What Happened To My T4?


Nov 28, 2014
Hi everyone,

I’m new here but have been lurking around the forum for several months now trying to learn as much as I can. I could use some help figuring out some recent lab work.

First some background. I’m female and 51 with a history of carb and calorie restriction to be “healthy” (sheesh). Started having some health issues in 2011 that got my attention (anxiety, dizziness) and started seeing a ND. She eventually put me on 30mg Armour in Oct. 2011. Looking back now on my lab work from that time, I realize I was probably just estrogen dominant because I had good total t4 but low t3. But, alas, ignorance carried the day and I obediently took the Armour.

I felt better at first but still had many hypo symptoms that wouldn’t resolve (low temps, dry skin, constipation to name a few). Over the years, she would raise or lower my dose a bit depending on the TSH, never according to how I felt. During this time, I stumbled upon Matt Stone and Gwyneth Olwen (youreatopia) and began re-feeding in Dec 2012. I continued to have good and bad days energy-wise but fatigue and brain-fog were progressively getting worse to the point that last winter I became nearly house-bound because I felt too drowsy to drive most days. My lab work of spring 2014 looked like this:

TSH: 4.270
Total t3: 128 (71-180)
Free t3: 3 (2.0-4.4)
Total t4: 5.3 (4.5-12.0)
Free t4: 0.65 (0.82-1.77)

So my doc raised my Armour dosage to 60mg and in August my TSH was 0.691. I began to realize my doctor seemed to have nothing else to offer me because my lab work is “normal” even though I spent most of my days feeling like a zombie. Sometime during the summer, I decided I’d had enough and would see what I could accomplish on my own with the information I was slowly assimilating from Ray Peat. I bought some Thiroyd from Thailand to see if a different brand of NDT would make a difference since I had read that people sometimes have problems with Armour. That was in September, so I’ve been on 60mg Thiroyd for about 8 weeks. I noticed no difference physically or mentally in switching brands.

I also realized that I’m estrogen dominant and probably have been for at least a decade. I’ve been taking Progest-e since July, 50mg or more per day depending on symptoms. I also have elevated liver enzymes, so I know my liver is struggling to process everything. I decided that maybe I’m having trouble converting the t4 in the NDT, so I started adding in some cynomel in early October. I’ve worked my way up slowly to around 10mcg split up throughout the morning and early afternoon, 2-3 mcg at a time, and I continue to take 1 grain of Thiroyd in the evening. My ratio of t4:t3 is roughly 2:1, if my math is right. Within a week or two of starting the cynomel, the brain fog cleared considerably, though there is still lots of room for improvement.

That’s where my new lab work comes in. I wanted to see where things stood after the changes I had made and hopefully be able to figure out what to do next as winter approaches. Here are the current results:

TSH: 3.11
Total t3: 146 (71-180)
Free t3: 3.2 (2.0-4.4)
Total t4: 1.7 (4.5-12.0)
Free t4: 0.36 (0.82-1.77)
Reverse t3: <5.0 (9.2-24.1)

I was quite shocked to see my t4 take such a drastic plunge! These results look to me like what you would see from someone who is taking t3 only. Does this mean that Thiroyd has less t4 than Armour…or none at all? And if not, then why isn’t my own thyroid gland kicking in? Three years ago my total t4 was 8.3 which is mid-range, so I know it’s capable. Or at least it used to be.

So, I’m not sure what to do next since I’m not sure how to interpret these results. Or maybe I’m putting too much emphasis on the lab work? But my TSH is higher than is best and I still have many unresolved hypo issues, so I feel I should probably be doing something. Ugh! Help! lol


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
sweetpeat, :welcome

Thiroyd seemed to stop working for me so I am trying another brand now. I am wondering if the manufacturing process might have changed because it did work for me before.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
:welcome2 Welcome sweetpeat! I haven't used any glandular products but have been very happy with cynoplus.


Oct 13, 2014
I notice when I take any product with T3 in it my T4 drives to the lower range also.. I'm postulating that t3 inhibits the production of t4 of the thyroid due to inhibition of TSH from the pituitary or that possibly the t3 causes a more efficient conversion and faster conversion of t4 to t3.

One other thought is that these are measurements in serum and that the addition of t3 brings the t4 into the cells better and that would make the t4 appear lower in the serum


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
My t4 was on the lower end of normal the last time I had it checked. I haven't researched exactly what that means but I've been feeling good. Your reasoning makes sense to me Spondive.


Jan 25, 2014
I used cynoplus and cynomel before. Last august or probably september I switched to thiroyd. I didn't feel any positive effect from thiroyd that synthroid or cynoplus give me. Even after about one and a half week my thyroid gland began hurting and swelling. I don't have any measurements from that time unfortunately, maybe TSH went through the roof, maybe antibodies against the NDT that also have affinity for our thyroid gland. I don't know but I quickly went back to my mexican friends and everything vanished in thin air. Probably a bad batch indeed, but I prefer syntethic anyway then I know what I am dosing and quality should be easier to maintain.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Sweetpeat: I tried switching over to Thiroyd from Cynpoplus earlier this year during the summer months and went running back to my Cynoplus. Definitely felt like Thiroyd did absolutely nothing for me. I only felt a slight effect when I upped my dose to 4 grains (which was apparently similar to taking 2 grains of Cynoplus). I decided it wasn't helping and am much happier and energetic on Cynoplus. Not everything is solved, but the difference between the NDT and synthetic is quite noticeable. Synthetic wins out on this one.


Nov 28, 2014
Thank you to everyone who’s responded. Finding Ray Peat’s work is a blessing in and of itself, but to also find a community of caring individuals who are helping each other to apply, well, it’s just amazing!

Ok, so no one seems panicked by the low t4 (except perhaps me). That’s good news.

But the consensus so far seems to be to try cynoplus. So I take it to mean that these numbers are too low and I do need to try to get some supplemental t4 in me? The Thiroyd seems to have little, if any, so I’m wondering if I should try the Armour again since I have it on hand and it takes a while to get the cynoplus delivered. I was using the cynomel in conjunction with the Thiroyd, but I haven’t tried using it with Armour which I know does contain t4. It will give me a chance to see how my liver responds to adding t4 back into the mix. Or perhaps it will prove Spondive’s theory that the t4 is there all along, but more of it is in the tissues rather than the serum.

Thanks again for helping me think this through. I will try to remember to report back here on how things turn out. Maybe it will help someone else…?


Mar 29, 2014
Welcome sweetpeat :welcome2


Jul 13, 2014
I notice when I take any product with T3 in it my T4 drives to the lower range also.. I'm postulating that t3 inhibits the production of t4 of the thyroid due to inhibition of TSH from the pituitary or that possibly the t3 causes a more efficient conversion and faster conversion of t4 to t3.

One other thought is that these are measurements in serum and that the addition of t3 brings the t4 into the cells better and that would make the t4 appear lower in the serum
those are interesting points spondive. do you have any idea why my free t4 levels were at the top of the range after supplementing t3 only. i probably should have got total t4 checked rather than free t4.


Jul 13, 2014
I also have elevated liver enzymes, so I know my liver is struggling to process everything
which test is this?
But the consensus so far seems to be to try cynoplus.
i dont know if you know, but idealabs products from haidut also have a very good t3/t4 product called tyromix. its liquid so doesnt have any fillers and ive been using it quite effectively its a 2:1 ratio which i think is better also. i think its also cheaper than cynoplus


Nov 28, 2014
which test is this?

i dont know if you know, but idealabs products from haidut also have a very good t3/t4 product called tyromix. its liquid so doesnt have any fillers and ive been using it quite effectively its a 2:1 ratio which i think is better also. i think its also cheaper than cynoplus
Liver tests I did are alkaline phosphatase, AST, ALT, and GGT. I think they are tests done on a typical liver panel.

I ended up trying cynoplus for a while. It has too much t3 for me. It would be the same for tyromix. I'm currently taking mostly t4 with a little bit of t3. This regimen has surprisingly helped me the most.
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