Ultimate gaslighting


May 4, 2022
It is not just vaccines that are the issue. Below is a very small list off the top of my head that the Corporate-Establishment would have us all belief are safe and benign. When one of us goes to educate a friend or family member, they in turn go to Google and the first thousand hits are just repetition checkbook research claims of safety.

Root canals
Mercury fillings
Statin / cholesterol drugs
Vitamin k injections baby
Bromide in bread
Enriched grains, cereal
Removing wisdom teeth
Nonstick cookware, teflon
Canned foods
Chemical fertilizers
Wireless everything
Microwave ovens
Breast Implants
Iron supplements

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
It is not just vaccines that are the issue. Below is a very small list off the top of my head that the Corporate-Establishment would have us all belief are safe and benign. When one of us goes to educate a friend or family member, they in turn go to Google and the first thousand hits are just repetition checkbook research claims of safety.

Root canals
Mercury fillings
Statin / cholesterol drugs
Vitamin k injections baby
Bromide in bread
Enriched grains, cereal
Removing wisdom teeth
Nonstick cookware, teflon
Canned foods
Chemical fertilizers
Wireless everything
Microwave ovens
Breast Implants
Iron supplements
Hi,do you suggest something to do about it?

i wish you fun


Dec 28, 2021
A couple of weeks ago I got interested in the amount of fluoride in our city's tap water and googled it. In the search results I found an article described how my city was instrumental in fluoride and caries research in the 50's. Not once have I heard of this in school, by my parents, colleagues, dentists etc. Never. But anyway, apparently because the city had two separate water supplies, they could use one where they supplied large amounts of fluoride, and the other as a control group. Then dentists logged the prevalence of tooth decay in the two groups, all this for several years, without the population's awareness. Amazing
Jun 15, 2022
Everything we've been told is wrong,
Authority figure sing the same old song.
I could take you back to where it all begins,
but, spoiler alert, whoever writes the history always wins.
Little do people know just how little they know,
but show confidence in postulates from which diddly can flow.
You gotta reap what you sow, when seeds of stupidity grow.
I'll be in the nest of the crow, while the rest in desperation row.
On this ship of fools I pity those who'll unwittingly sit in schools.
Cruelly whittled down 'til they uncritically mimic the rules.
But riddle me this, once the class is dismissed,
do you get the jist how ignorance is the epitome of bliss?
You could call me Hieronymus but I've got an ominous vision
of hieroglyphic obelisks topped with triangular prisms,
Anonymous hominids ruling the dominant system:
a hierarchy designed to keep our minds imprisoned.


Jan 17, 2023
Hi,do you suggest something to do about it?

There's the rub because if you do you'll seem nuts due to controlled opposition, rife misinformation and psychological Stockholm Syndrome in the minds of the oppressed who champion their Slave Masters as symbols of freedom and all that is just as the third eye blind can't connects the dots that are right in front of them.

On the flip if you find like minded people there is an echo chamber effect that often reinforces incorrect assumptions, especially if said segments have been infiltrated with agent provocateurs or are under the auspices of a double agent anyway.

We really are in a very, very strange place at an exceedingly odd time so the best course of action is to be the change you wish to resonate and those who can hit that range of frequency will of their own accord by your example. The rest will think you're a loon. Or at least they could if they would. But they won't.

Think, that is.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Teach the children. Teach your children.
Hi,i do not have childrens,the problem Joaquin is seeing is not only about childrens,it does include actual adults

i wish you fun

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
There's the rub because if you do you'll seem nuts due to controlled opposition, rife misinformation and psychological Stockholm Syndrome in the minds of the oppressed who champion their Slave Masters as symbols of freedom and all that is just as the third eye blind can't connects the dots that are right in front of them.

On the flip if you find like minded people there is an echo chamber effect that often reinforces incorrect assumptions, especially if said segments have been infiltrated with agent provocateurs or are under the auspices of a double agent anyway.

We really are in a very, very strange place at an exceedingly odd time so the best course of action is to be the change you wish to resonate and those who can hit that range of frequency will of their own accord by your example. The rest will think you're a loon. Or at least they could if they would. But they won't.

Think, that is.
Hi,i asked Joaquin which solution he does suggest for his perceived problem"When one of us goes to educate a friend or family member, they in turn go to Google and the first thousand hits are just repetition checkbook research claims of safety."

i am not sure of what you meant by:
"Or at least they could if they would. But they won't."
could you explicit?

i wish you fun


Jan 17, 2023
The herd doesn't think. They accept prepackaged thoughts that suit their biases and regurgitate them as their own/accepted wisdom with no insight or questioning of the tenets or motives of those who issue them.

Thinking is a higher order process that not many people actively engage in. Fewer still are willing to take this to another level where true insight gleams as the seeker finds something unique only to themselves.


May 30, 2018
I believe the only way is to lead by example.

If people see you have plenty of energy and are in complete health, they might want to listen to you and copy what you do.

(I'm not implying I have reached that state.)


Jul 8, 2014
I believe the only way is to lead by example.

If people see you have plenty of energy and are in complete health, they might want to listen to you and copy what you do.

(I'm not implying I have reached that state.)

This. As my health has improved, people around me have noticed and their curiosity leads them to ask what it is I’ve been doing.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
The herd doesn't think. They accept prepackaged thoughts that suit their biases and regurgitate them as their own/accepted wisdom with no insight or questioning of the tenets or motives of those who issue them.

Thinking is a higher order process that not many people actively engage in.
Hi,who is the "herd" according to you? it seems that you pejoratively consider anyone who does not fit your criteria of "intelligence" and "thinking" to be "animals" that are part of a "herd", including children,

because "They accept pre-packaged thoughts that suit their prejudices and regurgitate them as their own wisdom/acceptance without any insight or questioning of the principles or motives of those who issue them", implying that you have never committed and/or are committing these acts that you cite above,

i suggest that you seem to manifest a sub-optimal degree of insight, understanding, empathy, to the extent that you have already written a few comments on various posts including this one which seems to manifest intolerance and detestation of others, with a certain degree of fatalism,

you suggested to "live by exemple"as a solution,yet in a few of your comments you seems to be a very suboptimal "exemple" to be inspired/influenced by,

Fewer still are willing to take this to another level where true insight gleams as the seeker finds something unique only to themselves.
what is the utility of these"true insight gleams as the seeker finds something unique only to themself"if it did not solve your suboptimal degree of tolerance and detestation?

i suggest exposing yourself to sunlight longer,potentiallly naked,eating certains very ripe fruits,and potentially organs from healthy animals might probably improve your energy and reduce your detestation tendencies,allow you to not perceive most humans as a "herd"and see that you are not better than most or special,you are commun

i wish you fun


Dec 27, 2015
It is sad. I feel for so many including my former self that believed deeply in the lies that created a reality that I'm still fighting my way out of in regards to health and finances.
I've learned over the years that you can't wake anyone up and ,the truth is, I really don't want to anymore. I woke waaay up the way that I did and the bigger the gut punch, the further you'll sail. When reality hits people it's better for them to be good and asleep. I can say firmly that I was a true kool aid drinking plankton on the ocean being driven by the matrix at FULL speed; until I wasn't. I know where others are and I pray for them from afar. I dont have a smug attitude when they are waking up or have learned the hard way. I'm happy they have arrived. Nothing is what we think it is out here and we are being sold a bill of goods at every turn. If I learned ONE thing it's this:
No matter what I know or even just learned, it's even worse than that.
Sounds awful, I know. I've found it to be very true.


Dec 15, 2022
It is sad. I feel for so many including my former self that believed deeply in the lies that created a reality that I'm still fighting my way out of in regards to health and finances.
I've learned over the years that you can't wake anyone up and ,the truth is, I really don't want to anymore. I woke waaay up the way that I did and the bigger the gut punch, the further you'll sail. When reality hits people it's better for them to be good and asleep. I can say firmly that I was a true kool aid drinking plankton on the ocean being driven by the matrix at FULL speed; until I wasn't. I know where others are and I pray for them from afar. I dont have a smug attitude when they are waking up or have learned the hard way. I'm happy they have arrived. Nothing is what we think it is out here and we are being sold a bill of goods at every turn. If I learned ONE thing it's this:
No matter what I know or even just learned, it's even worse than that.
Sounds awful, I know. I've found it to be very true.
I applaud you. How? How did you wake up? What was the journey and or the tipping point? What reached you?


Jan 17, 2023
Nothing is what we think it is out here and we are being sold a bill of goods at every turn. If I learned ONE thing it's this:
No matter what I know or even just learned, it's even worse than that.
Sounds awful, I know. I've found it to be very true.

Solid gold wisdom here that you mined from the depths of your Soul with immense effort. Treasure it because it ignites the light of insight within in contrast to those clutching to their security blanket of ignorance which is, by sheer coincidence, knitted from the same wool they've had pulled over their eyelids.

On the flip you could've lived and died running the wheel within a wheel. A dream within a dream which is actually a nightmare but now your eyes are open and you see the state of play for what it is and thus are equipped to not only make better decisions but help those who find themselves wandering through the valley of the shadow of death wondering what happened.

That I know well and in a sense you can see the process as a resurrection of the child within who never accepts a surface level explanation and probes the depths, pushes the limits to find out for Self. Treasure it. Its precious even though you may currently feel sensitive as the old calloused existence has been ripped from your awareness to reveal your true tenderness beyond the illusion.

You will appreciate this. Of that I'm certain as it was a gift that allowed you to unwrap the present.


Apr 26, 2018
Teach the children. Teach your children.
Not so easily done. I have tried to have conversations with my grandchildren about the dangers of the Covid "vaccine" but they just parroted back what they were being told in schools and by their friends' parents. Children just get swept along.


Apr 26, 2018
Everything we've been told is wrong,
Authority figure sing the same old song.
I could take you back to where it all begins,
but, spoiler alert, whoever writes the history always wins.
Little do people know just how little they know,
but show confidence in postulates from which diddly can flow.
You gotta reap what you sow, when seeds of stupidity grow.
I'll be in the nest of the crow, while the rest in desperation row.
On this ship of fools I pity those who'll unwittingly sit in schools.
Cruelly whittled down 'til they uncritically mimic the rules.
But riddle me this, once the class is dismissed,
do you get the jist how ignorance is the epitome of bliss?
You could call me Hieronymus but I've got an ominous vision
of hieroglyphic obelisks topped with triangular prisms,
Anonymous hominids ruling the dominant system:
a hierarchy designed to keep our minds imprisoned.
Brilliant! Thank you!


Dec 3, 2022
United States
I believe the only way is to lead by example.

If people see you have plenty of energy and are in complete health, they might want to listen to you and copy what you do.

(I'm not implying I have reached that state.)
I totally agree... I like the quote, The more you know the less you speak. We really can't change others.


Apr 28, 2018
This. As my health has improved, people around me have noticed and their curiosity leads them to ask what it is I’ve been doing.
This. And the ensuing education of "what is" to inquiring minds can seed the seeking or the change.
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