The Poisonous Way The Victorians Processed Food


Nov 29, 2014
Interesting! Borax added to milk. Aluminum to bread. Irritable gut. Resonates ...


Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
So....poisoning our food supply isn't new, not surprising. It shows though that dose can make the poison, many people use borax in minute doses and get great benefits, from easing arthritis to removing calcium and fluoride deposits. Context once again.
Dec 18, 2018
So....poisoning our food supply isn't new, not surprising. It shows though that dose can make the poison, many people use borax in minute doses and get great benefits, from easing arthritis to removing calcium and fluoride deposits. Context once again.

Boron is still a heavily disputed candidate for being physiologic.
Dec 18, 2018
Yeah, I know, right along with silica, right?

Silica has better backing than Boron.
Silica physiology is not very well understood though.
Do you know about Silica?Does it have the absorption and conformation Problems
it is said to have?
There is some Professor of whatever who claims that only water is an effective source.
Would like to know more about it,or Boron,if you know something about it,
im all ears.


Apr 30, 2015
Silica has better backing than Boron.
Silica physiology is not very well understood though.
Do you know about Silica?Does it have the absorption and conformation Problems
it is said to have?
There is some Professor of whatever who claims that only water is an effective source.
Would like to know more about it,or Boron,if you know something about it,
im all ears.
Look up the study “nothing boring about boron” for a nice summary

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Silica has better backing than Boron.
Silica physiology is not very well understood though.
Do you know about Silica?Does it have the absorption and conformation Problems
it is said to have?
There is some Professor of whatever who claims that only water is an effective source.
Would like to know more about it,or Boron,if you know something about it,
im all ears.
I most likely don't know any more about it than you. Seems like both of these minerals are not Dr. Peat's favorites, that was the basis of my comment. I personally use both of them, but I am conservative in my use, and I keep an open mind to any new science. I have nothing new to add to the debate that anyone here hasn't already seen/heard.


Nov 29, 2014
So....poisoning our food supply isn't new, not surprising. It shows though that dose can make the poison, many people use borax in minute doses and get great benefits, from easing arthritis to removing calcium and fluoride deposits. Context once again.

@Dave Clark
I understand you probably didn't watch the video based on your response. Why would you put Borax into milk? Basically to hide the fact that it is spoiled. The issue is not really whether Boron or Borax has nutritional value. Sour milk is not necessarily harmful, however the milk imported into England may have had bacterial issues. On arrival it was soured milk and thus acidified. Borax is known to eliminate the taste of sour milk and remove smell from carpet from sour milk spills. So, you were right Boron may have some value, but industrial food production using Borax is misleading and resulted in health issues for sure as it hid the underlying issues with old dairy.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
@Dave Clark
I understand you probably didn't watch the video based on your response. Why would you put Borax into milk? Basically to hide the fact that it is spoiled. The issue is not really whether Boron or Borax has nutritional value. Sour milk is not necessarily harmful, however the milk imported into England may have had bacterial issues. On arrival it was soured milk and thus acidified. Borax is known to eliminate the taste of sour milk and remove smell from carpet from sour milk spills. So, you were right Boron may have some value, but industrial food production using Borax is misleading and resulted in health issues for sure as it hid the underlying issues with old dairy.
No, you are quite wrong, I did watch the video, and I have a laboratory backround and I understand they were masking the acidity with the alkaline borax, which is about a Ph of 10, that of course did not kill the underlying bacteria. I was just pointing out that how something that is being called a poison , in this case, can also be a useful mineral when used at low doses.
And, of course, that is based on whether or not a person feels that boron is a useful mineral, Peat doesn't think so, but other researchers do. I certainly wasn't insinuating that adding borax at the levels that they did was a good practice Apparently you didn't read or understand my post, I distinctly said dose makes the poison, which infers that I did watch the video and saw how they poisoned people inadvertently, but then mentioned that the very same thing they poisoned people with can be used in low doses for health. Basically, I was trying to say borax was bad in that application, but not ALL applications.


Nov 29, 2014
No, you are quite wrong, I did watch the video, and I have a laboratory backround and I understand they were masking the acidity with the alkaline borax, which is about a Ph of 10, that of course did not kill the underlying bacteria. I was just pointing out that how something that is being called a poison , in this case, can also be a useful mineral when used at low doses.
And, of course, that is based on whether or not a person feels that boron is a useful mineral, Peat doesn't think so, but other researchers do. I certainly wasn't insinuating that adding borax at the levels that they did was a good practice Apparently you didn't read or understand my post, I distinctly said dose makes the poison, which infers that I did watch the video and saw how they poisoned people inadvertently, but then mentioned that the very same thing they poisoned people with can be used in low doses for health. Basically, I was trying to say borax was bad in that application, but not ALL applications.

Ok thanks. Misread your response and appreciate your expertise. I also do not think people understand that "poisoning the food supply" in not that new, I did not.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Ok thanks. Misread your response and appreciate your expertise. I also do not think people understand that "poisoning the food supply" in not that new, I did not.
No problem. That's the thing about reading a post, etc. it can be taken different ways. Thanks for posting that video, I have been watching some of their others and it is real interesting to see how hard life was back then on certain levels, things we take for granted in today's world.


Nov 29, 2014
No problem. That's the thing about reading a post, etc. it can be taken different ways. Thanks for posting that video, I have been watching some of their others and it is real interesting to see how hard life was back then on certain levels, things we take for granted in today's world.

I was just listening to interview with Ray and he said he feels that 150 years ago is when food quality started going downhill. I thinks its an interesting topic. What are your thoughts on childhood illnesses and food quality? Seems like the video brings up TB issue which was interesting.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I was just listening to interview with Ray and he said he feels that 150 years ago is when food quality started going downhill. I thinks its an interesting topic. What are your thoughts on childhood illnesses and food quality? Seems like the video brings up TB issue which was interesting.
Yeah, that video opened my eyes to the fact that our food being messed with is not a recent phenomena. We know today how these chemicals insidiously make us ill or subclinically weak when ingested daily in our food, bromide being a good example. We know fluoride is toxic, but they made bottled water specifically for children with fluoride added, and it says it bold on the front label, to be given to toddlers no less. This is starting the poison process from a very early age. I think a few centuries ago greed was their motive for putting this crap in food, and it still is today, nothing has changed. And just when we figure out that something is bad, they find a new chemical to use, or another way to get rid of some industrial waste. Back in the 60s plastic was supposed to change our lives for the better, but it has poisoned us with xenoestrogens that cause children to go through adolescence years before their time. So, absolutely, I feel many childhood illnesses are from toxins in our food, as well as our environment. People tend to think if something does't have an immediate symptom or effect, it isn't bad. PUFA is another good example of that, how many kids are getting ill from diets high in PUFA, but the effects of eating PUFA are not immediate. In my early years, people cooked with butter, ate liver, stored things in glass, etc. People for the most part weren't walking around hypothyroid. And to show that this is affecting children, disease rates of children are up, like diabetes (from food, lack of nutrients, etc.) and other illnesses that can be traced to toxins in our food like fluoride, bromide, chlorine, heavy metals, etc.
Dec 18, 2018
It isnt about greed though,way worse actually,but psychological need to build
societal hierarchies.There are a lot of People out there who want to Win a Game
for Face-to-Face dominance.Poisoning is a vice already warned against in fairytales,
perpetrated by slightly deranged,competitive People,Witchdoctors etc.


Sep 5, 2012
they took the wheat germ out of the wheat which gave way to Pelegra, beri beri
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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