Going From Cold To Really Warm > Nap -> Warm Colors


Sep 11, 2013
So this is something I've had so many times, that I begin to wonder what it exactly is.
Sometimes, I do something good, and suddenly the heat turns on in my body.
This "something good" can be many different things.

But the last thing I did, was eating half a litre of milk, half a litre of orange juice, some gelatin, some honey, caffeine,salt quite a big meal actually.
I also added stomach acid, and I had no stomach irritation, which was great.
But that is actually not my point, what matters, the heat turned on.

After that I took a walk, with nasal breathing, the sun shined, and I began to begin really hot.
I think without exception, if I go from quite cold->really warm on a day. I begin to feel tired.
My feets become a little bit inflamed, warm. And the tiredness is not like, depressed tired, not like no motivation tired.
It's more like, tired, give me some good warm sleep, tired, like I wish I would feel in the night if I go to bed.

And then I take a nap. And I fall asleep within a couple of seconds.
Then I wake up after 5-10 min. And then is the amazing stuff, that I don't understand.

The colors are changed. Suddenly colors look warm. I don't know how to explain. But like there is more red and less blue.
Less grey I think also. I even had one time that my left eye was still in the grey mode, and my right eye was in the warm walt disney theme.
Does this make any sense ? It's so strange.

But I've had this at least 20 times, over the last 2 years. Going from cold to really warm in a day, taking a nap and then the colors are changed.


Jul 24, 2013
You might look at chapter 9 in Dr. Peat's Mind and Tissue book: "A Visual Scanning System and Intentionality". It's a very full chapter, even for Dr. Peat, so it would be tricky to "condense".

"...fluid people can experience fluid material, a finer and faster and more fluid perceptual world. Any real "epoche" (bracketing of the experiential) will reveal the perceptual functions of the body and its interactions with the world.
[tab=30][dir=ltr][/dir]Visual "streaming" which varies in coarsesness with different conditions, is something anyone can see and explore...."

Perhaps someone will get Dr. Peat to re-visit this topic in one of the radio interviews.
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