Vitamin D Really Toxic?


Aug 7, 2013
I feel it's very beneficial. I've been doing it for years now and I think I'm much better for it. Take it in the morning though.

I take 20000 units or so most days. Some days or weeks none at all. Always with K2.

My levels were 80 when I did a blood test.

Is your 20,000 iu a typo and you really mean 2,000 iu?


Aug 7, 2013
no, 20,000.

Ok thanks just checking, and that is very interesting. Am I assuming correctly that you are getting much higher amounts of Vit A too to help balance out that high amount of D you are taking?

Let me ask you, or anyone else who may know. I cannot handle higher amounts of Vit A, and lets just for second leave out the possibility of being hypothyroid as one of the causes, as RP says people who are hypo need to not be excessive in their Vit A intake. Could a possible reason one cannot handle higher amounts of A is because they are too low in D? I have not been taking Estroban, but I have been tinkering around with A, K, and E, on the assumption I've been getting enough sun exposure this summer for the D, but maybe I haven't been, because the majority of that exposure has not been a full torso exposure. Add on to that I'm a smoker <eek> and I've heard smokers can be lower on D. I've recently been upping my calcium intake and feel a "bit" better, but now I'm thinking Vit D could be one of the missing links. I'll see. Going to start supplementing with it to see if it has any effect. I'm thinking maybe just 4000 iu to start.
Nov 21, 2015
I take 15,000 to 30,000 units of A some days. I also take no A other days, and a little liver every week.

I thnk that people can't handle A if their D is low. My D was around 80 last time I tested (months ago). I'm a fan of getting enough D3.

I smoke also...cigars...

D3 K2 A and E are critical. I take them most days. I take K2 every day, even if only a mg or two on my gums. But sometimes 10mg or 15mg of K2, with D3 and A.

I really think these with a little coconut oil can be VERY helpful for a lot of problems...


Aug 7, 2013
I take 15,000 to 30,000 units of A some days. I also take no A other days, and a little liver every week.

I thnk that people can't handle A if their D is low. My D was around 80 last time I tested (months ago). I'm a fan of getting enough D3.

I smoke also...cigars...

D3 K2 A and E are critical. I take them most days. I take K2 every day, even if only a mg or two on my gums. But sometimes 10mg or 15mg of K2, with D3 and A.

I really think these with a little coconut oil can be VERY helpful for a lot of problems...

Thanks Hamster. Its been awhile since I've had my D level tested, but back when I did, it was on the low range of 30. At that time I started supplementing, but I cant recall the brand, probably a chit azz one, but it didn't do much for me, maybe partly because I had a fear of going too high with the dose. Also this was before I got more involved in learning more about Peat, so there is no telling how much more messed up my metabolism was then. In any event, I just got the Carlson liquid drops, so I'll see how it goes.


Jul 14, 2016
Gary Null overdosed on vitamin D over a few months. Every day, he took 10³ times too much; standard metric error at the factory.

He's alive. The same error with vitamin A would probably have been fatal.

So-called "synthetic" vitamin D is about as "synthetic" as the vitamin D made by your own body. They use cholesterol that comes from sheep. Sheep excrete an oil on their fur (wool).

They take this lanolin and expose it to UV radiation. This causes one of cholesterol's rings to open (the 'b'-ring).


But it is a powerful hormone and people should be careful about how much they take.

They amount that kills mice through hypercalcification of soft tissues is pretty "high" compared to the amount people drink. The interspecies allometric scaling from a fatal dose in a mouse to a human would be:

LD₅₀ = 16.8 mg/kg

For 200 gram rat:

LD₅₀ = (16.8 mg/kg) × (.2 kg) = 3.36 mg

Now I'll cheat and use the allometric scaling calcualtor here, which would predict an LD₅₀ of 271.888 milligrams for a 70 kilogram human.

This is of course 271,888 μg.

For vitamin D, one micrograms equals forty international unit (IU).

271,888μg(40IU/μg) = 10,875,520 IU

Gary Null, instead of eating 2,000 IU per day, ate 2,000,000 IU per day.

Based on my calculations, if he had five times that dose at once he would have a 50% chance of dying.


•600-800(IU/day) is the RDA
•2,000(IU/day) is the common recommendation
•2,000,000(IU/day) will poison you like Gary Null
•10,875,520(IU/day) is the allometrically-scaled LD₅₀ for humans

So you would need over 5,000 tablets dosed at 2,000 IU to die. This is much more than what is usually contained in one bottle.
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Feb 4, 2015
There was one case of a few people getting sick from an overdose of D in milk because the milk plant worker messed up. They add A to milk too so that could be a bigger problem if they messed that amount up.
Feb 4, 2015
Enthusiastic messages like this are killed with links to the end to his own supplement shop, which is selling a number of supplements, the cheapest of which is $30 for what, a 1 month supply?

Also, I always laugh when people use the "big pharma" line when talking about D3. You can buy 360 caps of D3 at a decent dose for $12. Are we really talking about big bucks pharma here?

His slogan is "ditch the meds" but buy everything from our shop which is definitely safe and worth your money.

Also no links to studies to prove anything he says.

"Vitamin D, also known D2 or D3, when manufactured synthetically, has the chemical name cholecalciferol"

D2 is called ergocalciferol which has had some questions asked about its usefulness. Is his whole argument against D2? Which nobody recommends?

Dude is selling a "serotonin" supplement, which consists of valerian and tryptophan at $45 a bottle. Do not take advice from this man.



Mar 27, 2018
Vitamin D itself is not toxic, but since it indirectly raises blood calcium level due to its impact on PTH, by lowering it, toxicity can occur if calcium goes out of range. Hypercalcemia is what then happens.

There are ways though to keep calcium levels on track such as drinking a lot of water and restrict calcium intake from food, and therefore be able to achieve a D level well over 1,500nm/L, and still be perfectly healty.

I have been using this technique for 30 months now by taking up to 300,000iu daily.


Nov 6, 2015
That sounds interesting... How do you feel taking this much? Who recommended this regime to you?

Vitamin D itself is not toxic, but since it indirectly raises blood calcium level due to its impact on PTH, by lowering it, toxicity can occur if calcium goes out of range. Hypercalcemia is what then happens.

There are ways though to keep calcium levels on track such as drinking a lot of water and restrict calcium intake from food, and therefore be able to achieve a D level well over 1,500nm/L, and still be perfectly healty.

I have been using this technique for 30 months now by taking up to 300,000iu daily.


Mar 27, 2018
I am battling an autoimmune disease, MS to be exact, and so this has been a life savior for me. At these levels, it puts autoimmune diseases into remission within months if all goes well; it depends on each person though, some will need less and some will need more time. We all have different degrees of absorbtion and disease levels so it varies a lot. The rule of thumb is to start at 1000iu/kg and adjust in time based on the PTH/calcium levels.

Frankly I feel fantastic with it, I was plagued with brain fog, muscle weaknesses, pain, and it all went these levels it's as potent as an antibiotic I would say, once you have hit your own body's sweet spot you can feel things happening from one day to another.

Actually, if a certain disease has an autoimmune component, this technique will likely help; it's called the Coimbra protocol.

That sounds interesting... How do you feel taking this much? Who recommended this regime to you?


Jul 24, 2013
...Gary Null, instead of eating 2,000 IU per day, ate 2,000,000 IU per day.
Based on my calculations, if he had five times that dose at once he would have a 50% chance of dying.
•600-800(IU/day) is the RDA
•2,000(IU/day) is the common recommendation
•2,000,000(IU/day) will poison you like Gary Null
•10,875,520(IU/day) is the allometrically-scaled LD₅₀ for humans
So you would need over 5,000 tablets dosed at 2,000 IU to die. This is much more than what is usually contained in one bottle.

Thanks for these calculations and thoughts. The reasoning above helps sort out orders of magnitude about vitamin D units, which in many public discussions (not this forum) remains confused.

I am not an expert on Gary Null (or anything else). Due to the embarrassment of his over-dosing on a mis-manufacture of his own formula, public details will probably remain limited. I have read he took 2 million units daily for up to a month. It seems possible that toward the end of that month, he may have declined so much that he missed some “doses”. Generally, it takes substantial error or misunderstanding to ingest millions of vitamin D units frequently.

Any substance has a margin of safety. Being off by a factor of a thousand is pretty extreme, but at least potentially survivable for vitamin D. A thousand-fold increase of vitamin A would be life threatening, and surely a thousand-fold increase of any mineral would be too. A thousand fold increase in daily water consumption–bathtubs full–would be drowning. Sorry about the preaching to the choir, @Travis.

For @blob69 and other readers, a similar thread was:
Too High Vitamin D


Jul 24, 2013
I am battling an autoimmune disease, MS to be exact, and so this has been a life savior for me. At these levels, it puts autoimmune diseases into remission within months if all goes well; it depends on each person though, some will need less and some will need more time. We all have different degrees of absorbtion and disease levels so it varies a lot. The rule of thumb is to start at 1000iu/kg and adjust in time based on the PTH/calcium levels.

Frankly I feel fantastic with it, I was plagued with brain fog, muscle weaknesses, pain, and it all went these levels it's as potent as an antibiotic I would say, once you have hit your own body's sweet spot you can feel things happening from one day to another. Actually, if a certain disease has an autoimmune component, this technique will likely help; it's called the Coimbra protocol.

Thanks @Makafre for the report about the Coimbra protocol. It’s great there’s been excellent response & recovery.

The Coimbra work probably deserves some of its own forum posts. I have no direct experience with it. Some parts overlap Dr. Peat’s ideas, include lowering PTH, augmenting magnesium and B2. Reducing calcium intake while using very high vitamin D doses is understandable. Other parts, like boosting Omega 3 DHA & chromium, seem less aligned. I expect Dr. Coimbra has many method details that might stimulate thinking for forum readers.


Mar 27, 2018
I took megadoses of Vit D (10,000 IU daily) and ended up in the hospital with HYPERCALCEMIA (too much calcium in the blood, which can shut kidneys down.) Was hospitalized for a few days as the hospital administered diuretics for me to urinate all the Calcium out. Everything was fine otherwise and I did not feel ill, but was rushed to the ER anyway.

Vit D must be balanced with the other fat soluble Vitamins A/E/K.


Apr 9, 2015
Vitamin D itself is not toxic, but since it indirectly raises blood calcium level due to its impact on PTH, by lowering it, toxicity can occur if calcium goes out of range. Hypercalcemia is what then happens.

There are ways though to keep calcium levels on track such as drinking a lot of water and restrict calcium intake from food, and therefore be able to achieve a D level well over 1,500nm/L, and still be perfectly healty.

I have been using this technique for 30 months now by taking up to 300,000iu daily.
Are you saying that vitamin D helped you and the outcome from taking it worked like an antibiotic?


Mar 27, 2018
Are you saying that vitamin D helped you and the outcome from taking it worked like an antibiotic?

What I am actually saying is that the effect on my body is as noticeable as when I take an antibiotic when I am battling an infection; it takes 2 or 3 days to feel the change. Each of my drops contains 2,000iu and 5 drops is a huge deal for me. You wouldn't feel this effect with lower doses though.
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Mar 27, 2018
I took megadoses of Vit D (10,000 IU daily) and ended up in the hospital with HYPERCALCEMIA (too much calcium in the blood, which can shut kidneys down.) Was hospitalized for a few days as the hospital administered diuretics for me to urinate all the Calcium out. Everything was fine otherwise and I did not feel ill, but was rushed to the ER anyway.

I am sorry you have experienced this! Were you taking any other supplement at that time?


Apr 9, 2015
What I am actually saying is that the effect on my body is as noticeable as when I take an antibiotic when I am battling an infection; it takes 2 or 3 days to feel the change. Each of my drops contains 2,000iu and 5 drops is a huge deal for me. You wouldn't feel this effect with lower doses though.
With such a high dose how do you prevent calcium from getting into the wrong places? What other supplements do you take?
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