You should be Earthing/Grounding


Aug 7, 2014
Ive been sleeping on the floor for several months now... can’t see myself sleeping in a bed again. Huge anti-anxiety effect.
Apr 4, 2021
Ive been sleeping on the floor for several months now... can’t see myself sleeping in a bed again. Huge anti-anxiety effect.
I think grounding refers to electricity and not your bedroom floor :ss jokes aside

Have you noticed anything with your posture and can you compare it to inclined bed therapy?


Aug 7, 2014
I think grounding refers to electricity and not your bedroom floor :ss jokes aside

Have you noticed anything with your posture and can you compare it to inclined bed therapy?

You are not wrong ha

Honestly, at first, it was tough on my hips and back. Now, my body has adapted and my hips/back feel great.

IBT helped alleviate a lot of back tension and my back would be way looser in the morning.

If I were to compare, back and hips feel great from both.

But with all that said, I think sleeping on the floor is not for everyone. For a while, my back and hips were not enjoying but the anti-stress effect was so potent that I kept going.

I would tell someone to try IBT before sleeping on the floor. If yuh try sleeping on the floor, I would make sure to have a pillows for you head and between your legs. I use a long curvy pillow + a bunch of smaller pillows.


I put down a grounding rod outside my window and wired it up to an antistatic bracelet that i wore when i slept. Most of the time i felt more sluggish at waking, like i would not have slept enough even when the amount of sleep was the same, yet i was not tired in a way that i could continue sleep. But this is the kind of feeling i have associated with spending more time in deep sleep, and once i get going i'm actually feeling better, like i don't need a coffee to brighten up.
Careful for anyone who tries this. I slept with an antistatic bracelet connected to a negative ion generator and developed a rash on my wrist because the metal my skin was in contact with was nickel.

That said, anyone know any good negative ion generators, bracelets, etc? I imagine connecting to the ground through either the power outlet or through a rod isn't a good idea because of potential lightning strikes.


Nov 29, 2017
Apparently anodized aluminum/tesla purple plates are great for grounding. A lot of other supposed woo benefits from these plates (so says the internets) but idk...


Oct 6, 2020
Ive been sleeping on the floor for several months now... can’t see myself sleeping in a bed again. Huge anti-anxiety effect.

I notice this too, even 30 mins is anough to relax the ***t out of me. Especially noticeable with the psoas muscle and the traps.

The only issue is, when i fall asleep on the floor - 30 mins to an hour in i get an intense stress reaction. Because of this i coudn't make it a long time thing.
I dont know what exactly causes it. Must be either some thing with air or some bloodvessels being to restricted/obstructed.

Also the hardiness of the floor is something that i am so unused to that it makes it hard to fall asleep as quickly compared to the bed.

I thought of instead going cold turkey on the hard floor it might be better to gradually adjust to the hardness by using blankets/towels and remove them maybe week after week until i get to the floor.

If that works i'll be getting rid of my bed and buy some japanese floor mat or something along thoose lines.


Aug 7, 2014
I notice this too, even 30 mins is anough to relax the ***t out of me. Especially noticeable with the psoas muscle and the traps.

The only issue is, when i fall asleep on the floor - 30 mins to an hour in i get an intense stress reaction. Because of this i coudn't make it a long time thing.
I dont know what exactly causes it. Must be either some thing with air or some bloodvessels being to restricted/obstructed.

Also the hardiness of the floor is something that i am so unused to that it makes it hard to fall asleep as quickly compared to the bed.

I thought of instead going cold turkey on the hard floor it might be better to gradually adjust to the hardness by using blankets/towels and remove them maybe week after week until i get to the floor.

If that works i'll be getting rid of my bed and buy some japanese floor mat or something along thoose lines.

I think it really depends on the person. I don’t think you need to force it... who knows, maybe it can be just good for naps for ya.

FYI, I sleep with 5 pillows on the floor.

A long curvy pillow... then I stack other pillows between my legs and have 1 for my head. Picture something like below only with extra pillows:

Last edited:


Nov 12, 2021
yeah I have these too and I felt better after installing them I remember when I plugged in the last one it gave a zap that was audible.
Hey guys,

I've used, and am using, the Greenwave filters too. I've noticed something interesting where 'more is less'.. as in, it seems to 'backfire' when too many are plugged in.

Appropriate placement of them was key for me, rather than the amount I used. For example in a 3 bedroom floor:
Putting 2 filters in each bedroom, for a total of 6 filters, seems to increase the DE level (mV reading on the Greenwave EMI meter) to levels even higher than pre-filter install when I test another outlet in one of those bedrooms or on another floor.

I've reached out to Greenwave and it sounds like this is a rare thing.

Also noticed that going straight into outlets amplifies this effect further, so I've plugged the filters into powerbars instead.

Anyone have a similar experience?

P.S. I realize this is my first post as well, but I've been a long time reader (well, relatively long term, as in probably about a year now - but I read a lot).


Apr 30, 2015
Hey guys,

I've used, and am using, the Greenwave filters too. I've noticed something interesting where 'more is less'.. as in, it seems to 'backfire' when too many are plugged in.

Appropriate placement of them was key for me, rather than the amount I used. For example in a 3 bedroom floor:
Putting 2 filters in each bedroom, for a total of 6 filters, seems to increase the DE level (mV reading on the Greenwave EMI meter) to levels even higher than pre-filter install when I test another outlet in one of those bedrooms or on another floor.

I've reached out to Greenwave and it sounds like this is a rare thing.

Also noticed that going straight into outlets amplifies this effect further, so I've plugged the filters into powerbars instead.

Anyone have a similar experience?

P.S. I realize this is my first post as well, but I've been a long time reader (well, relatively long term, as in probably about a year now - but I read a lot).
grats on the first post. I think I have 5 plugged in and it was just right. I definitely had to try different outlets to get my numbers down. I wouldn't plug more in because like you said, they have been known to cause problems as well as solve


Mar 28, 2019

@StephanF @TheCalciumCad
I got a grounding mat last wednesday for under my desk mainly as protection from EMFs and used it as much as possible when indoors so maybe as much as 12hours daily. Initially didn't notice much other than for 2days my feet were tingling likely due to increased circulation/synchronising with the earths current. Then on saturday night I only slept 3hours, sunday my appetite dropped and coffee gave me a strong adrenaline response which it never does. Monday I woke with incredible stiffness in the hip flexor region, couldn't stomach food, my temps were running in the mid 99s (not from high thyroid function more slight feverish feeling as I felt quite off and cold), heart palpitations, and I felt very dehydrated and was craving water which was new for me. I made the connection it had to be a reaction to the grounding sheet as I haven't changed anything else so started searching based on symptoms and came across this.

"In the beginning, some people may feel flu-like symptoms that include malaise, achiness, headache, a foggy mind, tiredness. Muscle cramps and disturbed sleep might occur. Our observations suggest that a healing, normalization process is underway because of Earthing’s ability to improve blood flow and oxygenation of the tissues as well as restore a natural electrical state in the body. Systemically, more efficient cell repair and function takes place, promoting a clear-out of wastes and toxins. Such detoxification could result in the symptoms just mentioned. Nerve fibers may function better, resulting in unaccustomed sensations. Earthing has given the body additional resources to clean up and try to return to normal. Energy is expended in this process, so people sometimes feel initial fatigue before feeling increased energy."

I stopped using the mat on the monday. Then endured with new symptoms including mild nausea, heavy sweating and a slightly sore throat. I was too wired to sleep but physically exhausted from not eating or sleeping and it physically hurt to even lay down due to hip soreness so it was a fun few days!

I emailed the company (Groundology) I got my mat from to see what they thought of my symptoms and they responded with

"Grounding can stimulate major physiological changes, including detoxification of the cells of the body. Therefore, there can be a period of adjustment for some people during which they may experience negative symptoms - for example feeling achy, waking feeling dehydrated, mild flu-like symptoms, foggy head, nausea, sometimes restless sleep.

Invariably these symptoms do pass, and usually quite quickly. If they are severe, then we would indeed recommend initially reducing the amount of time spent grounded each day/night, and to build this up gradually (perhaps over a number of weeks). This will allow a more gentle process to take place.

It is also important to support your body throughout this process. Drinking plenty of water is vital. For some people, a high dose magnesium supplement can be helpful.

Interestingly, it's often the people who experience these negative symptoms at first who benefit the most from grounding in the longer term."

Today I'm back eating normally with normal temps except i'm laying off coffee until i'm sleeping 8hours daily again. I'll reintroduce the mat when i'm 100% but only for like an hour daily then build up from there! On a positive note my cheeks have been warm the whole time likely from better blood circulation (they're the first thing to go cold when my thyroid drops not my hands/feet which is quite odd). So if you get a grounding mat don't be a dipshit like me and overdo it at least introduce it slowly so you aren't at risk from an insane die off reaction.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
I got a grounding mat last wednesday
I would advise against a full body grounding matt since this short-circuits the body’s own electrical potential. Only ground the feet that should be better. Then combine this with aluminum fly mesh fro Home Depot, placed underneath the mattress and connect that to ground. This is much better.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
I got a grounding mat last wednesday for under my desk mainly as protection from EMFs and used it as much as possible when indoors so maybe as much as 12hours daily. Initially didn't notice much other than for 2days my feet were tingling likely due to increased circulation/synchronising with the earths current. Then on saturday night I only slept 3hours, sunday my appetite dropped and coffee gave me a strong adrenaline response which it never does. Monday I woke with incredible stiffness in the hip flexor region, couldn't stomach food, my temps were running in the mid 99s (not from high thyroid function more slight feverish feeling as I felt quite off and cold), heart palpitations, and I felt very dehydrated and was craving water which was new for me. I made the connection it had to be a reaction to the grounding sheet as I haven't changed anything else so started searching based on symptoms and came across this.

"In the beginning, some people may feel flu-like symptoms that include malaise, achiness, headache, a foggy mind, tiredness. Muscle cramps and disturbed sleep might occur. Our observations suggest that a healing, normalization process is underway because of Earthing’s ability to improve blood flow and oxygenation of the tissues as well as restore a natural electrical state in the body. Systemically, more efficient cell repair and function takes place, promoting a clear-out of wastes and toxins. Such detoxification could result in the symptoms just mentioned. Nerve fibers may function better, resulting in unaccustomed sensations. Earthing has given the body additional resources to clean up and try to return to normal. Energy is expended in this process, so people sometimes feel initial fatigue before feeling increased energy."

I stopped using the mat on the monday. Then endured with new symptoms including mild nausea, heavy sweating and a slightly sore throat. I was too wired to sleep but physically exhausted from not eating or sleeping and it physically hurt to even lay down due to hip soreness so it was a fun few days!

I emailed the company (Groundology) I got my mat from to see what they thought of my symptoms and they responded with

"Grounding can stimulate major physiological changes, including detoxification of the cells of the body. Therefore, there can be a period of adjustment for some people during which they may experience negative symptoms - for example feeling achy, waking feeling dehydrated, mild flu-like symptoms, foggy head, nausea, sometimes restless sleep.

Invariably these symptoms do pass, and usually quite quickly. If they are severe, then we would indeed recommend initially reducing the amount of time spent grounded each day/night, and to build this up gradually (perhaps over a number of weeks). This will allow a more gentle process to take place.

It is also important to support your body throughout this process. Drinking plenty of water is vital. For some people, a high dose magnesium supplement can be helpful.

Interestingly, it's often the people who experience these negative symptoms at first who benefit the most from grounding in the longer term."

Today I'm back eating normally with normal temps except i'm laying off coffee until i'm sleeping 8hours daily again. I'll reintroduce the mat when i'm 100% but only for like an hour daily then build up from there! On a positive note my cheeks have been warm the whole time likely from better blood circulation (they're the first thing to go cold when my thyroid drops not my hands/feet which is quite odd). So if you get a grounding mat don't be a dipshit like me and overdo it at least introduce it slowly so you aren't at risk from an insane die off reaction.
I've only read your first paragraph so far but my initial experience (sleeping under a grounding sheet) is similar. Tingling, sleeping only a few hours. Things normalized though.


Mar 28, 2019
@TheCalciumCad sometimes there are stray currents on the grounding system you should rule that out first, especially since you felt the tingling in your feet.
I might get a socket tester before I restart again but it was only the first 2days I really noticed it and I experienced the same sensation when I went earthing in the garden last summer.

I would advise against a full body grounding matt since this short-circuits the body’s own electrical potential. Only ground the feet that should be better. Then combine this with aluminum fly mesh fro Home Depot, placed underneath the mattress and connect that to ground. This is much better.
Thats what it is a mat under my desk for my feet only, I was actually going to get a mat for my bed tho..but...I'll wait and see how it goes now.


Nov 29, 2017
I would advise against a full body grounding matt since this short-circuits the body’s own electrical potential. Only ground the feet that should be better. Then combine this with aluminum fly mesh fro Home Depot, placed underneath the mattress and connect that to ground. This is much better.
Should the mesh be the size of the mattress?


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Thanks. Do you notice a big different sleeping grounding vs ungrounded?
I really don’t know, I would have to remove my aluminum mesh from underneath the mattress to find out. Except when I travel, I always sleep grounded, since about 1976.
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