why did Taurine give me permanent Sciatic nerve damage?


Jul 13, 2014
i was experimenting heavily with high dose Taurine throughout early 2020, and unfortunately due to focusing too much on the benefits such as better liver health, reduction in insomnia, i didn't realise it was the Taurine causing serious long term damage to my nerves. 6 months on I've still got intermittent nerve pain in my sciatic nerve (lower back and leg pain) which is sometimes very bothersome and has remained long after stopping daily taurine supplementation.

to clarify, i was taking around 5-10g of taurine per day for around 3 months.

luckily i recently stumbled across Nigella Sativa/ black cumin seed and noticed after a few days the nerve pain reduced noticeably however only temporaily . as it turns out there are several studies showing nigella sativa having potent remyelination properties. so im hoping i might get continued healing if i take it daily.

my question is why are there so many studies saying Taurine PROTECTS/ PREVENTS myelin damage of sciatic nerve when i know for a fact the taurine caused my sciatic nerve damage. for example:

be careful anyone considering taurine supplementation long term


Jun 7, 2016
hmm when I got sciatic pain I was drinking red bull daily. Have you found anything negative about taurine on pubmed?


Dec 9, 2015
Not trying to question your experience, but am genuinely curious.
How do you know it's nerve damage, rather than something like piriformis syndrome?
Is it only on one side? Are there other nerves affected?
Have your movement patterns changed in 2020? I.e. more sitting due to the quarantine.
What brand of taurine?


May 4, 2017
Doesnt taurine use up b6 and interact with magnesium in some ways? Maybe you depleted something else.
I think high dose of one nutrient isnt generally a good idea


Feb 13, 2016
Isolated amino acid supplementation interferes with protein synthesis, that's why Dr. Peat doesn't recommend it. That might have something to do with it.


Nov 23, 2020
Taurine —> Gaba receptor downregulation?
Yes, it is know to cause GABA A downregulation, not to mention the big doses per day.
Also Taurine helps Arginine get into the brain in some studies.
Taurine can also in some cause raise Prolactin, shown in some studies.


Oct 12, 2020
i was experimenting heavily with high dose Taurine throughout early 2020, and unfortunately due to focusing too much on the benefits such as better liver health, reduction in insomnia, i didn't realise it was the Taurine causing serious long term damage to my nerves. 6 months on I've still got intermittent nerve pain in my sciatic nerve (lower back and leg pain) which is sometimes very bothersome and has remained long after stopping daily taurine supplementation.

to clarify, i was taking around 5-10g of taurine per day for around 3 months.

luckily i recently stumbled across Nigella Sativa/ black cumin seed and noticed after a few days the nerve pain reduced noticeably however only temporaily . as it turns out there are several studies showing nigella sativa having potent remyelination properties. so im hoping i might get continued healing if i take it daily.

my question is why are there so many studies saying Taurine PROTECTS/ PREVENTS myelin damage of sciatic nerve when i know for a fact the taurine caused my sciatic nerve damage. for example:

be careful anyone considering taurine supplementation long term
Your issue is not related to Taurine.

Something else happened.


Aug 10, 2012
i was experimenting heavily with high dose Taurine throughout early 2020, and unfortunately due to focusing too much on the benefits such as better liver health, reduction in insomnia, i didn't realise it was the Taurine causing serious long term damage to my nerves. 6 months on I've still got intermittent nerve pain in my sciatic nerve (lower back and leg pain) which is sometimes very bothersome and has remained long after stopping daily taurine supplementation.

to clarify, i was taking around 5-10g of taurine per day for around 3 months.

luckily i recently stumbled across Nigella Sativa/ black cumin seed and noticed after a few days the nerve pain reduced noticeably however only temporaily . as it turns out there are several studies showing nigella sativa having potent remyelination properties. so im hoping i might get continued healing if i take it daily.

my question is why are there so many studies saying Taurine PROTECTS/ PREVENTS myelin damage of sciatic nerve when i know for a fact the taurine caused my sciatic nerve damage. for example:

be careful anyone considering taurine supplementation long term
Is it any better by now?


Nov 23, 2020
Since Taurine can and probably does downregulate GABA A at those big doses, cannot be a good thing for nerve pain in theory.


Jul 13, 2014
@Herbie @Gustav3Y @aliml @Cooper @lampofred @dilantinoid @stumpus @L91 @dfspcc20

just to update you all. its been around 11 months since the original post, i have got to the bottom of the problem and healed the damage, which is a relief.

basically, taurine has potent anti-cholinergic properties, which probably is in part why its ver pro-health, and which interestingly also ties into my other posts about how high choline definitely increases male pattern baldness - but thats a seperate topic.

Obviously choline is essenial for nerve health and due to my personal genetic issues (PEMT gene-homozygous) i naturally have very low choline levels. which is why i was particularly susceptible to side effects from supplementing taurine. All anticholinergic substances, which peat often recommends (t3, dht, methylene blue, taurine, - are all anti-cholinergic and therefore will flare this nerve issue for me)

So the best healers were CDP choline and haiduts/idealabs saturated Choline Mitolipin.

Be careful supplementing any sunflower choline products as its polyunsaturated form of choline, worse still - soy lecithin!! estrogen + pufa- no thanks!

fyi- i am still supplementing taurine for hair benefits but making sure to balance with some moderate choline supplementation.

@aliml very interesting the article you sent related to gall bladder health. i have serious issues with my gallbladder due to the low choline so low bile flow/ gallstones etc- all ties together!


Jun 7, 2016
@ddjd Well done on healing yourself and learning interesting things along the way. Thank you for the update.


Oct 12, 2020
@Herbie @Gustav3Y @aliml @Cooper @lampofred @dilantinoid @stumpus @L91 @dfspcc20

just to update you all. its been around 11 months since the original post, i have got to the bottom of the problem and healed the damage, which is a relief.

basically, taurine has potent anti-cholinergic properties, which probably is in part why its ver pro-health, and which interestingly also ties into my other posts about how high choline definitely increases male pattern baldness - but thats a seperate topic.

Obviously choline is essenial for nerve health and due to my personal genetic issues (PEMT gene-homozygous) i naturally have very low choline levels. which is why i was particularly susceptible to side effects from supplementing taurine. All anticholinergic substances, which peat often recommends (t3, dht, methylene blue, taurine, - are all anti-cholinergic and therefore will flare this nerve issue for me)

So the best healers were CDP choline and haiduts/idealabs saturated Choline Mitolipin.

Be careful supplementing any sunflower choline products as its polyunsaturated form of choline, worse still - soy lecithin!! estrogen + pufa- no thanks!

fyi- i am still supplementing taurine for hair benefits but making sure to balance with some moderate choline supplementation.

@aliml very interesting the article you sent related to gall bladder health. i have serious issues with my gallbladder due to the low choline so low bile flow/ gallstones etc- all ties together!
Holy cows man! Respect to you to dive such deep in.

May i ask how did you get that gene test? What made you think that you had a weak gene? And if you know things about these things in general can you help me out too? Check PM.


Feb 13, 2016
@Herbie @Gustav3Y @aliml @Cooper @lampofred @dilantinoid @stumpus @L91 @dfspcc20

just to update you all. its been around 11 months since the original post, i have got to the bottom of the problem and healed the damage, which is a relief.

basically, taurine has potent anti-cholinergic properties, which probably is in part why its ver pro-health, and which interestingly also ties into my other posts about how high choline definitely increases male pattern baldness - but thats a seperate topic.

Obviously choline is essenial for nerve health and due to my personal genetic issues (PEMT gene-homozygous) i naturally have very low choline levels. which is why i was particularly susceptible to side effects from supplementing taurine. All anticholinergic substances, which peat often recommends (t3, dht, methylene blue, taurine, - are all anti-cholinergic and therefore will flare this nerve issue for me)

So the best healers were CDP choline and haiduts/idealabs saturated Choline Mitolipin.

Be careful supplementing any sunflower choline products as its polyunsaturated form of choline, worse still - soy lecithin!! estrogen + pufa- no thanks!

fyi- i am still supplementing taurine for hair benefits but making sure to balance with some moderate choline supplementation.

@aliml very interesting the article you sent related to gall bladder health. i have serious issues with my gallbladder due to the low choline so low bile flow/ gallstones etc- all ties together!

Does that mean low choline is the issue though? Choline is only needed if the liver is in poor health. Taurine might have simply revealed the underlying poor liver health, rather than actually causing damage. Choline supplementation is like a band-aid for the liver, but if the liver becomes more efficient choline shouldn't be necessary (and improved liver health will probably cure baldness too, so even taurine would become unnecessary).

Easier said than done to increase liver efficiency though, aside from coffee, sunlight/vit D, and PUFA avoidance, I don't know what else helps the liver.
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