Thoughts on THIS BOOK? "The Manipulated Man" - Female author bashes women/supports (redpilled?) men AKA battle of the sexes!

Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
I had never heard of this book ... Apparently it's a female author (surprising?) who elaborates on how women only are capable of making men in to their slaves AKA women rule over men. Also relevant to some previous threads here since this is about the "battle between the sexes" AKA the battalions of war we keep facing on RPF.


Don't think anyone has posted about this before ... Did a quick search and did not immediately find any matches for these three words/the book's main title. Here's some inside info from:

In The Manipulated Man (1971), author Esther Vilar makes the case that women contribute nothing to society.

Women learned to manipulate men to provide and feed for them.

At the core, women are stupid and men are the only ones who move society forward

Not my words ... This is an "excerpt" from the book's main message/tone from author Esther Vilar.


Men go to war, women not (or don’t have to)

Men retire later (in spite they have shorter life expectancy)

Men have no say in whether or not to have a child (women decide whether to abort or keep it)

Men support women (the other way around is exceedingly rare)

Men work all their lives (women temporarily)

Men are poorer than women

"To this contradiction of sorts, Esther Vilar replies that women enslave men by leveraging their stupidity and looking child-like."

Esther Vilar finally makes an exception to the rule of parasitic women’s style of living.

The exception is the “emancipated” female.
However, the exception is more appearance than reality, as the author proceeds to dismantle the idea of emancipation.
"She categorized emancipated females as follows:
  1. Has to work because he can’t manage to sustain her
  2. Cannot have children
  3. Is ugly
  4. Is actually emancipated
  5. Has a particular interest in a certain career"

This is interesting as this book is genuinely considered "anti-feminist" or something of that tone, although I think most of us here would disagree with at least some of its assertions. I don't disagree with the main premise behind the book, but I would probably disagree with some of Esther's views on women/females overall ... So maybe she's a bit harsh. It sounds like she's saying that prettier women are the best manipulators, whereas less pretty women must be more "independent" (work, build her life from scratch, support herself, or at least not have presumable privilege that comes with being attractive and female?). I just found it interesting ... Thought I'd share! :smirk:

According to some incel/blackpill mantra I've read this book does in fact seem to fit that category/subject matter very closely. The blackpill ideal is that women -- especially more attractive ones -- are presumably so high in ego or self-assessment that they ought not lift a finger to do anything AKA entitlement. The same argument comes back full-circle to incels ... That lack of sex is because they feel "entitled to it" in the same way that the author says pretty women in particular are "entitled to do nothing and gain from men still." So I think it's safe to say that some incels or blackpillers who might come across this book might be a fan of her work. ;) Has anyone here heard of this?

The main interest in this is that she supposedly goes against the dogma that men are evil, animalistic, and must "level up" & contribute to others mindlessly. The antiquated idea that men are expected to give plenty even while getting little/nothing, but can be called entitled if they merely want a girl or two to like them.
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Jul 6, 2016
This is just the philosophical dead end that is Ashkenazi Jewish culture and one if it’s offspring,! 3rd feminism.

Vilar and her original name Katzan, these are Ashkenazi Jewish names. Occasionally some interesting ideas pop up, but in the whole these kind of ideas and books are just reactionary philosophy that is in reality just a pseudo-logical framework created for the sole purpose of justifying and explaining the intense feelings of otherness and inadequacy that Ashkenazi Jews have, especially the females among them. Fundamentally these ideas cannot stand on their own and rally are just fluffed up racial hatred and racial short man syndrome, plus a way to somehow prop up the surface cultural differences between the in group and the out group (the out groups culture is better, so they say).

Humans say many things.
Jul 6, 2016
societally it is a good thing for men to be expected to have no worth until they prove it. This is what causes men to strive for value and create and work to the good.

Of course, their must a reason for this, and the reward they would get would be easy access to marriage and family

Of course right now this is all up in the air and it is making cultural confusion.

Our culture is currently in the process of a great transition, and so this reward and value system in the past that’s as mostly a good thing is now a perverted mess. Due to this transition, values are being thrown away, and even reversed. But it’s not in a universal way.

So we can witness some values like men getting easy access to marriage removed, while others like “men have no value until they create and strive to produce it while children and women retain value indefinitely and inherently”. Because of this lack of motivation to actually do anything, men are rebelling by not working, or working solely for their own sake, and for the sake for their fantasy females, themselves and their walrus.


Feb 18, 2016
I think her book is like a license for some men to hate women because a woman wrote it, most of what we see in the world with regard to female liberation was achieved by men and women who had daughters, the schizoid human brain frames women as objects of sorts for mens manipulation solely, the same man is then repulsed by another male viewing his daughter this way.
If your daughter was a gifted scientist and you had to witness her rejected for positions or subservient to lower IQ males in science because she is a woman it would frustrate you.
Whats going on now is the ruling class amplifying extreme views of some women in the name of shaping fascism, the create the illusion that all women have these views, the put women in positions who don't have the ability to be there etc, ruling class women are living the real life handmaidens tale, they are subservient to males, see ghislaine maxwell as one of many examples, these women don't care as long as they are higher up in the social ladder, other women below them are treated like dogs.

This guy highlights much better what is happening between the sexes, it's how you give rise to fascism.


Jan 12, 2021
societally it is a good thing for men to be expected to have no worth until they prove it. This is what causes men to strive for value and create and work to the good.

Of course, their must a reason for this, and the reward they would get would be easy access to marriage and family

Of course right now this is all up in the air and it is making cultural confusion.

Our culture is currently in the process of a great transition, and so this reward and value system in the past that’s as mostly a good thing is now a perverted mess. Due to this transition, values are being thrown away, and even reversed. But it’s not in a universal way.

So we can witness some values like men getting easy access to marriage removed, while others like “men have no value until they create and strive to produce it while children and women retain value indefinitely and inherently”. Because of this lack of motivation to actually do anything, men are rebelling by not working, or working solely for their own sake, and for the sake for their fantasy females, themselves and their walrus.
Yes men of today have kept the "duties" of a patriarchal society but have lost it's benefits. Many jews were actively working in promotion of today's matriarchy. However orthodox jews still live in patriarchy.
Where do you think our culture is transitioning ?


Jan 12, 2021
I think her book is like a license for some men to hate women because a woman wrote it, most of what we see in the world with regard to female liberation was achieved by men and women who had daughters, the schizoid human brain frames women as objects of sorts for mens manipulation solely, the same man is then repulsed by another male viewing his daughter this way.
If your daughter was a gifted scientist and you had to witness her rejected for positions or subservient to lower IQ males in science because she is a woman it would frustrate you.
I don't know where you got that from, most of the times, and in the past too, it's the other way around, women scientists are actually not so gifted compared to their male colleagues but get positions/praise because of them being female.


Feb 13, 2018
This book was written as a satire of feminist literature. Not in earnest


Feb 18, 2016
I don't know where you got that from, most of the times, and in the past too, it's the other way around, women scientists are actually not so gifted compared to their male colleagues but get positions/praise because of them being female.
The issue is some have the ability, that some needs to be given the opportunity, I don't deny the obvious virtue signalling ongoing, its toxic and will ruin science.


Dec 1, 2021
This is just the philosophical dead end that is Ashkenazi Jewish culture and one if it’s offspring,! 3rd feminism.

Vilar and her original name Katzan, these are Ashkenazi Jewish names. Occasionally some interesting ideas pop up, but in the whole these kind of ideas and books are just reactionary philosophy that is in reality just a pseudo-logical framework created for the sole purpose of justifying and explaining the intense feelings of otherness and inadequacy that Ashkenazi Jews have, especially the females among them. Fundamentally these ideas cannot stand on their own and rally are just fluffed up racial hatred and racial short man syndrome, plus a way to somehow prop up the surface cultural differences between the in group and the out group (the out groups culture is better, so they say).

Humans say many things.
So your point is that the root issue is not being addressed and we are just made to hate each other over societal issues that are deeper than just female/male roles?

You are talking about Jewish women feeling inadequate and that this results in reactionary movements against feminism? How does hating feminism and wanting tradition have anything to do with Jewishness? So were societal relations 100-200 years ago in literally the whole world Jewish up until now?

I think you are intentionally trying to tie traditionalism with something antisemitic to deter people from thinking critically about it, and then redirect the discourse to societal issues.


Jan 12, 2021
I think you are intentionally trying to tie traditionalism with something antisemitic to deter people from thinking critically about it, and then redirect the discourse to societal issues.
You nailed it, it's a typical jewish strategy!


May 19, 2017
Both "sides" of the conflict are artificially created.

Divide and conquer.

Don't let them. Don't bait.


Jun 7, 2016
I read a book called sex and character by Otto Wieninger who said what this women is saying but he said the problems with the sexes come from Jewish culture and said Britain was basically a Jewish culture.


Aug 6, 2015
I had never heard of this book ... Apparently it's a female author (surprising?) who elaborates on how women only are capable of making men in to their slaves AKA women rule over men. Also relevant to some previous threads here since this is about the "battle between the sexes" AKA the battalions of war we keep facing on RPF.


Don't think anyone has posted about this before ... Did a quick search and did not immediately find any matches for these three words/the book's main title. Here's some inside info from:

Not my words ... This is an "excerpt" from the book's main message/tone from author Esther Vilar.


"To this contradiction of sorts, Esther Vilar replies that women enslave men by leveraging their stupidity and looking child-like."

"She categorized emancipated females as follows:
  1. Has to work because he can’t manage to sustain her
  2. Cannot have children
  3. Is ugly
  4. Is actually emancipated
  5. Has a particular interest in a certain career"

This is interesting as this book is genuinely considered "anti-feminist" or something of that tone, although I think most of us here would disagree with at least some of its assertions. I don't disagree with the main premise behind the book, but I would probably disagree with some of Esther's views on women/females overall ... So maybe she's a bit harsh. It sounds like she's saying that prettier women are the best manipulators, whereas less pretty women must be more "independent" (work, build her life from scratch, support herself, or at least not have presumable privilege that comes with being attractive and female?). I just found it interesting ... Thought I'd share! :smirk:

According to some incel/blackpill mantra I've read this book does in fact seem to fit that category/subject matter very closely. The blackpill ideal is that women -- especially more attractive ones -- are presumably so high in ego or self-assessment that they ought not lift a finger to do anything AKA entitlement. The same argument comes back full-circle to incels ... That lack of sex is because they feel "entitled to it" in the same way that the author says pretty women in particular are "entitled to do nothing and gain from men still." So I think it's safe to say that some incels or blackpillers who might come across this book might be a fan of her work. ;) Has anyone here heard of this?

The main interest in this is that she supposedly goes against the dogma that men are evil, animalistic, and must "level up" & contribute to others mindlessly. The antiquated idea that men are expected to give plenty even while getting little/nothing, but can be called entitled if they merely want a girl or two to like them.



Dec 1, 2021
I read a book called sex and character by Otto Wieninger who said what this women is saying but he said the problems with the sexes come from Jewish culture and said Britain was basically a Jewish culture.
Otto Wieninger claims that only masculine women can desire emancipation and that the age in which we live is gynocentric. So Otto would be vehemently opposed to feminism as it is automatically an abomination of nature to be "masculine" yet a woman.

And the problems stemming from Jewish culture actually means that the problems stemmed from too much femininity on the masculine side, because Otto claims that Judaism is feminine in nature.

Otto himself was born a Jew and later converted to Christianity.

So to add to this discourse, feminism is a problem insofar it tries to equalize men and women, which should be impossible because men and women are inherently different.

Men and women do have the same rights, but women, to level the playing field, demand to have more rights so they can be equals to men.

So a doctor should receive the same pay as a garbage collector, so that they are "equal" yet aren't.

That is what feminism is about.

Everything after first wave was a major disaster and unneeded. Not for nothing do the most prescription drugs go to women, they certainly are happy.
Jul 6, 2016
So your point is that the root issue is not being addressed and we are just made to hate each other over societal issues that are deeper than just female/male roles?

You are talking about Jewish women feeling inadequate and that this results in reactionary movements against feminism? How does hating feminism and wanting tradition have anything to do with Jewishness? So were societal relations 100-200 years ago in literally the whole world Jewish up until now?

I think you are intentionally trying to tie traditionalism with something antisemitic to deter people from thinking critically about it, and then redirect the discourse to societal issues.
I mean the way you frame something completely controls what meaning you’re going to see behind each action.

I’m looking more broadly. Semitism itself resulted in Feminism. At the same time, as feminism became the de facto cultural norm, Semitism again rebels against that itself, which is why we have this author going against feminism in some means, but the ultimate Semitic spirit still shines through.

As for the rest of your argument, it’s just emotional feels. Ultimately those are based on inherent moral values you hold, and only experience and also an openness of the heart can affect that, so I won’t bother addressing and unpacking any of it.
Jul 6, 2016
Ultimately for context, the Semitic spirit attacks whatever is the mainstream norm. Or putting it another way, whatever the norms are for Whites. But because Semitic attacks work, and because Whites on the whole are open to new ideas, their attacks at some point often become the norm for Whites, which they then reattack as the generations shift and new humans are born.
Jul 6, 2016
I read a book called sex and character by Otto Wieninger who said what this women is saying but he said the problems with the sexes come from Jewish culture and said Britain was basically a Jewish culture.
He later killed himself too because he found the internal conflict between his Jewish nature and European one to be too at odds and to much to bear.

This ultimately is what drives the Semitic neuroticism and is what drives it’s attacks on European culture. European and Semitic culture are fundamentally at odds with one another in almost every way, and are mostly incompatible. Yet at the same time, most Jews are Europeanized to a significant extent (which in the past wasn’t the case the other way around). Because they hold two incompatible cultures in their hearts at the same time, there’s a fundamental neurotic friction in Jews that cannot be contained, driving them to attack others or themselves., This is probably also why Jews are so obsessed with the binary, like for instance with the Dialectical march of time, or of tribal group fighting of pitting one side against another. It’s probably why they’ve done so well in politics, and why they like things like the stock market or betting or trading (there’s only two ways it can move, up or down).


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County

Many students who go into serious debt for college degrees grasp the realities of employment only upon graduation: that there isn't a real job awaiting them and their diploma isn't an assured route for success. A whole generation of young people, who were told they could be anything they put their minds to, are being thrown into a junkyard of mass unemployment, settling for some “cube farm” job just to make ends meet. The pressure can be too much.

We see extremes in Japan, where, in addition to the soshoku danshi—herbivorous men—there is another set of male shut-ins called hikikomori, who never leave their homes, or, in most cases, their parents' homes. China has its own version of this category of men, diaosi, which literally translates to “male pubic hair.” The diaosi are working-class men, many in the tech industry, who lack social skills and spend much of their free time gaming. Although their wages are often considered middle class, they feel deprived relative to the gao fu shuai—tall, rich, and handsome men—and are not optimistic about ever moving up the hierarchy. These self-labeled groupings of guys reflect the powerlessness many of them feel in the tough economy; all over the world it's getting harder for the ordinary male to succeed.

Without the real possibility of ever becoming the family breadwinner, young men are growing up with feelings of anticipated failure. If they can't be the alpha male, what new roles are available for them? If we don't figure this out, employing systemic as well as individual solutions, it's going to be a lonely world for many young men and eventually, everyone. The devaluation of social interaction and relationships will have significant impacts on and local, regional, and global economy, not only in the lost human capital but through negative population growth. The combination of loneliness and lack of purpose should be a red flag for anyone who cares about young men. Loneliness is more hazardous to the health than smoking or obesity. 16 It reduces life expectancy—lonely people have weaker immune systems and die faster from disease. 17 Men with few prospects are also more likely to kill themselves. 18 And some see the widening wealth gap leading to increased crime and social unrest. 19

16 Sample, I. (2014, February 16). “Loneliness Twice as Unhealthy as Obesity for Older People, Study Finds.” Retrieved September 6, 2015, from The Guardian:
17 Greene, M. (2015, March 9). “How an Epidemic of Loneliness Is Killing the Men We Love.” Retrieved September 6, 2015, from The Good Men Project: How an Epidemic of Loneliness is Killing the Men We Love.
18 Allen, K. (2014, April 21). “Austerity in Greece Caused More Than 500 Male Suicides, Say Researchers.” Retrieved September 6, 2015, from The Guardian:
19 Mulier, T. and Roberts, A. (2015, June 8). “Billionaire Cartier Owner Sees Wealth Gap Fueling Social Unrest.” Retrieved September 6, 2015, from Bloomberg Business:


men sacrificing and suffering more for women, while women relatively control the sexual dynamic unto men sacrificing for both women and children, is only problematic, if you believe that the sexes must be equal — aka the feminist belief.

In traditional societies, the man is understood to be more powerful, ie, the conqueror, so he must sacrifice more for the weak — hence dying sooner in high risk jobs, etc… provocative language to describe this power balance, not withstanding.

If you’re a manly or masculine man, you rather like this, and find no greater honor from humankind for your cause and sacrifice.


Jan 15, 2016
To the original post - She is right in that men are manipulated, but disingenuous in the actual source of said manipulation.. It is not women to blame, but all of culture, since both men and women are a by product of said culture when they remain ignorant to how it shapes their behavior. The fact that she was able to publish such a piece is worth noting however, and whether or not it is satire ironically gives credence to the proposed idea. It is as if she purposefully wrote this with the intention to shock or to generate a "buzz", especially with how hostile and all encompassing her statements are, and in the end seemingly ignoring the very real pressure that other men put on men as a form of manipulation. The truth is that the entire cultural system is a pyramid scheme of different "hierarchies" and class that seeks to desperately maintain itself in any way it can.. The manipulation truly begins with children.

This is just the philosophical dead end that is Ashkenazi Jewish culture and one if it’s offspring,! 3rd feminism.

Vilar and her original name Katzan, these are Ashkenazi Jewish names. Occasionally some interesting ideas pop up, but in the whole these kind of ideas and books are just reactionary philosophy that is in reality just a pseudo-logical framework created for the sole purpose of justifying and explaining the intense feelings of otherness and inadequacy that Ashkenazi Jews have, especially the females among them. Fundamentally these ideas cannot stand on their own and rally are just fluffed up racial hatred and racial short man syndrome, plus a way to somehow prop up the surface cultural differences between the in group and the out group (the out groups culture is better, so they say).

Humans say many things.
Wow, I suppose it doesn't take much to generate some sort of "racial" "justification" when confronted with an idea that may be surface level challenging. Fundamentally no idea can stand on its own without a supporting framework of other ideas or proven "facts". Humans do indeed say many strange things..
societally it is a good thing for men to be expected to have no worth until they prove it. This is what causes men to strive for value and create and work to the good.

Of course, their must a reason for this, and the reward they would get would be easy access to marriage and family

Of course right now this is all up in the air and it is making cultural confusion.

Our culture is currently in the process of a great transition, and so this reward and value system in the past that’s as mostly a good thing is now a perverted mess. Due to this transition, values are being thrown away, and even reversed. But it’s not in a universal way.

So we can witness some values like men getting easy access to marriage removed, while others like “men have no value until they create and strive to produce it while children and women retain value indefinitely and inherently”. Because of this lack of motivation to actually do anything, men are rebelling by not working, or working solely for their own sake, and for the sake for their fantasy females, themselves and their walrus.
So, let us test this theory then, the idea of ideas needing some sort of standing. Explain to my why exactly is it a good thing for men to be expected to have no worth until they "prove it", and more specifically why this isn't applied to both men and women? The idea you propose is what I would call "human doing" as opposed to men seen as human beings.. It is disgusting, and human history has proven that; tell me, what value is there in the values of the past when history is paved with so much horror? This may be a confusing question for you, but I see it all as being related, it is an interconnected system not unlike the mechanisms of the human body. Stress and the continual estrogenic pressure to procreate endlessly, all at the cost of the individuals integrity, and in this case the so called "man" proving his worth..
men sacrificing and suffering more for women, while women relatively control the sexual dynamic unto men sacrificing for both women and children, is only problematic, if you believe that the sexes must be equal — aka the feminist belief.

In traditional societies, the man is understood to be more powerful, ie, the conqueror, so he must sacrifice more for the weak — hence dying sooner in high risk jobs, etc… provocative language to describe this power balance, not withstanding.

If you’re a manly or masculine man, you rather like this, and find no greater honor from humankind for your cause and sacrifice.
To what end? How many generations of sacrifice must there be? How many men must die young leaving their child without a father? I believe it is very likely you would say something very different when its your son that dies in some pointless war that profits those that have climbed to the top of your "traditional" hierarchy.. Do you view courage as a "masculine" trait? Do you think it takes courage to say "no more", especially when the very act of rejecting this system paints you a pariah, and is in itself a sacrifice for change.
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