never know).


Mar 23, 2017
Also another significant change, is my breakouts have been decreasing (big ones every 3 weeks now, rather than a couple in the week).

My skin turnover seems to have slowed too, as bumps are taking a long time to move out and heal.

Maybe due to the higher vitamin A status.


Mar 23, 2017
Well things have gotten out of control. Feeling a weird unrelenting panic the last couple of days and sleep has been getting affected (woke up at 2AM-4AM lastnight).

Also I seem to have built up a ridiculous list of medications on the go at once.. Cutting back ASAP:
- Started Energin 1 wk ago (suspect!!)
- Started retinyl acetate 1 wk ago (suspect!!)
- Started bathing my feet (possibly infected nails) in copper sulphate / vinegar / borax solution 1 wk ago(chronic copper poisoning possible?, suspect!! and quite concerning, I am listening to my body carefully now for any organ pains)
old items:
- Minocycline 50mg twice a day, upped the dose from 50mg recently (read the script wrong for about a month)
- progesterone 3mg every so often (been doing this long time, never feel much of anything).
- cypro 0.5mg every night for 20 days
- Vit A D K2 from health natura
- Magnesium glycinate / <1g taurine powder per day
- Couple of coffee's a day
- 12mcg T4 some nights, nibble on 6mcg T3 if I wake up cold.
- stress at work (deadlines I know I can't meet) coupled with frustration that they haven't let me had my due course of holidays.

Temperatures at 36.7C peak.. usually wake at 36.0-36.2C

I will cut out the the copper soak, Retinyl and Energin and small amounts of thyroid straight away.


Mar 23, 2017
Update. Chugging along with most of the supplements above still, minus the thyroid and topical energin.

Feel ok.

Started on 250 mg terbinafine (lamisil) for the nails .

I am going to be one sterile mofo with the tetracycline + terbinafine.

Will be interesting if the terbinafines antifungal effects has a positive effect on my acne and other.


Mar 23, 2017
Also my main meal (minimalistic) is now usually goats cheese, lean beef mince, cooked chopped spinach (handful) and some boiled green peas . If i can eat the meal fresh (not reheated ) i will eat potatos instead of peas.

I eat ripe fruit , odd can of tuna, a2 milk+espresso between meals.

My relaxation drink is tonic water, methylene blue and a splash of vodka

Also am keeping myself warm with additional clothes (almost sweating) most of the time and drinking more filtered water ti maintain slight yellow pee.


Jul 13, 2014

Androsterone will make a big difference. Progesterone will too.

Activated charcoal. Carrots.


Mar 23, 2017
Oh yes I also eat about 1kg of white button mushrooms (cooked in the approved method) per week, taken most mornings and afternoons.
Plus a carrot or 2 most afternoons!

I already have high cholesterol/ total test. I don't have a picture of what my DHT is though... maybe I need more of that to oppose estrogen.

Sobieski - I agree - it's hard to do though. I need to get on top of my work (always 'behind', and it's not just me, others recognise i'm behind too).
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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