The meaning/cause/design of life according to you?


Jan 17, 2023
To me we're inside a video game with really good graphics. The aim of it is to realize you're playing and trace back the nature of the avatar you inhabit by gaining knowledge of Self to see through the persistent illusion of this false reality. Separating the water from the milk as was once said.

Without that you're being played by the Game of Souls instead of playing it as the aim of your Opponent is to make you believe everything that isn't instead of what is, hence the Kingdom is within and you dwell there or are living a one step removed existence that is just strung together by some words in your head based on "he say, she say..." and not true perception. Thats another aspect in that we never truly interact with another, only our projections of them based on our own energetics ergo anything that triggers isn't them but actually you. Thats another tale for another time to talk in depth, this is just a hint of the overall vision.

What about you? What is your concept of reality? Design of life? Reason for existence? Why do you think its the way it is and not something else? Why is there even a world in the first place?

Feel free to be real and just let rip with your own pet perspective because its obvious a lot of the members think with a lot of depth but because we rarely address the basic concepts of our perception this could become a great discussion if you share what you think in ways honest and direct.


May 31, 2018
I analyze endlessly for decades and all it ever boils down to is that we are some God's ant farm.

I hope I'm wrong. But it all does seem exactly like a big ole game to me.
Nov 17, 2017
The video game analogy / theory has become really popular in the last few years. I suppose it's a culturally updated version of reincarnation. Sv3rige had this idea of "levelling up" with each life.


Jan 17, 2023
But it all does seem exactly like a big ole game to me.

It really does. At one point in my thinking it felt exceedingly like the divine was playing Hide and Seek with itself in this realm. Then it took on hints of being a huge cosmic joke, par excellence and those who don't comprehend are left weeping due to the illusory nature of experience. Quite a while ago it evolved into the Game of Souls concept wherein the latter is what you inserted as a credit to wear the flesh and thus your awareness generates the former hence nothing outside, all within.

Whatever it is its interesting because it presents a lot to ponder and wonder. Especially as the human form as it is can do some quite remarkable things as its obviously the same avatar thats used on different levels of this earthbound experience where we're serving out a life sentence. For example:

"Rub your palms together with a brisk temperament until they are warm and tingling then draw then apart and together without touching and you’ll become aware of a magnetic sensation that repels the middle of your palms.

Its quite palpable and the stronger this is the greater your energetic reserves within and this links back to what I said about the organs actually being batteries and repositories of emotional information in our private missives".

The current wetware most people are running is akin to having a top of the range handset and flashing the oldest possible firmware so its features are dumbed down into potatovision. You can change this. If you're willing to think different. Rub your hands. See what happens.

The video game analogy / theory has become really popular in the last few years.

Its been around in many forms since Platos day and beyond as he called it the Cave. Shakespeare referred to the world as a stage. I use the Game of Souls metaphor as its exceedingly accurate based on my experience and knowledge of pixelated realms and the higher dimensions that create 3D as its all about density and being able to perceive what stays the same and never changes throughout the vibrations. That and, if you study historical texts, monuments and the cultures that built them it becomes exceedingly obvious that there are levels to this hence tales of a golden age permeate every race, place and station on this planet and various other aspects attest to the validity of this.

Right now we're in the intermission phase between the old order of the ages and the new where carbon and silicon will mix to create a different kind of human being. Eventually those training wheels will not be needed (as they aren't now either as the faculties are all always within) and mankind will die to his ignorance and be reborn as just man again who (to us, now) will seem superhuman in every way imaginable.

"In a few decades or so when the web has closed its digital grip on the minds of those who still dwell upon this planet would you, if offered, jump at the chance to upload your awareness online. Full-time.

The real you would be held in a suspended state just above dead that would prevent malfunction and ageing by freezing you instead. Your awareness however would live full time in the web for as long as your provider cashed the cheques otherwise they’d eject and throw you back into flesh."

If you study, befriend and comprehend the outliers like savants and the good old fashioned mad genius as well as schizophrenics and mystics then apply what you discover it all becomes exceedingly obvious that man in his current form has been incrementally downgraded and most are akin to living hostages with severe Stockholm Syndrome and will rebel against this perception for what it says about themselves. 81%...

Better the devil you know and all the rest in full effect...

Anyone else got a perspective they wish to share or will you continue to digest what I'm offering, say something in your head in response but feel unwilling to type and hit send for some (currently) unknown reason?


Dec 15, 2022
say something in your head in response but feel unwilling to type and hit send for some (currently) unknown reason?
i honestly can’t get over how foolish this belief system is. Absolute foolishness. I feel sad and concerned.

I am not looking for any response or answers. I just have to say something to counter such baseless ideology on the RPF.

Who made this video game? How did it come into existence? Why? Does human history support this idea? If this is the truth, why have generations before us never discovered this concept to write about or evangelize ? So on and so on and so on.


Feb 3, 2020
My perception of life and it’s purpose can change dramatically in different physiological states.

When I am feeling very well for a few weeks I feel like life is 90% joy and 10% suffering, but when I am (or was) really off/sick, it feels (or felt) like 90% suffering and 10% joy.

In the latter case, I tend to overthink about the well-known existential and philosophical questions. If I am doing well I cannot stand that stuff.


May 10, 2018
My perception of life and it’s purpose can change dramatically in different physiological states.

When I am feeling very well for a few weeks I feel like life is 90% joy and 10% suffering, but when I am (or was) really off/sick, it feels (or felt) like 90% suffering and 10% joy.

In the latter case, I tend to overthink about the well-known existential and philosophical questions. If I am doing well I cannot stand that stuff.
I’m very similar, in fact, looking back at my morose character when I’m in a place of joy makes me cringe. Also vice versa. It’s a shame that knowing the physiological underpinnings doesn’t get rid of the embarrassment.
Jun 15, 2022
I have been watching The Sanity Machine youtube channel lately, and would recommend checking it out.

My summation of his thought (which I find pretty compelling) is as follows:

For numerous reasons, including near death experiences, it is likely that there is something beyond this realm.
This realm is full of suffering, as well as good, but the suffering is to such an extent that if it is part of God's plan, "God's plan sucks."
Even if you have a good life now, which I consider myself to have for now, if you are reincarnated, it could be a million times worse.
Entities beyond this realm use tricks, manipulation, and likely "physical force" to incarnate us in this or similar realms without our consent.
It therefore would benefit us to study and prepare for our deaths and practice discernment and become spiritual warriors so that we can escape being reincarnated here and become free.


Dec 15, 2022
I have been watching The Sanity Machine youtube channel lately, and would recommend checking it out.

My summation of his thought (which I find pretty compelling) is as follows:

For numerous reasons, including near death experiences, it is likely that there is something beyond this realm.
This realm is full of suffering, as well as good, but the suffering is to such an extent that if it is part of God's plan, "God's plan sucks."
Even if you have a good life now, which I consider myself to have for now, if you are reincarnated, it could be a million times worse.
Entities beyond this realm use tricks, manipulation, and likely "physical force" to incarnate us in this or similar realms without our consent.
It therefore would benefit us to study and prepare for our deaths and practice discernment and become spiritual warriors so that we can escape being reincarnated here and become free.
Jun 15, 2022
Not meant to be an argument, but a factual statement.
If you can't detect sarcasm or are being willfully dense, I was making the point that you make no argument.

It is your opinion only. If you believe it is factual, that implies that you know the facts of the afterlife, which you don't. So your one word statement is neither argument nor factual.


May 31, 2018
It really does. At one point in my thinking it felt exceedingly like the divine was playing Hide and Seek with itself in this realm. Then it took on hints of being a huge cosmic joke, par excellence and those who don't comprehend are left weeping due to the illusory nature of experience. Quite a while ago it evolved into the Game of Souls concept wherein the latter is what you inserted as a credit to wear the flesh and thus your awareness generates the former hence nothing outside, all within.

Whatever it is its interesting because it presents a lot to ponder and wonder. Especially as the human form as it is can do some quite remarkable things as its obviously the same avatar thats used on different levels of this earthbound experience where we're serving out a life sentence. For example:

"Rub your palms together with a brisk temperament until they are warm and tingling then draw then apart and together without touching and you’ll become aware of a magnetic sensation that repels the middle of your palms.

Its quite palpable and the stronger this is the greater your energetic reserves within and this links back to what I said about the organs actually being batteries and repositories of emotional information in our private missives".

The current wetware most people are running is akin to having a top of the range handset and flashing the oldest possible firmware so its features are dumbed down into potatovision. You can change this. If you're willing to think different. Rub your hands. See what happens.

Its been around in many forms since Platos day and beyond as he called it the Cave. Shakespeare referred to the world as a stage. I use the Game of Souls metaphor as its exceedingly accurate based on my experience and knowledge of pixelated realms and the higher dimensions that create 3D as its all about density and being able to perceive what stays the same and never changes throughout the vibrations. That and, if you study historical texts, monuments and the cultures that built them it becomes exceedingly obvious that there are levels to this hence tales of a golden age permeate every race, place and station on this planet and various other aspects attest to the validity of this.

Right now we're in the intermission phase between the old order of the ages and the new where carbon and silicon will mix to create a different kind of human being. Eventually those training wheels will not be needed (as they aren't now either as the faculties are all always within) and mankind will die to his ignorance and be reborn as just man again who (to us, now) will seem superhuman in every way imaginable.

"In a few decades or so when the web has closed its digital grip on the minds of those who still dwell upon this planet would you, if offered, jump at the chance to upload your awareness online. Full-time.

The real you would be held in a suspended state just above dead that would prevent malfunction and ageing by freezing you instead. Your awareness however would live full time in the web for as long as your provider cashed the cheques otherwise they’d eject and throw you back into flesh."

If you study, befriend and comprehend the outliers like savants and the good old fashioned mad genius as well as schizophrenics and mystics then apply what you discover it all becomes exceedingly obvious that man in his current form has been incrementally downgraded and most are akin to living hostages with severe Stockholm Syndrome and will rebel against this perception for what it says about themselves. 81%...

Better the devil you know and all the rest in full effect...

Anyone else got a perspective they wish to share or will you continue to digest what I'm offering, say something in your head in response but feel unwilling to type and hit send for some (currently) unknown reason?

"Rub your palms together with a brisk temperament until they are warm and tingling then draw then apart and together without touching and you’ll become aware of a magnetic sensation that repels the middle of your palms."

On the flipside, rub the backs of your hands together briskly and they will smell like chicken ***t lol. Seriously!


Dec 15, 2022
If you can't detect sarcasm or are being willfully dense, I was making the point that you make no argument.

It is your opinion only. If you believe it is factual, that implies that you know the facts of the afterlife, which you don't. So your one word statement is neither argument nor factual.
Sincerely hope you remember my opinion as you think about your eternal afterlife in the years to come.
Apr 22, 2019
Romans 12:1
[1] I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

Ecclesiastes 12:13
[13] Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.


May 31, 2018
Romans 12:1
[1] I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

Ecclesiastes 12:13
[13] Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

Quoting your bible of choice is just annoying.
Apr 22, 2019
Quoting your bible of choice is just annoying.
There's only one word of God, it's simple to prove when comparing the verses of a KJV to any other translation.

See -

Isaiah 14:12, note Rev 22:16
1 Timothy 6:10, note that the KJV has no copyright
1 Timothy 6:20
Luke 23:33
2 Timothy 2:15

Word of a king:

Esther 8:8
Ecclesiastes 8:4

The absolute word of God is pure & settled:

Proverbs 30:5
Psalms 119:89
John 17:17
Psalms 68:11

Doctrine of preservation:

Psalms 12:6-7

Foe everyone's sake, I'm sorry that you're annoyed. Get well soon~


Aug 17, 2018
Read the works of It will give you another perspective on human past.

I believe humans have been heavily manipulated. Just the fact we are born with amnesia and cant travel to astral are big signs of manipulation.

After reading zillion things, I still don't have life figured out.


May 31, 2018
Read the works of It will give you another perspective on human past.

I believe humans have been heavily manipulated. Just the fact we are born with amnesia and cant travel to astral are big signs of manipulation.

After reading zillion things, I still don't have life figured out.

Hell, they poison our pineal glands with fluoride.

Why the eff do we have fluoride in our water anyways? Who doesn't use toothpaste? Is the majority of the population DRINKING fluoride because some random homeless people don't brush their teeth? Is America a 3rd world country where we don't have enough toothpaste so we have to DRINK fluoride? It's an effing scam that nobody really talks about because they're clueless.


Apr 15, 2015
Hell, they poison our pineal glands with fluoride.

Why the eff do we have fluoride in our water anyways? Who doesn't use toothpaste? Is the majority of the population DRINKING fluoride because some random homeless people don't brush their teeth? Is America a 3rd world country where we don't have enough toothpaste so we have to DRINK fluoride? It's an effing scam that nobody really talks about because they're clueless.
interesting that there is a connection between pineal gland and fluoride.
Do you think some kind of aliens poisoned all the water on earth with fluoride ?
Fluoride occurs naturally and is released from rocks into the soil, water, and air. Almost all water contains some fluoride.

The majority of studies confirm that sodium fluoride increases TSH levels and decreases the concentrations of T3 and T4 produced by the thyroid. Moreover, a correlation was observed between NaF and increased secretion of PTH by the parathyroid glands

Even without fluoridation, the natural levels of fluoride in water in some places can be higher than 4 mg/L.
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