
  1. CosmicDancer444

    Staph Infections/Skin Infections

    How to prevent/treat: 1. Staphylococcus skin infections generally 2. Spots/pimples/rash/white pus bumps that appear after shaving/waxing & high friction activity (like saddle sores from cycling)... 3.Reason for high vaginal swab culture - Heavy growth of Staphylococcus Aureus only (No...
  2. haidut

    Endurance exercise is bad for dental/oral health

    It is common knowledge among dentists that athletes often have poor teeth. However, there aren't that many studies on the subject and most of this knowledge is considered anecdotal, so the question of whether some types of exercise are actually detrimental for dental health is not even asked...
  3. CosmicDancer444

    Vaginal Health

    How to deal best with vaginal discomfort as a result of regular hormonal changes/imbalance & often occurring after intercourse? Symptoms include: vaginal itching & vulvar inflammation & irritation, soreness, white lumpy discharge, sometimes dryness. Is this a result of Candida overgrowth or...
  4. Peatful

    Living to 120. Pregnancies at 65. See what they eat and how they live.

    View: Fascinating.
  5. CosmicDancer444

    Progesterone Periods & PMS

    Progesterone, Periods & PMS: I have heard many good things about women incorporating progesterone to ease PMS symptoms. Seeing as decrease in progesterone indicates start of mensuration, I have been reluctant to use it as I have been worried it may prolong/delay/stop or mess with my period...
  6. CosmicDancer444

    Period Symptoms

    Hi, I wanted to ask for a little advice on Periods symptoms/PMS. It is day 1 of my period & for about 1-2 hrs I have felt weak, cold, shaky, achy & have vomited a few times already. A warm hot water bottle & magnesium help me alleviate cramps & I just have this feeling I need to do deep...
  7. CosmicDancer444

    Bad Breath - Health Indications

    Sometimes I wake up with a bad taste in mouth, bad breath, white tongue mildly cracked down centre line. Sometimes during the day I can get a recurring bad breath strike, but eating a mint etc doesn’t help; I often feel it’s coming from my stomach or an ‘empty’ feeling in my stomach. What...
  8. CosmicDancer444

    Advice on use of essential oils, impact on Women’s health, gut flora, digestion etc...

    Advice on use of essential oils, impact on women’s health, gut flora, digestion? i.e Rosemary, Fennel, Cardamom, Lemon, Lemongrass, Oregano etc... Is it possible EOs may help with digestion or other things but after prolonged use cause cumulative hormonal impact & affect gut flora & women’s...
  9. J

    POOLS CLOSED ONTARIO. Now I can't swim

    Forget gyms and pools, I can't even go to the library to return my books.
  10. B

    Intentional Medical Genocide

    Interview August 1, 2021 I've never heard of the CMA reporting system, but this doctor says that within the first three days after the shot, 45,000 deaths were reported. CMA reporting is a Medicare(Older people) and Medicaid (Poor people) reporting system. At that time the VAERS deaths reported...
  11. haidut

    Metabolically, children are different species compared to adults

    A great study, which once again puts metabolism in the spotlight. Many studies have tried to discover the main biological differences between children and adults and so far none of them have discovered a "smoking gun". At the same time, multiple studies have demonstrated that children are much...
  12. MetabolicTrash

    Jobs will not fix poverty, improve standard of living much, or overall quell financial problems

    It's said by many political figureheads, workaday people, your neighbors possibly and family, etc. that more access to jobs will help lift people out of poverty. The funny thing is, though, that plenty of substantial data can likely be found that shows fluctuations in job demand, supply, etc...
  13. MetabolicTrash

    Should friendship be forced? How exactly does "friendship" or "having friends" work across different parameters?

    I have noticed some people just always have friends, and they don't do anything special or specific to make or keep them. Sometimes it's just neighborhood kids, workplace, schools, etc. -- and often it just naturally happens. I find it disheartening that some say that "making" or "finding"...
  14. Charger

    Thoughts on Recent Bloodwork (02/27/2021)

    I recently started taking 50mcg of T3 daily and could tell it was boosting my androgens and wanted to get some bloodwork to get an eye on where I was at. My testosterone is the highest it's ever been at 32, up from the 670 ng/dL I've hovered around the past couple of years, and way up from the...
  15. MetabolicTrash

    With oversaturation, inflation, superabundance & extremity, almost everything/body becomes worthless

    We live in a constantly "updated" world now -- social media, technocracy, dog-eat-dog, etc. Mostly everyone is always trying to improve their game, often at the cost of many others -- nothing new probably in a sense, but it's the effect over time that might matter now. I find that it's hard to...
  16. haidut

    NY Governor Cuomo: ‘I don’t really trust experts’

    The article would have been hilarious if it was not a confirmation of the absolute corruption and charade when it comes to all things "pandemic". After mocking Trump's dismissal of "experts" throughout all 4 of his years as President, and especially during 2020, it is now apparently perfectly...
  17. Rachel

    Is carrot salad the answer to the French "paradox"?

    Apparently, grated carrot salad is one of those ubiquitous dishes that just about everyone in France eats. Hmmmmmm... French school children start off eating it at a young age, It's in regular rotation at school cafeterias. "If I had to compile a list of the top five National Dishes of...
  18. haidut

    The Case For Water Fluoridation May Be Nothing But A Corporate Plot

    When the mighty "trend-setter of the masses" (as The Atlantic magazine is known in the journalism industry) publishes an extensive article exposing the fraud and lack of evidence of benefit in regards to water fluoridation, you know that a scandal is brewing. The Atlantic has been in bed with...
  19. haidut

    Many "inert" Additives In Drugs And Food Are Actually Active And Toxic

    In addition to the recent legal/health fiascoes with talc and titanium dioxide we now have evidence that hundreds of other "inert" additives in commercial/pharma drugs (and food too) are not at all inert and in fact affect multiple physiological pathways, often in a strongly detrimental manner...
  20. haidut

    Progesterone - Not A Sex Hormone, But A Systemic Health Hormone

    An older study, but some great information in there. Not only does it call attention to the fallacy of progesterone being nothing more than a "sex" hormone, but it also warns about the fallacy of equating the synthetic progestins with bioidentical progesterone. At least, when it comes to...
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