Treat the symptoms not the cause?


Jan 9, 2019
We often hear the opposite in the natural health realm, "treat the cause! Don't chase symptoms!"

What's curious is that in TCM and Ayurveda, two of many ancient lifestyle and health practices, the root cause isn't necessarily discussed.

What's addressed are doshas or temperaments or humors and so on.

Then a balancing act is done to use the body's symptoms as an outcry for a proper antidote.

I find a lot of empowerment in this approach. When considering this forum and other health books and platforms it can feel very difficult or conflicting to get to the root cause of things, and though it matters, these ancient systems of healing help the individual accomplish it with concepts they can understand, without a schooling in biochemistry.

I'm not dismissing the way in which biochemistry can be used to find so called root causes, but so much is misdiagnosed and or debated, especially in allopathic conventional systems.

Take for example COVID19, we have debates all over the place about its existence, it's severity, it's origin and so on. But what is obvious are symptoms, and it doesn't matter what it's necessarily from, if we inspect symptoms we can try and come up with an antidote (assuming we are receptive/ perceptive enough)

Homeopathy plays on this concept and I found this podcast in particular really eye opening (below), I've always been interested in energy medicine and the bodies ability to pick up subtle environmental cues.

I own a Infopathy device so I can experiment with these concepts and make my own homeopathic remedies, others may find sense in it too.


Apr 4, 2021

Ignore the second half of the answer :pompous:


Jan 9, 2019
View attachment 33281
Ignore the second half of the answer :pompous:
Yes that's the point of homeopathy. They aren't supposed to contain molecules, just a bio signature. It sounds woo woo but there is good evidence for it, even in the mainstream. Listen to the podcast I posted when you have a chance.


Jan 6, 2019
The most fundamental weakness of western science is its excessive compartmentalization. We have labels and categories for every observable thing and phenomenon. Due to this, we find ourselves drowning in an ocean of concepts and abstractions, unable to piece together the big picture. Even worse, we are taught to think that in order to understand the big picture, we have to study every little detail before piecing them all together. Since human life is finite, the outcome is that we have experts for one area and other experts for other areas, both groups of which are capable of only dealing with problems that arise within the context of their specific area, and only in the ways that make sense within that specific context. And the more knowledge we uncover, the more narrow the niche of our experts will become. Thus, the natural consequence is that our learned are only capable of dealing with the symptoms relevant to their expertise, since the cause is beyond the scope of their expertise.

So few seem to realize that we don't need to know what happens on the molecular level in order to prevent, treat and cure disease. Why? Because typically the cause of a disease is never found on the molecular level. Consider that in the barest sense, the functioning of the body is relatively straightforward and simple.: there is breathing, digestion, excretion, rest and production ofenergy. Follow the causality of a disease backwards and eventually you will stumble upon one of these -- practically all disease is caused by malfunctioning in one of them. By observing how different foods and behaviors affect these, a sufficiently astute individual can (given sufficient data to work with) easily construct their own simplistic framework, one that would in all of its elementariness still be more capable of holistic healing than modern medicine.


Jan 9, 2019
The most fundamental weakness of western science is its excessive compartmentalization. We have labels and categories for every observable thing and phenomenon. Due to this, we find ourselves drowning in an ocean of concepts and abstractions, unable to piece together the big picture. Even worse, we are taught to think that in order to understand the big picture, we have to study every little detail before piecing them all together. Since human life is finite, the outcome is that we have experts for one area and other experts for other areas, both groups of which are capable of only dealing with problems that arise within the context of their specific area, and only in the ways that make sense within that specific context. And the more knowledge we uncover, the more narrow the niche of our experts will become. Thus, the natural consequence is that our learned are only capable of dealing with the symptoms relevant to their expertise, since the cause is beyond the scope of their expertise.

So few seem to realize that we don't need to know what happens on the molecular level in order to prevent, treat and cure disease. Why? Because typically the cause of a disease is never found on the molecular level. Consider that in the barest sense, the functioning of the body is relatively straightforward and simple.: there is breathing, digestion, excretion, rest and production ofenergy. Follow the causality of a disease backwards and eventually you will stumble upon one of these -- practically all disease is caused by malfunctioning in one of them. By observing how different foods and behaviors affect these, a sufficiently astute individual can (given sufficient data to work with) easily construct their own simplistic framework, one that would in all of its elementariness still be more capable of holistic healing than modern medicine.

The goal is to blunt that innate ability and instinct as much as possible. It's just another outsourcing scheme to crush the human being into the "random occurrence" mold. A complete system can not only help individuals through the obvious relief of symptoms and hopefully awaken the body to resolve its own "root cause" but also take advantage of the so called placebo affect.

Modern medicine and allopathy have hijacked placebo and made it toxic. For everything that doesn't work they have the placebo affect to fall back on, but not without harm, in the witches brew that is modern medicine there is no harmless placebo. By making themselves gods, they have gained the "faith" of the blind. They don't deserve to have that modality or power through their twisted industry.


May 30, 2018
I'm currently reading a book from an MD who pretends he discovered how the stress mechanism hypothesized by Hans Selye works. He review a mechanism based on enzymes of the coagulation cascade and more (like the impact of psychological stress)

It's interesting because he could have discovered how chronic diseases works and how the body healing mechanism works too. His hypothesis is that diseases are stemming from hyperactivity of this stress mechanism which is normaly the cause of healing.

Well, it doesn't seem like (I've not finished the book yet) it's the most foundamental cause that we can find but I find interesting that healing is a thing and that it seems to be a unique mechanism. I'm especially interested because I've seen a good number of people saying that they healed ancient wounds at joints especially, with dry fasting, which means that it could be extended to the whole body if we believe this MD.
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Jan 9, 2019
I'm currently reading a book from an MD who pretends he discovered how the stress mechanism hypothesized by Hans Selye works. He review a mechanism based on enzymes of the coagulation cascade and more (like the impact of psychological stress)

It's interesting because he could have discovered how chronic diseases works and how the body healing mechanism works too. His hypothesis is that diseases are stemming from hyperactivity of this stress mechanism which is normaly the cause of healing.

Well, it doesn't seem like (I've not finished the book yet) it's the most foundamental cause that we can find but I find interesting that healing is a thing and that it seems to be a unique mechanism. I'm especially interested because I've seen a good number of people saying that they healed ancient wounds at joints especially, with dry fasting, which means that it could be extended to the whole body if we believe this MD.
What's the book called?


May 30, 2018
It is '50 Years Lost in Medical Advance: The discovery of Hans Selye's stress mechanism'.

It is pretty expensive (the ebook less) but I think the author has some free ressources on his researchgate page.
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