
  1. haidut

    Stress (adrenaline, Noradrenaline) As The Main Driver Of Cancer Metastases

    I just posted a study in which it was shown that surgical removal of a tumor results in massive and uncontrolled formation of metastases across the entire organism. Universal Test For Cancer Progression/stage Here is the quote again, just to make the point of this thread clear. "...The...
  2. haidut

    Stress From Cancer Diagnosis Suppresses Immune System And Worsens Outcome

    A recent study posted on the forum found that more than 20% of newly diagnosed cancer patients experience PTSD as a result of the stress associated with the diagnosis. The fact that PTSD is still largely considered a genetically-driven disease has somehow managed to escape question about this...
  3. haidut

    Insulin Resistance As An Endocrine Disorder

    This argument has flared up so many times on this forum and I doubt we have reached any agreement. I am on the side that insulin resistance and obesity are endocrine disorders. There is a group here that maintains that it is the obesity that really triggers it all. This study discusses some of...
  4. P

    Voluntary Activation Of The Sympathetic Nervous System And Attenuation Of The Innate Immune Response

    Voluntary activation of the sympathetic nervous system and attenuation of the innate immune response in humans. - PubMed - NCBI Excessive or persistent proinflammatory cytokine production plays a central role in autoimmune diseases. Acute activation of the sympathetic nervous system attenuates...
  5. haidut

    Androsterone Inhibits Catecholamines (Adrenaline / Noradrenaline)

    The neurosteroid androsterone has some very interesting properties, among which is potent GABA agonist activity. Most GABA agonists inhibit the synthesis and/or release of epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) in various animal models and in human trials. The studies below...
  6. haidut

    SSRI Drugs Damage Bone By Increasing Adrenaline

    Over the last few years there have been a number of studies linking SSRI use with increased risk of fracture. Subsequent studies found this link to be definitively causal - i.e. SSRI drugs cause those fractures. However, the mechanism of action was officially ascribed to the medical...
  7. DaveFoster

    Long-term Mirtazapine Administration Permanently Lowers Adrenaline

    Effects of long-term treatment with the alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonist mirtazapine on 5-HT neurotransmission. Mirtazapine (ORG 3770, Remeron) is a nonselective alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonist with antidepressant activity in major depression. The aim of the present study was to assess, using an...
  8. haidut

    Ethanol Intoxication / Sedation Caused By Adrenaline

    I came across this during research into increasing dopaminergic activity without also increasing adrenergic tone. Apparently, the feeling of getting drunk as well as the sedation produced by alcohol is due to the increased synthesis of adrenaline (epinephrine). Blocking that synthesis by...
  9. haidut

    Low Sodium Diet Increases CVD / Death Regardless Of Person's Blood Pressure

    Another big point in favor of salt and this time the scientists actually provide salient explanation for why the low salt diet was detrimental - i.e. it increases renin, aldosterone and adrenaline. Pretty much what Peat wrote...about 30 years before this study. It also matches well another study...
  10. haidut

    Enlarged Prostate (BPH) Can Be Treated By Anti-adrenaline Drugs

    Adding to the long list of conditions caused by high levels of stress hormones and overactivation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), BPH now joins that list. Given that BPH is a conditions predominantly found in older males, its pathology is not surprising given the chronic elevation of...
  11. U

    Water-retention Due To Adrenaline, Not Oestrogen?

    Like many here, I have been struggling to control the side effects of T3 and pro-thyroid substances that include aspirin, coffee and pregnenolone (However, DHEA in low doses, like @haidut recommends is OK.). Here is my correspondence with Ray on this matter. Dear Dr. Peat, I’m 34/male. Why...
  12. Barry Obummer

    Salt Increases Adrenaline Study

    Excess salt stimulates production of adrenalin and causes hypertension This study is saying that salt doesn't increase blood pressure due to increased blood volume, but actually by increasing adrenaline which constricts capillaries. This doesn't make sense to me. This is the only study I...
  13. haidut

    Blocking Adrenaline Activity May Reduce Autism Symptoms

    As discussed many times on the forum, autism is likely a condition triggered by maternal stress during pregnancy so in theory it can be prevented. However, once established in the child there are no official therapies approved for it. I posted some studies on blocking serotonin curing autism in...
  14. haidut

    The Connection Between Stress (adrenalin), Bacteria And Cvd

    Interesting study, explaining the connection between stress (and its agents adrenalin / noradrenalin), bacterial proliferation and heart attacks / strokes. ... rt.attacks "...Scientists believe they have an explanation for the axiom that stress...
  15. haidut

    Adrenalin Is A Promoter Of Lung Inflammation And CVD

    Greetings from Europe! I will be checking on the forum sporadically in the next couple of weeks, so here is my latest interesting find. "...Together, these results link the activation of the sympathetic nervous system by β2AR signaling with metabolism...
  16. J

    Acne, Hypoglycemia, Adrenalin

    Some random observations that I find interesting... Hypoglycemia: I noticed that hypoglycemia or adrenalin surge can show up in at least two different ways. If I go too long without eating, I get lightheaded and it becomes difficult to think properly. If I drink excess coffee, I get a racing...
  17. MyUsernameHere

    Does (nor)adrenaline Always Increase Pulse?

    Do these stress hormones as a rule cause an increase in pulse? It seems like that is mentioned everywhere. I suspect I have a problem with these two being high but my pulse is always 50-60, and taking thyroid does nothing to change my pulse.
  18. haidut

    Stress-induced glycolysis is mediated by adrenalin

    A nice study that ties together the hypoglycemic state of shock with increased levels of lactate and pyruvate - all caused by adrenalin. Anti-adrenalin agents (beta "receptor" blockers) successfully ameliorated the condition. I wonder if clonidine would do the same given another study I found...
  19. haidut

    Acetaminophen raises serotonin/adrenaline, aspirin lowers it

    The effects were observed in the brain, but they probably apply elsewhere given that aspirin is shown to reduce plasma serotonin. There are quite a few studies showing increased risk of heart attacks resulting from chronic intake of acetaminophen and ibuprofen. If these NSAIDs do in fact raise...
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