Yo Peatsers!


New Member
Nov 25, 2014
Hello everyone

I confess I used to think Ray Peat was crazy when I was a more Paleo inclined individual, but after the ancestral honeymoon faded due to (I believe) low carb eating exacerbating some health issues I am now more open to his ideas, as many who left Planet Paleo report feeling better after adopting some of Ray Peat's principles.

Over the past few days I have been reading some pages from the forums and became quite interested in discussions relating to methods other than Buteyko style breathing to raise CO2 levels and adjust the normal breathing pattern. I have practised Buteyko intermittenly over the past several years and whilst my results have been mixed I have derived much benefit when I have practised. However after reading some of Peat's work I believe I would have had much better results had I abandoned low carb whilst using the method and instead focused on eating to raise metabolism.

I have had various health issues over the years, and initially started eating a lower carb diet to manage symptoms of PCOS. The various lifestyle changes I made at the time were very successful for quite some time, which is why I continued with the Paleo-ish diet for many years. However during the past two years I have found it harder to manage my health and am seeking new info.

For the past week I have adopted some of Peat's ideas (more fruit, a glass of OJ each day, daily carrots with coconut oil, two servings of kefir as I don't tolerate lactose very well, and eliminated PUFA's) and I feel significantly better. This is not a enormous departure form how I was eating previously, as I was eating liver, eggs, coconut oil, some fruit, carrots etc, but I have upped my carbs conisderably, lowered my fats and muscle meats, and am eating a little more protein...the changes have been quite substantial, and I can also tolerate coffee again by drinking it with a meal and adding some honey. It would previously give me terrible insomnia. I feel really calm, whereas I was previously feeling very prone to stress, I believe due to hormonal issues and being too low carb for a long time.

So that is some background on me, I'm looking forward to chatting with you all.

All the best


Feb 7, 2013
:welcome2 expermimenter!
There are many forum members who've come from "Planet Paleo."
I'm glad you've joined us.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
experimenter, :welcome

Sounds like you are making great progress already! :woo

See you around. :hattip


Mar 29, 2014
Hi experimenter :welcome
I came to reading Peat after getting some improvements by Buteyko methods too.
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