
  1. michael94

    Free-Z-Ing Milk

    Effect of pasteurization and of freezing and thawing human milk on its triglyceride content. - PubMed - NCBI Another important point is that when milk thaws the solids will separate from the ice which gives on the option of consuming a lower water content, sweeter milk.
  2. C

    Phytoestrogens In Soy Vs. Estrogens In Milk

    [ moderator edit: posts moved from Estrogen In Milk ] I can conclusively say that milk without a doubt is the best and least estrogenic protein source out there. I kind of laugh when I hear this stuff because America is inundated with soy protein and oils as an alternate to animal sources and...
  3. S

    A Milk Maker Finally Steps Up To The Plate

    And puts out a skim milk without added vitamins. I have been waiting years for this product. It is a bonus that it is grassfed and fully pasteurized. The pic shows 2%, but skim is...
  4. Prota

    Our Precious Milk

    The Truth About Hormones in Milk - Science Driven Nutrition I adore milk!
  5. paka

    Why All Of The Sudden I Can't Digest Milk Lactose?

    I drank milk before, stopped, started again after finding this guy and I cannot get past 2 cups at once without stomach grumbling. I can easily digest lactose free milk so I know it's the lactose in the 0-1% milks - I've already tried all the brands I can find like he suggests, definitely a...
  6. Pointless

    Salted Fruit Milk

    This stuff is divine. It's from the gods. I call it "ambrosia". SALTED FRUIT MILK!!! 1 can fruit juice concentrate 1/2 gallon of fat free or 1% milk 1 tsp salt (up to a tablespoon for therapeutic purposes but doesn't taste as good) 1/2 tsp baking soda (prevents it from curdling and makes it a...
  7. Stryker

    Double Protein Milk

    anyone been buying this milk? i dont know if it exists outside of australia or not but here its made by a company called "The Complete Dairy" it has 60 grams of protein and 1740mg of calcium per liter! , so you can basically get your daily protein and calcium quota with 2 litres of milk. the...
  8. P

    Taurine In Milk And Yoghurt Marketed In Italy . Goat,cow And Buffalo

    Taurine in milk and yoghurt marketed in Italy. - PubMed - NCBI Abstract Taurine, a free amino acid, was studied as natural compound of different typologies of milk: pasteurized, ultra-high temperature (UHT), microfiltered whole and semi-skimmed cow's milk; pasteurized and UHT goat's whole...
  9. HealthisWealth

    The Best Ruminant Milk - Goat? Carabao? Cow? Sheep?

    Milk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Milk composition analysis, per 100 grams[84][85] Constituents--Unit--Cow----Goat-----Sheep----Water buffalo Water-----------g-----87.8----88.9-----83.0------- 81.1 Protein--------- g-----3.2------3.1------5.4---------4.5...
  10. m_arch

    Lactose Free Milk

    Hi all, I've been drinking lactose free low fat milk while peating due to dairy problems (lots of gas, pimples, etc). I was wondering what peat thoughts are on it? Thanks
  11. S

    Exposure To Exogenous Estrogen Through Intake Of Commercial Milk Produced From Pregnant Cows

    Hello guys, i found a study at Exposure to exogenous estrogen through intake of commercial milk produced from pregnant cows. - PubMed - NCBI Any opinions?
  12. milk_lover

    My Family Experience With Milk

    My father, brother and I can tolerate milk just fine. My mother, aunt, and sister get stomach ache from milk. They have sensitive guts especially with milk just like my case with store gelatin. The last three weeks, I made myself a mission to find milk that my female family members can...
  13. scarlettsmum

    lactose intolerance from eating too much dairy?

    Is it possible to become lactose intolerant caused by eating too much dairy? I was consulting with Benedicite and she said that she drinks lactose free milk because she developed lactose intolerance. I found it really odd since I thought this happens only to hypothyroid people and should resolve...
  14. ecstatichamster

    Lactose Intolerance - How To Fix

    I think I know, but wanted to get your opinion. I haven't drank much milk in decades and now milk gives me intestinal distress. Should I try small quantities? I'm not sure I'm on the milk bandwagon but wanted to see if you've successfully gotten over lactose intolerance as an adult, and what...
  15. natedawggh

    Milk Bloating Is From Tryptophan, Not Liquid

    I have often seen posters complaining about excess bloat when attempting to have a ray peat inspired diet. This often results in the subsequent elimination of liquids, and suspicion toward milk specifically It is true that bloating often occurs but it is not for the amount of liquid, but is...
  16. Nicholas

    Does Calcium Suppress Metabolism?

    do you think it's possible to crave calcium? whenever i get off milk (which i drink sparingly anyway) i end up craving it big time after 3 or 4 days. it's kind of like a lethargy sets in. if i could convince myself i don't really need milk, i would love to drop it - as it has too many...
  17. Z

    Vitamins in whole milk

    How significant is the a,d,e,k content of whole milk? I've only found wildly varying estimates of the vitamin A content and almost nothing for the others. I'm interested in this because I've seen a few people mention that the vitamins in food, pre-bound to proteins, are far superior to pure...
  18. W

    Is Pasteruzied Milk Really So Inferior To Raw Milk?

    This link says a lot of bad things about non-raw milk, even that pasteurization inhibits the majority of calcium and phosphorus found in raw milk. ... ized-milk/ Probably pasteurization’s worst offence is that it makes insoluable the major part of the...
  19. W

    Can I drink milk with added vitamin D and A?

    What are the consequences of drinking commercial milk with additives?
  20. B

    Dairy free for 10 years, should I add milk?

    Hi, I'm quite new here. I'm an ex vegan, I stopped being a vegan several years ago, but have never got on well with dairy so still don't really consume it. Would it be beneficial to drink milk again? At the moment I have a very small amount of dairy every day, such as semi skimmed milk in...
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