heart disease

  1. P

    Excess Linoleic Acid Increases Collagen I/III Ratio And “Stiffens” The Heart Muscle Following High F

    Excess Linoleic Acid Increases Collagen I/III Ratio and “Stiffens” the Heart Muscle Following High Fat Diets Abstract Controversy exists on the benefits versus harms of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-6 PUFA). Although n-6 PUFA demonstrates anti-atherosclerotic properties, survival...
  2. DaveFoster

    Omega-3 Fatty Acids Do Not Prevent Heart Disease

    The relation of lipid peroxidation processes with atherogenesis: a new theory on atherogenesis. - PubMed - NCBI "The extremely high sensitivity of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) to oxygen is apparently used by nature to induce stepwise appropriate cell responses. It is hypothesized that...
  3. haidut

    Lowering Cholesterol Increases CVD Deaths, Benefits Of Statins Exaggerated

    FDA has recently made a 180-degree turn in regards to dietary cholesterol. After decades of claiming eating cholesterol gives you heart attacks, now the FDA says that at best it does not matter. This study goes a step further in confirming Peat's views and found that people with the lowest LDL...
  4. haidut

    Positive Impact Of Vitamin B3 On CVD Is Not Due To Lowering Cholesterol

    Comparisons with treatment with niacin to raise HDL and lower LDL has been considered the gold-standard for all new statin drugs. However, it has been shown that both niacin and niacinamide have the same protective effects on cardiovascular disease (CVD) despite the fact that niacinamide has...
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