Why DHEA Must Be Taken In Small Doses Only



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Indeed, estrogen is a major cause of suppression, probably one of the biggest. Like you mentioned, aromatase, because of excess fat tissue, is a much greater cause of elevated estrogen and suppressed T than endotoxins.

"We recognize that the impact of chronic-low level inflammation on testosterone levels seen in our observational study was relatively minor, thereby suggesting that other mechanisms such the conversion of testosterone to estrogen by adipose tissue aromatase probably play a more dominant role in obesity related hypogonadism (9)."

I was just adding that endotoxins and PUFAs and other inflammatory promoting substances/compounds also increase the aromatase and promote estrogen and they also inhibit normal testicular function. But the increased estrogen is the greatest cause yes. Aspirin is a great example of something that inhibits the aromatase and lowers inflammation and can significantly increase T.

Incidentally, COX inhibitors seem to have anabolic effects in the elderly most likely due to that decreased inflammatory budren. Also, COX itself seems to have an inhibitory effect on steroidogenesis and inhibiting it with say aspirin may work similar to a SERM. This would explain why NSAID have anabolic effects in older men.
Inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 activity enhances steroidogenesis and steroidogenic acute regulatory gene expression in MA-10 mouse Leydig cells. - PubMed - NCBI
Cyclooxygenase-2 regulation of the age-related decline in testosterone biosynthesis. - PubMed - NCBI
COX2-Regulated Testosterone Biosynthesis in Male Aging

Effect of ibuprofen and acetaminophen on postexercise muscle protein synthesis. - PubMed - NCBI


Jun 19, 2016
I always though NSAIDs lower protein synthesis. Is that true? Can i safely take aspirin after weight lifting session to avoid neck pain and migraine that stems from it?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I always though NSAIDs lower protein synthesis. Is that true? Can i safely take aspirin after weight lifting session to avoid neck pain and migraine that stems from it?

I think it depends on the NSAID. In addition to COX, aspirin inhibits cortisol synthesis directly and this effects is unique among the NSAID. Cortisol inhbitionis typically anabolic for muscle, and that's how most AAS work. The effects for a specific person probably also depends on the COX level and overall PUFA stores. In older and/or overweight people the effects of aspirin will probably be more pronounced but not so much in younger, healthier, leaner individuals.


Mar 18, 2021
The only DHEA I can get is 50 mg capsules of the smallest size, and splitting the dose and weighing it is quite difficult.
Also, each 50 mg capsule weighs 300 mg due to excipients, but it's still too difficult to split accurately.
I understand that DHEA is fat soluble (whereas DHEA-S is water soluble).
Should I try to dissolve it in a fixed amount of olive oil that would allow me to dose it accurately? Would the DHEA mix evenly in the olive oil, regardless of the excipients which will probably settle at the bottom?


Mar 6, 2022
I took 300mg each night for about 3 months. Granted I was only in my late 20's at the time but suffered nothing. I did not benefit from it either. It was a nothing burger for me.

I had used Pro-Hormones and ECA stack combined with tons of cardio and weights to lose a ton of weight to go into the Military out of college. When Pro-Hormones were banned all that left was DHEA. Worked fantastic and had no negative sides from the Pro-Hormones since they were self limiting. The ECA stack was always a iffy it worked but your were always walking a tight rope between it working and no sides and it making you jittery and have to urinate like mad! Each ECA dose was it's own thing you never knew if it would be zero noticeable sides or if it was going to be a roller coaster of side's with each dose! LOL Nothing too bad since I never abused the stuff.

So it was probably 3-4 years after the Pro-Hormone ban that I tried 100mg DHEA based on a study that was 300mg each night at bed time. I thought 7-Keto DHEA was wallet lightner as in the only thing it did was make my wallet weight less!

The effect of six months treatment with a 100 mg daily dose of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on circulating sex steroids, body composition and muscle strength in age-advanced men and women - PubMed There are many like this showing that 100mg a day is not big deal especialy in men. You can find similar even at 300mg a day that really did not demonstrate any real negative impact in men it just looks like you hit diminishing returns and are just wasting your money at those doses.

From the stand point of blood work does anyone have any labs from their own blood demonstrating 5mg of orally dosed DHEA creating an actual impact in their blood work? I do not mean this to be offensive I just think this is not and can not be an effective dose in a human being when taken orally. If someone told me they were taking 5mg of unmodified testosterone orally and were getting anabolic or androgenic effects I would look at them and laugh. This following was 5mg per-day orally and not impressive and not in humans so that dose compared to animals mass is huge compared to 5mg per day in a human. Lack of effect of short-term DHEA supplementation on the perimenopausal ovary†


Jun 5, 2021
I took 300mg each night for about 3 months. Granted I was only in my late 20's at the time but suffered nothing. I did not benefit from it either. It was a nothing burger for me.

I had used Pro-Hormones and ECA stack combined with tons of cardio and weights to lose a ton of weight to go into the Military out of college. When Pro-Hormones were banned all that left was DHEA. Worked fantastic and had no negative sides from the Pro-Hormones since they were self limiting. The ECA stack was always a iffy it worked but your were always walking a tight rope between it working and no sides and it making you jittery and have to urinate like mad! Each ECA dose was it's own thing you never knew if it would be zero noticeable sides or if it was going to be a roller coaster of side's with each dose! LOL Nothing too bad since I never abused the stuff.

So it was probably 3-4 years after the Pro-Hormone ban that I tried 100mg DHEA based on a study that was 300mg each night at bed time. I thought 7-Keto DHEA was wallet lightner as in the only thing it did was make my wallet weight less!

The effect of six months treatment with a 100 mg daily dose of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on circulating sex steroids, body composition and muscle strength in age-advanced men and women - PubMed There are many like this showing that 100mg a day is not big deal especialy in men. You can find similar even at 300mg a day that really did not demonstrate any real negative impact in men it just looks like you hit diminishing returns and are just wasting your money at those doses.

From the stand point of blood work does anyone have any labs from their own blood demonstrating 5mg of orally dosed DHEA creating an actual impact in their blood work? I do not mean this to be offensive I just think this is not and can not be an effective dose in a human being when taken orally. If someone told me they were taking 5mg of unmodified testosterone orally and were getting anabolic or androgenic effects I would look at them and laugh. This following was 5mg per-day orally and not impressive and not in humans so that dose compared to animals mass is huge compared to 5mg per day in a human. Lack of effect of short-term DHEA supplementation on the perimenopausal ovary†
I took 10mg of DHEA from a compounding pharmacy, and it didn’t change my DHEA-S levels at all. I now take 50mg of DHEA nightly with 30mg Pregnenolone.


Mar 6, 2022
I took 10mg of DHEA from a compounding pharmacy, and it didn’t change my DHEA-S levels at all. I now take 50mg of DHEA nightly with 30mg Pregnenolone.
What are your results? I 48 years old soon to be 49 so I am atively trying to tweak my body into a state of enhanced health.
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