Vitamin K, E Products, Light, etc. (WAS Vitamin K2 spares A?)



Re: Vitamin K2 spares A?

Vitamin E has effects similar to progesterone. Vitamin A is used to make progesterone.


May 11, 2013
Re: Vitamin K2 spares A?

that's so awesome about it's effects. I've got a question, I tend to always have high cholesterol 250 but last time it was 372 (although that was only five weeks after having baby), but obviously for some reason my body is not converting cholesterol into progesterone, . . . so if I take extra vitamin A, do you think it will be used to make progesterone or will it just sit there like my cholesterol does???? I don't know what I'm lacking or need to get all that good cholesterol I have into progesterone. . . which I NEED desperately!

Although I've gotta say that these in these last two months, (after having baby and four months of no cycle due to lactation) I was actually regular/on time. Which I've never been since I was a teen. Something is going in the right direction I must say!! Now if I can just stress less!


Feb 22, 2014
Re: Vitamin K2 spares A?

Milklove said:
jyb said:
Milklove said:
About ten days ago I started to incorporate Red Light Therapy in my life and had some great effects, but I got a few nasty pimples.

I can relate to that. Even more interesting is if I use a laser (650 nm) focussed on one area. Sometimes I get a pimple there the next day. This suggests an increased need to vit A. Or something to do with steroid synthesis, as RP wrote that light increases their production on the skin.

You are right. Light increases the steroid production of the skin, which increases the need for vitamin A. If the body does not have enough vitamin A, the absence of enough vitamin A triggers the release of lysosomal enzymes and as a result tissue catabolism.
Tissue catabolism leads to an increased synthesis of inflammatory substances, which promotes bacterial growth (and pimples).

@Milklove, J, others,

Really interesting discussion here, very helpful, as I've been looking into E/K recently. J, good points about the PUFA contents naturally found in many foods we eat. Ironic to think that if we weren't supplementing with E or eating well, we might have enough in all the vegetable oils we would be consuming, but that's not a very good idea, now, is it? :)

I think Charlie mentioned the LEF Super K2; that is the one I'm using now, and may consider switching over to a pure K2 (as ref. by J earlier here). The LEF does contain a small amount of MK-7, but most is MK-4, I believe. What do you think about a full spectrum such as this, vs. strictly K2/MK-4 (Thorne, OM)?


Feb 22, 2014
Re: Vitamin K2 spares A?

Milklove said:
My answer is going to be anecdotal as well, but I experienced very similar things to those you described.
About ten days ago I started to incorporate Red Light Therapy in my life and had some great effects, but I got a few nasty pimples. I had read somewhere on this forum that someone used mega-doses Vitamin K and was curious to try this. I figured since it is a anti-imflamatory agent, it might help with acne.
Anyhow, two days later all the pimples were healed up. I was really impressed.


Can you tell me if this product is similar to the one you are using? I own one, and was using it fairly often, but stopped when I developed a dermatitis on my neck and face. Was it depleting my vitamin A? I'm hesitant to start up again, but I have since started supplementing with vitamin A and more E/K overall. ... B000RIJ2ZY

Thanks for your input.


Jan 1, 2014
Re: Vitamin K2 spares A?

classicallady said:
Milklove said:
My answer is going to be anecdotal as well, but I experienced very similar things to those you described.
About ten days ago I started to incorporate Red Light Therapy in my life and had some great effects, but I got a few nasty pimples. I had read somewhere on this forum that someone used mega-doses Vitamin K and was curious to try this. I figured since it is a anti-imflamatory agent, it might help with acne.
Anyhow, two days later all the pimples were healed up. I was really impressed.


Can you tell me if this product is similar to the one you are using? I own one, and was using it fairly often, but stopped when I developed a dermatitis on my neck and face. Was it depleting my vitamin A? I'm hesitant to start up again, but I have since started supplementing with vitamin A and more E/K overall. ... B000RIJ2ZY

Thanks for your input.

I am using a red light device with a wavelength of 660nm, the one you are using seems to be an Infrared device with a wavelenght of 880nm. The effects on the mitochondria should be quite similar, but you have to wear eye protection goggles with your device.
To me it sounds as if this device was depleting your vitamin A stores. Just start again, but slowly and remember to take vitamin a/e/k.


Feb 22, 2014
Re: Vitamin K2 spares A?

Thanks, I really appreciate that info! Can you provide a link to the one you have? Interesting about the eye protection. I was told no need for coverage but to just keep eyes closed. What is your source of information? How often do you use your light? Thanks again!


Jan 1, 2014
Re: Vitamin K2 spares A?

I am using these LED boards, but any other red light source should do. I just like leds, because they emit almost no heat. ... oards.html
I have one board at my desk at home. As soon as the sun goes down I plug it in and use it until I go to bed. It relaxes my body, but is has noticeable nootropic effects (improved memory, concentration,...).
I only mentioned the eye protection so that you wouldn't look directly into the device. Closing your eyes would work as well, but isn't that a bit annoying?

I think this page explains Leds quite nicely:


Feb 22, 2014
Re: Vitamin K2 spares A?

Great, thank you for the links. I will share with my husband who will understand better. :)

Ours do seem the same (LED) except for the wavelength; both are red/far infrared. I am assuming you don't use the blue, right? As for the eyes, I don't mind closing them. I guess whether I covered them or closed them, I'd have to be doing something, so I just close them, try to relax, and listen to music usually.

Did I mention about skin issues? I have some form of dermatitis; do you think the lights would be helpful? I didn't see anything listed for this condition as something LED is helpful for. Thought you might have some feedback on that.

As to frequency of use, do you use yours daily? It sounds like yours is kept on as ambient light, but you don't actually sit in front of it, as is the case for the DPL that I have? How much A/E/K are you supplementing daily? Do you do more on days you use your lights? Thanks for additional info/clarification. :)


Jan 1, 2014
Re: Vitamin K2 spares A?

No, you definitely want to avoid any source of blue light. I actually have a program on my laptop to filter the blue light emitted by the screen.
The good aspect of red light is that you can look into it. It is supposed to have a healing effect on the retina. I run my device, which is directly pointed at me, while I am working in the evening. So that's everyday for a few hours. Whenever I do a heavy workout I shine the light on my feet while I am sleeping. It helps me to recover.
As for the dermatitis, there are probably more effective things. The most important thing is tha you experiment and listen to your body. Everyone is different. My daily amount of Vitamin k/e/ a might not be the ideal amount for you. You could start with 200-600 i.u. vitamin e, 5.000 vitamin and 2mg vitamin k and add more if you feel like it.
High dose vitamin k (45mg) might be really helpful with your dermatitis as it is a very strong anti-imflammatory agent. Other things that could help are niacinamide, vitamin b1 and b6, caffeine, progesterone, thyroid and pregnenolone.


Feb 22, 2014
Re: Vitamin K2 spares A?

Thanks again for the tips. Curious if you take aspirin regularly? I know one shouldn't take it without K, but is it necessary to take aspirin if doing a regimen of vitamin K? I haven't taken more than about 2-4mg K/day. Any down side to taking higher doses as you mentioned? Thanks :)


Jan 1, 2014
Re: Vitamin K2 spares A?

No need to take aspirin with vitamin k; only the other way around.

Make sure you have an adequate calcium intake, as vitamin k lower blood calium.


Nov 9, 2012
Re: Vitamin K2 spares A?

Milklove said:
Make sure you have an adequate calcium intake, as vitamin k lower blood calium.

I like the effect of K2 on skin, but I don't like its effect otherwise on my energy. I wondered if it were due to this effect on calcium, but I drink several liters of milk daily so my intake of calcium is not deficient...


Jan 1, 2014
Re: Vitamin K2 spares A?

By drinking several liters of milk you should get enough calcium.
Vitamin k has a profound anti-stress effect. Maybe it just turns of your stress hormones and thereby decreases your energy. Combining vitamin k with caffeine and niacinamide gives me a nice energy boost.


Feb 22, 2014
Re: Vitamin K2 spares A?

Milklove said:
By drinking several liters of milk you should get enough calcium.
Vitamin k has a profound anti-stress effect. Maybe it just turns of your stress hormones and thereby decreases your energy. Combining vitamin k with caffeine and niacinamide gives me a nice energy boost.

What K brand do you take? Do you take aspirin regularly, and how much? I'm going to try the energy boost you recommend, since I take these supplements anyway. Also, do you supplement thyroid and if so, what brand? Thanks, you seem to have a good grasp of putting it all together, unlike me! :)


Nov 9, 2012
Re: Vitamin K2 spares A?

Milklove said:
By drinking several liters of milk you should get enough calcium.
Vitamin k has a profound anti-stress effect. Maybe it just turns of your stress hormones and thereby decreases your energy. Combining vitamin k with caffeine and niacinamide gives me a nice energy boost.

I meant it kills my energy, basically usual hypo symptoms with lethargy/brain fog.

Edward suggested that some forms of K could interfere with estrogen metabolism: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1657

Maybe some individuals do better on MK4, others on MK7. There have been a few testimonials on this forum.


Jan 1, 2014
Re: Vitamin K2 spares A?

I tried life extension and thorne and I liked them both.
I did use aspirin every day when I was really sick. Now I am feeling very well and I only use it on very stressful days.
Please report whether that combination works for you. Haidut mentioned that adding aspirin or B1 to the mix will result in an even greater energy boost.
Caffeine + Niacinamide raises my metabolism enough so that I don't need thyroid.


Jan 1, 2014
Re: Vitamin K2 spares A?

jyb said:
Milklove said:
By drinking several liters of milk you should get enough calcium.
Vitamin k has a profound anti-stress effect. Maybe it just turns of your stress hormones and thereby decreases your energy. Combining vitamin k with caffeine and niacinamide gives me a nice energy boost.

I meant it kills my energy, basically usual hypo symptoms with lethargy/brain fog.

Edward suggested that some forms of K could interfere with estrogen metabolism: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1657

Maybe some individuals do better on MK4, others on MK7. There have been a few testimonials on this forum.

Well, that is exactly what I got when I tried vitamin k while I had a very slow metabolism. Since my metabolism is working properly, I don't get these symptoms anymore.
It might very well be true that a few individuals (who are or were hypometabolic) do better on a certain form of vitamin k. I believe that methylation and acetylation are involved in that. A very high metabolism and high CO2 levels can erase those "genetic limitations".


Feb 22, 2014
Re: Vitamin K2 spares A?

Milklove said:
I tried life extension and thorne and I liked them both.
I did use aspirin every day when I was really sick. Now I am feeling very well and I only use it on very stressful days.
Please report whether that combination works for you. Haidut mentioned that adding aspirin or B1 to the mix will result in an even greater energy boost.
Caffeine + Niacinamide raises my metabolism enough so that I don't need thyroid.

That is encouraging about not needing thyroid. How many cups of coffee, niacinamide dose/day do you find works to maintain good metabolism? Do you also go by temps/pulse? I realize this is highly individual, and may differ between male/female.

May I ask where you purchased your LED board/price?


Feb 22, 2014
Re: Vitamin K2 spares A?


Thanks for the additional info. You aren't alone on the coffee, but I switched from being a green-tea-only gal a few years ago to mostly coffee now. I wonder if I would change my mind about the taste if I could get my caffeine from a supplement? It would be an interesting experiment, and my breath would probably thank me! :)

I'm not up on euro/dollar conversion-- approximately how many US dollars would that be? Does it come with a stand to keep it upright? Did you say you sit close to it, with your face to it, or just have it in the same room as you are?

Thanks again,
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