Too young to be feeling this bad...what next?


Feb 24, 2019
-chronic constipation/bloating- BM every 2-3 days

Palmitoylethanolamide has the potential to influence intestinal motility, secretion, inflammation, and cellular proliferation, not only through GPR55 but also by way of PPAR-alpha and the entourage effect on CB1 and CB2. 86,87
86. Borrelli F, Romano B, Petrosino S, et al. Palmitoylethanolamide,
a naturally occurring lipid, is an orally effective intestinal anti-
inflammatory agent. Br J Pharmacol. 2015;172(1):142-158.
87. Borrelli F, Izzo AA. Role of acylethanolamides in the gastroin-
testinal tract with special reference to food intake and energy
balance. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009;23(1):33-49


Feb 24, 2019
Visceral pain—Animal studies. There are sparse data regarding
PEA benefits to visceral pain relative to neuropathic pain.
There are negative studies. For instance, AEA, but not PEA,
reduced viscerovisceral responses to turpentine cystitis in ani-
However, PEA has had some beneficial effects on
gastrointestinal signs and symptoms. Palmitoylethanolamide
reduced enteric glia responses and diarrhea related to HIV-1
Tat proteins in rats.
In vitro using both Coco-2 colon cell
lines and human colon explants, the combination of
cannabidiol (CBD) and PEA reduced reactive inflammatory
cytokine production, CBD through CB2 receptors and PEA
through PPAR-a receptors.
Dinitrobenzenesulfonic acid is
often used to induce colitis in mice. Palmitoylethanolamide
reduced inflammation and reduced colonic permeability in this
colitis model. Palmitoylethanolamide stimulates mucosal cell
proliferation and increases colonic expression of TRPV1 and
CB1 receptors. It benefits in colitis require the presence of
GPR55, PPAR-a, and CB2 receptors.
It also reduced intest-
inal permeability caused by interferon-g and TNF-a.The
PPAR-a receptors are the important receptors mediating these
benefits. N-acyl acid amidase inhibition increases PEA levels
in the colon, which reduces colon inflammation and systemic
inflammation in 2 mice models of colitis.
Enteric glia acti-
vation amplifies intestinal inflammation via the enteroglial-
specific S100B protein. In mouse models of dextran sodium
sulfate–induced colitis and colonic biopsies derived from
patients with ulcerative colitis, PEA improved macroscopic
colitis and decreased the expression and release of all pro-
inflammatory markers. This was mediated by the selective tar-
geting of the S100B/Toll-like receptor-4.


Jan 30, 2021
Not having read the above, because I didn't go past the symptoms.

Many of your symptoms are typical of water damaged building exposure. It will cause all KINDS of problems and is NEVER diagnosed by doctors because they are ignorant. My house had a pipe leak inside a wall and there was no visible mold and no odor of mold. I almost died, as have many others, because susceptibility to mold is genetic and one person can be down the tubes while someone else who lives there is perfectly fine.

Get a HERSTMI-2 test from and test your living/working space, anywhere you spend a lot of time. Research what the test means, and after you get the results, if the above is above a 10, especially if it is way above 10, you would need to find a mold doctor who can test your genetics and exposure level. It that turns out to be a factor, it can be a very long trip back out, but it is do-able. I lost my beautiful house and everything in it, had to live in outside air for years, but I'm back. I was MUCH worse off than you but it was a gradual descent. It explained all my weird health problems I had had all my life, though, and I know how to stay safe now.

In general, I think you are suffering from being poisoned, which is also my general problem. I don't get illnesses but get poisoned very easily. I've had lead / cadmium poisoning, mold poisoning, "inability to detox from what I'm ingesting" poisoning, IV ozone poisoning (incompetent practitioner) -- and probably the list goes on. I was damn near dead 12 years ago, and it was not anything nutrition could fix.


Jan 30, 2021
Also look into FQAD if you have EVER had a fluoroquinolone antibiotic. Not all symptoms manifest in the tendons.

Andrea Lucia

I am 29 years old and as dramatic as it sounds some days I feel like I am twice my age, one foot in the grave. I know many people on here can relate (and are probably suffering more than me) but I feel so helpless and lost on what I should do next. I have a beautiful marriage, faith, friends, career and am very privileged to live where I do and have access to resources like food, water, nature... but my symptoms steal SO much of my enjoyment and zeal for life. Really they are ruining so much of what I have going for me. I have spent (wasted) so much on supplements and private consultations/testing without getting anywhere- other than a lot worse- but I do not accept that I will feel this way forever- I will not accept defeat.

I of course have a history of bodily abuse via excessive exercise, childhood trauma, antibiotic overuse (for acne), long-term birth control use, high stress job (I am an academic) and dabbled in the low carb/keto/fasting and seed cycling its not like I don't have things to blame, but still 3 years in of nourishing/honouring my metabolism and feeling worse by the day.

If anyone could offer advice on what to explore next or perhaps point out something I am missing, I would deeply appreciate it.. I will probably regret posting such a long, TMI kind of post later but its in the very least cathartic...

-chronic fatigue - really debilitating week before and after period
-cycles all over the place - not ovulating as far as I can tell and cycle lengths and timing always varied
-pcos- diagnosed at 23 after 11 years of hormonal birth control use via intravaginal ultrasound and blood test
-gaining weight/inability to lose it- I was always thin, even a bit underweight until I came off the pill and now I am about 20lbs overweight no matter how much or little I eat
-insomnia- trouble falling and staying asleep
-anxiety- often feel breathless, was diagnosed once with "air hunger"
-chronic constipation/bloating- BM every 2-3 days
-brain fog- I used to be a very productive person, now I struggle to even focus for an hour on anything or be articulate in my speech
-acne- cystic and all over face, chest and back (my most hated symptom)
-exercise intolerance- I used to be a competitive athlete in running and I can barely tolerate 2-3 days of light resistance training
-heat/cold intolerance
-flu-like - this is a newer symptom that is really odd... usually after using caffeine, progesterone, aspirin and vitamin k2 I start feeling like I am coming down with something and have a sore, tight chest and throat, upset stomach and sometimes get really bad migraine

Things I have tried so far without success:
-Thiamine hcl- did nothing for me at 500mg daily
-magnesium bicarbonate and glycinate- years of supplementing at high doses (1000+mg daily) not sure if it ever helped, couldn't tell
-Niacinamide- also noticed no benefit after taking for 3 months at high doses
-B-vitamin liquid complex (metabolics)- sometimes helps with energy but also makes me feel breathless and causes headaches if I use too often
-Adrenal cocktail (jigsaw)- sometimes help with energy but not consistently
-Pau d'arco- bad breakouts and constipation worse
-spore probiotics- messed my digestion up for months after
-Oregano oil- tried for 2 weeks straight and occasional use...headaches, worse fatigue and constipation
-Charcoal- helps sometimes with bloating
-Taurine- made me super nauseated
-Lysine- felt flu-like for days after
-shilajit- made my breakouts so bad
-vitamin e - also made my breakouts very bad
-vitamin a nutrisorb- hypothyroid symptoms
-vitamin d- helped at first then made me feel worse so I stopped
-eggshell calcium- hypercalcaemia/hypothyroid symptoms
-beef liver- dessicated because I cannot stomach real stuff, made breakouts worse
-getting more sunlight and sleep- I could sleep for days anyway and more than an hour of sun makes me feel like I have a hangover

Currently using because they help a bit:
-raw carrot salad- really strict with using every day- helped initially with breakouts and constipation but kind of stopped helping as much recently
-Natpro progesterone cream - up to 400mg a day. I have tried Progest-E but couldn't get high enough dose/not convenient for high doses. Helps with sleep and mood
-aspirin- about 50-100mg daily sometimes split into two doses
-vitamin k2- 200mg daily
-cascara sagrada daily- helps with constipation a little bit but without this BM every 2-3 days goes to 3-4
-cordyceps mushroom- really helps with energy and brain fog but effects wear off in a few hours
-coffee enemas- once every 2 weeks, when constipation is very bad

- proteins: cheese, eggs, free-range chicken, fat free greek yogurt/skyr, beef, haddock, prawns, venison, gelatin
- carbs- fruit (melon, canned peaches, mandarins, nectarines, berries), OJ, dates, potatoes or white rice 1x day, pure cane sugar, soaked oats, oat bran, sweet potatoes, maple syrup, honey, GF bread occasionally
- fats: coconut oil, lots of butter, ghee, occasional avocados

I do eat out on occasion and have things I shouldn't sometimes because I like to try and enjoy socialising every once and a while. But never have alcohol.

If you made it this far, bless you.

Andrea Lucia

I am 29 years old and as dramatic as it sounds some days I feel like I am twice my age, one foot in the grave. I know many people on here can relate (and are probably suffering more than me) but I feel so helpless and lost on what I should do next. I have a beautiful marriage, faith, friends, career and am very privileged to live where I do and have access to resources like food, water, nature... but my symptoms steal SO much of my enjoyment and zeal for life. Really they are ruining so much of what I have going for me. I have spent (wasted) so much on supplements and private consultations/testing without getting anywhere- other than a lot worse- but I do not accept that I will feel this way forever- I will not accept defeat.

I of course have a history of bodily abuse via excessive exercise, childhood trauma, antibiotic overuse (for acne), long-term birth control use, high stress job (I am an academic) and dabbled in the low carb/keto/fasting and seed cycling its not like I don't have things to blame, but still 3 years in of nourishing/honouring my metabolism and feeling worse by the day.

If anyone could offer advice on what to explore next or perhaps point out something I am missing, I would deeply appreciate it.. I will probably regret posting such a long, TMI kind of post later but its in the very least cathartic...

-chronic fatigue - really debilitating week before and after period
-cycles all over the place - not ovulating as far as I can tell and cycle lengths and timing always varied
-pcos- diagnosed at 23 after 11 years of hormonal birth control use via intravaginal ultrasound and blood test
-gaining weight/inability to lose it- I was always thin, even a bit underweight until I came off the pill and now I am about 20lbs overweight no matter how much or little I eat
-insomnia- trouble falling and staying asleep
-anxiety- often feel breathless, was diagnosed once with "air hunger"
-chronic constipation/bloating- BM every 2-3 days
-brain fog- I used to be a very productive person, now I struggle to even focus for an hour on anything or be articulate in my speech
-acne- cystic and all over face, chest and back (my most hated symptom)
-exercise intolerance- I used to be a competitive athlete in running and I can barely tolerate 2-3 days of light resistance training
-heat/cold intolerance
-flu-like - this is a newer symptom that is really odd... usually after using caffeine, progesterone, aspirin and vitamin k2 I start feeling like I am coming down with something and have a sore, tight chest and throat, upset stomach and sometimes get really bad migraine

Things I have tried so far without success:
-Thiamine hcl- did nothing for me at 500mg daily
-magnesium bicarbonate and glycinate- years of supplementing at high doses (1000+mg daily) not sure if it ever helped, couldn't tell
-Niacinamide- also noticed no benefit after taking for 3 months at high doses
-B-vitamin liquid complex (metabolics)- sometimes helps with energy but also makes me feel breathless and causes headaches if I use too often
-Adrenal cocktail (jigsaw)- sometimes help with energy but not consistently
-Pau d'arco- bad breakouts and constipation worse
-spore probiotics- messed my digestion up for months after
-Oregano oil- tried for 2 weeks straight and occasional use...headaches, worse fatigue and constipation
-Charcoal- helps sometimes with bloating
-Taurine- made me super nauseated
-Lysine- felt flu-like for days after
-shilajit- made my breakouts so bad
-vitamin e - also made my breakouts very bad
-vitamin a nutrisorb- hypothyroid symptoms
-vitamin d- helped at first then made me feel worse so I stopped
-eggshell calcium- hypercalcaemia/hypothyroid symptoms
-beef liver- dessicated because I cannot stomach real stuff, made breakouts worse
-getting more sunlight and sleep- I could sleep for days anyway and more than an hour of sun makes me feel like I have a hangover

Currently using because they help a bit:
-raw carrot salad- really strict with using every day- helped initially with breakouts and constipation but kind of stopped helping as much recently
-Natpro progesterone cream - up to 400mg a day. I have tried Progest-E but couldn't get high enough dose/not convenient for high doses. Helps with sleep and mood
-aspirin- about 50-100mg daily sometimes split into two doses
-vitamin k2- 200mg daily
-cascara sagrada daily- helps with constipation a little bit but without this BM every 2-3 days goes to 3-4
-cordyceps mushroom- really helps with energy and brain fog but effects wear off in a few hours
-coffee enemas- once every 2 weeks, when constipation is very bad

- proteins: cheese, eggs, free-range chicken, fat free greek yogurt/skyr, beef, haddock, prawns, venison, gelatin
- carbs- fruit (melon, canned peaches, mandarins, nectarines, berries), OJ, dates, potatoes or white rice 1x day, pure cane sugar, soaked oats, oat bran, sweet potatoes, maple syrup, honey, GF bread occasionally
- fats: coconut oil, lots of butter, ghee, occasional avocados

I do eat out on occasion and have things I shouldn't sometimes because I like to try and enjoy socialising every once and a while. But never have alcohol.

If you made it this far, bless you.
@curious_antro, first I'd like to acknowledge the clarity you had just to write all that down for answers. As I read on and continued to read the replies, I was shocked to see no one point you in the direction of thyroid therapy. You are not too young to get started with that. If I could tell you how I nearly lost my life with all the symptoms I had starting from infancy to now (62) and no one ever addressed my thyroid. Every single symptom you are experiencing points to low thyroid. I can recommend Dr. Broda Barnes book, "Hypothyroid, the unsuspected illness." It will simplify and demystify all that is happening to you. Then, I would encourage you to go to and read some of the articles he has there. Seriously, sweetheart, you may want to go to: Mineral Analysis [hair or (toe)nail] and get your analysis done. And check out: Steroid Analysis [hair or (toe)nail] to get your hormones checked. Keep it as streamlined as you can. You will learn if you need more copper or not. You will learn so much more. Blessings to YOU dear heart and feel better soon!


Sep 22, 2012
One of the angles maybe, i heard before that "air hunger" happening in people with low iron stores, low iron would fit with a couple of other things too. if you look around at anemia forums a lot of ppl mention cold hands/feet. would also fit especially with you mentioning fatigue getting worse after periods, points to it more if they are commonly heavy also (but you also mentioned week before so idk) and also exercise intolerance

Some ppl get symptoms as they're approaching anemia without hemoglobin dropping under range yet. Do you know your ferritin level & transferrin saturation?

also did u start the aspirin recently?
Just my experience that I tried for years to treat low ferritin (single figures when I don't supplement regularly) initially with oral supplements that I couldn't tolerate (ferrous sulphate, fumarate, and some other ferrous salt I can't remember, always cause nausea, stomach cramps and black diarrhoea), then IV which gave me a flu like illness for weeks and extremely painful periods. Tried oral supplements again (ferric maltol, and some kind of ferric polymaltose in a very low dose) about 6 months ago as ferritin levels had dropped 6 months after the IV. Had even more problems with the iron supps so totally stopped. I feel fine when my ferritin is low so I just decided trying to get my level up was doing more harm than good. I don't think treating low ferritin or even anaemia with iron supps is good. My gastroenterologist actually agrees but it's all they have to offer before blood transfusion. Btw low ferritin is common in hypothyroidism, so I wonder how much of the cold hands/feet is cause by that rather than directly by the low haemoglobin?


Sep 13, 2012
Anemia isn't always iron deficiency. It can be copper deficiency or B12 deficiency.


Jul 27, 2022
Just my experience that I tried for years to treat low ferritin (single figures when I don't supplement regularly) initially with oral supplements that I couldn't tolerate (ferrous sulphate, fumarate, and some other ferrous salt I can't remember, always cause nausea, stomach cramps and black diarrhoea), then IV which gave me a flu like illness for weeks and extremely painful periods. Tried oral supplements again (ferric maltol, and some kind of ferric polymaltose in a very low dose) about 6 months ago as ferritin levels had dropped 6 months after the IV. Had even more problems with the iron supps so totally stopped. I feel fine when my ferritin is low so I just decided trying to get my level up was doing more harm than good. I don't think treating low ferritin or even anaemia with iron supps is good. My gastroenterologist actually agrees but it's all they have to offer before blood transfusion. Btw low ferritin is common in hypothyroidism, so I wonder how much of the cold hands/feet is cause by that rather than directly by the low haemoglobin?

Yeah they really are ***t for the most part, need crazy doses to do anything and really bad for the gut.
well if u feel fine on low ferritin I guess it's not a problem (yet) but sounds like it's always dropping for u so will probably turn into anemia right. Unless it's some diet stuff that u can reduce to prevent the lowering like polyphenols in tea/supps or fixing heavy periods or lowering extended endurance exercise etc. or get repeated rounds of infusions over time.

The best way I found to raise is probably liver as it contains retinol too which boosts ferritin more as a combo compared to iron by itself, but not sure on how much it can do alone.

When I looked through the studies the iron source that does least damage to the gut with better effectiveness is iron protein succinylate by the looks of it, but it's still not great would not like to take high amounts of it either. I guess one way would be liver + 1 cap of these at same time if tolerated / if liver doesn't do it alone and see over time. But yeh definitely can take the piss to try and raise in a lot of ppl without infusions it seems

& the hypothyroid connection - seems like the lack of iron would be a cause behind it in this case. When iron deficient people with low thyroid got treated with iron alone their T3 / T4 went up too
Last edited:


Sep 22, 2012
Yeah they really are ***t for the most part, need crazy doses to do anything and really bad for the gut.
well if u feel fine on low ferritin I guess it's not a problem (yet) but sounds like it's always dropping for u so will probably turn into anemia right. Unless it's some diet stuff that u can reduce to prevent the lowering like polyphenols in tea/supps or fixing heavy periods or lowering extended endurance exercise etc. or get repeated rounds of infusions over time.

The best way I found to raise is probably liver as it contains retinol too which boosts ferritin more as a combo compared to iron by itself, but not sure on how much it can do alone.

When I looked through the studies the iron source that does least damage to the gut with better effectiveness is iron protein succinylate by the looks of it, but it's still not great would not like to take high amounts of it either. I guess one way would be liver + 1 cap of these at same time if tolerated / if liver doesn't do it alone and see over time. But yeh definitely can take the piss to try and raise in a lot of ppl without infusions it seems

& the hypothyroid connection - seems like the lack of iron would be a cause behind it in this case. When iron deficient people with low thyroid got treated with iron alone their T3 / T4 went up too
I have been making a concerted effort to eat liver at least once a fortnight since I gave up on the iron supplements. I have a few of the risk factors for low iron stores, heavy periods, I'm a runner, drink loads of coffee plus have a malabsorption condition. I'm not willing to cut back on coffee, I can't easily fix the pancreatic insufficiency but I have been working on getting my training down to the bare minimum of volume to remain reasonably competitive. However, even when my ferritin has been as low as 4, my haemoglobin was over 120mg/dl. When I take loads of iron my haemoglobin gets up to the top end of normal, around 150, and my haemocrit gets too high for my liking but ferritin has never got above 50 on oral supps. Despite high hematocrit being the aim of a lot of doping programs, I am more concerned about my clot risk, especially as a female endurance athlete with probably too much estrogen. I therefore suspect my low ferritin to not really be a problem and I suspect may be a protective thing.


Jul 27, 2022
I have been making a concerted effort to eat liver at least once a fortnight since I gave up on the iron supplements. I have a few of the risk factors for low iron stores, heavy periods, I'm a runner, drink loads of coffee plus have a malabsorption condition. I'm not willing to cut back on coffee, I can't easily fix the pancreatic insufficiency but I have been working on getting my training down to the bare minimum of volume to remain reasonably competitive. However, even when my ferritin has been as low as 4, my haemoglobin was over 120mg/dl. When I take loads of iron my haemoglobin gets up to the top end of normal, around 150, and my haemocrit gets too high for my liking but ferritin has never got above 50 on oral supps. Despite high hematocrit being the aim of a lot of doping programs, I am more concerned about my clot risk, especially as a female endurance athlete with probably too much estrogen. I therefore suspect my low ferritin to not really be a problem and I suspect may be a protective thing.
ah makes sense with being an endurance runner too. well sounds like it can work for you individually then. curious why did u try to get it up for years at first when ferritin went low, to get performance gain or something? did you notice better performance when haemoglobin went to 150?


Sep 22, 2012
ah makes sense with being an endurance runner too. well sounds like it can work for you individually then. curious why did u try to get it up for years at first when ferritin went low, to get performance gain or something? did you notice better performance when haemoglobin went to 150?
Mostly just because I was told low ferritin put me at risk for anaemia and my doctors were trying to avoid it progressing to that, and it is widely speculated in the endurance community that low ferritin without anaemia causes a performance drop, and I bought into that for a while. However my best performances have actually been when ferritin was around 20 and haemoglobin is usually 130-140mg/dl with that ferritin number.


Jul 27, 2022
Mostly just because I was told low ferritin put me at risk for anaemia and my doctors were trying to avoid it progressing to that, and it is widely speculated in the endurance community that low ferritin without anaemia causes a performance drop, and I bought into that for a while. However my best performances have actually been when ferritin was around 20 and haemoglobin is usually 130-140mg/dl with that ferritin number.
interesting your body sounds well adapted for it on the lower end. but you did notice a drop in performance when ferritin went to single digits? also you said you drink a lot of coffee and are "not willing to cut back on it". i wonder if you would have felt / would feel the fatigue people often experience on low ferritin without that potentially covering it up
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May 30, 2018
BTW, a recent publication seemed to showed that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients were deficient in vitamin B3 (IIRC) and manganese (of that I'm sure).

Possibly interesting for you.


Nov 28, 2016
I have tried various breathing exercises like diaphragmatic breathing and Buteyko breathing and bag breathing but they do not seem to do much when I experience the "air hunger".

Posture is poor as I sit at a computer a lot but I am much more conscious of it and try to remind myself to check it.

No amalgam fillings but did have some composite ones when I was younger, about 12 I think. And I had braces for a few years but never thought about those contributing heavy metals :think:
This could be as simple as a thiamine deficiency or processing issue. Check out Dr Lonsdale's info about it at


Jun 22, 2021
I have a beautiful marriage, faith, friends, career and am very privileged to live where I do and have access to resources like food, water, nature...
I have the EXACT OPPOSITE problem,

My health is AMAZING BUT I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING going for me

I WISH I COULD JUST GET PAID TO TROLL, if someone could hook me up with a remote job like this or similarly easy like that PLEASE help a brother out and I will trade you valuable secrets that I don't share with the forum 😉




Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
You'd be amazed at how quickly things can turn around with the right signals. Generally, it takes a few minutes to a few hours when you find the right thing.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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