Was the current Israeli/Palestinian conflict preplanned to allow a canal passage through Gaza?

Brian Douglas

Jan 29, 2022
If the below link is correct then it looks like Gaza is being razed along with the associated genocide in order to complete a canal that Israel controls to compete with the Suez. If this is true then this was preplanned genocide by Israel & their proxy bully boy America. This is horrific to consider but many wars have been fought to acquire valuable real estate at the expense of the inhabitants. The fallout, of course, is going to be global jihad but hey, the vaccines weren't working fast enough anyway.



Feb 4, 2019
If this is true
Doesn't make sense to me Brian. This assumes that Israel was looking for a pretext to raze Gaza to be able to build their new canal through Gaza. So they allowed Hamas to come in and massacre Israelis as that pretext? I'm appalled at what Israel is doing to Gaza, and what they've done to Palestineans for many decades, so I'm not a big Israeli sympathizer. But this theory just makes no sense to me. "Miss Cleavage" hurt her credibility with a number of mis-statements she made, and doesn't even seem to realize Jimmy Carter was not President in 1963.


This genocide was always a matter of time

There is oil in Palestine – that alone “justifies” the invasion. Where there is oil there is war

All the usual suspects are funding this but the US is leading the way

USA: The Ruthless Empire
Brian Douglas

Brian Douglas

Jan 29, 2022
Doesn't make sense to me Brian. This assumes that Israel was looking for a pretext to raze Gaza to be able to build their new canal through Gaza. So they allowed Hamas to come in and massacre Israelis as that pretext? I'm appalled at what Israel is doing to Gaza, and what they've done to Palestineans for many decades, so I'm not a big Israeli sympathizer. But this theory just makes no sense to me. "Miss Cleavage" hurt her credibility with a number of mis-statements she made, and doesn't even seem to realize Jimmy Carter was not President in 1963.
She never mentions Jimmy Carter as president & 1963 in the same sentence. The reference to Carter was concerning the 1979 peace treaty signed at Camp David. She mentions the Jimmy Carter was likely aware of the plan from 1963 to build a canal excavated by nuclear devices.
The pretext point: yes, indeed, that's what I'm saying. If you struggle with the fact that a gov't would sacrifice their own citizens to obtain substantial gain then you haven't been paying attention at all to things like 9/11 or the whole plandemic debacle. Gov'ts don't work for their citizens but for their own enrichment & that of their globalist masters. Do you realize that America's involvement in Vietnam was solely to control the heroin trade from there? Are you aware that the CIA introduced crack cocaine to America & supplied a local dealer in LA just to raise funds for their operation? No one at that level gives a rat's arse about what happens to us.

Watch the following for some American history you're never taught in school:



Mar 21, 2021
I think Americans should start looking at home first before they start pointing fingers at Israel. Millions more native Americans were killed and millions times the amount of land was stolen and I don’t think none of these people in America criticizing Israel would be willing to give up the stolen land they live on back to native Americans.
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