The Pfizer and Moderna Shots are Safe. Really Safe


Mar 2, 2021
I cannot receive vaccines as it is against my beliefs as a Christian. The process of making vaccines use the tissues of murdered unborn babies. I cannot take vaccines as they are a violation of my faith.


You can’t quote ITV as a source and expect to be taken seriously.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
Safety data based on more than 17 million Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccinations was just published in a JAMA online article. How safe were they? Very.

Sorry, anti-vaxxers. If you're hoping to find some bad news about the COVID vaccines, you've come to the wrong site. Perhaps you should try, or I'm out of my I've got nothing but good news.
The good news comes to us thanks to a new paper in JAMA Insights. Tom Shimabukuro, MD, MPH, MBA, at the CDC Immunization Safety Office, and colleagues evaluated the chances of vaccine recipients developing anaphylaxis following a shot. It should put you at ease; anaphylactic reactions to both the Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccines are very rare. More than 17 million vaccines were administered, and only 66 people suffered a reaction.

Time Interval Between Injection and the onset of anaphylactic symptoms
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It is no accident that you need to wait around for 15 minutes following your shot. As is the case with most anaphylactic reactions, they happen fast. The median time until onset for both vaccines was 10 minutes. More than 75% of the people who got a reaction developed it within 15 minutes and about 90% within a half-hour (source for this and subsequent figures JAMA Insights).
The First Shot is Riskier than the Second
It is not surprising that people who developed symptoms did so much more frequently after the first shot than the second:
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...or that the people who ran into trouble had a history of allergic reactions in the past (1).

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The Bottom (and Very Good) Line - An Excellent Safety Profile
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If you're worried about a bad reaction to the vaccine, this should put your mind at ease. The incidence of anaphylactic reactions was very low – 4.7 per million (0.00047%) for Pfizer and 2.5 per million (0.00025%) for Moderna. These are not the kind of numbers you should be worried about. To put this in context (and for some yuks), here are some common activities and the risk of dying.

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Source: Mental Floss
Don't take this too seriously. It's a comparison of dying from a completely unrelated set of activities and a reaction to a vaccine. But it points out how unlikely you are to have a serious reaction to either vaccine; it's a bit riskier than jogging and a bit less risky than bicycling. Most people don't give either of these a second thought.
So based on data from more than 17 million shots, your chances of an anaphylactic reaction are vanishingly small.
What Happened to the People Who Ran Into Trouble?
There is good news here as well. Of the 66 people (17 million shots) who had reactions, 92% received emergency epinephrine treatment; half were treated in the ER, and half were admitted. Seven people required intubation; no one died. And keep in mind that more than three-quarters of this group had a history of allergies or prior anaphylactic episodes. For the rest of us, the chance of running into this problem is close to zero.
So, don't worry. Relax and go for a jog or a swim and go get vaccinated. Just be extra careful if you bike there.
(1) The allergic triggers included about 20 substances, including vaccines, drugs, latex, and nuts.
(2) In this article I am only reporting on anaphylaxis and only in the US. Since 193 million shots (across the world) have been given, small numbers of other adverse reactions, even deaths could be possible. And very unlikely.


edit: its also FDA approved
Anaphylaxis can occur after an injection of just about anything. Although a a risk, anaphylaxis is not the health issue that discerning persons here are concerned about. The most immediate and evident problem is what the billions of spike proteins being manufactured by a person's own body do to the vascular system wherein they circulate, viz. blood clotting, thrombosis, heart issues. If you believe Big Pharma's liability-free, barely-safety-tested, mega-profit "vaccines" are just peachy keen because they only have a typical % of anaphylactic reactions, by all means, join the billions of other guinea pigs and get the shots. Maybe you'll get lucky.


Mar 2, 2021
The vaccines companies are beyond corrupt. Some of them have been fined billions of dollars over the last 25 years.


Oct 15, 2018
Haha anaphylactic shock is the smallest concern. What about the study linking it to blood protein disregulation and parallels to aceruloplasmin? We'll see the effects in 5+ years. Increased iron, decreased copper anyone? Possible dementia?

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
Vetted Images - Blood Before and After the mRNA COVID "Vaccine" Shot (Think Blood Clots)


Although the Bitchute posting claims the images are "100% vetted and authentic", it is, like the video itself, utterly devoid of references. First I want to know who vetted them, then what standards they are vetted against. What is meant by "authentic?" Etc

Without this information the video may as well be an interesting fiction.


Nov 22, 2017
You probably know this, but if your source is the CDC itself, it's not actually a source.


Nov 22, 2017
You might also want to look up Dr David Martin, who has looked into the patents. It's very interesting indeed. There is nothing novel about the sarscov2. Every part of it has already been patented for years. This is public info, so feel free to look into that and fact check him.

There's something a little sinister about David Martin, but his exposé on the Corona Group last week was foolproof. The patent history is so damning and clear evidence of a high level charade.


Nov 22, 2017
Although the Bitchute posting claims the images are "100% vetted and authentic", it is, like the video itself, utterly devoid of references. First I want to know who vetted them, then what standards they are vetted against. What is meant by "authentic?" Etc

Without this information the video may as well be an interesting fiction.

A lot of the videos on BitChute are crucial but sadly pulled out of context with few references or links to the original sources and it makes it hard to share them with ''unconvinced'' individuals shall we say.


Mar 7, 2016
So safe that there is a lawsuit just filed because they estimate over 45000 deaths due to these injections and that's only been reported on one of the reporting systems. Ridiculous post.

Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016
The people shaking uncontrollably from the vaccine are not experiencing an allergic reaction. What would make you think that is an allergy??
There was a lawsuit filed yesterday. Apparently there are 11 different agencies to report adverse reactions to vaccines to. One of those alone, you have 45000 deaths reported within 3 days of getting the experimental drug. That is what the lawsuit is about. According to another reporting agency, VEARS, their numbers show that more people have died from the covid jabs that all other vaccines *combined over the past 20 years*. And you are saying it is "very safe"? Read the numbers instead of adhering to a political narrative.

You might also want to look up Dr David Martin, who has looked into the patents. It's very interesting indeed. There is nothing novel about the sarscov2. Every part of it has already been patented for years. This is public info, so feel free to look into that and fact check him.

Remember the fake study on how dangerous HCQ was in the Lancet? The one that was retracted, but the "news" didn't report on it. Doctors were still blocked form using it (politicians telling doctors how to doctor!). You see, if there was an actual effective treatment, an emergency use vaccine could not be approved. So they had to get HCQ out of the way, and discredit other effective treatments such as ivermectin. Fauci knew back in 2005, when he wrote an article on how effective HQC was against coronaviruses. You would have thought HCQ would have been the first thing he'd think of to try when covid broke out.
They stand to make billions from this vaccine, and they don't want some cheapo drug standing in the way.
Really, do your research and stop playing politics with people's lives. If i looks like a duck, walks like a duck, it's probably a duck!
The rich and powerful have always gotten together, had meetings, about how to better their own positions. Now suddenly even thinking that they do, is a "conspiracy theory", and is written off by the mindless. Even when there is proof, it's written off as "crazy". Don't help big pharma hurt people even more. Isn't that was Ray Peat is all about, thinking for yourself, discovering that pharma has an agenda and it isn't your health?!
Thank you.


Apr 14, 2013
@Hgreen56 My own primary care doctor told me not to get it. She said many of her patients are now suffering from long term side effects from the "vaccines" including neurological effects and an increase in severe allergenic reactions to foods and chemicals. She's now tasked with trying to figure out how to help these people who are experiencing something so new there's not enough research so far to formulate effective protocols for each individual case.

The real issue with these "vaccines" is that they mute the innate immune system in order to bypass it and activate the adaptive immune system, it's that secondary immune system that produces the "robust" antibody response. But there are no antibodies that are reliably targeted and all of them can potentially mistake other proteins. The combination and accumulative effects of these two issues leads to a delayed side effects. These have not been accounted for in the safety studies you have mentioned.

Also, there are effective treatments for long haul COVID as well as acute. I'm sure you know this.
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