Talk to me about all things mast cell activation syndrome!



Dec 4, 2021
I don't mean to tell everyone this same thing, but please research Salicylate Sensitivity/Intolerance.

For decades I thought my issue was Histamine Intolerance when all that time my histamine rose from a body's protective reaction against growing levels of Salicylates (they are in almost everything.. not just foods).

Trigger foods high in Salicylates fill your bucket and throw you into the reaction. Not ALL foods listed as high and low in Salicylates will apply to everyone. I know there are foods they list as very low which are really bad for me. As a general rule, always have Benadryl on hand is my suggestion. I take a tiny sip of Children's liquid. I don't do well to the "Allergy" version, just the bubblegum regular Benadryl one.

Let me/us know what you relate to with Salicylates.
I'll for sure check it out however aspirin actually helped resolved my cortisol issues that led to horrible tinnitus, so I'm guessing if I had a sensitivity to them it would have made things worse.


Dec 4, 2021
There's gotta be something going on. People have been eating sea salt for 5,000 yrs. To say that it has to be processed to be good for the body is very strange. Dr Lawrence Wilson has worked with thousands of people to balance their minerals and he says to use the Hawaiian salts. And he is against any use of clays or shilajit. So why the difference in results? Hal Huggins is great as a dentist but I'm not sure I would trust him for other things.
I'm all about the real salts, I hate the flavor of table salt so I for sure listened to my body on that one.

I do actually like the Celtic brands salts, especially because you can actually get a COA from them for any heavy metal concerns.

The do also have the Hawaiian variety but my goodness it's soooooo extra salty be sure to use about 1/2 the amount you normally would.


Sep 13, 2012
Redmond responded about the lead issue:
"At first, 169 ppb in salt may sound high when compared to 15 ppb in water. But there’s an important factor you have to put in context here: the amount of water vs. the amount of salt you consume per day.

A 150 lb person likely drinks about 75 oz of water per day. At 15 ppb, they’d be getting about 31 micrograms of lead. At 169 ppb, someone who consumes 6 grams of salt per day (which is more than most people are probably consuming), would actually only be getting 1 microgram of lead. This is far below the Provisional Total Daily Intake set by the FDA for adults (75 mcg) and it’s even lower than the limit set for pregnant women (25 mcg) and children (6 mcg). "


Sep 13, 2012
I'm all about the real salts, I hate the flavor of table salt so I for sure listened to my body on that one.

I do actually like the Celtic brands salts, especially because you can actually get a COA from them for any heavy metal concerns.

The do also have the Hawaiian variety but my goodness it's soooooo extra salty be sure to use about 1/2 the amount you normally would.
Yeah I hate the way refined salt tastes too.


Dec 4, 2021
I used to work with an ND, Adiel Tel Oren, interesting man has some YouTube videos, he insisted on food rotation and was convinced eating the same complex foods without rotation lead to allergies.

Another thing to consider is excitatory amino acids like free glutamate. They can have a potent negative effects and a similar response. I remember you saying you had high prog/e2 but have you checked recently after your androgens? Progesterone is very anti excitation and if you aromatized the T you may have disturbed the ratio.
I've never been E dominant, I think a lifetime of poverty based starvation kept E pretty tanked.

However I'm almost always progesterone dominant/low T (even before using progesterone.)

I do regret working with Progest-E, I think it did me more harm than good even with proper cycling.

The last test I did (months ago) I had already stopped taking it well before the test like many months and my levels were dangerously high.

I'm seeing an endocrinologist on the 12th so I've held off ordering any other testing because I can get my insurance to pay for this round. I'm going to push him to take an absurd amount of blood for an absurd amount of hormone testing though.

Side note: I had a consultation with Danny Roddy a while back & when I brought up the dangerously high levels of progesterone & wanted to discuss the potential harm he rattled on about a rat that didn't die from an overdose as proof of it not being able to cause harm. Yep.

So, if it was a free glutamate issue what would that entail in regards of checking that/helping correct that?


Dec 4, 2021
Redmond responded about the lead issue:
"At first, 169 ppb in salt may sound high when compared to 15 ppb in water. But there’s an important factor you have to put in context here: the amount of water vs. the amount of salt you consume per day.

A 150 lb person likely drinks about 75 oz of water per day. At 15 ppb, they’d be getting about 31 micrograms of lead. At 169 ppb, someone who consumes 6 grams of salt per day (which is more than most people are probably consuming), would actually only be getting 1 microgram of lead. This is far below the Provisional Total Daily Intake set by the FDA for adults (75 mcg) and it’s even lower than the limit set for pregnant women (25 mcg) and children (6 mcg). "
People are easily confused about PPM & dosing amounts.

I have to be cGMP/FDA complaint for my business & that entails getting my tinctures tested for various things including heavy metals.

There is almost always lead present(excluding the plants from really high elevations as a note of interest), but you'd have to drink like a 5 gallon amount to get above a safe level versus the 1-5 drops that are typically used.

You'd literally die from the alcohol intake before you could even drink enough to be genuinely exposed to lead 🙄

I used to share my test results on the corresponding tincture listing but too many people freaked out expecting the results to say ZERO heavy metals on top of not understanding that PPM stands for parts per million.


Sep 13, 2012
People are easily confused about PPM & dosing amounts.

I have to be cGMP/FDA complaint for my business & that entails getting my tinctures tested for various things including heavy metals.

There is almost always lead present(excluding the plants from really high elevations as a note of interest), but you'd have to drink like a 5 gallon amount to get above a safe level versus the 1-5 drops that are typically used.

You'd literally die from the alcohol intake before you could even drink enough to be genuinely exposed to lead 🙄

I used to share my test results on the corresponding tincture listing but too many people freaked out expecting the results to say ZERO heavy metals on top of not understanding that PPM stands for parts per million.
Yeah it's all relative. The things we should be concerned about are when they use lead in ceramic enamelware and old houses with chipping lead paint. There's also a risk with backyard chickens if the soil is contaminated.


Dec 4, 2021
Yeah it's all relative. The things we should be concerned about are when they use lead in ceramic enamelware and old houses with chipping lead paint. There's also a risk with backyard chickens if the soil is contaminated.
That and the vape pens everyone sucks on now that are absolutely loaded with lead, manganese, & worse🙄


Jan 9, 2019
I've never been E dominant, I think a lifetime of poverty based starvation kept E pretty tanked.

However I'm almost always progesterone dominant/low T (even before using progesterone.)

I do regret working with Progest-E, I think it did me more harm than good even with proper cycling.

The last test I did (months ago) I had already stopped taking it well before the test like many months and my levels were dangerously high.

I'm seeing an endocrinologist on the 12th so I've held off ordering any other testing because I can get my insurance to pay for this round. I'm going to push him to take an absurd amount of blood for an absurd amount of hormone testing though.

Side note: I had a consultation with Danny Roddy a while back & when I brought up the dangerously high levels of progesterone & wanted to discuss the potential harm he rattled on about a rat that didn't die from an overdose as proof of it not being able to cause harm. Yep.

So, if it was a free glutamate issue what would that entail in regards of checking that/helping correct that?
It seems strange to me that starvation and high cortisol would preserve progesterone, if anything I would think it would bring on puberty sooner and lead to more estrogen early on. Are you still naturally cycling?

I wonder what tests can be ordered and where ( in the body) to test. Ray has mentioned that testing serum estrogen is only part of the picture and that estrogen can be produced and retained in tissues. Tissue-bound estrogen in aging

I would read Russell Baylocks book Amazon product ASIN 144179445XView:

The basic idea is that the alkaline minerals are anti excitatory and you’d want to avoid obvious things like MSG but also vague “natural flavors.”
Natural calcium channels blockers are effective, like magnesium, basically anything that prevents influx of calcium into the cell. It has similar method of harm to stress, EMF etc…

@InChristAlone I dont want to turn her thread into a debate about salt but I think talking about lead even in very small quantities as insignificant is not representative of how toxic lead actually is.

Ive criticized this article before but she makes good points here:

“Examples of current standards for context and reference:​

  • Current Organizational & U.S. Federal Regulatory Standards:
    • Bottled water is considered illegal for Lead content if it has more than 5 ppb.
    • Water in school fountains is considered toxic and unsafe for children (According to The American Academy of Pediatrics) when Lead levels exceed 1 ppb.
    • Tap water is considered to be unsafe for human consumption if it exceeds the [relatively high; not protective of human health] U.S. Federal standard of 15 ppb.
    • Fruit juice is considered unsafe for children at 50 ppb and up.
    • Dried fruit is considered toxic for consumption at 100 ppb and up.
    • Candy is considered toxic for consumption at 100 ppb and up.

“How concerning are the levels reported? I don’t use very much salt!”​

Some might argue that because salt is consumed in such small quantities, a measurement threshold in the ppm range is sufficient. I disagree with this concept, given the extreme toxicity of Lead when ingested – even at very low levels. The negative impacts of Lead on the body are also cumulative over time… so ongoing daily exposure to a very small amount adds up. Additionally it is important to note that (per the study noted below) the claim of “beneficial minerals” in Himalayan salt appears to also be a myth – so not only can Himalayan salt be toxic, but it also may not be “good for you” in the ways that sales pitches assert that it may be.

A recent Australian study determined that in order to ingest a useful quantity of the beneficial minerals from Himalayan salt one would have to consume a toxic amount of that salt (and therefore a toxic dose of the heavy metals in that salt, as well!)

“People would need to consume six teaspoons of pink salt for those nutrients to make a meaningful contribution to their diet, which far exceeds dietary guidelines [for salt intake].” *

*Here’s the link to the October 19, 2020 article (and the above quote) about that study.[Ironically, this study claims to be “the first one” discovering the dangers of pink Himalayan salt – but this is a topic we have been discussing in The Lead (Pb) Group on Facebook for years.]

Tamara Rubin”

REDMOND toothpaste has shown to contain 11 PARTS PER MILLION of lead per teaspoon.

Its also important consider organic or inorganic lead as organic is more toxic along with method of entry to the body.

As far as your statements on salt and how long people have been consuming it, I agree that it has been a while but we would have to verify all assumptions made. Did it harm them? How long did they live and in what condition? What ways did they use salt? And obviously how pollluted ere their oceans and seas compared to today. Some companies use grinders where the paint chips or the metal chips into the salt, the local area where it is harvested may have severe pollution, the miners could be smoking, burning things for warmth, using dynamite etc. Many things to consider that may not be directly related to the salt but a result of the processes it endures before it comes to the store.

Testing goods others provide us is never in vain.
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Sep 13, 2012
Believe me I understand the risks of lead. I followed Tamara Rubin for yrs. Minimizing lead exposure is very very very important. Unfortunately it really is everywhere, they still use it in the yellow paint on the streets. It's heavily contaminated chocolate and in fact if you research this some of the brands most heavily contaminated purported to be organic and fair trade! A plain old hershey's bar was fine. Are we to test every food substance we come in contact with? That's a bit paranoid. I'm far far more concerned about the chipping paint everywhere, enameled ceramics (I switched to glass) and possible contamination in the environment as that is what poisons people and is exactly what poisoned her son. She should be focusing her efforts on protecting kids who are raised in those homes and she is but it extended to being paranoid about even the slightest contamination in food. We don't even know for sure if canning and pickling salt is completely 100% free of lead. If you have any third party test for that one I will switch back to it for most cooking.
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Dec 4, 2021
It seems strange to me that starvation and high cortisol would preserve progesterone, if anything I would think it would bring on puberty sooner and lead to more estrogen early on. Are you still naturally cycling?
Well, even during my extreme burnout (I had almost zero cortisol in my body during the day kinda burnout) I still wasn't Estrogen dominant.

I cycle like clockwork even during my homeless kid years & effortlessly got pregnant twice.

But, I think my genetics are a factor in my capacity to be fertile during starvation. I come from a culture that has dealt with starvation for damn near our entire existence.

However the lack of fat cells in starving women tanks estrogen.

I wonder what tests can be ordered and where ( in the body) to test. Ray has mentioned that testing serum estrogen is only part of the picture and that estrogen can be produced and retained in tissues. Tissue-bound estrogen in aging
I understand that blood/saliva testing is limited.

However...I also don't have any Estrogen dominant symptoms. Just to share:

My skin is literally flawless with zero effort
I cycle/ovulate like clockwork
Periods aren't painful
No cysts
No painful breasts
No aches/pains
No headaches
Have a good sex drive
Digestion is great for 2x a day, ghost wipes.

In tragic honesty I don't think I had enough fat to make E let alone store it. Before I genuinely recovered after facing my disordered eating from my childhood/teen years I only weighed about 95lbs at 5'4 in my 30s...

I also wonder about the fact that all the weight I have gained (I'm at 133 now, for sure not overweight) wasn't gained until I found Ray's work, so it certainly wasn't made from a PUFA rich diet.

I'll for sure check it out!
The basic idea is that the alkaline minerals are anti excitatory and you’d want to avoid obvious things like MSG but also vague “natural flavors.”
Already do, MSG is a HUGE trigger for benzo withdraw symptom flairs. Although I already avoided it before then. Same with natural flavors which are typically a type of MSG.
Natural calcium channels blockers are effective, like magnesium, basically anything that prevents influx of calcium into the cell. It has similar method of harm to stress, EMF etc…
I do need to be more consistent with magnesium intake.


Dec 4, 2021
It seems strange to me that starvation and high cortisol would preserve progesterone, if anything I would think it would bring on puberty sooner and lead to more estrogen early on. Are you still naturally cycling?

I wonder what tests can be ordered and where ( in the body) to test. Ray has mentioned that testing serum estrogen is only part of the picture and that estrogen can be produced and retained in tissues. Tissue-bound estrogen in aging

I would read Russell Baylocks book Amazon product ASIN 144179445XView:

The basic idea is that the alkaline minerals are anti excitatory and you’d want to avoid obvious things like MSG but also vague “natural flavors.”
Natural calcium channels blockers are effective, like magnesium, basically anything that prevents influx of calcium into the cell. It has similar method of harm to stress, EMF etc…

@InChristAlone I dont want to turn her thread into a debate about salt but I think talking about lead even in very small quantities as insignificant is not representative of how toxic lead actually is.

Ive criticized this article before but she makes good points here:

“Examples of current standards for context and reference:​

  • Current Organizational & U.S. Federal Regulatory Standards:
    • Bottled water is considered illegal for Lead content if it has more than 5 ppb.
    • Water in school fountains is considered toxic and unsafe for children (According to The American Academy of Pediatrics) when Lead levels exceed 1 ppb.
    • Tap water is considered to be unsafe for human consumption if it exceeds the [relatively high; not protective of human health] U.S. Federal standard of 15 ppb.
    • Fruit juice is considered unsafe for children at 50 ppb and up.
    • Dried fruit is considered toxic for consumption at 100 ppb and up.
    • Candy is considered toxic for consumption at 100 ppb and up.

“How concerning are the levels reported? I don’t use very much salt!”​

Some might argue that because salt is consumed in such small quantities, a measurement threshold in the ppm range is sufficient. I disagree with this concept, given the extreme toxicity of Lead when ingested – even at very low levels. The negative impacts of Lead on the body are also cumulative over time… so ongoing daily exposure to a very small amount adds up. Additionally it is important to note that (per the study noted below) the claim of “beneficial minerals” in Himalayan salt appears to also be a myth – so not only can Himalayan salt be toxic, but it also may not be “good for you” in the ways that sales pitches assert that it may be.

A recent Australian study determined that in order to ingest a useful quantity of the beneficial minerals from Himalayan salt one would have to consume a toxic amount of that salt (and therefore a toxic dose of the heavy metals in that salt, as well!)

“People would need to consume six teaspoons of pink salt for those nutrients to make a meaningful contribution to their diet, which far exceeds dietary guidelines [for salt intake].” *

*Here’s the link to the October 19, 2020 article (and the above quote) about that study.[Ironically, this study claims to be “the first one” discovering the dangers of pink Himalayan salt – but this is a topic we have been discussing in The Lead (Pb) Group on Facebook for years.]

Tamara Rubin”

REDMOND toothpaste has shown to contain 11 PARTS PER MILLION of lead per teaspoon.

Its also important consider organic or inorganic lead as organic is more toxic along with method of entry to the body.

As far as your statements on salt and how long people have been consuming it, I agree that it has been a while but we would have to verify all assumptions made. Did it harm them? How long did they live and in what condition? What ways did they use salt? And obviously how pollluted ere their oceans and seas compared to today. Some companies use grinders where the paint chips or the metal chips into the salt, the local area where it is harvested may have severe pollution, the miners could be smoking, burning things for warmth, using dynamite etc. Many things to consider that may not be directly related to the salt but a result of the processes it endures before it comes to the store.

Testing goods others provide us is never in vain.
Just wanted to chime back in real quick with something crazy I just found out by uploading my DNA to that self decode website.

I have a genetic predisposition to low estrogen and testosterone!

Alongside low dopamine 😏


Jan 30, 2021
Didn't read the responses. I had zero histamine / mast cell problems UNTIL my house developed a hidden pipe leak inside a wall (nothing visible, no detectible odor) and mold started growing in there. Over a period of years I got worse and worse, no doctor ever even considered it could be a toxin problem, it killed both my cats and just damn near killed me. I suggest you do an ERMI / HERTSMI-2 test on your living space, and your working space if you have one, to eliminate this possibility. If you do have an environmental water-damage-caused toxic mold problem, it canNOT be fixed via any dietary, drug, supplement etc intervention. You HAVE to get out of exposure, whatever that takes. I hope your problem can be solved. It is COMMON that mast cell / histamine reactions occur with toxic mold exposure (water damaged buildings; not typical outdoor non-toxic molds.) If it is this, the sooner you find out, the more likely you are to achieve recovery.


Dec 4, 2021
Didn't read the responses. I had zero histamine / mast cell problems UNTIL my house developed a hidden pipe leak inside a wall (nothing visible, no detectible odor) and mold started growing in there. Over a period of years I got worse and worse, no doctor ever even considered it could be a toxin problem, it killed both my cats and just damn near killed me. I suggest you do an ERMI / HERTSMI-2 test on your living space, and your working space if you have one, to eliminate this possibility. If you do have an environmental water-damage-caused toxic mold problem, it canNOT be fixed via any dietary, drug, supplement etc intervention. You HAVE to get out of exposure, whatever that takes. I hope your problem can be solved. It is COMMON that mast cell / histamine reactions occur with toxic mold exposure (water damaged buildings; not typical outdoor non-toxic molds.) If it is this, the sooner you find out, the more likely you are to achieve recovery.
Thanks so much I'll get a kit.


Forum Supporter
Feb 10, 2016
I had horrible histamine / mast activation problems back in 2019. While supplements and avoiding trigger foods helped a little bit, nothing compares to the improvements I got with thyroid.

I learned that estrogen causes mast cells to release histamine, serotonin, and other substances in the body. Controlling estrogen seems to have been important for me. Thyroid most likely aided in estrogen detoxification.

Edit: I also had pots and would get frequent hypoglycemic episodes.


Dec 4, 2021
I had horrible histamine / mast activation problems back in 2019. While supplements and avoiding trigger foods helped a little bit, nothing compares to the improvements I got with thyroid.

I learned that estrogen causes mast cells to release histamine, serotonin, and other substances in the body. Controlling estrogen seems to have been important for me. Thyroid most likely aided in estrogen detoxification.

Edit: I also had pots and would get frequent hypoglycemic episodes.
I'm not estrogen dominant in the least but I wonder if progesterone dominance can do the same thing?


Dec 4, 2021
Agreed with the mold bit

I think that for many that is a big one
Turns out I have a severe B12 deficiency which was making my lips/mouth skin burn but it was so hit or miss with foods I just kept looking for causes until I finally nailed it.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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