Turmeric Use Is Associated With Reduced Goitrogenesis


Jan 6, 2015
Turmeric use is associated with reduced goitrogenesis: Thyroid disorder prevalence in Pakistan (THYPAK) study

Indian J Endocrinol Metab. 2015 May-Jun; 19(3): 347–350.
doi: 10.4103/2230-8210.152768
PMCID: PMC4366771
Turmeric use is associated with reduced goitrogenesis: Thyroid disorder prevalence in Pakistan (THYPAK) study
Ali Jawa, Ali Jawad, Syed Hunain Riaz, Muhammad Zaman Khan Assir, Abdul Wahid Chaudhary,1 Muhammad Zakria,1 and Javed Akram
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South Asian population has a particularly high prevalence of thyroid disorders mainly due to iodine deficiency and goitrogen use. There is no data available for prevalence of thyroid disorders in the general population living in nonmountainous regions of Pakistan.

Materials and Methods:
A total of 2335 residents of Pak Pattan, Punjab, Pakistan were interviewed about demographic, dietary, medical and environmental history as well as screened for goiter. Individuals of all ages and either gender were included.

Median age was 34 (10–88) years and 1164 (49.9%) were males. Median monthly income was 49 (3.9–137) USD. Six hundred and sixty-nine (28.7%) subjects had palpable goiter. 77.5% (n = 462) and 22.5% (n = 133) had World Health Organization Grade I and Grade II goiters respectively, further screened by measuring thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). In subjects with TSH <0.4 mg/dL, free T3 and free T4 levels were measured. In 185 goiter subjects when TSH was measured, 50% (n = 93) were euthyroid, 48% (n = 89) were hyperthyroid, and one subject each was hypothyroid and subclinically hyperthyroid. 29/89 hyperthyroid subjects underwent radionuclide scanning. Twelve subjects had heterogeneous uptake consistent with multinodular goiter, 12 subjects had diffuse uptake, two had cold nodules and two had hyperfunctioning single nodules. Goiter was significantly more common among females, unmarried individuals and individuals drinking tube well (subterranean) water. Goiter was less common among those who consumed daily milk, daily ghee (hydrogenated oil), spices, chilies, and turmeric.

In our study population, goiter was endemic with very high prevalence of hyperthyroidism. Turmeric use was association with reduced goitrogenesis. Further studies to assess iodine sufficiency, thiocyanate exposure and autoimmunity need to be conducted. Masses consuming high goitrogen diets should be educated to incorporate turmeric, spices and green chilies in their cooking recipes, to reduce the risk of goiter development. In addition, use of iodized salt in their daily diet cannot be overemphasized.


Mar 15, 2014
Goiter was less common among those who consumed daily milk, daily ghee (hydrogenated oil), spices, chilies, and turmeric.
I have to say that certain spices, especially red chilies, just do not sit well with me. Really I feel better having near-zero of them in my diet.

Turmeric (the fresh root) tastes very "calming" to me, almost like a tea, comparable to spices like saffron or cardamom. Contrast to something like garlic or coriander seed, which are pungeant.
Dec 10, 2015

Are there other terms for persorption? I search for it and it says = Persorption definition, the deep penetration of a liquid into a highly porous solid, resulting in an intimate mixture.

Is the perorption risk applies to all powdered spices?


Jan 9, 2019
ray has mentioned it and some studies about this [Persorption of microparticles]. - PubMed - NCBI
Woudlnt the same idea of starch with fat also apply to these herb powders? Most Indians who cook with these herb powders also cook with a lot of ghee, Im guessing such things help prevent some persorption.

Unfortunately, those herb powders have a much more pressing concern thats no so easily counteracted, heavy metal contamination, and a hefty presence at that.
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