What Do You Guys Think Of Masturbating And Do You Do It

Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
@Jib Yeah, I would reduce some saturated fat and compensate with a bit more carbs.
Once you lose some weight off consider a pull up frame (I have one) and try some pull ups but waaay waaay slow. This will widen your shoulders like nothing else, it will also make your torso leaner. Once practiced you lift up quickly then slower on the way down. Don't get one of those pull up bars that hook to a door frame, they are s**t.
Even body weight squats have their purpose and easy to do. Fleshlight's are safe as you cannot over-grip with one.

I've had an €18 door frame hook chinup bar for 2 years and have had no problems doing bodyweight pullups multiple times per week at 105kgs.

Other than that, your pullup advice is solid. The other key to widening yourself is side raises with dumbbell, band, cable, or machine (light weight, 20-40 reps, 5-8 sets).

Bodyweight squats are too light for most men to function optimally as a primary stength or size building movement. Unilateral movements such as walking lunges, stationary reverse lunges, step ups, split squats, rear foot elevated split squats, or stair climbs are the way to go when lacking heavy weight. Bodyweight squats are still useful for warmups and finishers.


Mar 20, 2013
Masturbation is fake and gay.

Intercourse is real and straight.

You could also argue that you're not supposed to ejaculate unless you're making a life, and that intercourse without the intention to create a life is fake. That's why sex becomes bad when you do it for lust.

I'm half playing devil's advocate and half serious. Semen retention is pretty extreme by modern standards, and is itself a black-or-white, all or nothing practice. I can't really argue against black-or-white thinking as it seems necessary to have black-or-white thinking when you're committing to something that goes against natural urges. In order to keep myself on track with this, I've had to adopt some black-or-white thinking. Or is it black-and-white? Whatever it is. I don't see any way around that, really, if one is actually going to adopt semen retention as a lifestyle.

As for working out, I agree about lateral raises. Bulgarian ring dips are also great for delts. I have some skeletal issues so overhead pressing is a no-go for me. I actually injured my shoulder doing some overhead barbell pressing a month ago and am still hoping that recovers. Still same ROM I had before but just chronic low grade pain. Long story short I have an extra half a vertebrate in my spine, and scoliosis as a result, and a lot of asymmetry in my body that I can't do anything about. My right arm simply cannot go overhead backwards far enough to safely do an overhead press. It's forward at a fairly severe angle that makes overhead pressing movements impossible to do safely.

So I'm sticking with lateral raises. External rotation to prevent impingement.

I'll reiterate: check out ATG Online Coaching. Ben Patrick knows his stuff. Never imagined so much would be possible for real, functional leg strength and even hypertrophy with just bodyweight. It isn't pistol squats or anything like that at all. It's revolutionary stuff and I hope he gets even more popular. You might be able to find some clips of it on YouTube but anyone can subscribe for 1 month for 30 dollars, then cancel. There's a massive amount of content. Knee Ability Zero is the basic program but it goes far beyond that. I myself might sign up again just for some form coaching once I get the rep ranges down.

I've been telling everyone about it who has any remote interest in working out. It's that good.

Legs routine: Knee Ability Zero. Supplemental stuff on the side is Romanian deadlifts with my barbell. I made a roller for my hamstrings to do curls with, eventually would love to make a setup for doing Nordic curls but I can guarantee those are far beyond my hamstring strength and mobility for the time being. Main goal with RDL's has been loosening up tight hamstrings. Loaded stretching seems to be much more effective than static

Pull routine: tuck 360 pulls on the rings, German hang holds and pulls, tucked front lever inverted rows, face pulls, ice cream makers, and tuck front lever raises.

Push routine: ring support and RTO (rings turned out) isometric holds, RTO pushups, Bulgarian ring dips, dumbbell side lateral raises and front raises, pseudo planche pushups, and close grip pushups. My left arm is having major issues with snapping/popping so I've had to take a break from things like Tiger bend pushups, rings triceps extensions, and ring dips. I've found I can do supinated dips on paralettes or the rings without issue, but it doesn't feel like supinated dips work the triceps as hard or in the same way that neutral grip dips do. The isometric holds are very challenging and my goal has been 5 sets of 60 second holds before getting back into ring dips, hoping that'll give me enough tendon/ligament strength. Looking into Tai Chi balls for massage/myofascial release in the meantime


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Dude try a 5HT1A blocker like pindolol, and a 5HT2C agonist


Mar 20, 2013
Dude try a 5HT1A blocker like pindolol, and a 5HT2C agonist

Where to get? My doctor pretty much 100% refuses to prescribe me absolutely anything I have any interest in.

I do have propranolol but I don't think it acts as a 5HT1A blocker.

pro marker

Feb 26, 2020
be carfeul. so many people are suffering from decreased sexual functions for years after nofap. it took me a year to get back after 6 months of nofap.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Where to get? My doctor pretty much 100% refuses to prescribe me absolutely anything I have any interest in.

I do have propranolol but I don't think it acts as a 5HT1A blocker.
Not sure if propanol and pindolol are the same ... but block that auto receptor and don’t ever take psych meds again


Jan 6, 2019
+ others who complained about ejaculation throwing you off: I've been practicing celibacy with varying degrees of dedication since 2011. During the first years, each ejaculation would dramatically lower my mood and drive for a couple of days. However, at some point this effect seemed to begin to diminish, and these days a single ejaculation hardly affects me at all (for perspective, I've ejaculated 7 times this year). Sometimes I might even feel more balanced and less restricted after an ejaculation, as if a weight was lifted off me. It seems that after reaching a certain point, being able to transmute/channel the sexual energy is required. I still have no idea what that means though, beyond exercising, meditating and keeping yourself busy. Some speak of being able to feel and move the subtle energies within their body with the help of their breath, but i've yet to figure out what that would mean in practice.


Mar 20, 2013

Very interesting. That's a very long time. I'm brand new to this, and it would make sense after 17 years of excessive masturbation (sometimes 5 times a day, and rarely even more than that, though on average 2-3 times a day), that I'd be experiencing such a dramatic shift in retention for a couple months. It's the first time I've ever gone this long in my life since I hit puberty and discovered I could ejaculate. I'm 31 now.

In Chinese medicine they claim it can take years to recover depleted Jing/Yin reserves (not gonna pretend I understand TCM) from sexual excess. That gives me hope. It certainly seems that way. I've been so much more balanced since starting this, it's crazy. It's like the lowest of my low moods has been completely abolished. Even when I feel very dark, it doesn't feel like it'll be permanent. This is compared to years of being suicidal and all over the place mentally and emotionally. Even physically.

Transmuting to me, in the clearest sense, means focusing on leaving a legacy. In whatever way that means to you. Retaining your life force, the fluid that has the power to create a life -- to me, the ultimate transmutation is to have a clear picture of a legacy you want to leave behind. To foresee your own death and to wonder what you would like to leave behind after you die for future generations.

I've been lamenting not having a child, and thinking I might never have a child. However, this is so short-sighted. Having kids can be beautiful. But perhaps it's not for everyone. Followers of Peat should know more than anyone to look beyond genes and Darwinism. Survival of the bloodline etc.

What about your personality? What about your spirituality? Your energy? Skills and passions and perspectives? Who you are as a person? What about leaving behind a legacy based on that?

That's what I've been focusing on more lately. Gradually, as I work out regularly, am more careful with my diet, and am in general building myself up along with retaining my semen. It's holistic.

I recently started really making much higher quality YouTube videos since retaining. Even though my channel is kind of a mess, I'm finally making content I'm starting to feel proud of. And it's only the beginning. It's only one avenue of expression. But having the ability to share knowledge I have with people is just great. It gives me a chance to leave something behind that can have a real impact on people's lives. And it's nothing grandiose. Just things I love to do. And starting to express my personality more.

I'm more in the phase of envisioning these things than achieving them yet. Since retaining I've really stepped up my audio and video editing game. Am much more familiar with Reaper and Shotcut, have a nice camera and a nice tripod, a nice audio interface and nice microphones I saved up for. Being able to accurately capture all these things is just great. One next step is to get more deeply into music production. I'm used to playing "real" instruments so the concept of electronic music production is foreign to me. But I have so much music in my head all the time, constantly coming up with things, just no idea how to get them down in the real world digital format.

So anyway. As you can see, I'm brainstorming a lot more lately. Semen retention has shown me too that sometimes this can be "mania," and I have to be careful. I could need more sugar, more calories, more saturated fat, more protein. Just more nutrients to calm myself down.

But these inspirations are coming to me more and more. And I am acting on them more and more. Just naturally. I made a tutorial video that took me two weeks and it's the most professional video I've made in the 15 years I've had my YouTube channel. My body is also changing more in the past 2 months than it has in the past 2 years as a result of having more energy.

I also feel way more confident with women. This has been a slow process. But it's crazy how much more I notice women looking at me. And I'm not afraid to not break eye contact. Women at grocery stores have occasionally approached me and opened to me without me doing anything, asking me about something I'm buying or just making small talk like "Oh I love that drink too!" going out of their way to talk to me. This NEVER happened before retention.

I am still dealing with trauma from a past relationship. So 99% of my interaction with women is long distance. I still see my ex here and there and once in a great while we hook up. But even long distance my confidence has changed. My energy is just so much more positive. I'm more concerned with helping the women I'm talking to get out of their negative mindsets and go somewhere mentally fun and creative and exciting. It's like all of a sudden girls I was talking to via text started flirting with me more, sending me pictures of themselves, sexting, all this other stuff.

If I wasn't still messed up psychologically and emotionally about sex and relationships I would probably be having a great time right now. But even though texting is a cope, it is a buffer, it's better to me than nothing. I almost never look at porn anymore but I do enjoy real women flirting with me, even if it's just long distance, and having these little fantasy worlds together, with running jokes and inside things.

It's much better to me than porn. And I do hope that one day someday soon I'll be able to break through this psychological barrier and actually have sex with someone who isn't my ex. Liberate myself. But for now I'm guarding my energy. Long distance is just fantasy, sure, but IMO it beats porn by miles and miles. It's a real person on the other end of the phone and when you actually have some genuine flirting and a 'storyline' between you guys going on. It's just so much more fun and so much more rewarding.

Anyway, that's all for now. Abundant energy tonight. Completely abundant. I never felt like this before going on retention. Closing in on 3 months soon. If it took you years for the benefits to start tapering off, I'm sure it'll be the same for me. I really, really went to EXTREME excesses with masturbation frequency, ejaculating constantly. So it may very well take me years to recover and reap the real benefits of all this. If I feel this great on only a couple months I can only imagine how much of myself and my identity I might regain after 1 or 2 years.

The main risk is in-person sex. I'm not sure I could retain in person with a girl. That mentality is poisonous and I also want to omit that thinking. My goal is perfect control over my mind and body, to the fullest extent I can manage. That is my goal. I don't want to entertain thoughts about a lack of control or failure or negativity. That is another thing that retention is doing for me: my confidence and clarity are increasing. This is invaluable.
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
I actually injured my shoulder doing some overhead barbell pressing a month ago and am still hoping that recovers. Still same ROM I had before but just chronic low grade pain.

70% DMSO gel with Aloe Vera may actually help this, think I got mine on ebay.

Dude I will have to up my exercises, you do soooo much :drowning::happy:

Music is great, you may be aware of 'The Dooo' and Marcus Veltri on Youtube, both seem to have made a career out of posting :headphone:.
Last edited:


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
+ others who complained about ejaculation throwing you off: I've been practicing celibacy with varying degrees of dedication since 2011. During the first years, each ejaculation would dramatically lower my mood and drive for a couple of days. However, at some point this effect seemed to begin to diminish, and these days a single ejaculation hardly affects me at all (for perspective, I've ejaculated 7 times this year). Sometimes I might even feel more balanced and less restricted after an ejaculation, as if a weight was lifted off me. It seems that after reaching a certain point, being able to transmute/channel the sexual energy is required. I still have no idea what that means though, beyond exercising, meditating and keeping yourself busy. Some speak of being able to feel and move the subtle energies within their body with the help of their breath, but i've yet to figure out what that would mean in practice.
Ejaculation from self stimulation with no partner throws me off, not the same thing as sex or masturbating with a partner. I would video chat with my girlfriend and masturbate when I was out of town, and no negative effects. I think masturbating with out a real person as the focus, seems like the issue. Definitely porn being involved makes that much worse. I can watch porn, but I do not train my mind to use it as the sole means of arousal and I never would masturbate to porn.


Oct 21, 2018
Ejaculation from self stimulation with no partner throws me off, not the same thing as sex or masturbating with a partner. I would video chat with my girlfriend and masturbate when I was out of town, and no negative effects. I think masturbating with out a real person as the focus, seems like the issue.
Very interesting outlook. I know that ejaculating by self pleasure def is not as satisfying as with a partner intercourse wise.

I always thought it was neurotransmitters in fluids.


Dec 5, 2022
I discovered semen retention and that whole community a while back and have subscribed ever since. Some sex is fine but no jerking it for me. I believe it’s incredibly unhealthy on multiple levels. Plus a huge drain in energy.
Nov 21, 2015
I discovered semen retention and that whole community a while back and have subscribed ever since. Some sex is fine but no jerking it for me. I believe it’s incredibly unhealthy on multiple levels. Plus a huge drain in energy.

do you have a partner? Are you dating?


Aug 21, 2020
Just like eating, masturbating is best done intuitively. Compulsion is the problem, not the act itself.

Sex is certainly healthier, but not everyone has the luxury to be able to engage in it spontaneously.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
I discovered semen retention and that whole community a while back and have subscribed ever since. Some sex is fine but no jerking it for me. I believe it’s incredibly unhealthy on multiple levels. Plus a huge drain in energy.
Absolutely true for me but masturbating to or with a partner does not effect me negatively the way self stimulation would. Strange


Sep 21, 2014
A former teammate used to say as a goodbye at the end of the evening after a game: "Keep your hands above the blanket, guys!"

Dude was onto something.


Jun 22, 2021
Honestly I've been back and forth on NoFap and I do think if you're healthy you should be releasing every few days or whenever your testicles are full, sperm does get damaged if you retain it while full

But don't just masturbate, Work-out the penis - thats what I do, instead of viewing it as masturbation you can view it as a necessary release and use it as an excuse for keeping your penis active and exercise for it, its really good for GROWING your penis and helps you build stamina

I do think penile tissue is very similar to muscle tissue in how to grow it you need to USE IT and have blood flowing through it regularly

If you do nothing with your penis, I do believe it can get smaller and if you just let your body release via dreams you lose a good opportunity for a penis work-out
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