
  1. FitnessMike

    Excessive masturbation/sex while hypometabolic nono?

    Will it further worsen condition?
  2. FitnessMike

    What brought the most improvements to your health?

    If you could share your successes whether these are devices, supplements etc.
  3. FitnessMike

    how many of you managed to come off of thyroid ?

    Why most peoples dont manage to come off of thyroid? isn't it that once you on the thyroid and keep optimal metabolism for a while, you should, in most cases gradually come off if with no problems and keep the metabolism up?
  4. U

    Any Insight Into What Is Wrong With Me?

    Taken on the fourth day of cycle. There are cysts on my ovaries and MRI showed microadenoma on the pituitary 20 years old female with heavy acne. hirsutism, irregular cycle I'm seeing an endocrinologist but wouldn't mind hearing some other opinions
  5. haidut

    Hypothyroidism Can Cause Anxiety, Panic Attacks And Other Mental Issues

    One of the few studies that is at least attempting to frame mental health issues in terms of endocrinology. More specifically, the study below demonstrated that people with Hashimoto disease have drastically increased rates of anxiety, panic attacks and risks for other mental health disorders...
  6. FitnessMike

    My Blood Tests Results After 2 Weeks Of NDT

    Hi Guys. Below i paste my blood test results 1.5 months apart. I took NDT only two weeks before i did the second test, for the first week I took one caps 40mg bovine source, and the second week I took 2x40mg caps. It's clear to me that I feel less stressed/more relaxed during the day even...
  7. A

    Visceral Fat Due To Impaired Metabolism/Fatty Liver

    Any ideas how people on this forum have succeeded in getting rid of Visceral Fat with Diet or Supplements? Would also be good to know how long it took to do this?
  8. I

    Hypothyroid. Unable To Sweat. Body Overheats Very Often

    Hello All, I'm hypothyroid and am currently on Levothyroxine 25 mcg. I tried adding T3 to my T4, but it raised my already high cortisol and gave me huge mid section weight gain. So I had to stop T3 until I fix my high cortisol issues. After supplementation, I'm not always cold like before and...
  9. R

    Help Interpreting Labs?

    Hi all, Hope this finds you well, considering recent upheavals. I am a 36 y/o female, been dealing with hair thinning for 8+ years. What started out as hormonal TE uncovered AGA. My hair hasn't been the same since and continues to thin out. Very distressing and has taken a toll psychologically...
  10. haidut

    Levothyroxine (T4) Monotherapy Often Ineffective For Hypothyroidism

    As most of my readers know, the currently approved therapy for hypothyroidism is levothyroxine (T4). While technically T3 and combined T4/T3 therapy are also approved by FDA, the former is only used in severe cases of myxedema and the latter is considered obsolete and a remnant of the days when...
  11. haidut

    Long Work Hours Linked To Hypothyroidism

    The connection between stress and health issues is perhaps the best kept "public secret". As the saying goes, the only people who do not believe in the pathology of stress are doctors...and the dead. I would add to this category the profession of statisticians who publish studies like the one...
  12. GutFeeling

    Autism Four Times Likelier When Mother's Thyroid Is Weakened

    Pregnant women who don't make nearly enough thyroid hormone are nearly 4 times likelier to produce autistic children than healthy women. The association emerged from a study of more than 4,000 Dutch mothers and their children, and it supports a growing view that autism spectrum disorders can be...
  13. haidut

    Lowering DHT Synthesis Causes Severe Hypothyroidism, Despite Higher T Levels

    Just a quick post in regards to one of the most controversial steroids out there - dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Mainstream medicine has vilified this steroid for decades and has blamed a host of male and female pathologies on it - i.e. baldness, prostate enlragement (BPH), prostate cancer (PC)...
  14. haidut

    Virtually All Patients With Depression Are Hypothyroid

    It does not get much better than what this study found. More than 2/3 of mildly depressed patients and basically all moderately and severely depressed ones has low T3 levels. TSH was elevated in almost 55% of the patients. As the study says, this widespread prevalence of sub-clinical...
  15. haidut

    Allopregnanolone Levels Are Low In Both Obese And Anorectic Females

    This new study is one of the few that puts the spotlight on the role of hormones (and thus metabolism) in weight disorders. Most doctors and dieticians believe that being obese or anorectic is simply an issue of eating too much or too little. However, multiple human studies have shown that it is...
  16. haidut

    Thyroid May Treat Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

    The so-called fetal alcohol syndrome has been on the rise over the last 2 decades and its symptoms largely overlap with the "adult" alcohol syndrome or at least the behavioral parts of it. Broda Barnes once wrote that he never treated an alcoholic who was not also hypothyroid and that he also...
  17. Dan W

    T4 Treatment In "subclinical" Hypothyroid In People Age 65+

    I'd be curious to hear from others on this because the results surprised me: Thyroid Hormone Therapy for Older Adults with Subclinical Hypothyroidism My oversimplified, probably incorrect summary: bunch of people over the age of 65 with high TSH (and free T4 within the reference range) given...
  18. haidut

    High Cortisol / Testosterone Ratio As A Likely Cause Of PTSD

    As the study below says the role of cortisol (C) in mood disorders has been known for more than 30 years. Cortisol's role in depression, schizophrenia, bipolar, and eating disorders is well known even in mainstream psychiatry and many of the new drugs in pharma pipeline are aimed at suppressing...
  19. haidut

    Insulin Resistance As An Endocrine Disorder

    This argument has flared up so many times on this forum and I doubt we have reached any agreement. I am on the side that insulin resistance and obesity are endocrine disorders. There is a group here that maintains that it is the obesity that really triggers it all. This study discusses some of...
  20. P

    Thyroid Status Inversely Related To Brown Fat Activity

    Specially Haidut's comment on brown fat made it interesting for me Fat Loss Through Topical Thyroid Or Thyroid Injections? ------------------- Presence of brown adipose tissue in an adolescent with severe primary hypothyroidism. - PubMed - NCBI Context: Brown adipose tissue (BAT) generates...
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