What's Your Opinion On 9/11? All Ideas Welcome

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x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
You reject the findings of an eminent Jewish scholar as drivel, without arguing reasons for it. You reject the findings of another Jewish scholar by accusing him of fomenting hatred, etc., without examining the summary and book's arguments. I get it, I expected it, as you are predictable as the London clock, but, as I said, I'm putting out sources that people can judge for themselves to get a much more balanced picture than the very incomplete and deeply disingenuous one you provide. Addenda: you accuse - without evidence - those who raise questions about Jewish malignity in history and the present (especially in Israel) of being hatemongers, while saying the Catholic Church is really Babylonian religion with hocus pocus magic and sorcery, implying it's a devilish occultist fraternity at the top - and always has been - with your references to the very real problem of pederasty and homosexuality therein. You pour out an unending autistic drumbeat about the evil Jesuits - who you insist insist insist - control ENTIRELY every conspiracy of every conspiratorial group, the masons, the Jews, the whatthehellever. The combined effect of of this effort inevitably shifts hatred and calumny onto Catholics. Psychologists call this projection: accusing your opponents of doing things they don't do of the things the accuser does. You are a Christian but actually, like your theological allies at Chick Publications, you hate certain fellow Christians (Catholics) so much that you don't even consider them to be Christian. Almost identical to radical fundamentalist Muslims in their attitude towards other Muslims who disagree with their understanding of Islam.

But getting back to the Jews, whom you appoint yourself to be a defender of (are you white knighting? or just virtue-signaling? or both?): if I were a Jew, I'd be quite offended by your insistent/ insistent/ insistent claim (while offering no evidence, as usual for you) that Jesuits control the Jews. Jews themselves are just as insistent insistent insistent of being very smart, capable, resourceful, etc., etc. I agree with the Jews regarding their self-evaluation. Nobody "controls" them because if this were true, it would mean somebody out there is a lot more smart, capable, and resourceful than the Jews. In other words, the Jews would have to be stupid, incompetent and lacking resources to allow themselves to be controlled. Hence, you insult the people you pretend to defend, you look down on them, while implicitly elevating to a high and majestic level, the Jesuits, who necessarily have to be super intelligent and and have god-like powers - they would have to have such qualities to control the world as much as you vehemently insist they do. And to those of us who see both the good and bad in Jews, you have the audacity to insult as "anti-semites." You are the real anti-semite, a subtler one.

The rest of what you say is a mix of some truth with the ridiculous and historically false and infested with non-sequiturs to be worth the tedium of commenting on.
Here is the old Badger we have all come to know; always resorting to insults and personal attacks when challenged, and utterly incapable of maintaining a civil discussion. There isn’t much point continuing, as not only are you prone to temper tantrums, but are obviously incapable of distinguishing real history from the age old propaganda of Jewish ritual sacrifice and other anti-Jewish lies. Your accusing me of being what you are, an anti-Semite, is not exactly unexpected from someone spending so much time studying neo-Nazi propaganda. Goebbels' legacy is alive and well.
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x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Rabbi Dov Zakheim: Chief Architect of 9/11 Part2
Who is Rabbi Dov Zakheim?

Graduate of the prestigious London School of Economics (PhD), and the University of Oxford (National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow)
Former CEO of Systems Planning Corporation, a highly specialized defense technology company that manufactures a one-of-a-kind remote-piloting system for aircraft, including commercial airliners (see below)
Senior Fellow for Asian Studies of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Member of the Task Force on Defense Reform (appointed by Secretary of Defense Cohen)
Senior Advisor at the Center for International and Strategic Studies
Former Under Secretary of Defense (appointed by George W. Bush)
Comptroller of the Pentagon {see [1] below for performance report}
Pioneer and prime architect of Project for the New American Century (PNAC), the neo-con cabal that authored Rearming America’s Defenses (RAD), the bible for American global domination [2]
Author of “Flight Of The Lavi: Inside A US-Israeli Crisis” (Brassey’s, 1996)
Long-time Bush associate, having served as a policy advisor to the governor during the 2000 campaign
Columnist for The Jerusalem Post
Editorial Board member of Israel Affairs
Ordained Rabbi
Citizen of the State of Israel [How a citizen of Israel can serve as Comptroller of America’s central defense establishment is a question I shall leave to others for comment. While they ponder this perturbing oddity, perhaps they could also shed light on why every one of the following kingpins of the Bush administration are also Israeli citizens: Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Michael Chertoff, George Tenet, Elliot Abrams, Donald Kagan, Richard Haas, Kenneth Adelman, Edward Luttwak, Robert Satloff, David Frum, David Wurmser, Steve Goldsmith, and Marc Grossman.]

[1] “I know Dr. Zakheim has been trying to hire CPAs because the financial systems of the department are so snarled up that we can't account for some $2.6 TRILLION in transactions that exist...”
—Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, during testimony before the House Appropriations Committee: Fiscal Year 2002 Defense Budget Request, as given by Secy. Rumsfeld, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Hugh Shelton, and Comptroller Dov Zakheim; on Monday, July 16, 2001. [NB: Dr. Zakheim resigned as Pentagon Comptroller and Chief Financial Officer at the beginning of March when it was revealed that the he is unable to account for the disappearance of $2.6 trillion (it’s unlikely this will receive much coverage in the mainstream media). Zakheim has since taken a lucrative position as a vice president of the mega-consultancy Booz, Allen, & Hamilton (one that also works closely with DARPA). Rabbi Zakheim is also Chief Executive Officer of SPC International Corporation (a subsidiary of the aforementioned remote-flight-control-technology firm), a company that specializes in “political, military, and economic consulting, and international sales and analysis”. In addition, Dr. Zakheim serves as Consultant to the Secretary of Defense and the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. As the Rabbi’s record clearly shows, he has serious tenure in the US defense establishment: more than 30 years of holding assorted senior positions at the Pentagon.]

[2] Dov Zakheim is the co-author of that singularly sinister—and chillingly ominous—statement contained in Rearming America’s Defenses (RAD) re the plan for American global domination [through galvanizing American emotional support for full-scale war against oil-rich Arab states]: "...the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor". The PNAC document also expressly recommends the US should seize Iraq even if Saddam Hussein were deposed through a military coup. [So much for bringing “freedom and democracy” to the people of that country.]

The good Rabbi’s involvement with PNAC, his previous directorship of a corporation that manufactures remote control flight systems, and his inability to document how the Pentagon has spent TRILLIONS of American taxpayers’ dollars suggests that real investigations into the crimes of 9/11 and the US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq would put Mr. Zakheim near the top of the witness list for interrogation and potential prosecution.


Dr. Dov Zakheim was the former CEO of Systems Planning Corporation, a company that designs and manufactures extremely sophisticated control/guidance technology that enables an external operator to fly, and land, aircraft by remote control. One of the company’s principal products is the Command Transmitter System (CTS), a fully redundant, self-contained, solid-state platform capable of providing totally programmable remote flight control capability, including high-precision electronic navigation.

The company’s parallel product, the Flight Termination System (FTS), enables system-equipped aircraft to be safely landed on any suitable runway in the world—regardless of the availability of ground-based navigational or landing aids (VOR, ILS, MLS, etc.).

Such total independence in all flight regimes is achieved through a variety of ultra-sophisticated space-based technologies, including Mil-spec DGPS (Differential GPS, using extremely precise encrypted military “P” Code transmissions), and is accurate to within one foot of the runway centerline during landing.

The CTS/FTS remote-control system is capable of controlling up to 8 airborne vehicles—including airliners—simultaneously from ground-based or airborne (AWACS) positions.

[“Coincidence”: Operation Vigilant Guardian, one of five NORAD “war game exercises” underway on the morning of 9/11 and orchestrated by **** Cheney, involved the simulated hijacking of commercial airliners. At one point during the exercises, while the four “real” hijacked aircraft were airborne, as many as TWENTY-TWO independent radar blips representing “hijacked” aircraft were simultaneously displayed on FAA radar screens along the Eastern seaboard. This, obviously, created total pandemonium. Air traffic controllers who had been advised beforehand by NORAD of the “simulated hijackings”, began frantically calling NORAD to determine which of the twenty-two targets were “real” and which were “exercise.” All indications are that whatever it was that happened to the four real “hijacked” airliners occurred during this purposefully orchestrated melee while the order was given for the US Air Force to “stand down”.]

The CTS/FTS system (subsequently improved, tested and implemented by Raytheon) allows specialist ground controllers to listen-in on cockpit conversations on the target aircraft, then take absolute control of its computerized flight control system by remote means and safely land the aircraft at any airport within range.

In other words, this technology was designed to empower “law enforcement agencies” to hijack hijackers.

[NB: The ground station technology for CTS/FTS was developed by Raytheon under an Air Force contract for the Joint Precision Approach and Landings System (JPALS) program. A government-industry team accomplished the first precision approach/auto-land by a civil aircraft using this system on August 25, 2001 at Holloman AFB, NM. A FedEx Express 727-200 aircraft demonstrated hundred percent system proficiency by executing six full auto-lands using the JPALS ground station.]


In partnership with Raytheon, System Planning Corporation also supplies CTS/FTS technology to commercial airplane manufacturers for installation in airliners (Boeing: confirmed; Airbus: undetermined, but highly probable given the consortium’s connection to BAE, a US military contractor.)

It has been reported that DARPA’s codename for the CTS/FTS system was “Home Run”. Former German Secretary of Defense Andreas Von Buelow may have alluded to foreknowledge of Home Run technology in an interview he gave the German daily "Tagesspiegel" on January 13th, 2002:

"There is also the theory of one British flight engineer: according to this, the steering of the planes was perhaps taken out of the pilots' hands, from outside. The Americans had developed a method in the 1970s, whereby they could rescue hijacked planes by intervening into the computer piloting [automatic pilot system]. This theory says this technique was abused in this case [9/11]..."

Upon deeper scrutiny this may not appear quite so much a “theory” as might first seem. It’s been reported that the German national carrier Lufthansa, seriously concerned that one of its own aircraft might be “rescued” by the Americans without its authority, had every one of its Home Run-equipped Boeing aircraft stripped of the American flight control computers. It’s reasonable to presume that Herr Von Buelow—the Secretary of Defense and Minister of Science and Technology at the time—would have known all about this mammoth but secretive task (how very clever—and discreet—of Von Buelow to "drop” the information into the middle of an interview about the 9/11 attacks). Lufthansa aircraft (and possibly others) are now effectively impervious to Home Run take-overs, but that is more than can be said for the American aircraft fleet.

In order to make Home Run truly effective, it had to be completely integrated with all onboard systems, and this could only be accomplished with a new aircraft design, several of which were on the drawing boards at that time. Under cover of extreme secrecy, the multinationals and DARPA went ahead on this basis and built “back doors” into the new computerized flight control systems.

There were two very obvious hard requirements at this stage: 1) a primary control channel for use in taking over the flight control system and flying the aircraft back to an airfield of choice, and 2) a covert audio channel for monitoring flight deck conversations. Once the primary channel was activated, all aircraft functions came under direct ground (or AWACS) control, permanently removing the hijackers and pilots from the control loop.

It needs mention that this was not a system designed to “undermine” the authority of the flight crews, but rather, implemented as a “doomsday” device in the event the hijackers began to shoot passengers or crew members, possibly including the pilots. Based on the reasonable assumption that hijackers only carry a limited number of rounds of ammunition, and many modern airliners carry in excess of 300 passengers, Home Run was envisaged as a system that could be used to fly all the survivors to a friendly airport for a safe landing.

System Activation

Activating the primary Home Run channel is reportedly fairly straightforward. A transponder, as many readers know, is a combined radio transmitter and receiver which operates automatically—in the case of 9/11, relaying data between the four aircraft and air traffic controllers on the ground. The transmitted signals represent a unique “identity” for each aircraft, essential in crowded airspace to avoid midair collisions—and equally essential for Home Run controllers trying to lock onto the correct aircraft.

Once the correct target aircraft is located by radar, the Home Run duplex data bus “piggy backs” the transponder channel and assumes direct control from the ground. This could explain why NONE of the four aircraft sent the special “I have been hijacked” transponder code (7500), despite multiple activation points for this distress transmission on all four aircraft—and despite being flown by combat-hardened ex-fighter pilots.

Because the transponder frequency had already been piggy-backed by Home Run, transmission of the special hijack code was rendered impossible. This was the first hard proof that the target aircraft had been hijacked electronically from the ground, rather than by Arab patsies toting box-cutters.

The Home Run listening device on the flight deck utilizes the cockpit microphones that normally feed the Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR), one of two black boxes armored to withstand heavy impact and thereby later provide investigators significant clues to why the aircraft crashed. However, once plugged into Home Run, the CVRs are bypassed, and voice transmissions are no longer recorded on the 30minute continuous-loop recording tape.

If Home Run is active for more than thirty minutes, there will therefore be no audible data on the Cockpit Voice Recorders. Crash investigators are said to have recovered the CVRs from the Pentagon and Pittsburg aircraft, and publicly confirmed that both are completely blank. The only possible reason for this is data capture by Home Run, providing the final hard proof that the attack aircraft were hijacked electronically from the ground, rather than by “Arab terrorists”.


It is not being suggested that remote circumvention and take-over of the four airliners’ controls is definitely what happened on 9/11. But if this scenario seems improbable, one must necessarily consider the probability of four airliners being taken over simultaneously, casually flown around a large swath of the country for almost two hours under the vigilant eye of NORAD, and then used as missiles—all without a single fighter being scrambled to intercept any of them.

Since this is what actually happened, we have no choice but to consider other “implausible” scenarios. And since the official scenario is itself an unsubstantiated—and truly farfetched—"conspiracy theory," other competing scenarios should also receive serious attention.

The public’s reluctance to question official doctrine on this matter is a symptom of the societal role for which most of us have been bred and trained: to be ever-faithful hounds, tails thumping the floor as we contentedly slurp the hand of class authority. Such credulity also becomes inevitable when the alternative is so unbearable: if someone in Bush's position is capable of lying to us about something as huge, as gut-wrenchingly horrible as 9/11, then everything we believe about this country—about the nature of civilization itself—might just be childish nonsense.

Most people simply don't have the guts to go there. Given a desperate enough need to sustain the childish belief in government-as-benevolent-father, a person will adapt that belief to any circumstance. The behavioral end result can resemble courage; indeed, we are taught to regard it as the DEFINITION of courage. Actually, it's one of cowardice's darkest moments. Even a casual examination of Nazi Germany, where this phenomenon was rampant, will drive this point home.

It's almost funny, the way people readily see the threat of technological circumvention presented by Diebold's electronic voting machines, yet when the subject switches to Systems Planning Corporation’s Flight Termination System, which is every bit as real, and to the exactly parallel possibilities it represents vis-a-vis 9/11, they suddenly retreat into profound and combative denial. It's as if a threshold has been crossed into a realm of possibilities too vile to entertain, so they simply don't. Never mind that this country's operatives have been traveling the world, perpetrating similar horrors, for all of the past century.

Rather than acknowledge the possibility of a unifying pattern, Joe Sixpack would much rather 'shoot the messenger.' Every so often, such people establish a new high-water mark for cowardice and facultative stupidity, and the present is definitely one of those times. After all, the official 9/11 scenario they cling to with such desperate faith comes from only one source: the Western "intelligence community"—the most brazen, systematic, resourceful, and interlocked association of habitual liars this world has ever seen.

As should have been made clear by any number of intelligence scandals over the years, the credibility of this bunch goes past zero into the negative: pending airtight proof, anything they say should be reflexively deemed a lie. You may remember that the FBI also provided the identities of "the 19 hijackers" within hours—information that soon also became quite suspect, especially considering there was NOT ONE Arab name on any of the flight manifests (miraculously, they even found paper passports that had survived fireballs, Arabic flight manuals conveniently left in the trunks of cars, etc., etc.)

At least seven of the hijackers are still alive in the Middle East—a pretty good alibi, wouldn’t you say? Several of these ex-suspects had their passports or other IDs stolen from them over the years, and it's entirely possible that all 19 hijackers had stolen identities, meaning they could have come from anywhere—or been absent altogether. Our media were pretty slack about acknowledging this at the time, and since then have dropped this ball entirely. What’s really amazing is that not one mainstream journalist has asked how these 19 alleged hijackers boarded their aircraft when their names were not on any of the passenger manifests.

Rather than allow the "intelligence community" to render every detail of our comprehension on this matter, we would be much wiser to carefully identify and discard every assumption they hand us.


Are you really trying to say that some bureaucrat in the Pentagon was the top guy in 9/11. How exactly did he get the entire US defense forces to stand down and then orchestrate a world wide cover up? I'm sure this guy was involved but to single him out over say the President, Vice President, or head of the CIA just sounds silly. The truth is that the entire leadership of the US Government was either involved directly or knew enough to keep quiet after it happened. The only way for something as large and as obviously fraudulent as 9/11 to have occurred and then successfully covered up is that we must be already living in a uni-polar world or a One World Government. If there were competing factions, as my naive friend insists, they would have exposed their rivals as soon as it happened. The fact that every Government in the world including our supposed enemies like North Korea and Iran stayed silent speaks volumes. It is confirmed by a careful study of the suppressed history of the last 200 years.

The first quote I posted above would also shed some light on why the Rabbi is being singled out. It also explains the existence of Lucky Larry Silverstein and why the majority of the Internet sites are blaming Israel.

“Why would the Jesuits use their implacable enemy, the Jews, to further their designs for world dominion? The Jesuits never do anything out in the open where they can be exposed. If they are recognized as the culprits, they will be blamed and suffer the consequences, but if they can use someone else as the ‘cause of the world’s problems’, especially an enemy they can destroy in the process, then they have simultaneously accomplished two of their objectives. The Jewish people are the perfect scapegoat. Since the Rothschilds are Jesuit agents operating under a Jewish cover, using them [i.e., the Rothschilds] in forming the Illuminati back in 1776 effectively throws the onus of this conspiracy on the Jews. The Rothschilds are certainly not the only Jesuit agents that operate under a Jewish front. – William Sutton (Author of The New Age Movement )
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Jul 8, 2018
The thread's hijacked again, distracting from the OP's original question.

Can we end this debate about Jews?

DNA science finding is from Dr. Eran Elhaik (“a Jew”) and associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. In research accepted December 5, 2012 and published by the Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, it was found that the“Khazarian Hypothesis” is scientifically correct.

What exactly is the “Khazarian Hypothesis?” Simply stated, it holds that the Jewry genome is a mosaic of ancestries which rise primarily out of the Khazars.

Jews are Khazars, not Israelites.

The “Jews” of America, Europe, and Israel are descendants not of Father Abraham but of King Bulan and the people of ancient Khazaria. Khazaria was an amalgam of Turkic clans who once lived in the Caucasus (Southern Russia) in the early centuries CE. These Turkic peoples were pagans who converted to Judaism in the eighth century. As converts, they called themselves “Jews,” but none of their blood comes from Israel.

Geneticists report that less than 2% of “Jews” living in Israel are actually Israelites.
Later, the “Jews” (Khazars) emigrated, settling in Russia, Hungary, Poland, Germany, and elsewhere in Europe. As “Jews,” the Khazars then left the European nations in 1948 and settled the fledgling, new nation of Israel.

The people of Israel are not the seed, nor the ancestors, of Abraham. They call themselves “Jews,” but in fact, DNA science shows them to be Khazars. They say they are “Jew,” but they are not.

90% of the worlds Jewry is of European Ashkenazi Jews

95% of North American Jewry consists of, came from European Ashkenazi Jews

So all the Ashkenazi Jews are not even of the Semitic blood line.

Is there is an agenda at play of some kind? Who’s behind that agenda?

Also all the top Zionists over the many years claim to be of the Ashkenazi Jewry too.

So again it begs the question, who truly are the Ashkenazi Jews?

A new study concludes that all Ashkenazi Jews can trace their ancestry to a “bottleneck” of just 350 individuals, dating back to between 600 and 800 years ago.

The study, published in the Nature Communications journal Tuesday, was authored by Shai Carmi, a computer science professor at Columbia University, and more than 20 medical researchers from Yale, Columbia, Yeshiva University’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and other institutions.

Researchers analyzed the genomes of 128 Ashkenazi Jews and compared them to those of non-Jewish Europeans in order to determine which genetic markers are unique to Ashkenazi Jews. They found that the Ashkenazi Jews’ genetic similarities were so acute that one of the study’s researchers, Columbia professor Itsik Pe’er, told the Live Science website that among Ashkenazi Jews, “everyone is a 30th cousin.”

Okay, so this is a select group of people who have enlarged over hundreds of years and seem to be disproportionately seated in places of planetary influence.

So can we stop with the Christian/Jewish bickering? Don't we have enough of us/them antagonistic destruction in the world, which BTW is almost always purposely ignited.

I just posted 2 very detailed posts about 9/11, and I'm sorry xray peat, but it mentions a/some very specific Jews.

The PTBS don't have to hire shills anymore....the arguementative public will gladly, blindly do it for them.

What's Your Opinion On 9/11? All Ideas Welcome

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
The thread's hijacked again, distracting from the OP's original question.

Can we end this debate about Jews?

DNA science finding is from Dr. Eran Elhaik (“a Jew”) and associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. In research accepted December 5, 2012 and published by the Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, it was found that the“Khazarian Hypothesis” is scientifically correct.

What exactly is the “Khazarian Hypothesis?” Simply stated, it holds that the Jewry genome is a mosaic of ancestries which rise primarily out of the Khazars.

Jews are Khazars, not Israelites.

The “Jews” of America, Europe, and Israel are descendants not of Father Abraham but of King Bulan and the people of ancient Khazaria. Khazaria was an amalgam of Turkic clans who once lived in the Caucasus (Southern Russia) in the early centuries CE. These Turkic peoples were pagans who converted to Judaism in the eighth century. As converts, they called themselves “Jews,” but none of their blood comes from Israel.

Geneticists report that less than 2% of “Jews” living in Israel are actually Israelites.
Later, the “Jews” (Khazars) emigrated, settling in Russia, Hungary, Poland, Germany, and elsewhere in Europe. As “Jews,” the Khazars then left the European nations in 1948 and settled the fledgling, new nation of Israel.

The people of Israel are not the seed, nor the ancestors, of Abraham. They call themselves “Jews,” but in fact, DNA science shows them to be Khazars. They say they are “Jew,” but they are not.

90% of the worlds Jewry is of European Ashkenazi Jews

95% of North American Jewry consists of, came from European Ashkenazi Jews

So all the Ashkenazi Jews are not even of the Semitic blood line.

Is there is an agenda at play of some kind? Who’s behind that agenda?

Also all the top Zionists over the many years claim to be of the Ashkenazi Jewry too.

So again it begs the question, who truly are the Ashkenazi Jews?

A new study concludes that all Ashkenazi Jews can trace their ancestry to a “bottleneck” of just 350 individuals, dating back to between 600 and 800 years ago.

The study, published in the Nature Communications journal Tuesday, was authored by Shai Carmi, a computer science professor at Columbia University, and more than 20 medical researchers from Yale, Columbia, Yeshiva University’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and other institutions.

Researchers analyzed the genomes of 128 Ashkenazi Jews and compared them to those of non-Jewish Europeans in order to determine which genetic markers are unique to Ashkenazi Jews. They found that the Ashkenazi Jews’ genetic similarities were so acute that one of the study’s researchers, Columbia professor Itsik Pe’er, told the Live Science website that among Ashkenazi Jews, “everyone is a 30th cousin.”

Okay, so this is a select group of people who have enlarged over hundreds of years and seem to be disproportionately seated in places of planetary influence.

So can we stop with the Christian/Jewish bickering? Don't we have enough of us/them antagonistic destruction in the world, which BTW is almost always purposely ignited.

I just posted 2 very detailed posts about 9/11, and I'm sorry xray peat, but it mentions a/some very specific Jews.

The PTBS don't have to hire shills anymore....the arguementative public will gladly, blindly do it for them.

What's Your Opinion On 9/11? All Ideas Welcome
lol You complain about thread jacking and wanting to end “this debate about Jews” and then quickly post another contentious post about the Jews.

I’ll ignore the much disputed evidence of Khazzarian Jews as it’s not really relevant but will point out that even the second study you posted contradicts this theory by referencing many genetic studies that show that Ashkenazi Jews share common genetic identifiers with current Middle Easterners.That is what you would expect for a people that came out of the Middle East and lived in Europe for a thousand years.

“Several recent studies have employed common polymorphisms5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 to characterize AJ [Ashkenazi Jews] as a genetically distinct population, close to other Jewish populations as well as to present-day Middle Eastern and European populations.”
"Modelling of ancient histories for AJ and European populations using their joint allele frequency spectrum determines AJ to be an even admixture of European and likely Middle Eastern origins." Sequencing an Ashkenazi reference panel supports population-targeted personal genomics and illuminates Jewish and European origins

Getting back to 9/11, there must have been thousands of people involved in the 9/11 conspiracy. Congratulations you found a few Jews in there. Guess what, an operation this large would have every race and ethnicity in the US represented.

However the vast mass of evidence of who was the mastermind does not point to the Jews. It’s not by accident that the two point men on this, CIA head George Tenet and NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani are both devout Roman Catholics and Knights of Malta, sworn to absolute obedience to the Pope as crusading knights. It’s also not coincidence that George Tenet is a graduate of Jesuit Georgetown University and was awarded with a Georgetown Professorship once he retired from the CIA. He was also given the Presidential Medal of Honor for a job well done. What Jews were actually in a real position of power in the intelligence agencies, the military, or the White House to have pulled this off?

Since you think the presence of a few Jews is all you need, maybe the greater presence of more than a few Catholics would be more convincing.

9-11: The Jesuit Connection
9-11: The Jesuit Connection, page 1

The CIA is probably the world's biggest public 'black-ops' agency, with links to just about every major conflict around the world and cover-up in the US. Just about every truther agrees that the CIA played a key role in 9/11, or at least had a hand in it. Who founded the CIA? The man widely credited as the 'father' of the CIA, according to Wikipedia, was William "Wild Bill" Donovan, the head of the OSS during WWII. He was Roman Catholic, and a Knight of Malta. The Knights of Malta are a Catholic secret society. Some refer to it as the Pope's militia.

Who was in control of the CIA on 9/11? The CIA was monitoring the alleged hijackers and two of them lived near CIA headquarters. It was George Tenet, who exhibited extremely suspicious behavior when he apparently knew after the first attack that it was an attack, that Bin Laden was involved, and that Moussaoui was involved. Tenet was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University and a Knight of Malta.

The other 'spook' agency is the NSA. Five of the alleged hijackers lived near NSA headquarters and the NSA monitored some of them. They received intercepts the night before the attacks that they claim they weren't able to translate until Sept.12. The director of the NSA on 9/11 was Michael Hayden (Now director of the CIA). He is Roman Catholic and was trained at a Roman Catholic school and University.

The Pentagon was run by Donald Rumsfeld on 9/11, who was then the Secretary of Defense. He is a dropout of the Jesuit Georgetown University.

The President of the United States during 9/11, George W. Bush, 'saw God in the Pope's eyes'. The fact that he considers the Pope to be a higher entity shows what a Vatican stooge he is.

Vice President on 9/11 and up until now, **** Cheney, who took over NORAD six months prior and was running the distraction drills, is in close contact with the Vatican.

Jeb Bush, the President's brother, the governor of the state that controversially won him the 2000 election, was where he was on 9/11, where the alleged hijackers left most of their trail, and who put the national guard on alert 7 days before 9/11 and declared a state of emergency as soon as the North Tower collapse was a Knight of Columbus.

George H.W Bush, certainly a mover and shaker in world events, is alleged by numerous sources to be a Knight of Malta. There are photos of him side by side with the Pope. He was the man behind Iraq War I. He was also a big name in the Carlyle Group and was in a meeting with Carlyle on 9/11. He met with Bin Laden's brother, Shafig, on the morning of 9/11.

Viacom has countless connections to the 9/11 crimes and is a key media perp group. They run CBS, which aired fake plane videos on 9/11. Also, 9/11 filmmaker Devin Clark worked for Comedy Central and MTV, which are both owned by Viacom. Fake witness Stewart Nurick works for Comedy Central, which is owned by Viacom. Viacom is run by Summer Redstone, who attended the Jesuit Georgetown University.

ABC aired the fake International Shot. The Executive Vice President of ABC Inc. on 9/11, Alan N. Braverman, was trained at a Roman Catholic university.

The BBC has disseminated much propaganda videos such as "9/11 Conspiracy Files". The Director-General of the BBC, Mark Thompson, was Jesuit-trained at Stonyhurst College.

News Corporation owns FOX News, as well as many, many other publications that support the official propaganda. It is the biggest media conglomerate in the world. News Corporation is owned by media mogul Rupert K. Murdoch, a Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great.

Hearst Corporation controlled the Popular Mechanics/History Channel 9/11 propaganda pieces. The founder of Hearst was a Knight of Malta. Raymond Peterson, who is on the board of Hearst, is also a Knight of Malta. Joseph F. D'Angelo is Chairman of King Features Syndicate Unit of the Hearst Corporation. He is also a Knight of Malta. Bob Danzig, Vice President of Hearst and head of it's newspaper group is a Knight of Malta. Hearst has ties to Viacom.

Who was running NBC on 9/11? Bob Wright, who was Jesuit-trained at the College of the Holy Cross.

Bill Clinton was in power when the 'precursor op' to 9/11 happened (The WTC93 bombing) and other pre-9/11 black ops (The OKC Bombing and Columbine). He severely lowered the amount of fighters on alert in the US. Some researchers feel that this was a planned action to hinder military response to 9/11. He was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University.

The OKC bombing was a covert op that appeared to be the same type of thing as 9/11. The 'truck story' was created, with no crater or visible identifiable wreckage to support it. Again, unconventional weaponry appeared to have been involved. Again, security camera footage was taken and never released. Again, people were warned out of the building before it happened. Again, the company Controlled Demolition Inc. was involved. Again, there appeared to be some sort of drill going on (All of the ATF members already had their gear on when it happened). Again, it involved the destruction of a building. The FBI director at the time, Louis Freeh, was a devout Roman Catholic, an altar boy. He was linked to Opus Dei. The governor of Oklahoma at the time of the bombing, Frank Keating, was a devout Roman Catholic, Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University and a Knight of Malta.

Pfizer has a connection to one of the passengers on Flight 93. It's also a CFR corporate member that has been in some trouble with the punkzian government for the children that died because of their experimental drugs. The Vice President for Corporate Governance of Pfizer, Gene F. Jankowski, was a Knight of Malta.

Raytheon is a defense contractor that many suspect was deeply involved in 9/11. This is because it had close ties to five of the passengers and helped create small, remote-controlled drones such as the Global Hawk, which some researchers believe were used in the attacks. The Chairman and CEO of Raytheon on 9/11 was David Burnham. Burnham was Jesuit-trained at Xavier University.

Some say that the Bilderberg Group was behind 9/11. The key members in the Bilderberg Group. Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, and Joseph Retinger. All three are Knights of Malta.

The Motives

The Extreme Oath Of The Jesuits urges people to kill heretics and destroy heretic governments. Is the Iraq war a war on terror or a war on heresy? Look at who is controlling this 9/11 war..

Less than a month after 9/11, a new Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was selected. It was Peter Pace, who was Roman Catholic, Jesuit-trained, and a recipent of the John Carroll Award

David Petraeus, commander of all the multinational military forces in Iraq, was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University.

Robert Gates, the current secretary of defense, was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University.

Donald Rumsfeld, former secretary of defense, attended the Jesuit Georgetown University.

Current chief of staff for the US army and former commander of all the multinational military forces in Iraq, George Casey, was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University

Blackwater, a private mercenary contractor that was hired to be in Iraq, is a Jesuit-controlled organization.

In this audio, Vatican/Jesuit researcher Daryl Eberhardt reads quotes from high-ranking Jesuit leaders. They express their hatred for freedom:

The most notorious post-9/11 legislation is the PATRIOT act. Some researchers suspect that at least some of this massive document was written prior to 9/11, seeing as it was amazingly presented by Bush only 11 days after 9/11. Guess who the chief architect of the PATRIOT act was? Viet Dinh, a law professor at the Jesuit Georgetown University.

Another big post-9/11 strike against freedom was the formation of the Orwellian Department of Homeland Security. The real position of power in the DHS is the Head of Intelligence. John C. Gannon is the DHS Head of Intelligence. Amazingly, there is no Wikipedia page on him. Homeland Security's bio on him admits that he was trained at a Roman Cathollic university.

Under Secretary of Homeland Security, Emilio T. Gonzalez, is a Knight of Malta.
www.whitehouse.gov... www.uscis.gov...

The Vatican/Jesuit Octopus has many fronts in the Patriot movement and in other resistance-type causes/movements. An example is the John Birch Society. The JBS appears at first to be a normal patriot organization, but it has ties to the intelligence agencies, Alex Jones' father was a member, and the head is John McManus. John McManus was Jesuit-trained at Holy Cross College in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Many Jesuit operatives have infiltrated the 9/11 movement as well:

Benjamin Fulford has been covering 9/11, as well as the Rockefeller influence in Japan, the alleged conflict between the NWO and a Chinese secret society, etc.

I bought his stories for awhile, but I was disturbed by photos of him smiling happily with David Rockefeller, especially after the things he says about Rockefeller when he's in front of a truther audience. It seemed like he was Rockefeller's buddy without the truther audience, but his mortal enemy when he had the truther audience. It turns out that Benjamin Fulford was Jesuit-trained at Sophia University.

Alex Jones says 'the Catholics-run-it-all folks are the worst' and says that information on the Jesuits is disinfo. Perhaps this is because he is Roman Catholic. Perhaps it is also because the radio network that his show is on uses ABC satellites, and ABC is owned by Walt Disney, which has a Catholic-trained man as it's Senior Executive Vice President, and used to have a Jesuit priest on it's board. When he adventured into Bohemian Grove, he didn't mention the deep Vatican links to Bohemian Grove. AJ once did a speech at St. Edwards University, a Roman Catholic University in Austin. He has had Pat Buchanan (Jesuit-trained, Knight of Malta), Ray McGovern (Jesuit-trained), and John McManus (Jesuit-trained) on his show.

Ray McGovern's main subject seems to be Norman Mineta. The movement sucks up what he says, because he is Ex-CIA and that means he has inside knowledge. However, he is only willing to go as far as LIHOP on the 9/11 issue and, of course, supports 'planes', 'stand down', 'warnings', 'criminal negligence'. The 'not-even-scratching-the-surface' stuff. Turns out Ray McGovern is Roman Catholic and was Jesuit-trained at both Fordham University and Georgetown University.

Robert Baer is, like Ray McGovern, a 'former CIA' Jesuit agent. He gets points with the mainstream 911 movement by saying, when he was asked if he thought 9/11 was an inside job, he said "There is that possibility, the evidence points at it.". He then uses his CIA experience to reassure us all that no, it wasn't a government operation. "For the record, I don't believe that the World Trade Center was brought down by our own explosives, or that a rocket, rather than an airliner, hit the Pentagon. I spent a career in the CIA trying to orchestrate plots, wasn't all that good at it, and certainly couldn't carry off 9/11. Nor could the real pros I had the pleasure to work with.". Robert Baer was also present at Cynthia McKinney's 9/11 hearings, which mainly focused around LIHOP/Partial MIHOP propaganda, along with two other 'former' agents of the Jesuit-controlled CIA. Robert Baer was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University.

George Noory's Coast To Coast AM has had numerous 9/11-related shows, including one which interviewed the editors of Popular Mechanics after they published their 'Debunking 9/11 Myths' propaganda. Coast To Coast is owned by a division of Clear Channel, and George Noory is Roman Catholic and was Jesuit-trained at the University of Detroit Mercy.

Ron Paul uses the 9/11 truth movement as one of his biggest advertisers, yet when he is asked by media shills such as Glenn Beck about 9/11 being an inside job, he says things like 'preposterous', 'absolutely not', and 'bizarre'. In 1993, he co-wrote "The Case For Gold" with Lewis E. Lehrman. Turns out Lehrman is a Knight of Malta.

Eric Hufschmid is the nephew of Rupert Murdoch, owner of News Corporation and a Knight of the Order of St. Gregory The Great!
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Jul 8, 2018
@x-ray peat Don't bust a blood vessel, man. I was born a craddle Catholic and you posting about Catholics doesn't phase me a bit. I'm well aware of the Church's atrocities. We can talk about another creepy fraction, Opius Dei, too.

Hell, given the right place, I can show you how Christianity was hijacked in this country. And that is mainly about the Protestant fractions.

Luther's Reformation brought war amongst the rulers and later about 300,000 peasants revolting with Luther backing them at first until the elite blamed him, where he promptly turned on the peasants in a diatribe entitled, "Against the Robbing Murderous Peasant Hordes," condoning their slautghter.

No religious institution is clean on earth....Point is I don't give a rat's a$$ about anyone's religion [race, political persuasion or whatever.] If they walk the talk and follow the good the Prime Creator placed in our our hearts, they have my respect.

I'll have to closely read your previous posts to respond to them....just wanted to set the record straight. What I truly wish for is that we stop dividing ourselves and/or allowing ourselves to be divided based on the fleshy vehicle we walk around in or our personal beliefs.

There is something else going down on earth and one day, if we don't wise up, all will feel despair because we let minor differences divide us, when we are all inhabinants of the planet Earth, in a very populated part of the galaxy who are living on and destroying this unique jewel which TRUE outsiders wish to covet and enslave us in ways you can't imagine.

As far as I'm concerned we are a wonderful collection of Earthers, who need to come together to solve our pressing problems.
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Apr 8, 2018
The Netherlands
That u guys put so much effort in this is amazing.
Many, many historians, politicians, and religious leaders. Few openly do so today as the Jesuits have fully consolidated all levers of power and would make short work of any who openly oppose them. Kennedy was the last President to try to defy them.

You are correct btw to not trust "White history," as the Jesuits have completely rewritten it. However they are also in charge of Black history as well and are use it to actively foment black on white hatred, which is obviously growing stronger. It's the old Roman maxim of Divide and Rule.

And lastly the next time you call someone an ignoramus or a simpleton, try not to make so many spelling and grammatical errors in the same post. It really takes away from your argument.

here are a few quotes to think about
I thank you for the quotes, appreciate it.
hey I try to use corrections, but frankly I dont care about grammer in english so much coz Im lazy Dutchman. I like to get to the point quickly.
When you say the Jesuits controll the black history, you refer to the black pope behind the scenes?

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
@x-ray peat Don't bust a blood vessel, man. I was born a craddle Catholic and you posting about Catholics doesn't phase me a bit. I'm well aware of the Church's atrocities. We can talk about another creepy fraction, Opius Dei, too.

Hell, given the right place, I can show you how Christianity was hijacked in this country. And that is mainly about the Protestant fractions.

Luther's Reformation brought war amongst the rulers and later about 300,000 peasants revolting with Luther backing them at first until the elite blamed him, where he promptly turned on the peasants in a diatribe entitled, "Against the Robbing Murderous Peasant Hordes," condoning their slautghter.

No religious institution is clean on earth....Point is I don't give a rat's a$$ about anyone's religion [race, political persuasion or whatever.] If they walk the talk and follow the good the Prime Creator placed in our our hearts, they have my respect.

I'll have to closely read your previous posts to respond to them....just wanted to set the record straight. What I truly wish for is that we stop dividing ourselves and/or allowing ourselves to be divided based on the fleshy vehicle we walk around in or our personal beliefs.

There is something else going down on earth and one day, if we don't wise up, all will feel despair because we let minor differences divide us, when we are all inhabinants of the planet Earth, in a very populated part of the galaxy who are living on and destroying this unique jewel which TRUE outsiders wish to covet and enslave us in ways you can't imagine.

As far as I'm concerned we are a wonderful collection of Earthers, who need to come together to solve our pressing problems.
Lol, nobody is busting a blood vessel; just having a healthy civilized debate. I do completely agree that we all need to come together as our strength is in unity. However, we also need to know who the real enemy is, otherwise we are just fighting against shadows.

To clarify, I am not blaming Catholicism or Catholics in general, but only the Priests of the Jesuit Order and their henchmen. I dont think it’s being anti-Catholic to point this out as many Catholics have said the same. In fact, Pope Clement had abolished them forever in the late 1700s due to their constant interference with the peace of nations. He of course was poisoned for his troubles, and unfortunately, like the Borg, they came back stronger than ever.
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x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
That u guys put so much effort in this is amazing.
I thank you for the quotes, appreciate it.
hey I try to use corrections, but frankly I dont care about grammer in english so much coz Im lazy Dutchman. I like to get to the point quickly.
When you say the Jesuits controll the black history, you refer to the black pope behind the scenes?
No worries. It was just a cut and paste from another site so I cant take any of the credit.

I am speaking of Black History like you mentioned; History from the perspective of Black people. The Jesuits have manipulated all peoples to fight with one another and one of their oldest tricks is rewriting history with new lies. They euphemistically call it "learning against learning" which is basically disinfo and propaganda to confuse people as to what the truth is.
Apr 8, 2018
The Netherlands
The footage was shown to be fake by the documentary September Clues.
The creator of the documentary also runs cluesforum.info where a ton of research on the topic can be found. The "Vicsims report" shows the victims were faked. The buildings were most likely empty long before 2001 according to their research.
The Empty Towers
The Possibility That Nobody Died on 9/11
The Vicsims Report
Thank you for taking the time for this.
I really like this vicsim theory. And im sticking with it, personally.

I "like" how it gives the 9-11 "happening" that "holocaust flavor". both highly exaggerated numbers of deaths, and both setup to open doors and expand the empire.


Jul 8, 2018
I'd like to ask all:

What was your reaction, the first time you saw the towers being hit?

I was home that morning and thought:

"It's a good day for fundamentalists, everywhere."

By that, I was thinking: religious fundamentalists, government fundamentalists,
ideological fundamentalists....

Later, people I knew or spoke with watched it over and over on tv...And it was being replayed over & over. They were getting so wrapped up in it emotionally, as if they were there or knew someone there. I said, "Quit watching that; you're being mesmerized by it!"

And I believe that was part of the intent....from whomever.


Jan 23, 2017
You say the "Badger we have all come to know," but you don't finish this well-known phrase with "and love." Jeesh, the thought this implies you don't love me just crushes me, how can I carry on? But I will. And I will bring it back to the main topic of this thread, 9-11, if readers can bear with me.

My shivs stuck into the gut of your arguments must have hit a nerve, because instead of making any effort to rationally rebut my arguments, you re-actively (like a Pavlov dog), explode with usual insults about my reading Neonazis, or being an anti-semiwhatever, etc., even though I shared the work of respected, erudite Jewish scholars. But I guess they ain't your kind of Jews, since their scholarship doesn't fit your agenda, so why bother answering it?

You are so tied up (perhaps with your very identity?) with your primary thesis, that the Jesuits control the world, that you can't separate yourself from this idea even for 5 minutes to look at it from a distance with some degree of objectivity. Your rigid immunity from considering the possible absurdity of this claim implies strongly you may have more serious problems that are beyond the scope of this analysis. In any case, I mentioned in my prior post that for the Jesuits to be in control of the Jews and everybody else would require them to be virtual supermen. But look at the present Pope Francis, a Jesuit. He's an imbecile, an idiot, a defender of child-molesting priests or at the least, indifferent to their crimes. Several days ago he tore after the victims of pedo priests, likening them to a "pack of wild dogs." Aside from his lamentable response, to say the least, to the pedo crisis in the Church, he has said and done other stupid and even disgusting, vile things. Recently he insulted conservative priests in terms of copraphilia. This Jesuit Pope, sinks into a sewer to come up with characterizing brother priests who take issue with him in terms of sh*t eating? But note what I said above: he is a Jesuit Pope. Is this the best the plotting, scheming, omniscient and power-hungry Jesuits could come up with from their ranks? A man discrediting, himself, his religious order and his Church everyday he is in office? Maybe you'll say its just another devious plot of the Jesuits. Why??? Why would they put up a man whose terrible behavior and words are undermining his Church and the Jesuits themselves? If the this man wrecks the Catholic Church, as priests and Catholics of my acquaintance fear he may, why would the Jesuits want to ruin the foundation of their alleged power or superpowers? It makes no sense, and nothing you have said could ever adequately answer this question.

Your ideas about Jesuits or Catholics and Jews exhibit no personal and extensive experience interacting with them over the course of a long time. Everything you say about them is all parrotted from what's staring at you from a computer monitor or from books put out by publishers no one has ever heard of. In short, you have little or no field experience with them. I have worked with Jews, had romantic relationships with Jewish women, many friendships with Jewish men and women, have worked in their businesses, ate/eat in their restaurants, attended their synagogue services, and much more over the course of decades, and this in addition to studying at a grad school level the history and beliefs of Judaism and the OT, writing and orally defending a thesis on a Jewish historical topic. I have had intimate human contact with Jews and still do. I can say exactly the same about my experience with Catholics, with the added element I have worked in Church educational institutions, including high schools and graduate schools. I have seen close up the closed, authoritarian and narrow curriculum they force on students. Anybody with spirit (what an irony), imagination, creativity and energy could count on having all that sapped out of him or her at every level of a a typically anti-Peat Catholic education. Only a few escaped and became creative and developing exceptional intelligence, but even then, not without wounds.

When I read your compilation of items showing supposed Jesuit complicity in 9-11, I immediately resonated to the utter, ground-level honesty and truth of Ray McGovern's words, "I spent a career in the CIA trying to orchestrate plots, wasn't all that good at it, and certainly couldn't carry off 9/11. Nor could the real pros I had the pleasure to work with." Well yes, of course, they are just products of a Catholic education. I would not expect him and his Catholic CIA buddies, with the conditioning and authoritarian brain-killing education they got as Catholics to pull off 9-11. Aside from this, whatever praiseworthy moral formation they got from Catholic training would have constrained them from committing themselves to the moral monstrosity that was 9-11. So the idea of a Jesuit, a Catholic by definition, especially a whole blanking religious order of them, could have the smarts, the creativity, the imagination, the ability to come up with a plan that would work, as one did at 9-11, is utterly preposterous. It's laughable, it's hilarious! Upshot: it's completely, totally, utterly implausible. You can very safely delete them from the list of probable suspects behind 9-11. X-ray Peat's insisting they are the culprits is a research path wasting time and money to pursue. In short, for such a huge, complex operation as 9-11, the Jesuit division of the CIA is harmless and lacks the competence, as even one of their own says.

But when it comes - and I know you waiting to hear this with bated breath - to whom or which group to point the finger at for very likely but possibly doing 9-11 or having a major role in it, I am confident that suggesting Zionist Jews is a far more plausible target and I'd say worth the greatest investigatory focus. If one looks just a little, we'll see that Einstein was not a Jesuit. Freud was not a Jesuit. Innumerable supremely competent jurists, business men, and government leaders, and world-class, gold-medal academics, musicians, artists and novelists too numerous to name were not Jesuits. The ones I have in mind were or are Jews. These many Jewish luminaries are at the very top of their professions, even pioneers in their field who will be remembered for centuries. Yet, we are supposed to believe a religio-ethnic group such as the Jews, who produced such stellar and super creative people in relatively large numbers, are under the thumb of mere Jesuits, who almost never produced anything creatively world-impacting nor did anything that obviously affects everyone alive? A break, please, give me one! If a TV producer put together a reality TV show pitting Jesuits against secular and Orthodox Jews from Brooklyn and Israel for total domination of an island in the sea, tell me, xray, which side would you place your bet on to win the battle? I'm sure you could guess which side I'd bet on.

So we see here overwhelming precedent that Jews have talents, capacity, resources of all kinds, connections, drive, energy, brains, imagination to pull off 9-11. At the very least they have all these things far in excess of all the Jesuits, as individuals or as a group, there can be no doubt about it. And this is all reinforced in me and those who have had lengthy, prolonged personal interactions with Jews, whom we have found to be a remarkable, admirable people in many ways, despite the waywardness and ineffable darkness that can also reside with some of them. Shahak's writings unveil the occultist-fueled hatred and contempt that certain significant quarters of the Israeli and other Jewish populations have for gentiles, and these types have significant influence over the Israeli government's actions. Catholic moral conditioning, which even x-ray Peat's hated Jesuits have to some degree, is totally absent from such people, whom would not be inwardly and outwardly constrained by moral considerations in their effort to make 9-11 happen. (A taste of the monstrous joy in the death and destruction of human-life-other-than-Jewish can be seen in the dancing Israelis who were filming the jets crashing into the Twin Towers while it was happening.)

So receive this new shiv to the gut of your ideas about Jesuits and Jews with some grace, if possible, xray. Don't, for once, futilely try to repair the damage done by putting on some bandages of outrage and recrimination by shrieking I am saying horrible things without proving any of your assertions; don't bleed too much. If any group is controlling any other group, it is the opposite of what you say: it is Jews controlling Jesuits. Plus perhaps, many others.

Here is the old Badger we have all come to know; always resorting to insults and personal attacks when challenged, and utterly incapable of maintaining a civil discussion. There isn’t much point continuing, as not only are you prone to temper tantrums, but are obviously incapable of distinguishing real history from the age old propaganda of Jewish ritual sacrifice and other anti-Jewish lies. Your accusing me of being what you are, an anti-Semite, is not exactly unexpected from someone spending so much time studying neo-Nazi propaganda. Goebbels' legacy is alive and well.
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x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Mexico's/America's/Canada's current leader's have attended Roman Catholic/Jesuit schools at some point.
Donald Trump - Wikipedia (Fordham)
Enrique Peña Nieto - Wikipedia (Panamerican University)
Justin Trudeau - Wikipedia (Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf)

Can you explain which Jewish people have control over Mexico's/America's/Canada's leader's, the white & black pope, and perhaps provide some diagrams/maps showing the connections of the world power structures.
Don't waste your time with the aptly named @Badger. I'm sure he'll again try to dismiss these questions with more of his ridiculous rationalizations of Catholic incompetence posing as reason. Or perhaps he'll just ignore them as he ignored the long list of quotes of warning against the Jesuits. He is the typical "it's the Jews" stooge, incapable of discernment or rational thought, equally gullible as he is stubborn. It's the arrogance of ignorance at work I'm afraid.
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Feb 18, 2018
I agree with the premise that planes flew into towers, they collapsed, people died. Believing anything else is straight disrespect to the thousands of responders and people who's family members were killed on that day.

Whether it was terrorist hijackers or a government inside job...I have a tendency towards believing it was jihadists with extreme hatred towards everything the West stands for, the extraction of oil from their land for our benefit, and probably many other CIA/government corruption activities that no doubt happen anytime human's seek to expand their power/conquer new land/acquire new resources, which pissed them off, especially if they had family members killed, friends and acquaintances ruined, lives destroyed, etc... It's easy to see how such a case would cultivate intense desire for revenge and plotting for years to accomplish.

But nothing in life is 100% obvious, and there will always exist enough doubt or alternate ways of viewing things that anyone can insert their own fringe view of the world and have it prove what they believe. This thread showed that so beautifully, and I'm not sure I even want to engage in further investigation, because any source is going to be so heavily biased towards whatever view they want you to believe, what is to be believed anymore besides things that have a direct impact on your life, and fighting for the preservation of ideals and ways of living that ensure the long term safety, vitality, happiness, and way of living of yourself and your family and friends.

I think the belief that the freemasonry is controlling the world and the 99% of the population are all peasants is piss and a terrible way to view reality. State that I just want to live in my own "ignorant comfort" all you want, but at least those who maintain religious mindsets with emphasis on strong familial bonds, a selfless attitude towards life, and proper moral values live lives that are substantially happier than anyone else who maintains a different psychological foundation. Make fun of those puppets all you want, but who is really the loser in this situation, the person who lives a good life, stress free, lots of love, comfort, and happiness, or the "awoke" person, living in his nihilistic contempt for the world and melancholy subservient to the "powers that be". As Fyodor Dostoevsky put forth in Book 11, Chapter 9 of the Brothers Karamazov, a scene where Ivan has hallucinations with the devil, who subsequently states, "You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this super-stellar life, all the ranks and honors, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's [727] wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine" .

So perhaps it's better to live a life in ignorance, or at least avoiding the wasted time and energy of following fringe theories that do nothing to enrich or bring positive joy or happiness into one's individual life, and instead spend energy in areas that are guaranteed to bring forth joy and happiness, and should the moment that ignorance backfire, should the "powers at be" come knocking for everything I'm worth, I'd rather go out with a bang, for I have to die one day, and living the majority of my life in bliss and happiness may be worth the day or week spent in conflict and ultimate death.


Jan 1, 2013
I believe David Ray Griffin and hundreds of others have it right, it's an inside job.

I also believe something went terribly wrong in the perpetrators deception, and they are desperately scrambling all over the medias and internet forums for damage control.


Jul 13, 2014
the scariest thing is that despite 50-75% of people not believing the official story, and really believing something quite sinister actually occurred, nothing will ever come of it. the people have no power anymore


Aug 7, 2013
It was a false flag for sure, but the sheeple believe the official narrative. Sad.


Apr 8, 2016
I believe the official record on this one.

I fully support people having the right to come up with and discuss alternate theories. Never blindly trust any government. The alternate theories should be considered.


Aug 7, 2013
Put this in your numbers pipe and smoke it, and yes, these Freemason scumbuckets <at the top of the hierarchy, not all freemasons are scum> who not only like to play God over the masses using Gematria as their ritualistic code to script out future events, including false flags, also script out rigged sports games using this same code. Notice all the 77 number matches as it pertains to 9-11. Coincidence? No. In the video, this is only one example of how he proves his point. He has been proving it with evidence daily for the last 6 years. Not just in sports, but in our govt, and their partners in crime. the media, who like to lie to the massess. This video was done on his Gematria Effect Sports channel. The majority of his vids are on his other channel, Gematria Effect News.....

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