Turning Away from the Idea That Viruses Exist - Into Another Dimension, Another Plane, Another Reality


Oct 6, 2020
This may be a simplistic view but I was thinking of the germ theory and our "immune system". Correct me if I'm wrong but the germ theory holds that if our immune system is strong, then we can handle the bacteria and viruses that try to attack us. So doesn't that mean that our body is under constant assault. In our bodies now we have E. Coli, Staph bacteria, listeria, and all the other "bad" ones. And I have come to the conclusion that if this was a war between bacteria and so called "viruses" and our immune system, then we would lose this battle in very short order. Maybe days or weeks. Bechamp's theory that bacteria are only there to clean up the toxemia seems so correct. But yes, people cannot even fathom a different opinion. Critical thinking has been diminished greatly.

Right, the commonly believed and established consensus says that its these bacteria/viruses that cause the illness, but it fails to understand why they do not cause illness in "everyone".

So far i see them as something thats everywhere and is inherently opportunistic. Research (from my limited understanding atleast) seem to indiciate that both bacteria, fungi and other parasites have ambivalent functions within our body, being both capable of ruining and improving a individuals life.

If, in the sense you put it, they come up when certain areas malfunction, the question in research should focus its endevours in optimizing and understanding the bodys mechanisms instead of putting artificial produced immune responses, contaminated injections/supplements and highly problematic medication into the throat of gullable people.

Highly elevated bacteria or fungi counts may be found in ilness because they make up the slack of the body (lets just go with this assumption, idk if its true), then i have the feeling this is only useful temporary, and might create its own host of problems long term.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
This may be a simplistic view but I was thinking of the germ theory and our "immune system". Correct me if I'm wrong but the germ theory holds that if our immune system is strong, then we can handle the bacteria and viruses that try to attack us. So doesn't that mean that our body is under constant assault. In our bodies now we have E. Coli, Staph bacteria, listeria, and all the other "bad" ones. And I have come to the conclusion that if this was a war between bacteria and so called "viruses" and our immune system, then we would lose this battle in very short order. We'd be attacked inside, outside, in all crevices. Maybe days or weeks we'd be dead. Bechamp's theory that bacteria are only there to clean up the toxemia seems so correct. But yes, people cannot even fathom a different opinion. Critical thinking has been diminished greatly.
This is indeed simplistic which is what makes it true. Left to it's own devices, nature flourishes. Life abounds; grows and changes exponentially. Throw humans into the mix and everything gets screwed up because we think we are above it all; that all other organisms serve us which is opposite to the truth. We cannot exist without bacteria, there would be no oxygen without plankton. We subjugate, subvert and destroy ALL life including our own. What would be the logic of life to have organisms attack us, to destroy us? All other life forms seek to survive and live in harmony. It is fear governed by our devious ego that assumes enemies at every turn so we create industries to attack these assumed enemies, like viruses; to save ourselves from some imaginary evil. Bechamp was right. Given clean food, water and air we would also flourish and know no sickness. WE are the cause of our sickness and nothing else is. Life is really simple if we would just get out of our own way.


Mar 27, 2018
Needle pin pricks are relatively common in hospitals (when a nurse jabs herself/himself with a needle accidentally) but there has never been a case of HIV transmission among nurses taking blood from HIV+ patients.
This may be a simplistic view but I was thinking of the germ theory and our "immune system". Correct me if I'm wrong but the germ theory holds that if our immune system is strong, then we can handle the bacteria and viruses that try to attack us. So doesn't that mean that our body is under constant assault. In our bodies now we have E. Coli, Staph bacteria, listeria, and all the other "bad" ones. And I have come to the conclusion that if this was a war between bacteria and so called "viruses" and our immune system, then we would lose this battle in very short order. We'd be attacked inside, outside, in all crevices. Maybe days or weeks we'd be dead. Bechamp's theory that bacteria are only there to clean up the toxemia seems so correct. But yes, people cannot even fathom a different opinion. Critical thinking has been diminished greatly.
Yes, I think that's how the theory goes :P

I do know that one can be exposed to e.Coli or other foodborne pathogens without getting sick. The bacteria has to first be present, avoid getting destroyed by the stomach acid and then form BIOFILM to actually "infect" the person, otherwise the host just poops the bacteria out. Slow digestion/slow transit time increases the likelihood the biofilm will be formed, so I would say everyone should be taking some sort of mild laxative regularly like coffee or cascara. Once the biofilm is formed, the bacteria sets up shop and begins to multiply and cause issues. Some immune cells can destroy the biofilm, and so can supplements like charcoal, Serrepeptase, and a few others.


Mar 27, 2018
I just finished watching this. Thank you vadzim!

It is a very controversial idea. It takes a lot of getting used to, especially when I hold Ray Peat in high regard. And he has not warmed up to this idea. And he isn't in agreement with Lanka and Cowan. I am like in the same boat as Pat Timpone as Peat kept asking Peat about his stance in his latest interview of Ray. It was clear that Pat agrees more with Cowan than with Peat and was hoping for Ray to agree to Koch's postulates. Perhaps his explanation was too deep, as I couldn't really understand Ray's stance.

The lack of interest by members in this topic reflects very much Ray's stance. It's also hard to discard the idea of viruses, as a lot of work has been published revolving around the idea of the existence of viruses. Yet this is not a reason for the forum to accept the idea of Gilbert Ling that there is no such thing as a cell membrane, primarily because Ray endorses that idea as well..

This all boils down basically to whether one wants to accept Bechamp's idea of pleomorphism or Pasteur's germ theory. Because Pasteur has said Bechamp's correct in his deathbed, and because the published private diary of Pasteur has revealed he engaged in fraud to prove his germ theory, I am now poised to rethink my thoughts regarding disease and aging. As I said in my original post, I would not have been so convinced of the need to reconsider my belief in the germ theory had COVID-19 not awaken me to the mendacity of institutions and the lunacy of the masses.
I noticed years ago that HIV seems to be some sort of stress-related/lifetyle disease. Many with HIV are current or past drug users and lived a rough lifestyle. Was this lifestyle enough to change their genome and show up on an "HIV test?" Probably, but it's their genome that changed, which is different than "catching a bug."

The "Catching a bug" theory is much kinder and easier to accept for those with HIV, because it sort of takes the blame off their unhealthy lifestyle.
There's also a mercy in having to take a pill a day, it means that you don't have to look deep within and change yourself, all you have to do is take the pills the doctor ordered and you're taking charge of your health.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
Hey yerrag, I too have just been exposed to this alternate "crazy" thinking. I feel like I know the worlds biggest secret. It's a great feeling. Viruses DO NOT exist. I'd bet my life on it. It's all a scam. There has never been any case where scientists take virus particles and either put them in nasal tract or inject under skin of another person and that person gets "sick". Never. This has not happened with any "virus" since they started this entire scam. They have NEVER isolated a live virus. Never. They have NEVER seen a "virus" infect another cell. I will watch your linked movies. Here's one I watched that was fascinating.

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YKktYdEGBRnP/

Love the sarcasm in this video. It should be titled "The Idiot's Guide to Virology and Germ Cell Theory" and be made mandatory viewing for all first year pharmaceutical sales people, oh, I mean doctors.


Sep 6, 2020
Hey yerrag, I too have just been exposed to this alternate "crazy" thinking. I feel like I know the worlds biggest secret. It's a great feeling. Viruses DO NOT exist. I'd bet my life on it. It's all a scam. There has never been any case where scientists take virus particles and either put them in nasal tract or inject under skin of another person and that person gets "sick". Never. This has not happened with any "virus" since they started this entire scam. They have NEVER isolated a live virus. Never. They have NEVER seen a "virus" infect another cell. I will watch your linked movies. Here's one I watched that was fascinating.

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YKktYdEGBRnP/

His germ theory video is interesting.

His explanation of contagiousness was sketchy though. He boiled it down to electromagnetic fields, and one body seeing another body being sick, and choosing to sync up with it in timing. The end result doesn't seem too different from germ and virus based contagiousness tbh. What are the useful implications of this anyway? That there are no "alive" contagious factors, and that there are only inanimate toxins, meaning they can't spread as readily as we assume germs do?


Mar 29, 2016
This is an excellent post. Trying to wean people from believing in viruses is akin to trying to wean them from religion. They accept what they've been told repeatedly by people they trust all the while never having seen the things they have faith in.. Beauchamp did excellent work disproving "germs" back in the 1880's and proved that organisms generated their own bacteria as needed. He proved, via vacuum chambers, that there was no such thing as transmission. The whole concept of viruses has always been a theory but the people who pursue this field see what they want to see. There have been doctors very early on in the twentieth century who proved repeatedly that they could not infect healthy people with the mucous of those with colds or even pus from smallpox blisters but all these people were ignored.
Untangling - this is the most difficult part of our existence as health seekers. There are so many myths that we accept without question. So many articles of faith that you have to become a heretic to untangle from. Myths are many-layered and it makes it even more difficult to break free from. It's like you have a weed choking your plant, and the weed has children and grandchildren, and they also have their best friend and the best friend's family and all are feeding on the plant and the plant or tree doesn't bear any fruit for you, and you wonder if you should just chop it down. But you can't because the Sierra Club says so.

There are no experts. We just have to question everything, as everything is built atop layers of lies. There is no science. Only fabrications. There are no scientific studies. Only the appearance of science in these studies. There is no history either. But there are myths and legends.


Mar 29, 2016
I had to go to Northern Tracey's website where and catch up with her translations of Stefan Lanka's ideas. Here are three interesting reads that I find compelling because far too often we go through terms in virology and immunity that we hardly understand and so we get half-skewered barbecues and half-baked apple pies. They share in being hardly digestible and give us fits and aches.

While they are long reads, not so much for length but for the need to think and understand and internalize, each take long to read and I find myself having to pause and go back to later. But they are to me requisite reading in order to wade through the materials we come across. It also gives us a grasp of the level of idiocy of our so-called experts such as doctors and government officials, and with this knowledge of basics we can call them out for spouting gibberish unfounded pseudoscience propaganda.

Northern Tracey does a good job of polishing the translation from German and makes it more understandable to the layman. I hope you can give this your time as I'm sure you wlll not regret it, and even more, you will enjoy the material for the sheer enjoyment of discovering the clarity of intentional dissemination of what is believed to be true, as opposed to the usual obfuscation used by the typical writers of the establishment journals by the use of devices such as the wrapping of incoherent ideas into mysterious packages of eye candy called advanced science beyond the ken of the hoi polloi. Enjoy!


Mar 27, 2018
I had to go to Northern Tracey's website where and catch up with her translations of Stefan Lanka's ideas. Here are three interesting reads that I find compelling because far too often we go through terms in virology and immunity that we hardly understand and so we get half-skewered barbecues and half-baked apple pies. They share in being hardly digestible and give us fits and aches.

While they are long reads, not so much for length but for the need to think and understand and internalize, each take long to read and I find myself having to pause and go back to later. But they are to me requisite reading in order to wade through the materials we come across. It also gives us a grasp of the level of idiocy of our so-called experts such as doctors and government officials, and with this knowledge of basics we can call them out for spouting gibberish unfounded pseudoscience propaganda.

Northern Tracey does a good job of polishing the translation from German and makes it more understandable to the layman. I hope you can give this your time as I'm sure you wlll not regret it, and even more, you will enjoy the material for the sheer enjoyment of discovering the clarity of intentional dissemination of what is believed to be true, as opposed to the usual obfuscation used by the typical writers of the establishment journals by the use of devices such as the wrapping of incoherent ideas into mysterious packages of eye candy called advanced science beyond the ken of the hoi polloi. Enjoy, believe it is so with many of these viruses and small particles, but always keep the finalfse
I have seem semi-circulas black circles floating the side of my periphery, usually when I'm distracted, but not focusing on anything. These little wisps come back to my periphery if I look for them, but that gives them reason for definition, which can make them disappear. It is best to not look at them too much.

Whoever manages to get these demons air particles, please don't forget about the rest of us here trying to cut or penetrate air. Penetrating the air is, of course, like trying to study viruses or prion.


Apr 16, 2017
[Dr. David Gorski, a pro-pharma blogger]
So called “science bloggers,” including David Gorski [Orac] and Michael Simpson [Skeptical Raptor], have a great deal of influence over public opinion and even peer-reviewed journal publications these days. These bloggers purport to base their arguments on sound science, but when Dr. Shaw analyzed Gorski’s posts through the lens of Carl Sagan and Ann Druyen’s “baloney detection kit,” he concluded that Gorski violates so many of the “baloney detection” points that he should more rightly be called a “pseudoscience blogger.



Feb 21, 2021
can't blame your wife. I still have a hard time thinking about bacteria simply being scavengers. As I have high BP and it's caused by systemic biofilm infection in my blood vessels. I have a problem thinking there is constant waste being cleaned up. It seems like the bacteria wants to stay forever, otherwise why does it form a very stubborn biofilm? If the bacteria is pleomorphic, why doesn't it want to become a nice little good bacteria and quit bugging me? I have a good terrain so it should go away.
Hey Yerrag. Someone posted on this old thread and I’m glad I saw it. We were talking about viruses and it’s hard to believe that viruses are not the cause of disease. However, I have learned of another unbelievable belief thatI think can help you. Have you read Grant Genereaux’s Extinguishing the Fires of Hell? Grant has discovered that vitamin A is really a toxin. And responsible for things like eczema, chrohn’s disease, Alzheimer’s, and more. I know I know. It’s crazy right? Well I had eczema, slightly high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high LDL, low energy. That was from my paleo diet which is extremely high in vitamin A. Cod liver oil, liver, milk. This brought me to RP. Adding carbs helped immensely but still was not a total fix. I still had eczema. I read Grant’s book 10 months ago, and started very very low vitamin A diet. My eczema is 95% better. Cholesterol which was close to 300, now 179. LDL was 170, now 103. LDL is protecting the body from vitamin or really poison A. It takes a long time for liver to get rid of vitamin a. But as it goes down, my LDL will go lower. My blood pressure is much better as well. The Ray Peat diet is high in vitamin A. I leave you with this. Vitamin A attacks epithelial cells in the body. That’s how it causes so many diseases. The thyroid has epithelial cells. I was taking a little bit of T3. Going low vitamin A, I’m taking none and my temperature is usually normal. Maybe ray’s high vitamin A diet continued to damage his thyroid. I know we all love Ray and appreciate his genius, But he did die somewhat early death too. Maybe vitamin a had something to do with it. Anyway. I thought you’d appreciate this lead. Grant’s book is a must read. His other book on Breast cancer is eye opening as well. Yes. That’s caused by vitamin A as well.
Last edited:


Jan 9, 2019
Hey Yerrag. Someone posted on this old thread and I’m glad I saw it. We were talking about viruses and it’s hard to believe that viruses are not the cause of disease. However, I have learned of another unbelievable belief thatI think can help you. Have you read Grant Genereaux’s Extinguishing the Fires of Hell? Grant has discovered that vitamin A is really a toxin. And responsible for things like eczema, chrohn’s disease, Alzheimer’s, and more. I know I know. It’s crazy right? Well I had eczema, slightly high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high LDL, low energy. That was from my paleo diet which is extremely high in vitamin A. Cod liver oil, liver, milk. This brought me to RP. Adding carbs helped immensely but still was not a total fix. I still had eczema. I read Grant’s book 10 months ago, and started very very low vitamin A diet. My eczema is 95% better. Cholesterol which was close to 300, now 179. LDL was 170, now 103. LDL is protecting the body from vitamin or really poison A. It takes a long time for liver to get rid of vitamin a. But as it goes down, my LDL will go lower. My blood pressure is much better as well. The Ray Peat diet is high in vitamin A. I leave you with this. Vitamin A attacks epithelial cells in the body. That’s how it causes so many diseases. The thyroid has epithelial cells. I was taking a little bit of T3. Going low vitamin A, I’m taking none and my temperature is usually normal. Maybe ray’s high vitamin A diet continued to damage his thyroid. I know we all love Ray and appreciate his genius, But he did die somewhat early death too. Maybe vitamin a had something to do with it. Anyway. I thought you’d appreciate this lead. Grant’s book is a must read. His other book on Breast cancer is eye opening as well. Yes. That’s caused by vitamin A as well.
I think one of the longest threads on this forum is about Grant Genereauxs anti vitamin A theory. Im glad you have had symptom relief. If only your numbers improved but you had no bettering of symptoms i would question whether it was really working for you or not. That being said I presented the theory that a lot of this may be caused by subpar liver function and or fatty liver. The fatty liver is unable to store not only enough glycogen but also Vitamin A hence the toxic symptoms. You may find that if you improve the liver you may once again tolerate Vit A rich foods. For what its worth Ray warned uf the overconsumptino of Vitamin A, and one could say that complete avoidance of Vitamin A, much like the carnivore diet is an unnatural and unsustainable way to eat that humans of the past would have tolerated juist fine. This to me says that rather than the food there is something wrong with the individual.


Feb 21, 2021
I think one of the longest threads on this forum is about Grant Genereauxs anti vitamin A theory. Im glad you have had symptom relief. If only your numbers improved but you had no bettering of symptoms i would question whether it was really working for you or not. That being said I presented the theory that a lot of this may be caused by subpar liver function and or fatty liver. The fatty liver is unable to store not only enough glycogen but also Vitamin A hence the toxic symptoms. You may find that if you improve the liver you may once again tolerate Vit A rich foods. For what its worth Ray warned uf the overconsumptino of Vitamin A, and one could say that complete avoidance of Vitamin A, much like the carnivore diet is an unnatural and unsustainable way to eat that humans of the past would have tolerated juist fine. This to me says that rather than the food there is something wrong with the individual.
I’ll check out the long thread. Thanks.

Yes. I plan to get my vitamin A down then add vitamin A foods back. Three years ago, my A on blood test was over 60, which is listed as top of normal.
I cannot wait to add yogurt back to my diet.


Jun 24, 2022
United States
It helped me a lot that Pat Timpone brought in Tom Cowan to his show. Even though Ray Peat has talked about viruses, I consider his use of the word is as a placeholder for something other than a virus, given that he discusses the idea of exosomes that jibes with Tom Cowan. This for me is understandable, as we often talk about cell membranes even though Gilbert Ling has proven there is no such thing.
Really enjoy listening to Tom Cowan lately. Probably not good for business.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Hey Yerrag. Someone posted on this old thread and I’m glad I saw it. We were talking about viruses and it’s hard to believe that viruses are not the cause of disease. However, I have learned of another unbelievable belief thatI think can help you. Have you read Grant Genereaux’s Extinguishing the Fires of Hell? Grant has discovered that vitamin A is really a toxin. And responsible for things like eczema, chrohn’s disease, Alzheimer’s, and more. I know I know. It’s crazy right? Well I had eczema, slightly high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high LDL, low energy. That was from my paleo diet which is extremely high in vitamin A. Cod liver oil, liver, milk. This brought me to RP. Adding carbs helped immensely but still was not a total fix. I still had eczema. I read Grant’s book 10 months ago, and started very very low vitamin A diet. My eczema is 95% better. Cholesterol which was close to 300, now 179. LDL was 170, now 103. LDL is protecting the body from vitamin or really poison A. It takes a long time for liver to get rid of vitamin a. But as it goes down, my LDL will go lower. My blood pressure is much better as well. The Ray Peat diet is high in vitamin A. I leave you with this. Vitamin A attacks epithelial cells in the body. That’s how it causes so many diseases. The thyroid has epithelial cells. I was taking a little bit of T3. Going low vitamin A, I’m taking none and my temperature is usually normal. Maybe ray’s high vitamin A diet continued to damage his thyroid. I know we all love Ray and appreciate his genius, But he did die somewhat early death too. Maybe vitamin a had something to do with it. Anyway. I thought you’d appreciate this lead. Grant’s book is a must read. His other book on Breast cancer is eye opening as well. Yes. That’s caused by vitamin A as well.
It is sad that @yerrag is suffering from extreme "vitamin A" toxicity and also mineral deficiencies yet he fails to see it. Instead he keeps chasing the Ray Peat rabbit holes going from one crisis to another. Hope he is able to wake up one day and find relief.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Its likely that @yerrag is also suffering from copper toxicity. Hope he will be able to break away from the Rockefeller science cartel and see the Light.


Feb 21, 2021
It is sad that @yerrag is suffering from extreme "vitamin A" toxicity and also mineral deficiencies yet he fails to see it. Instead he keeps chasing the Ray Peat rabbit holes going from one crisis to another. Hope he is able to wake up one day and find relief.
I'm not sure why some of us can see these things so clearly and why some cannot. Is it calcified pineal gland? I feel like a know 2 of the world's biggest secrets. One is that viruses do not exist. Particles might exist which are either dead cell debris or exosomes. But viruses are not the cause of disease. Bacteria exist but are not the cause of disease either.
The other is that Vitamin A is really a poison. I wish I knew this 40 years ago but at least my son knows these 2 things at 25.
The body needs ZERO of this retinol molecule. How do we know? We know from the scientific papers. They are just as ridiculous as the virus papers. But we also from Grant himself.
Normal Retinol ranges in the blood are 20 to 60 micrograms per deciliter (mcg/dL) or 0.69 to 2.09 micromoles per liter (micromol/L).
So below .69 (micromol/L) is considered deficient. Grant's (as of 2-3) years ago was .1. That's Point 1 just to be clear.
If Vit A was needed for site, skin, dna and stem cell regulation, I think he would be blind, his skin falling off and very sick. His hair used to be grey. Now it's back to his natural dark color at 63 years old. His chronic kidney diseased has been cured. Ezcema cured. Fatigue cured. Brain fog/confusion cured.
The minute I read Grant's books, I knew he was correct.

Charlie. What's your twitter name? Message me.
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