
May 26, 2018
What makes 5G different?
5G, the latest generation of mobile communication, will employ higher frequencies and bandwidth, enabling users to transfer wireless data faster (with rates of up to 10Gbit per second) than older cellphone standards.

Previous 'G' networks have used frequencies between 700 MHz and 6 GHz. The 5G network will operate on frequencies between 28 and 100 GHz. To put that into perspective: 4G is 10 times faster than 3G. It is expected that 5G will be around 1,000 times faster than 4G.

Radiation from 5G antennas – a health risk?

By 2024, Swedish telecom giant Ericsson predicts 5G coverage will extend to over 40 percent of the world's population.

With an inability to travel great distances or pass through objects, the shorter length millimeter waves used in 5G need strengthening via booster antennas positioned on average every 150 meters (500 feet).

In addition to the mobile phone towers already dotted across rural and urban areas, the need to enhance frequency levels for 5G networks could soon see booster antennas positioned on street signs, street lights and even post boxes (if they still exist then) in a bid to ensure a stable connection for users.

What's what?

X-ray machines used to take pictures of bones are considered high-frequency, while TV antennas, radio station or mobile phone base stations use lower frequency radio waves to transmit information.

Different frequencies of wavelength interact with the human body in different ways, but with a greater number of low-frequency antennas comes increased exposure to radio frequency radiation.


Cause for concern?

While it might seem as though everyone you know owns or uses a digital device — smartphone, car, laptop or smartwatch — not a week goes by when mobile phone radiation fears are not reflected in the mainstream news cycle.

Around 250 scientists from around the world signed a petition recently to the United Nations and World Health Organization outlining their concerns that "cellular and cordless phones [2G, 3G and 4G networks] … and broadcast antennas," amongst other radio frequency emitting devices, may produce cancer risks due to the electromagnetic field (EMF) radio waves they produce.

The appeal outlined: "Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive systems, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans."

Living organisms at all levels, the scientists added, are affected by exposure to electromagnetic fields produced by smartphone devices and transmission towers.

"Damage is not limited to humans as there is growing evidence of harmful effects in both plant and animal life."

Humans aren't the only ones affected by exposure to EMFs

Numerous controlled scientific studies of 2G, 3G and 4G technologies have shown that stress, sperm and testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects, including changes to electrical activity in the brain, cellular DNA damage and calcium overload can all occur in humans as a result of exposure to EMFs.

Sarah Drießen, of the Research Center for Electromagnetic Environmental Compatibility at Germany’s University of Aachen, points to a study from the US which shows a clear connection between strong radiofrequency fields of existing radio standards and cancer in rats.

"If high-frequency fields in the millimeter wave range (30-100 GHz) are used for 5G, there are far-less studies on those than for the known mobile radio frequencies," the researcher wrote in an email to DW.

Tests in mice exposed to EMFs for nine hours a day over a two-year period also experienced changes in their nervous system, including the brain, heart and testes. Increased cell death was also reported. One needs to bear in mind 5G technologies did not exist at the time this research was conducted.

Some researchers argue exposure of young children to emitting devices is much more damaging due to their smaller skulls and skull thickness and the increased exposure to their brains.

Young children might be at a greater risk due to the smaller size of their skulls

Despite this, the World Health Organization's International EMF Project, which investigates the health effects of electromagnetic fields on humans, argues there are "no major public health risks [that] have emerged from several decades of EMF research."

The body concedes, however, "that uncertainties remain."

Source: 5G networks: Are they dangerous to our health? | DW | 19.03.2019


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
What makes 5G different?
5G, the latest generation of mobile communication, will employ higher frequencies and bandwidth, enabling users to transfer wireless data faster (with rates of up to 10Gbit per second) than older cellphone standards.

Previous 'G' networks have used frequencies between 700 MHz and 6 GHz. The 5G network will operate on frequencies between 28 and 100 GHz. To put that into perspective: 4G is 10 times faster than 3G. It is expected that 5G will be around 1,000 times faster than 4G.

Radiation from 5G antennas – a health risk?

By 2024, Swedish telecom giant Ericsson predicts 5G coverage will extend to over 40 percent of the world's population.

With an inability to travel great distances or pass through objects, the shorter length millimeter waves used in 5G need strengthening via booster antennas positioned on average every 150 meters (500 feet).

In addition to the mobile phone towers already dotted across rural and urban areas, the need to enhance frequency levels for 5G networks could soon see booster antennas positioned on street signs, street lights and even post boxes (if they still exist then) in a bid to ensure a stable connection for users.

What's what?

X-ray machines used to take pictures of bones are considered high-frequency, while TV antennas, radio station or mobile phone base stations use lower frequency radio waves to transmit information.

Different frequencies of wavelength interact with the human body in different ways, but with a greater number of low-frequency antennas comes increased exposure to radio frequency radiation.


Cause for concern?

While it might seem as though everyone you know owns or uses a digital device — smartphone, car, laptop or smartwatch — not a week goes by when mobile phone radiation fears are not reflected in the mainstream news cycle.

Around 250 scientists from around the world signed a petition recently to the United Nations and World Health Organization outlining their concerns that "cellular and cordless phones [2G, 3G and 4G networks] … and broadcast antennas," amongst other radio frequency emitting devices, may produce cancer risks due to the electromagnetic field (EMF) radio waves they produce.

The appeal outlined: "Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive systems, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans."

Living organisms at all levels, the scientists added, are affected by exposure to electromagnetic fields produced by smartphone devices and transmission towers.

"Damage is not limited to humans as there is growing evidence of harmful effects in both plant and animal life."

Humans aren't the only ones affected by exposure to EMFs

Numerous controlled scientific studies of 2G, 3G and 4G technologies have shown that stress, sperm and testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects, including changes to electrical activity in the brain, cellular DNA damage and calcium overload can all occur in humans as a result of exposure to EMFs.

Sarah Drießen, of the Research Center for Electromagnetic Environmental Compatibility at Germany’s University of Aachen, points to a study from the US which shows a clear connection between strong radiofrequency fields of existing radio standards and cancer in rats.

"If high-frequency fields in the millimeter wave range (30-100 GHz) are used for 5G, there are far-less studies on those than for the known mobile radio frequencies," the researcher wrote in an email to DW.

Tests in mice exposed to EMFs for nine hours a day over a two-year period also experienced changes in their nervous system, including the brain, heart and testes. Increased cell death was also reported. One needs to bear in mind 5G technologies did not exist at the time this research was conducted.

Some researchers argue exposure of young children to emitting devices is much more damaging due to their smaller skulls and skull thickness and the increased exposure to their brains.

Young children might be at a greater risk due to the smaller size of their skulls

Despite this, the World Health Organization's International EMF Project, which investigates the health effects of electromagnetic fields on humans, argues there are "no major public health risks [that] have emerged from several decades of EMF research."

The body concedes, however, "that uncertainties remain."

Source: 5G networks: Are they dangerous to our health? | DW | 19.03.2019

The vast majority of studies have indicated that EMF in the radio and cellphone transmission ranges are not harmful to health. The physics on the subject are also rather well established. At the levels emitted by a typical cell tower, the waves only penetrate a millimeter into the skin. 5g, while emitting much more energy, uses a wave length which does not penetrate nearly as much. The notion that this is an untested experiment is misinformation, physicists are well employed in research devoted to assessing the effects of radiation and EMF emitted by products. The manufacturers of such products are want to do so, because understanding the potential health consequences of their products is essential to staying out of litigation which history has proven to be extremely costly for even minor health effects. For instance, the lady who spilled Mcdonalds coffee on her lap was awarded $10 million USD, for suffering scalding burns. The temperature at which the coffee was kept was lowered by 5 degrees.


Jul 2, 2017
The vast majority of studies have indicated that EMF in the radio and cellphone transmission ranges are not harmful to health. The physics on the subject are also rather well established. At the levels emitted by a typical cell tower, the waves only penetrate a millimeter into the skin. 5g, while emitting much more energy, uses a wave length which does not penetrate nearly as much. The notion that this is an untested experiment is misinformation, physicists are well employed in research devoted to assessing the effects of radiation and EMF emitted by products. The manufacturers of such products are want to do so, because understanding the potential health consequences of their products is essential to staying out of litigation which history has proven to be extremely costly for even minor health effects. For instance, the lady who spilled Mcdonalds coffee on her lap was awarded $10 million USD, for suffering scalding burns. The temperature at which the coffee was kept was lowered by 5 degrees.
Please go away


Feb 13, 2016
The vast majority of studies have indicated that EMF in the radio and cellphone transmission ranges are not harmful to health. The physics on the subject are also rather well established. At the levels emitted by a typical cell tower, the waves only penetrate a millimeter into the skin. 5g, while emitting much more energy, uses a wave length which does not penetrate nearly as much. The notion that this is an untested experiment is misinformation, physicists are well employed in research devoted to assessing the effects of radiation and EMF emitted by products. The manufacturers of such products are want to do so, because understanding the potential health consequences of their products is essential to staying out of litigation which history has proven to be extremely costly for even minor health effects. For instance, the lady who spilled Mcdonalds coffee on her lap was awarded $10 million USD, for suffering scalding burns. The temperature at which the coffee was kept was lowered by 5 degrees.

Just like how the vast majority of studies have found that estrogen and PUFA have no health risk and are in fact good for you?


Aug 3, 2018
IIRC the first evidence that radio and electrical workers were getting cancer at higher rates than the general public came in the 1920's. The people who heard about it were quoted as saying:

>> The vast majority of studies have indicated that EMF in the radio and cellphone transmission ranges are not harmful to health.

Today that association still exists. Most people have never heard about it because they actively want to not hear about it.

Today, the most recent studies by the US National Toxicology Program have found

>> “clear evidence” that exposure to radiation caused heart tumors in male rats, and found “some evidence” that it caused tumors in the brains of male rats. (Both are positive results; the NTP uses the labels “clear evidence,” “some evidence,” “equivocal evidence” and “no evidence” when making conclusions.) -- We now have the first clear evidence cell phone radiation can cause cancer in rats

Those are government funded-peer reviewed studies that are being accepted by the mainstream.

If you look in the fine print of every single major cell phone manufacturer, you will find advice to hold the device well away from the face. Now... why would they do that, going back to the beginning?

One reason you may not have heard much of the evidence is that it has been suppressed. Dr. Robert O. Becker devotes a chapter in his book, The Body Electric, to the subject of the Navy panels that were set up to address public concerns about cancer near high-voltage transmission lines. He described in detail the coercive suppression of the evidence, and how he was personally asked to cover it up. Dr. Becker's research, incidentally, led to the the development of medical therapies in use in just about every hospital now, to help regrow bones using electrical current.


Oct 20, 2016
The "Trumpeter" is on TV right now pimping the 5g rollout complete with hard hat wearing "construction" workers in the background. This thing is unstoppable and seemingly at a maniacal level of world wide coordination.
The greed levels are so far off the charts it's not even funny and things like health concerns are not going to matter at all. In fact in the long run it will be good for the cancer industry so it's a "win-win" for the economy!


Oct 11, 2015
Is 5ge same as 5g


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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Dem Chicoms are sneaky. :ninja
May 7, 2019
If you work in any computer or telecom related field, you know what 5g is for. Everything is about application. The application quite frankly are related to economic national security, I will explain because this is huge. Long distance enterprise fiber optic networks will not be replaced. 4g networks will not be replaced. Wifi will not be replaced. You have to actually know about these technologies and how they operate. The travel distance of 5g is incredibly short hence, why it will be 'everywhere'. Can you tell me what cell phone signals are like in the city? and why? Do you know how much redtape is around cell phone cells inside cities and the concern people already have for living near them. Okay so bandwidth is a huge problem in the city given the lack of adequate cells and also so many people using the band at peak times. So of course the worst place to be in for EMF's /5G is in the city. Not much has really changed there.

To Economic National Security. Tesla will revolution the trucking industry, this will combat inflation, lowering the cost of all goods, and raising wages for manufactures, lowering the cost of energy. Shipping is why everything is so expensive. The flow of goods, everything tied to oil production which the economy is doing very well, or if it's electric, natural gas and coal production. You need to see Tesla's announcement on its automated fleet, you have to watch it. Uber and Lyft these debt giants will be the start of a startup crash, it's already a bubble, wait until social media gets added into publishing laws for censorship. Tesla already has automated cars and production of Semi trucks. Go long on the martian. The reason why Uber got an IPO is because the banks want the money back lol.

Okay so now about 5g and it's application, for automated vehicles. the cars can drive themselves via ultra sonic sensors but to send the data you need reliable and fast bandwidth speeds. And where will that be? oh right in the city on ground level transmitting to street lights. And what has happened is a peer to peer network of Tesla cars. That's essentially what the fleet is, and the lease owner or car buyer will be able to send their car of to the fleet to earn them some money when they don't need to drive... What did I say? The banks and private equity funds what that moolah back and the high frequency algos will make that money on trades all the way down to 0. And we need automated semi's. Truckers don't get paid enough, it's a bad lifestyle, the health statistics are shocking, not many millennial want to be truckers and so many are about to retire. This is the only way to compete with the trucking industry, it has been a closed off guild that has a griphold on the entire transportation industry, withering away the economy controlling the supply of drivers. Automated trucks will do wonders for the economy, it will even lower taxes as infrastructure projects with shipping costs will be lower. I'm all for my fellow man but reality is knocking on the door. why be a taxi driver when you can literally work a day job and send your car off to work for you. Get your mobile faraday cage ready. Peace.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
If you work in any computer or telecom related field, you know what 5g is for. Everything is about application. The application quite frankly are related to economic national security, I will explain because this is huge. Long distance enterprise fiber optic networks will not be replaced. 4g networks will not be replaced. Wifi will not be replaced. You have to actually know about these technologies and how they operate. The travel distance of 5g is incredibly short hence, why it will be 'everywhere'. Can you tell me what cell phone signals are like in the city? and why? Do you know how much redtape is around cell phone cells inside cities and the concern people already have for living near them. Okay so bandwidth is a huge problem in the city given the lack of adequate cells and also so many people using the band at peak times. So of course the worst place to be in for EMF's /5G is in the city. Not much has really changed there.

To Economic National Security. Tesla will revolution the trucking industry, this will combat inflation, lowering the cost of all goods, and raising wages for manufactures, lowering the cost of energy. Shipping is why everything is so expensive. The flow of goods, everything tied to oil production which the economy is doing very well, or if it's electric, natural gas and coal production. You need to see Tesla's announcement on its automated fleet, you have to watch it. Uber and Lyft these debt giants will be the start of a startup crash, it's already a bubble, wait until social media gets added into publishing laws for censorship. Tesla already has automated cars and production of Semi trucks. Go long on the martian. The reason why Uber got an IPO is because the banks want the money back lol.

Okay so now about 5g and it's application, for automated vehicles. the cars can drive themselves via ultra sonic sensors but to send the data you need reliable and fast bandwidth speeds. And where will that be? oh right in the city on ground level transmitting to street lights. And what has happened is a peer to peer network of Tesla cars. That's essentially what the fleet is, and the lease owner or car buyer will be able to send their car of to the fleet to earn them some money when they don't need to drive... What did I say? The banks and private equity funds what that moolah back and the high frequency algos will make that money on trades all the way down to 0. And we need automated semi's. Truckers don't get paid enough, it's a bad lifestyle, the health statistics are shocking, not many millennial want to be truckers and so many are about to retire. This is the only way to compete with the trucking industry, it has been a closed off guild that has a griphold on the entire transportation industry, withering away the economy controlling the supply of drivers. Automated trucks will do wonders for the economy, it will even lower taxes as infrastructure projects with shipping costs will be lower. I'm all for my fellow man but reality is knocking on the door. why be a taxi driver when you can literally work a day job and send your car off to work for you. Get your mobile faraday cage ready. Peace.
May 7, 2019

My question to you is, why can't I buy an automated semi?
Just like I could buy an automated taxi cab?
It could be just like a low maintenance business.
You need to hear hill billies on Youtube with missing teeth, the trucking community tell you how bad current companies are ripping off their drivers. Do you want more government regulations or a free market solution?
You could be a part of Tesla growth, why not invest?
It's not getting rid of the driver, an employee or contractor.
The operator has now become an investor and business owner.
Instead of a sheet metal plant paying up the wazu for shipping they can now pay their workers more. This isn't so bad at all.
Uber's megalomaniac model wasn't going to work for no one to ever finance a car again lol
Tesla wants you to buy and or lease a vehicle
The semis will be bought

I'm sorry man but that clip was from awhile ago, and they are not seeing the individual investment opportunities, because Uber's model was the context.
Jun 16, 2017
It makes no sense, imo, to oppose the replacement of truckers for automated machines. The guy in the video above says that "families will be destroyed" if that happens. Does he really think that people would not have anything else to do or any othe way to contribute to society? I mean, I respect what truckers do and it's a very necessary job, but if technology enables them to stop sacrificing their health and even spend more time with family and friends, as well as working on a less damaging job, then what's wrong? And as has been said already, people can make money from just having an automated car/truck which delivers goods. Kinda like a business. Now, the way that the machines will operate and the amount of EMFs they wll produce is another question.
This guy Shapiro is talking to seems to be pretty high cortisol btw, and that example of leukemia in the end was laughable. I bet he believes in neo-darwinism( "random").


May 26, 2018
Well, I added links (above) on 5G and a rally that’s happening in case anyone was interested. I don’t understand enough about 5G yet to agree or disagree, however, it doesn’t seem like we have a choice, and that is concerning. I don’t know why this thread is focusing on truck drivers, I thought there would be more discussion on possible health related issues.


Jan 12, 2019
I have seen hundreds of business and public policy articles on "5G" and I still can't figure out what it's realistically for. They'll wave their hands and talk about "internet of things" without being specific about a solved engineering problem. Whenever it gets to specifics you can grasp the wireless networking tech we already have is sufficient. Yet I'm seeing endless articles about "5G" that never clarify the actual engineering; it's all PR buzz. It's puzzling.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
My question to you is, why can't I buy an automated semi?
Just like I could buy an automated taxi cab?
It could be just like a low maintenance business.
You need to hear hill billies on Youtube with missing teeth, the trucking community tell you how bad current companies are ripping off their drivers. Do you want more government regulations or a free market solution?
You could be a part of Tesla growth, why not invest?
It's not getting rid of the driver, an employee or contractor.
The operator has now become an investor and business owner.
Instead of a sheet metal plant paying up the wazu for shipping they can now pay their workers more. This isn't so bad at all.
Uber's megalomaniac model wasn't going to work for no one to ever finance a car again lol
Tesla wants you to buy and or lease a vehicle
The semis will be bought

I'm sorry man but that clip was from awhile ago, and they are not seeing the individual investment opportunities, because Uber's model was the context.
Free market solution for what, shipping costs? I think that you're speculating that lower overhead will translate into higher wages and a better business model for their workers. It doesn't really matter if the government forecefully regulates these companies because they base their profit models on federal, state and local transportation infrastructure. Tesla receives subsidies from the federal government as well.

American truckers have largely been replaced, at least among high-yielding routes, by Mexican immigrants. These are immigration and also technological problems. You're seeing widening gaps in social outcomes between high-skilled laborers and low-skilled ones. Obviously, lesser-quality workers should not be compensated as handsomely, but free market absolutism is no longer popular. It's not all about you as a consumer either. Goodbye 1970s.

It's also not black-and-white, obviously. There can be limits placed on the diffusion of technology or taxes that can then go toward job transition programs. These disenfranchised truckers can gradually develop skills so that they still work in the trucking industry if they should like, but in the short-term, the massive overhaul of an entire industry will harm individuals, families and towns. This has been happening at regular intervals for the past 120 years. One such option could be a mandated stock allotment for the former workers.
Last edited:


May 26, 2018
I have seen hundreds of business and public policy articles on "5G" and I still can't figure out what it's realistically for. They'll wave their hands and talk about "internet of things" without being specific about a solved engineering problem. Whenever it gets to specifics you can grasp the wireless networking tech we already have is sufficient. Yet I'm seeing endless articles about "5G" that never clarify the actual engineering; it's all PR buzz. It's puzzling.
Thank you tygertgr, I’ve definitely got more reading to do, but so far, yeah, does read like PR. I came across an article in Bloomberg that mentions the telecoms are fearful about the 5G rollout being delayed. Also mentioned is South Korea switched to 5G in April, so maybe we’ll learn more? My main concern is it’s being forced on the public without real transparency or even discussion.
May 7, 2019
I have seen hundreds of business and public policy articles on "5G" and I still can't figure out what it's realistically for. They'll wave their hands and talk about "internet of things" without being specific about a solved engineering problem. Whenever it gets to specifics you can grasp the wireless networking tech we already have is sufficient. Yet I'm seeing endless articles about "5G" that never clarify the actual engineering; it's all PR buzz. It's puzzling.

There's places in the country where you have no signal at all and some barely 3g and often that's middle America. They have cable, phone and thus internet and wifi access as well. These are the networks that really connect us and make 0 sense to replace with more expensive infrastructure than can only travel a several hundred feet.

It makes no sense, imo, to oppose the replacement of truckers for automated machines. The guy in the video above says that "families will be destroyed" if that happens. Does he really think that people would not have anything else to do or any othe way to contribute to society? I mean, I respect what truckers do and it's a very necessary job, but if technology enables them to stop sacrificing their health and even spend more time with family and friends, as well as working on a less damaging job, then what's wrong? And as has been said already, people can make money from just having an automated car/truck which delivers goods. Kinda like a business. Now, the way that the machines will operate and the amount of EMFs they wll produce is another question.
This guy Shapiro is talking to seems to be pretty high cortisol btw, and that example of leukemia in the end was laughable. I bet he believes in neo-darwinism( "random").

I'm with you brother. Food, energy, real estate development, construction, manufacturing. All those costs in regards to transportation will come down significantly. And for those same industries, wages should also rise, that's why they often have unions too. Supply and demand and the toehold is in shipping, not the producer or service provider and consumer. In relation to transportation of people, it is far easier to improve traffic congestion, than build a new subway system, or high speed rail line. And when that system not only improves, but lowers the cost of transportation. That is why we are moving towards 5G.

Well, I added links (above) on 5G and a rally that’s happening in case anyone was interested. I don’t understand enough about 5G yet to agree or disagree, however, it doesn’t seem like we have a choice, and that is concerning. I don’t know why this thread is focusing on truck drivers, I thought there would be more discussion on possible health related issues.

Free market solution for what, shipping costs? I think that you're speculating that lower overhead will translate into higher wages and a better business model for their workers. It doesn't really matter if the government forecefully regulates these companies because they base their profit models on federal, state and local transportation infrastructure. Tesla receives subsidies from the federal government as well.

American truckers have largely been replaced, at least among high-yielding routes, by Mexican immigrants. These are immigration and also technological problems. You're seeing widening gaps in social outcomes between high-skilled laborers and low-skilled ones. Obviously, lesser-quality workers should not be compensated as handsomely, but free market absolutism is no longer popular. It's not all about you as a consumer either. Goodbye 1970s.

It's also not black-and-white, obviously. There can be limits placed on the diffusion of technology or taxes that can then go toward job transition programs. These disenfranchised truckers can gradually develop skills so that they still work in the trucking industry if they should like, but in the short-term, the massive overhaul of an entire industry will harm individuals, families and towns. This has been happening at regular intervals for the past 120 years. One such option could be a mandated stock allotment for the former workers.

That is beautifully written, I enjoy this forum very much. These issues are so complex that no forum post or thread would suffice on it. But automating shipping over the next 20 years or sooner. The government has subsidized Tesla and it's also no coincidence that all of Tesla's patents are public. Tesla says they will have their fleet in 2020, pending regulatory approval. Immigration is an inflation issue as well. I'm glad you mentioned that. My only goal with my original post is to focus on the application of 5g, in fact many wifi routers operate on a 5g band already. Some people just think it's the government/telecom industries/darpa/ or ted turner types that want depopulation without any real socio-economic benefits, like the most efficient taxi system. People can still Faraday their homes, beds, themselves with silver and lead, I think leather does a good job as well. People need to get a meter and put that neuroticism and Obsession Compulsion Disorder to rest with data. You'll want to create an emf around you that bounces the signal off, or disrupts the line of sight from the user and the access point. People don't know this because this is the power of fear, it creates masses, and panic. ' Who will save us ?' ... In act IV ' I will save you, join my tribe, denounce all the others. You don't need food, you need light' - Jack Kruse - in a nut shell. But Emf's do create oxidative stress, and a poor redox potential, he does have some answers. There are certainly some studies that should be funded and done, but where exactly does the jurisdiction reside, federally with lobbyists.

Or someone can get conduct tests themselves, maybe adopt a sickly animal that's about to die or capture squirrels lol or do tests on yourself. All it takes is simply looking at the blood of before and after of whatever is exposed to the EMF. The blood platelets could be sticky or in a certain formation, that is a sign of oxidative stress. There are videos showing exactly what I'm saying.
People will say it is a scam, is it just a scam as when people do ion tests on salted water?
Someone has to have some sort of quote about the ignorance of science as myth, magic tricks, scam, snake oil lol.

People need not worry about 5G because the only thing the can realistically do is relocate, or faraday and that isn't an option for most people, the latter may be more practical but expensive depending on what route. But they should worry about chronic Oxidative stress. We all should worry about oxidative stress.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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