Weather, or Not.


Forum Supporter
Dec 2, 2022
omaha nebraska
Does anyone know if Forest Service biologist Francis Mangels work should be ignored or is it congruent with other precipitation measurements?


I am a gardener and a guy who goes on a fair amount of walks, and swims in a lake all summer. I’m also a guy that has noticed every time it rains or snows for the last 3 years or since The Great Stay Inside and Cover Your Mouth experiment, that when the skies clear everything is covered in filth. Dirt. My truck and house are dirty. Dirty after the rain… I don’t remember rain doing that before the reset or whatever it’s called.
And on these walks some days I notice psychotic airplanes flying in rows one after the other in the same grid. It is always the day before my smart phone tells me it’s going to be a big rain or weather event. You know the kind where for some reason everyone you talk to for days beforehand are talking about The big storm coming. Yep. Yep.
So sick of it. Being sprayed. Like I’m a pest on a crop.
I would love some feedback on this short video. I perceive The Dimming guy to be a bit wrong but who the hell is right??
Weatherwar101 person that disappeared seems to have a better grasp on how the weather works more than anyone meteorologists I’ve ever heard.
What is this aluminum for? What’s it doing?


May 31, 2018
What I've noticed in So CA is that we are having crazy long stretches of days in a row (on week 2 this time) of really high air pressure. We don't get that here much, and it's gotten to where it has stuck at 3.3- 3.4 which is crazy high. 3.1 is known as "heart attack pressure". Makes you wonder if all those chemtrails lately... nahhh....


Apr 28, 2018

Films from 1970s of LBJ screaming "who controls the weather, controls the world"
Lots of lab reports of snow contents across the usa
Undercover filming of cannisters being attached to planes
History of cloudseeding going back 100 years
Depository for citizens cell phone footage from passenger planes and from terra firma the last 20 years

Dane Wiggington is a hero.


May 31, 2018

Films from 1970s of LBJ screaming "who controls the weather, controls the world"
Lots of lab reports of snow contents across the usa
Undercover filming of cannisters being attached to planes
History of cloudseeding going back 100 years
Depository for citizens cell phone footage from passenger planes and from terra firma the last 20 years

Dane Wiggington is a hero.

I have eyes and a working brain. People just don't WANT to see.


Aug 27, 2022
Does anyone know if Forest Service biologist Francis Mangels work should be ignored or is it congruent with other precipitation measurements?


I am a gardener and a guy who goes on a fair amount of walks, and swims in a lake all summer. I’m also a guy that has noticed every time it rains or snows for the last 3 years or since The Great Stay Inside and Cover Your Mouth experiment, that when the skies clear everything is covered in filth. Dirt. My truck and house are dirty. Dirty after the rain… I don’t remember rain doing that before the reset or whatever it’s called.
And on these walks some days I notice psychotic airplanes flying in rows one after the other in the same grid. It is always the day before my smart phone tells me it’s going to be a big rain or weather event. You know the kind where for some reason everyone you talk to for days beforehand are talking about The big storm coming. Yep. Yep.
So sick of it. Being sprayed. Like I’m a pest on a crop.
I would love some feedback on this short video. I perceive The Dimming guy to be a bit wrong but who the hell is right??
Weatherwar101 person that disappeared seems to have a better grasp on how the weather works more than anyone meteorologists I’ve ever heard.
What is this aluminum for? What’s it doing?

Thanks for posting the video, your not alone, I see them all the time. No doubt, theres a lot of money being made on this and we are the experiment!
It seems to be global, no where to hide. Checking out real estate in other states and countries I notice trails in the background of out door photos too. I know its happening in europe, people see them and talk about it.
Places like oregon and washington have cloud cover and residence can't see all the spraying.

Tracers - Clouds and Trails,
Geoengineering and Weather Modification Patents · ClimateViewer News
Lithium Being Used In Airborne Spraying Over Oregon | The Liberty Beacon


Apr 28, 2018
Put 2 inches of water in a pan in the bottom of yr oven, set@400, and put your baking sheet on the rack.
Combine 2C Einkorn whole grain, not the powdery pastry grind
3/4 tsp salt (more for on top)
1/4 tsp baking powder
Cut in 2Tb COLD butter until it has a sandy texture
Whisk in a bowl 'til emulsified:
1Tb extra virgin olive oil
1Tb honey
1/4 water
Dump both dry and wet on the counter and work with clean hands no more than 2 minutes
Roll out 1/3 of the dough onto parchment paper in a large retangle to fill the cookie sheet. Cut the edges with a pizza cutter or fluted pasta or pastry cutter to make square, then in 2" rows to make approx 25 squares.
Salt 'em.
Bake 'em about 7 minutes.
Dump the crackers into a bowl to cool and return the parchment paper to the counter for the next batch, and pan to the oven.
They get stale in 3 days so I bag 'em and freeze then revive in a warm oven whn I want them


Jan 6, 2019
What I've noticed in So CA is that we are having crazy long stretches of days in a row (on week 2 this time) of really high air pressure. We don't get that here much, and it's gotten to where it has stuck at 3.3- 3.4 which is crazy high. 3.1 is known as "heart attack pressure". Makes you wonder if all those chemtrails lately... nahhh....
What are the psychological effects of very high pressure?


Aug 27, 2022
I have eyes and a working brain. People just don't WANT to see.
Had a conversation with a stranger who was trying to educate me to think before believing what I'm reading, hearing and seeing.
Okay, fair enough.
I asked what he thought of sky trails. His explanation, cold air, high altitude, condensation, blah blah blah.
So, how long should condensation stay in the sky following an airplane, his reply, as long as clouds stay in the sky. The conversation went on... you get the gist.
There are many people that don't think sky trails are real and they would never go down any rabbit hole that could prove them wrong. Many friends who only think it's condensation and consider themselves to be educated, a few grew up in military house holds even. Stay well.
Tracers - Clouds and Trails


Aug 27, 2022
What I've noticed in So CA is that we are having crazy long stretches of days in a row (on week 2 this time) of really high air pressure. We don't get that here much, and it's gotten to where it has stuck at 3.3- 3.4 which is crazy high. 3.1 is known as "heart attack pressure". Makes you wonder if all those chemtrails lately... nahhh....
Why not?


Apr 19, 2020
Hah 3 threads going at once, sorry bout that recipe
Homemade einkorn crackers... hmmmmm... the antidote to Aluminum and Barium and Strontium particulates?!! Use butter and wildflower honey as a delicious addition. Sounds nice! Levity helps right now.... . ;-)

I live in a semi remote area in Tasmania, and mostly we do not get the straight line chemtrails that broaden out and with 10 or 15 of them completely white out the blue sky in less than an hour. At least that I have seen in 4 years here around the State. That is happening in other parts of the world for sure. When I was in Oregon USA on a friends organic farm in 2014, most days by 8:30 am the copious white CHEMtrails covered the clear blue skies. Completely blotted out the blue sky with a Thick Opaque Whiteness. Once or twice a week there were normal JetTrails, which disappeared within 10-15 minutes. I never noticed any dust/dirt fallout though.

For about a year I have been watching some u toob from Rob D. , aka Rob Deutsch who is on facebk too, which I do not do. He calls out Chembombs and EMF caused clouds and weather, leading to floods, etc.all over Australia . (But he is based in Liverpool, UK). He did prognosticate the flooding events in Eastern Aus a few times. As in a week or 10 days out from the actual flooding. Not a peep from the official channels here about it until 24-48 hours ahead. (make peeps move and buy up farmland and move the peeps into smartcities?!!) . I have noticed strange clouds and weather here this year, too cloudy too often, and two layers of clouds ?? not normal, and also I know at least one person, farmer, who believes they have bad health issues from 1 sky/cloud event, toxic rain.

Anyhooo do check out the Rob. D dude, he definitely knows what he is seeing as a meteorologist. He does go on and on sometimes, but a great weather resource.


Forum Supporter
Dec 2, 2022
omaha nebraska
Had a conversation with a stranger who was trying to educate me to think before believing what I'm reading, hearing and seeing.
Okay, fair enough.
I asked what he thought of sky trails. His explanation, cold air, high altitude, condensation, blah blah blah.
So, how long should condensation stay in the sky following an airplane, his reply, as long as clouds stay in the sky. The conversation went on... you get the gist.
There are many people that don't think sky trails are real and they would never go down any rabbit hole that could prove them wrong. Many friends who only think it's condensation and consider themselves to be educated, a few grew up in military house holds even. Stay well.
Tracers - Clouds and Trails

Yeah some people really have there heads in the clouds.
As a gardener I am used to the long game. Plants and eco scapes take years to grow and mature. Bee balm will dominate one year then echinacea then Mexican hats etc… so I’m used to seeing how something develops over time. I see the airplane lines stay in the air all day. They dissolve into a total dimming of the sky. The sun will look like it’s hiding behind a tissue paper the sky is so dirty. Dirty after the Skylines dissolve. Not turning into clouds but turning into a blanket. You can see that the lighting is different. The color of the light. The way the sun light illuminates trees leaves and buildings you’ve seen your whole life.
Are we all being big sprayed? Does boosting metabolism protect against aluminum particles or whatever the hell it is? Seems like whatever they are doing they’re doing it slow enough that we don’t get too upset and all die too quickly so as not to rise up and demand they give some answers.


Forum Supporter
Dec 2, 2022
omaha nebraska
Thanks for the good Report! And thanks for the Rob D recommendations

I wonder if anyone can link the endless propaganda to wear sunscreen all the time and constant warnings about too much sun exposure have any correlation to the this dimming of the sunlight? Or maybe that’s me making the correlation! And maybe the dimming is just a side consequence to the fact that they’re trying to turn this dust into rain? Too many questions when you are being lied too!
Cheers mate!


Apr 28, 2018
Homemade einkorn crackers... hmmmmm... the antidote to Aluminum and Barium and Strontium particulates?!! Use butter and wildflower honey as a delicious addition. Sounds nice! Levity helps right now.... . ;-)

I live in a semi remote area in Tasmania, and mostly we do not get the straight line chemtrails that broaden out and with 10 or 15 of them completely white out the blue sky in less than an hour. At least that I have seen in 4 years here around the State. That is happening in other parts of the world for sure. When I was in Oregon USA on a friends organic farm in 2014, most days by 8:30 am the copious white CHEMtrails covered the clear blue skies. Completely blotted out the blue sky with a Thick Opaque Whiteness. Once or twice a week there were normal JetTrails, which disappeared within 10-15 minutes. I never noticed any dust/dirt fallout though.

For about a year I have been watching some u toob from Rob D. , aka Rob Deutsch who is on facebk too, which I do not do. He calls out Chembombs and EMF caused clouds and weather, leading to floods, etc.all over Australia . (But he is based in Liverpool, UK). He did prognosticate the flooding events in Eastern Aus a few times. As in a week or 10 days out from the actual flooding. Not a peep from the official channels here about it until 24-48 hours ahead. (make peeps move and buy up farmland and move the peeps into smartcities?!!) . I have noticed strange clouds and weather here this year, too cloudy too often, and two layers of clouds ?? not normal, and also I know at least one person, farmer, who believes they have bad health issues from 1 sky/cloud event, toxic rain.

Anyhooo do check out the Rob. D dude, he definitely knows what he is seeing as a meteorologist. He does go on and on sometimes, but a great weather resource.
Re: That Thick Opaque Whiteness, and good referral Rob D. thanks
Although you might think they could care less about some 40,000 ppl on the long remote stretch of the K- Peninsula, that thick opaque whiteness comes in one huge column, directly in line with the coastal highway. After 1 to 2 days getting wider and dispersing, it snows. Otherwise, its warmer here than the Lower 48, setting records many days that should be deep winter. I heard the Spring Song from chicadees yesterday so they are confused as well.
And aye, Einkorn be the antidote to many things, esp with butter and honey!


Apr 19, 2020
Get Vitamin D deficient and Cause Cancer with sunscreen products that make someone wealthy! Nahhhh - just a mind game.


Apr 19, 2020
I guess K- peninsula and Anchorage area, where the peeps are, and it is good for growing plants. Mat Valley?
Also, HAARP is relatively close, though I imagine the 'radar stations ' around the Anchorage airport (and all over the world) are dual purpose, sending out EMF too. Hmmmmm, that is just my paranoid theory of the year. (Hobart Tasmania just is rebuilding a new radar above the city on the tall mountain, which creates its own weather too...

Mo later, going out to the fields.....

Re: That Thick Opaque Whiteness, and good referral Rob D. thanks
Although you might think they could care less about some 40,000 ppl on the long remote stretch of the K- Peninsula, that thick opaque whiteness comes in one huge column, directly in line with the coastal highway. After 1 to 2 days getting wider and dispersing, it snows. Otherwise, its warmer here than the Lower 48, setting records many days that should be deep winter. I heard the Spring Song from chicadees yesterday so they are confused as well.
And aye, Einkorn be the antidote to many things, esp with butter and honey!


Aug 27, 2022
Yeah some people really have there heads in the clouds.
As a gardener I am used to the long game. Plants and eco scapes take years to grow and mature. Bee balm will dominate one year then echinacea then Mexican hats etc… so I’m used to seeing how something develops over time. I see the airplane lines stay in the air all day. They dissolve into a total dimming of the sky. The sun will look like it’s hiding behind a tissue paper the sky is so dirty. Dirty after the Skylines dissolve. Not turning into clouds but turning into a blanket. You can see that the lighting is different. The color of the light. The way the sun light illuminates trees leaves and buildings you’ve seen your whole life.
Are we all being big sprayed? Does boosting metabolism protect against aluminum particles or whatever the hell it is? Seems like whatever they are doing they’re doing it slow enough that we don’t get too upset and all die too quickly so as not to rise up and demand they give some answers.
This has to do with crimes against humanity too, very important work going on here. Its amazing to see it unfold in real time. My wish is geoengineering will be next.
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