Will milk still be safe when they give cattle mRNA vaccines?


Jun 7, 2019
They are going to start giving cattle mRNA vaccines because they don't need to bother testing them because they already tested them on people, refused to accept any side effect reports, and now know that mRNA vaccines are miraculous perfectly safe substances that are incapable of causing a single possible harm.
Given that covid vaccine particles have been found in breast milk will it be safe to drink dairy milk when they start this?
Nothing about the covid vaccine rollout or their announcement suggests that they will bother checking to see if it harms the cattle.
“Our next generation RNA technology is able to safely and efficiently deliver vaccines for both human and animal health needs and has demonstrated more practical storage requirements than existing RNA technologies,” Mr McGrath said.

Meat and Livestock Australia managing director Jason Strong said mRNA vaccines had additional benefits for the livestock sector.

“This type of vaccine technology may not require the longer testing and approval processes required for conventional vaccine development and importation as it does not use animal products,” Mr Strong said.

“That means we can use it to provide faster responses to outbreaks, enable eradication and return to freedom status – and market access – sooner.”


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Jul 8, 2014
Cooking will probably not destroy the spike protein but the mRNA is highly unstable, it will not survive the heat. Protein is digested by enzymes, right? Then we need to supplement with special enzymes to neutralize the spike protein. Or become vegans…


Oct 15, 2015
The designer mRNA and the resulting protein will both be present in the milk and the meat and could be circulating in your body unchanged via paracellular absorption.

It is known that mRNA can be reverse transcribed and integrated into the genome.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
They are going to start giving cattle mRNA vaccines because they don't need to bother testing them because they already tested them on people, refused to accept any side effect reports, and now know that mRNA vaccines are miraculous perfectly safe substances that are incapable of causing a single possible harm.
Given that covid vaccine particles have been found in breast milk will it be safe to drink dairy milk when they start this?
Nothing about the covid vaccine rollout or their announcement suggests that they will bother checking to see if it harms the cattle.

As @StephanF mentioned, even if mRNA makes it into the milk, it will probably massively degrade even at room temps. That's why all mRNA vaccines are kept deeply frozen until usage. On top of that, most milk sold in stores is pasteurized, so that would degrade the mRNA even more. Whether it would be complete degradation, I am not sure, but it probably helps to use UHT milk where available. Now, the more concerning issue is that if these mRNA jabs trigger a chronic inflammatory disorder in the animals, as they do in humans, the milk will contain a lot of prostaglandins, histamine, serotonin, etc and that would make it more problematic for consumption. However, the pasteurization process, and especially UHT, will probably destroy most of these substances just like it destroys the mRNA protein.
Eating the meat of such cows would be the bigger problem, I think.


Jun 26, 2017
And it won't be the "traditional" spike protein, it will be some protein subset of the viruses that supposedly cause the FMD and LSD.
Yep, let the dairy farmers see what the life expectancy of jabbed dairy cows are...and report back to us in a couple years. The dairy farmers will notice any effects and I don't think they will be silent. I don't think this campaign will be as simple as the vaccine makers anticipate.


Jan 15, 2013
As @StephanF mentioned, even if mRNA makes it into the milk, it will probably massively degrade even at room temps. That's why all mRNA vaccines are kept deeply frozen until usage. On top of that, most milk sold in stores is pasteurized, so that would degrade the mRNA even more. Whether it would be complete degradation, I am not sure, but it probably helps to use UHT milk where available. Now, the more concerning issue is that if these mRNA jabs trigger a chronic inflammatory disorder in the animals, as they do in humans, the milk will contain a lot of prostaglandins, histamine, serotonin, etc and that would make it more problematic for consumption. However, the pasteurization process, and especially UHT, will probably destroy most of these substances just like it destroys the mRNA protein.
Eating the meat of such cows would be the bigger problem, I think.
Thank you for sharing this haidut, this was on my mind also. Could you please elaborate on why you think that the meat of mRNA-vaccinated cows could be a bigger problem? If heating degrades the mRNA then would not eating the meat cooked do the same?
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Dec 4, 2021
Thank you for sharing this haidut, this was on my mind also. Could you please elaborate on why you think that the meat of mRNA-vaccinated cows would be much worse? If heating degrades the mRNA then would not eating the meat cooked do the same?
I'm just gana put this out there: If they made the vaccine for nefarious reasons with the intent of it naturally passing on through food or otherwise I kinda think they might have thought about it potentially degrading as it passed on & remedied that.

I don't think I'd personally risk it to be honest.


Jan 25, 2014
I'm just gana put this out there: If they made the vaccine for nefarious reasons with the intent of it naturally passing on through food or otherwise I kinda think they might have thought about it potentially degrading as it passed on & remedied that.

It seems that a lot of people want to give the drug companies a lot of credit here, that they can somehow magically make a new type of poison, that can somehow lie in wait for 2-10 years, and then strike you down like a sniper, and also work it's deadly magic even on people who haven't been injected.

Whereas, I think it's far more likely they just rolled out a failed, completely busted tech to see how many people would opt for it, while collecting a few billion dollars in sales, mainly (or exclusively) from Government Contracts.

I mean, have you looked at Moderna? An overhyped, complete bust of a company that couldn't get one single product to market (and only like 3 past Phase 1 Human Trials, with over 90 attempts), and they suddenly get thrown a massive lifeline in the Covid Vaccine, which conveniently, didn't really need any Phase 2 or 3 trial. Everything about that company reeks of incompetence. So I certainly wouldn't trust them in making some new super death drug. It would most certainly fail in it's goal, just like everything else that company touches. The reverse Midas touch.

And for all the talk that these vaccines somehow generate the mythical "spike protein," there's no good data for that, at all. And that's both the "official" mechanism of action, and the thing has sparked the most fear in the anti vaccine circles. Really, there is no proof at all to show that the "Spike Protein" exists anywhere outside of a lab (where it's synthetically made), and in the Novavax shot.


Dec 4, 2021

It seems that a lot of people want to give the drug companies a lot of credit here, that they can somehow magically make a new type of poison, that can somehow lie in wait for 2-10 years, and then strike you down like a sniper, and also work it's deadly magic even on people who haven't been injected.

Whereas, I think it's far more likely they just rolled out a failed, completely busted tech to see how many people would opt for it, while collecting a few billion dollars in sales, mainly (or exclusively) from Government Contracts.

I mean, have you looked at Moderna? An overhyped, complete bust of a company that couldn't get one single product to market (and only like 3 past Phase 1 Human Trials, with over 90 attempts), and they suddenly get thrown a massive lifeline in the Covid Vaccine, which conveniently, didn't really need any Phase 2 or 3 trial. Everything about that company reeks of incompetence. So I certainly wouldn't trust them in making some new super death drug. It would most certainly fail in it's goal, just like everything else that company touches. The reverse Midas touch.

And for all the talk that these vaccines somehow generate the mythical "spike protein," there's no good data for that, at all. And that's both the "official" mechanism of action, and the thing has sparked the most fear in the anti vaccine circles. Really, there is no proof at all to show that the "Spike Protein" exists anywhere outside of a lab (where it's synthetically made), and in the Novavax shot.
But there is proof that millions of people who have gotten the vax are dropping dead.

Just ask the insurance companies.

So, the impass we're at is you think it failed because it didn't stop covid.

I think it was successful in the way that it likely wasn't about stopping covid.

It's also probable that they're far more capable & competent than you're being shown.


Jan 25, 2014
But there is proof that millions of people who have gotten the vax are dropping dead.
Where is this "proof?" And even if you make this claim, it's not necessarily because of the Covid Shot (though I would think it is in most cases where there is a death acutely afterwards).

Besides, they claim that 63% of the worlds population has taken at least one Covid dose-

Those numbers are most certainly inflated, but even if we cut that number in half and round down, that would still be about 2 billion people that have taken the vax. On average, 56 million people die every year from all causes out of 8 billion. So, in those 2 billion people you would expect about 14 million or so to die every year. Even if it's a little bit higher, that could be from a self selection of generally unhealthy people. The vaccination campaign has been going on for almost 2 years at this point.
Just ask the insurance companies.
They can probably do better calculation than I can. But if there is something seriously wrong (to the point where, say, 5-10% of people who took the vax died or had serious injuries), how come life and health insurance companies aren't refusing to insure the vaxxxed, or charging and insanely higher premium for anyone who took it?
So, the impass we're at is you think it failed because it didn't stop covid.
I made no such claim. There is no "Novel Corona Virus," or variants, and so called "Covid" is simply a rebranding of existing diseases (mostly the common cold, flu, and pneumonia), and the diagnostic tests are insane. The only things that would stop "Covid" is an end to the propaganda campaign, or people en masse waking up to the fact that it was an overblown hoax.

I said mRNA tech was a bust because it failed to treat ANY disease, and that is going by the drug companies own rigged trial criteria. Moderna existed since 2009, and has tried over 90 different products that all failed to get past Phase 2 trials with this tech (let alone getting it to market), and none of those trials had anything to do with so called "Covid."
I think it was successful in the way that it likely wasn't about stopping covid.
Like I said above, there is no way it could stop "Covid," because it didn't target the propaganda campaign. Obviously, from a financial perspective, the Covid vaccines were insanely successful. Imagine, raking in multiple billions of dollars with no liability for a product, when your own trials show that in over 98.6% of cases, the product will do nothing! Toyota would be out of business in a month if 30% of their new cars broke down and couldn't be driven off the lot. But for Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, and AZ, this is a blockbuster product!
It's also probable that they're far more capable & competent than you're being shown.
Probable, based on what? Pfizer, Astra Zenica, and Johnson & Johnson are corporate criminals, each of who have been fined over $2 Billion. Moderna is completely incompitent. I don't believe that any of them could could develop and a release a new long term stealth toxin. I don't even think it's possible. I think most of the danger is from acute damage, and the long term effect from the vaccine will likely be the result of those acute injuries. A blow to the head with a hammer could cause long term brain damage and other impairments, but it was all the result of an acute injury.
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Aug 4, 2020
As @StephanF mentioned, even if mRNA makes it into the milk, it will probably massively degrade even at room temps. That's why all mRNA vaccines are kept deeply frozen until usage. On top of that, most milk sold in stores is pasteurized, so that would degrade the mRNA even more. Whether it would be complete degradation, I am not sure, but it probably helps to use UHT milk where available. Now, the more concerning issue is that if these mRNA jabs trigger a chronic inflammatory disorder in the animals, as they do in humans, the milk will contain a lot of prostaglandins, histamine, serotonin, etc and that would make it more problematic for consumption. However, the pasteurization process, and especially UHT, will probably destroy most of these substances just like it destroys the mRNA protein.
Eating the meat of such cows would be the bigger problem, I think.
A concern that Dr Byram Bridle brought up was that of oral tolerance becoming an issue. My understanding is that due to the bio distribution of the antigen, and the inability of the body to clear the antigen due to in the case of the spike protein the filling in of the unknown parts of the sequence with uridine. When the antigen say for in the case of poultry the avian influenza virus. Will that viral antigen be present in the meat muscle tissues, and organs? If so will consumption of that antigen result in oral tolerance becoming an issue? In other words will those viral particles be identified as safe with regular consumption of those antigens, and if so will a our immune system not react appropriately when exposed to the virus in the wild type of environment. Dr Bridle’s answer was we do not know but he feels that it needs to be studied intensely before we go ahead and allow this to be injected into any animal food sources.
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