What is stopping people from re-growing entire limbs ? Our organ tissue can re-grow and Deer and Lizards can re-grow lost bones as well


Jun 22, 2021
What exactly is stopping people from re-growing entire limbs - it seems like we should be able to in good health ...

View: https://medium.com/a-microbiome-scientist-at-large/why-cant-we-regrow-limbs-32ba3c42e245


Soon after the wound has been sealed by a blood clot, however, salamanders develop a clump of cells beneath the surface, called a blastema. The cells that form this blastema tend to be from nearby — but they’re not normal skin cells or blood cells.

The cells that form the blastema are stem cells, cells that have not differentiated into a final cell type...

In the salamander, this ball of stem cells at the site of the wound multiplies and grows, with the stem cells converting into bone, muscle, and skin. A small, miniature version of the lost limb forms, which grows until it fits the rest of the animal.

The salamander determines how much of a limb to regrow (just the foot? The whole leg?) based on several factors, including the presence of connective tissue cells, called fibroblasts, and levels of retinoic acid, or vitamin A. Scientists have added extra retinoic acid at amputation sites and observed that the salamanders regrow extra-long arms, for example. "

Vitamin A helps salamanders grow extra large limbs - interesting ...


So then it seems like stem cells help the salamanders re-grow their limbs - theoretically it seems like the same could happen for people ?

How does the metabolic rate affect stem cell production ? I see that it regulates it but the only thing I can find is that a fasted state increases stem cell production ...

"This crosstalk between intermediary metabolism and epigenetics may in part account for how metabolic pathways can contribute to stem cell fate determination."

"These stem cells can theoretically be used as an inexhaustible source for cells. Scientists believed these cell products could be used to restore the functions of organs and treat diseases. However, regenerating cells and organs from a patient’s own cells and then returning them to that same patient turned out to be trickier than expected."

" Surprisingly, humans do regenerate some limited features and organs.

Consider liver transplants. Unlike a kidney transplant, the person who donates a liver doesn’t have to struggle for the rest of their life on half a liver; the organ regrows, although it doesn’t always reach the same capacity of function as before.

Lungs also regrow, to a limited extent. This is one of the reasons why it’s good to quit smoking; over the year after quitting, the lungs will regrow many of the air sacs and surface cells.
However, this doesn’t extend to limbs. Lop off an extremity, and it’s not coming back.

Why not?

There’s no certain answer, but there are several theories. "

No certain answer ? How can this be ? The theories don't seem to make much sense...

" One theory suggests that scar tissue is an adaptation — but one that prevents regeneration. Scar tissue forms quickly and helps seal over a wound, but it’s made of different materials than unmarred skin...

Another theory is that the cellular machinery that triggered regeneration was lost, possibly because the growth of cells can look a lot like cancer... This sounds like BS to me personally

We may also not have enough stem cells, or our cells have lost the capacity to naturally regress back to an undifferentiated state. Again, stem cells tend to pop up in cancerous tumors, so this loss isn’t necessarily a bad thing for us... once again this sounds like BS"

We can regrow cartilage and organ tissue - but can't regrow bones ? How can this be ? Can bones be re-grown with just a healthy metabolic rate ? The deer and lizards degrowing their bones seem to be in better metabolic health than most people - there doesn't seem to be anything stopping us from doing so ?



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Dec 11, 2016
In terms of evolution and where the human body is at right now, growing back limbs is not part of the subconscious mind programming. Therefore, naturally, at this time, humans cannot do it. However, the conscious mind can redirect the subconscious mind and reprogram the body blueprint. This would require specific individual application as the standard belief system in place, which governs the actions of the subconscious mind, is such that growing back limbs is not possible. … I see growing back limbs, which the human body is capable of, as the next phase of evolution. But it begins with the individual. As more and more people are able to grow back limbs, and more and more people believe it is possible, the next evolutionary phase will begin.


Jun 22, 2021
In terms of evolution and where the human body is at right now, growing back limbs is not part of the subconscious mind programming. Therefore, naturally, at this time, humans cannot do it. However, the conscious mind can redirect the subconscious mind and reprogram the body blueprint. This would require specific individual application as the standard belief system in place, which governs the actions of the subconscious mind, is such that growing back limbs is not possible. … I see growing back limbs, which the human body is capable of, as the next phase of evolution. But it begins with the individual. As more and more people are able to grow back limbs, and more and more people believe it is possible, the next evolutionary phase will begin.
Very Interesting - the conscious redirecting the subconscious - these are very interesting thoughts


Jul 25, 2013
Ray has described (KMUD?) how young children CAN grow back severed finger tips. Finger must be covered with a metal tube. I think he said this allows for CO2 to build up. Children's bodies are still generally working optimally, so that may explain it.


Dec 11, 2016
Very Interesting - the conscious redirecting the subconscious - these are very interesting thoughts
Gonna have to look at the work of Neville Goddard and Thomas Troward to understand exactly how this works and how to communicate with the subconscious mind, which is the mind that keeps the body running and completes 100 billion biological processes a second.


Jun 22, 2021
Ray has described (KMUD?) how young children CAN grow back severed finger tips. Finger must be covered with a metal tube. I think he said this allows for CO2 to build up. Children's bodies are still generally working optimally, so that may explain it.
Interesting - I think I saw another user on this forum say that he had said a dog regrew its lost eyeball after starting to drink more milk - let me see if I can find it - I do find it interesting that salamanders can re-grow its lost limb even bigger with the application of Vitamin A and that some of these studies show the metabolism regulates "stem cell fate determination" in the body - it makes me think what exactly are the limits of an organism when its metabolism is working efficiently


Feb 13, 2021
Interesting - I think I saw another user on this forum say that he had said a dog regrew its lost eyeball after starting to drink more milk - let me see if I can find it - I do find it interesting that salamanders can re-grow its lost limb even bigger with the application of Vitamin A and that some of these studies show the metabolism regulates "stem cell fate determination" in the body - it makes me think what exactly are the limits of an organism when its metabolism is working efficiently
It has to do with electrical fields and signaling. You might like Dr. Becker's work from the book linked above!


Jun 22, 2021
Gonna have to look at the work of Neville Goddard and Thomas Troward to understand exactly how this works and how to communicate with the subconscious mind, which is the mind that keeps the body running and completes 100 billion biological processes a second.
It has to do with electrical fields and signaling. You might like Dr. Becker's work from the book linked above!
Interesting - I am definitely going to check it out - it seems to make sense that it is all down to communication to the root - where if the body has the energy to do the extra-ordinary - all it needs is the guidance to do said specific thing - it's a fascinating subject - was not aware it was written about this deeply before


Jun 16, 2015
@JamesGatz Did you read "The Body Electric" by Becker? It is the book from which the first part of your OP comes from. He was basically able to get decent tissue regrowth in humans by applying small-voltage electric fields at the end of the damaged tissue to mimic what the salamander is able to do naturally. He initially did tons of experiments with salamanders to figure this out before moving to humans. It's been a while since I read it, but I think he also had to put a certain low-frequency modulation on the electric field. His research stopped being funded but he had basically shown increasing success in human tissue regrowth until that time. Anyways, it might suggest that one could do this naturally if one's metabolism were high enough to generate a strong electric field at the extremities, but I suspect the trauma of losing a limb would quickly subdue a strong metabolism when the stress hormones kick in.


Jun 22, 2021
@JamesGatz Did you read "The Body Electric" by Becker? It is the book from which the first part of your OP comes from. He was basically able to get decent tissue regrowth in humans by applying small-voltage electric fields at the end of the damaged tissue to mimic what the salamander is able to do naturally. He initially did tons of experiments with salamanders to figure this out before moving to humans. It's been a while since I read it, but I think he also had to put a certain low-frequency modulation on the electric field. His research stopped being funded but he had basically shown increasing success in human tissue regrowth until that time. Anyways, it might suggest that one could do this naturally if one's metabolism were high enough to generate a strong electric field at the extremities, but I suspect the trauma of losing a limb would quickly subdue a strong metabolism when the stress hormones kick in.
Very Interesting - I have not read it but I definitely want to now that I see it being suggested more in this thread - these experiments sound very fascinating I am definitely going to delve into it - I can't believe I haven't come across these experiments before - sounds like some real cutting-edge stuff


Jan 11, 2019
ray talks about morphogenic field theory a lot, and it basically asserts (and i probably dont understand it completely or perfectly) that we are a psychic or magnetic field that our physical beingness alligns to. this alligns with emf readings of the human body and of specific organs, traditional cultures understanding of the human body, scientific discovery of thinking about lifting weights increasing MPS, and the tips of fingers growing back. i wonder if having a sense of abundant energy, a lack of fear, and a stimulating exciting life would increase the potential of limb regrowth and body recomposition. i think wed all agree that when a stressful stimuli disappears, things like weight loss are easy to understand.


Jun 22, 2021
I like the importance of electric fields to the body that people are bringing up - it makes me look at the wearing of precious metals (most of which are conductive) and the effect it may have on the body in a different light ... Gold, Copper, and Silver especially

It is also interesting that Polyester is a poor conductor of electricity and so are the synthetic materials used for running shoes and seems to bother many people on the forum including myself

Meanwhile Leather is a good conductor and is a material I like wearing as much as possible for my shoes especially - I am not sure of cotton or wool - they seem better than polyester and other synthetic fibers but not that great of a conductor still - it's interesting to think about


Oct 6, 2020
24 hours of the Bio-Reactor with progesterone stimulated the growth of a frogs leg over 9 months ? Extremely interesting

Yes. Altough until it is commercially used it will still take a long time, if it works out at all but i think they are already going at it in rat studies.

The implication of this find is that you could theoreticly "regenerate" and heal every part of the body without genetic modification.


Jan 6, 2019
In short: nothing apart from your own state of metabolism. At any given moment your metabolism is limited to working within a specific set of processes. This determines your true state of health. Examples: at a poor level of metabolism, not even wounds heal. At a decent level of metabolism, moles will disappear and dentin will regenerate. At even higher levels of metabolism, profound anti-aging processes will activate. Re-growing lost limbs can only happen when there are no lower level processes that are requiring energy. For most people all this energy is required for mere maintenance and recovery from daily wear & tear.

Ray has described (KMUD?) how young children CAN grow back severed finger tips. Finger must be covered with a metal tube. I think he said this allows for CO2 to build up. Children's bodies are still generally working optimally, so that may explain it.
CO2/oxygenation is the answer as far as regenerative metabolism goes (well, oxygenation, hydration and cellular voltage are all part of the same essence). In Indian tradition there are anecdotes of people re-growing lost hands or feet with dedicated pranayama practice, which supercharges the metabolism even beyond the youthful metabolism of young children.
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