Zinc : Copper - finding the right ratio progress Thread



Nov 24, 2017

. They have less copper because their digestive, kidney, adrenal and liver function is more compromised, which in turn makes it harder for them to absorb and retain minerals and efficiently detoxify pollutants, convert amino acids, or make hormones as efficiently as women who are not compromised in these organ systems.

Ditto with zinc. When major organ systems like the kidney and liver aren’t working optimally, zinc will not be assimilated or optimally utilized for glutamate or progesterone (or serotonin), or for the removal of heavy metals in the body. Once heavy metal buildup occurs (usually in the very organs that are already strained), these heavy metals will further disrupt mineral balance by displacing zinc and copper.“

So liver , kidneys or adrenals could cause my issues.

i was born with one kidney, got Gilbert syndrome and probably adrenal issues. ??‍♂️


Nov 24, 2017
Anybody knows if or why compromised liver or kidney function can affect low zinc and copper levels ?


Oct 6, 2020
uhm ... shoudn't the question be why the liver or kidney is compromised? If the organs are not working then obviously digestion/assimilation/utilization will suffer.


Nov 24, 2017
uhm ... shoudn't the question be why the liver or kidney is compromised? If the organs are not working then obviously digestion/assimilation/utilization will suffer.

a question that I was never able to find an answer to. Doctors neither.


Nov 24, 2017
The more zinc and copper I take the better my histamine symptoms get I think.

never got over 50 mg zinc and 12 mg copper daily.

but symptoms still there only better. And when I stop taking it everything is bad again 24-48 hours later ??‍♂️


Feb 22, 2014
Hi sorry for the late response!! I try to go by daily intakes with B's just because they don't get stored like the fat solubles A, D, K, E.

I supplement with magnesium malate every day and some of Idealabs topical magnesium which I really like. I take a little B1 just because I have trouble getting enough in my diet. I also have niacinamide some times but in very low amounts as too much had a scary, negative effect on me. That's it for the Bs. And I use Idealabs TocoVit (vit E) which is excellent and has been a lifesaver. I also have topical A from Idealabs which I use only occasionally and topical Vit D from Idealabs which I use even less.

With magnesium malate (Seeking Health) daily at least 125 to 250 mgs but sometimes as much as 500 mgs. If I take a lot of Vit D or vit A, I need more magnesium. If my D is low, I don't. D really depletes magnesium. I get D from the sun now and haven't figured out what to do for the winter yet. I really don't like supplementing D as it just seems too strong at times giving a serotonin like reaction. But I definitely need it so I try to eat pastured eggs which are 4 to 5 times higher in D than regular. Low magnesium symptoms are trouble falling asleep, twitching and muscle pain/cramps particularly in my toes. I like the malate because I can't tolerate glycinate, and the citrate form is not good for oxalates as Vit C increases oxalates.

I use B1 just according to my daily intake. I only use a very little (from Pure Bulk) to make up for what I am missing in my diet. Same with B3.

Vit A is difficult for me to figure out. I try to go by how much D I am getting. Too much of one without the other causes hypo symptoms and histamine problems. But for the summer, I seem to do well enough with grass-fed dairy fat for my source of A. Like cream, butter, milk and cheese, especially parmesan cheese and pastured egg yolks. Chicken livers are excellent but I can build up too much A with them so I'm limiting them for now. I judge how much A I need by how I feel and how much D I am getting. It's similar to what others have posted like 3:1 or 5:1 ratio of A to D. I'm trying to get my D level in the high 40s and then I'll supplement maybe 500 or 1000 mgs daily or every other day depending on how I feel. But I will increase it if I start to get a lot of respiratory infections because when it gets low I get sick a lot. Also Vit E really balances A - so I take about 100 IUs daily and more if I feel like I have too much A and I need it to calm down.

I consume non homogenized grass-fed A2 milk - and use the cream to make butter or ice cream or custard. I eat a few pastured egg yolks daily (which are supposed to have a good amount of folate than average). I eat an ataulfo mango daily when I can because it's reported to give 70% folate per serving. Chicken livers are excellent for folate. I eat fresh pineapple and sometimes banana for folate and b6. I eat habanero peppers and some red bell pepper for C and they are low in oxalates. I also eat cooked peeled apples and spaghetti squash and white rice with butter and parmesan cheese. And chives for sulfur (in addition to eggs) which help with oxalates. And cottage cheese. I like to eat steak daily and sometimes pork loin (for Bs) and I will eat shrimp and oysters too. But lately a lot of steak because I don't think shrimp is very high in B6. I was drinking a lot of cocoa with homemade marshmallows (made with gelatin) but I think there are too many problems with cocoa so I've stopped for now. Same with OJ.

Also low folate symptoms are hangnails for me.

I don't mean to monopolize this thread but I hope the info helps.
Thanks for the valuable information. Sorry it took so long- I have been in a moving mode for the past 2-3 months, and now getting ready to go! Any way we can PM this convo? I do realize it has gone a little off-topic from the thread. If you dont mind, I would really appreciate it!

Thank you-


Thanks for the valuable information. Sorry it took so long- I have been in a moving mode for the past 2-3 months, and now getting ready to go! Any way we can PM this convo? I do realize it has gone a little off-topic from the thread. If you dont mind, I would really appreciate it!

Thank you-
yes of course!


Feb 22, 2014
Orally. Tocovit works fast and really well for me.
Hi there! I made it to my destination, but still really busy getting settled. Look forward to when I can PM. Meanwhile, I am very curious about Tocovit- what benefits, and how much, how often?

Thank you!


Hi there! I made it to my destination, but still really busy getting settled. Look forward to when I can PM. Meanwhile, I am very curious about Tocovit- what benefits, and how much, how often?

Thank you!
Oh great! Just pm me when it works for you. And we can talk about Tocovit. Just got some in the mail today! :)


Feb 22, 2014
Hi there! I made it to my destination, but still really busy getting settled. Look forward to when I can PM. Meanwhile, I am very curious about Tocovit- what benefits, and how much, how often?

Thank you!
Duh- I cant find how to PM on the new format- been awhile since I had tried. Can you help? ?


Feb 22, 2014
Orally. Tocovit works fast and really well for me.
As it relates to the zinc:copper issues, is this why you take the Tocovit? How much, oral or topical, how often? I have some and wonder how best to take. Bombed out on the PM try- if you dont mind answering here! Thanks-


Feb 4, 2018
i think it's good to take 2mg copper when taking zinc.

but it only works for low eating intake, under 25mg.

if you take more than 30mg of zinc per day from supplements, then you risk to have zinc overdose and then you won't be able to supply enaught copper, since the same protein that clear the extra zinc from the body will bind copper 40 time more (and you need 10 times less copper, so do the math).

when that happens, you need to stop zinc and take 1mg copper every 2 or 3h during the day, for a week or so or until you feel better. i had to do that not to feel very depressed and low energy.

so, there's no way you can balance an overdose of zinc with copper unless you stop the zinc completely.

i only take 15m or 25mg per day now, with 2mg copper.
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