Topical Prometrium?


Oct 4, 2018
Anyone try Prometrium topically? Would it be as effective as Progest-E topically?


Oct 4, 2018
I thought i’d update my post with some details of my current situation. My past posts have been about my daily continuous heavy vaginal bleeding for last 6 years. No medical person had a solution except birth control. Nothing touched it.

They did attempt low dose Prometrium at my request but I was very green on this subject in 2018. Cut to today, I’ve been on 3 days of 1000mg Ona’s 10% cream and my heavy period came any ways after an odd 10 days of just light spotting before starting Ona’s. Bleeding volume didnt look like it was decreasing any time soon. So I applied 5 drops of Progest-E topically twice a day between my Ona’s dosing. Initially felt some slight light headedness and after my second dose this evening, my bleeding slowed down. It is manageable now but bleeding is still here nonetheless.

Only problem is…im experiencing a bit of hot flash. Should I stay on my current dosing schedule or should i push through and up the Progest-E to 5 drops three times a day, keeping Ona’s dose as is? Is this estrogen kickback or a temporary increase in thyroid? I think im using such a high dose of Ona’s cream because I’m not absorbing or maybe im just that deficient in the hormone. Should I switch out my Ona’s cream for 1000mg of topical Prometrium instead? Since I appear to absorb an oil form better. I just prefer the other miscellaneous ingredient in Ona’s compared to Prometrium. I don’t want to switch only to find out Ona’s was working for me all along. I think im going to have to dose high enough to turn off ovulation, so my body can heal. But that requires mega doses and I’m still carrying alot of water weight on my tummy from the estrogen, so I dont know if water weight is a good gauge for the correct dose. My body has been through a brain injury from Benzo/SSRI withdrawals for last 10 years, Lyme, and this 6 year bleeding ordeal. I need a long rest….

My body and brain is very damaged, will high dose progesterone help my body heal?
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Mar 1, 2014
My advice is to take more. I actually have the opposite symptoms as you- my periods are only once a year now, (age 48) but it takes much more progesterone to have much effect for me. Two full pumps of Ona's 20% cream helps me sleep through the night- it takes that much to help me sleep, though. The other option, if I wake up in the middle of the night, is to take half to a full dropperful of Ona's version of progest-E (Luna Oil). I try not to swallow, just use it sublingually- I would guess around 15-25 drops. That helps me sleep for around 5 hours.
I am so happy to have progesterone available, because otherwise I would hardly sleep- but I have to take a LOT for it to work. I don't worry about it, because progesterone is so health supporting. I take high doses, but I am careful to switch off so that half of a monthly cycle, I am off it entirely. Very rarely, I feel tired the next morning, and know I took too much. I think tiredness and/or depression are signs you had too much progesterone- it resolves for me quickly though.


Apr 14, 2013
I currently use the Forefront Health brand and administer the drops under my tongue and between my gums and inner cheek. I think these areas are going to absorb better than dry skin.
Regarding Prometrium, I did use this originally with great success in balancing my hormones after years of birth control pills (wish I knew then what I know now!). The key was using it vaginally instead of orally. My doctor suggested using it this way because it gets right to where it's needed, plus the cellular membranes are more permeable there so better absorption. I don't love the ingredients of Prometrium either but once I got my periods regulated I was able to switch to over- the-counter brands for maintenance.
Keep in mind, RP mentioned that in the beginning of progesterone treatments, the chemicals they combined it with were particularly detrimental, and still the progesterone had amazing amazing results. It basically compensated for ill effects while still achieving the desired effect.


Sep 17, 2020
I am going to suggest the same thing as Zpol, to use the Prometrium vaginally for better absorption.
Also, I wouldn't use the Progest-e topically, the absorption is very low this way, it would be better used on the gums or under the tongue.
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