Temperature Reset à La Steve Richfield

Nov 21, 2015
I've noticed a pattern. Today woke at 97.3. I am about .6 below where I should be. I will have to do another "reset" to get that .6 degrees. Steve says that things always move in .6 degree quanta. My next reset will bring me to the right temp. If I don't do anything about my temps but stay reasonably warm, I'm probably at about 98F.

So I woke at 97.3 and then crashed. I think it's because I'm sweating and warm when I wake, which means adrenaline is low. And then when I don't eat but lay around, without adrenaline my temps crash. That's my theory anyway.

If I wake up, get out of my chair and go eat something and drink hot coffee I think I wouldn't crash. Alternatively when I wake up and have sex, then I stay warm too. Which is more fun anyway.

Still coughing up green phlegm, not feeling wonderful. Finished the antibiotic anyway, just to see how things move this way.

Back under the lights and working on reaching 98.6.
Nov 21, 2015
No more antibiotics. And woke at 97.4. Sweating. And got out of bed and drank some guava juice and collagen and salt. Later was easy to get to 98.6. Now in winter clothing I'm at 98.4

It takes really being under the hot lights to get to 98.6 and it doesn't last if I move away.

Still coughing up stuff.


Mar 29, 2014
Or it could be microbial wars in the body as some thrive better than others or die off or end of previous truce or equilibrium between microbes.
Yeah, that also seems hypothetically possible.
I guess it takes fever temps to really get a good battle up against some infections.
Yesterday I was still coughing up green phlegm all day, so not sure the azithromycin is doing much, but I do feel better in some ways.
I'm assuming that even if the antibiotics reduce bacterial and endotoxin load, giving your liver and immune system a better shot, the body's still got to deal with the virus? Am I right in thinking viral respiratory infections usually take longer to resolve than bacterial?
Nov 21, 2015
Yeah, that also seems hypothetically possible.
I guess it takes fever temps to really get a good battle up against some infections.

I'm assuming that even if the antibiotics reduce bacterial and endotoxin load, giving your liver and immune system a better shot, the body's still got to deal with the virus? Am I right in thinking viral respiratory infections usually take longer to resolve than bacterial?

yes, but in my previous experience I didn't experience green phlegm with viruses. I think there must be more to this. But I took some methylene blue and I think I'll take some charcoal and see what happens :)


Mar 29, 2014
but in my previous experience I didn't experience green phlegm with viruses.
Green phlegm is a function of it sitting around longer before being coughed up, right?


Mar 29, 2014
I always thought it was bacteria and your body's defenses against it. But you could be right.
I'd heard something like that green meant bacterial, clear meant viral. I was doubtful and asked my dr, who said the different colours could be either viral or bacterial, it just changes colour as it gets older. I didn't investigate further.
Nov 21, 2015
I'd heard something like that green meant bacterial, clear meant viral. I was doubtful and asked my dr, who said the different colours could be either viral or bacterial, it just changes colour as it gets older. I didn't investigate further.

that could be. I may try some more riboflavin and niacinamide.
Nov 21, 2015
Went to bed, around 98.1F.

Woke today at 97.3. Got out of bed and had some coffee, milk and maple syrup (all warmed up)

Got up to temp easily.

Observation: Sometimes it seems my body goes in cycles. I think this is very interesting. And then I become hot and sweaty. Ray has discussed various cycles before.

Now if I take off my clothing or blanket, then I am very sweaty so my temps dive quickly, in a few minutes.

This could be called the "sweat/freeze" cycle...

I took a shower, started at 97.9, got up to 98.6 quickly and easily, got out and shaved etc with the heater on, this time I stayed at temp. Then I put on my winter clothes and got very sweaty. Took them off, and turned on a light, and working next to the light. Temp almost 99F.

Seems that temps are getting better.


Sep 13, 2012
I remember when I had switched to a WAPF style diet I had one of my worst colds ever! I thought over the years that it might have been because my immune system was waking up. I have only had one similar experience with a cough when I was under a lot of stress. now with high temps and pulse I get sick once a year and when I do I get a fever and it is gone fast. So another motivation to have normal temps! Also the up and down of your temp could indicate some adrenal stress. In the adrenal fatigue groups if temps are unstable that is a bad sign.
Nov 21, 2015
and I'll say it again. My libido and erections are terrific. Not sure why. But I think the reset has a lot to do with it. If this doesn't get men interested, nothing will, LOL.

Women probably will find the same thing about libido I would think.

I should note I am taking 3 drops androsterone and 8 drops Pansterone every night on my scrotum, so that may be it. But I don't think so, because I was doing that before my reset and didn't detect these effects. Of course it may be cumulative.

Other than that, I drink milk, eat cheese, take some vitamin D, E, A and K2, and a bit of meat, juice, Coke, collagen. Not much else.
Nov 21, 2015
I remember when I had switched to a WAPF style diet I had one of my worst colds ever! I thought over the years that it might have been because my immune system was waking up. I have only had one similar experience with a cough when I was under a lot of stress. now with high temps and pulse I get sick once a year and when I do I get a fever and it is gone fast. So another motivation to have normal temps! Also the up and down of your temp could indicate some adrenal stress. In the adrenal fatigue groups if temps are unstable that is a bad sign.

Cough and phlegm is better now each day.

It never felt like getting sick. Strange.
Nov 21, 2015
Woke at 96.8. Whoa. What's that about. Sweaty and feeling hot, but actually cool. Rested under the covers and rose to 97.3 and got up.
Last edited:
Nov 16, 2012
Woke at 96.8. Whoa. What's that about. Sweaty and feeling hot, but actually cool. Rested under the covers and rose to 97.3 and got up.

Setpoint drop. I'm still fighting the night-time temperature fight. Woke up at 36.0 today. Sweating at night is a bad sign if you don't sweat when you're falling asleep.
Nov 21, 2015
Back from a trip through Asia that I might write up on a separate thread.

Back to temperature resetting. I wasn't paying a lot of attention on my trip. And with timezones and stress of travel it's hard to maintain temperatures. I did make sure that I was warm and had good clothes at all times, which helped. I'm at home now in front of the lights and my temps are now 98.

It's winter and quite cold here. My temps dropped back to the usual I think. So in a way I think I might have to start over.

Just wanted to let you know this is still ongoing.
Nov 21, 2015
spent the day yesterday recovering from my long plane flights, very cold, very cold. And it was super cold here at home.

Then overnight, my temps started recovering. Today I got waking at 97.4 and was 98.2 after sex, and then was near 100F. after shower and drinking espresso.

Settled down to 98.2 under lights. After drinking cold OJ, 96.5. Should bounce back under the lights again.
Nov 16, 2012
First thyroid test since starting the Steve Richfield reset.

TSH Result: 3.57 (no thyroid pills)

I've never had a TSH this low without pills in the past 4 years. My last several TSH results without pills were between 5-8.

This has huge implications but for now I just want to say I'm very happy.


Apr 6, 2016
I have made some progress with body temps recently, thought I'd share. My main problem had been flip-flopped diurnal signal in body temp. I woke up at 97.8, then my temp would drop to ~97.0 and sit there all day, then rise to nearly 99 at bedtime. So I would feel cold and exhausted all day, then alert and hot at night, causing terrible insomnia.

The main things I have tried for increasing day temps are: food, coffee, hot bath, red light, and T3.
- Food (dense, warm, salty/sweet) worked great for a while, but once I hit my target weight, continuing to overeat stopped having the insta-warming effect and just made me fat.
- Coffee and hot baths worked, but their effects were temporary, under an hour.
- Red light shined on thyroid works really well (even though supposedly only infrared can affect the thyroid). However, it only works for me ~once every other day, and the effects hold for just a few hours.
- T3. When I first tried Steve Richfield's technique, I would try one drop of T3 and wait a while, then another and wait a while, then another and wait a while. Nothing ever happened, so I erroneously concluded that T3 didn't "work" for me. Until....

recently I saw a thread debating physiological doses vs. larger doses of T3, and someone posted a RP quote saying that sometimes just a few large doses can reset the thyroid. So instead of taking 4 mcg per hour, I tried taking 32 mcg of T3 with breakfast, and 16 mcg with lunch (8 drops and 4 drops of BSP). I did this for 3 days, and on day 4 my temp popped right up to 98.6 before I had even started eating breakfast, and stayed there until after lunch. Then it started to dip, so I took 4 drops to bring it back up. I'm now on the 5th day of temp going to 98.6 on its own by 8am. For years, I could not get anywhere close to 98.6 before late afternoon. I don't know if this will stick, but so far it seems miraculous.

FYI, Steve Richfield describes two types of low temp people...those who feel cold all the time, dress warmly, and want to move to Florida; and those who "prefer" cold and tend to wear shorts and t shirts in 40 degrees F. I fell into the latter category, and I had to adjust a LOT to feel comfortable at body temp of 98.6. I thought I was going to pass out the first few times I got my temp to rise to 99 in the shower early in the day.
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