
  1. A

    What’s wrong with testosterone reference ranges?

    https://www.mdapp.co/free-and-bioavailable-testosterone-calculator-544/ Looking at the chart for 20-30 years old. The reference range for bioavaible T is 83-257ng/dL, for free T it’s 5.25-20.7ng/dL. Translated that means a man in his twenties with a total testosterone of only 187 ng/dL (6.5...
  2. NewACC

    Why do children have so good health if their androgens low?

    After thinking about peating, I wondered: why are children so metabolically ideal that they even overtake elite athletes by this factor, if their androgenic level is very low? Is it strange that everyone on the forum is talking about the rejuvenating effect of androgens, if children are the...
  3. D

    Vitamin A and T3 for testosterone - dosage

    I know RP has said that the best way to raise testosterone is to take vitamin a and T3 but I've never found any info about dosage. Do you have any information about that or your own experience?
  4. Cameron

    Has anyone reliably increased DHT or T with t3 therapy?

    Has anyone confirmed an androgenic benefit or increase in androgens from using T3 or thyroid therapy in general? T3 is reliably an androgen agonist how has the therapy played out in androgenic function or a “secondary puberty” effect in males here?
  5. Borz

    Confusion about T use

    In this recent talk Georgi is endorsing very high dose Testosterone use (100 mg a day), saying (according to the study) even 50 mg per day wasn't good enough. I'm very confused now, since I saw him recommend a physiological dose of about 5 mg per day. I use a few milligrams of T transscrotally...
  6. Gûs80

    Could aromatase inhibitors be useful in autoimmune diseases?

    Dr Ray Peat mentions in some articles that the cause of autoimmune diseases is high estrogen. Considering this, has anyone seen benefits from using a pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitor? I have a positive ANA marker for Lupus/Sjogren's, and even though it's low, I have several of the symptoms of...
  7. DDRB

    From how much testosterone the receptors are saturated ?

    I will be taking testosterone again for an indefinite period, probably 100mg ace or prop test per day and intramuscular injection (C8 + BA + BB solution). I should be getting between 2000/3000ng/dl per day if it was like last time. However, testosterone is expensive and I wonder if being at such...
  8. J

    Alphagels 10% DHT in DMSO?

    Hi all, After getting DHT raws seized I’ve had luck successfully bringing in finished 10% DHT gel in a DMSO base. Has anyone had any experience with Alphagels Compounding 10% DHT gel? I’ve had it recommended to me by a reputable bodybuilding forum member and I can see they’re quite known on...
  9. Hans

    Shilajit on testosterone, dopamine and sexual function

    https://men-elite.com/2022/05/13/shilajit-on-testosterone-dopamine-and-sexual-function/ What has been your experience with shilajit?
  10. haidut

    Hypogonadism in older males due to low OXPHOS

    I suspect many readers will simply say "duh!", but believe or not the origin of age-related hypogonadism in males is still considered unknown. Most endocrinologists have discovered experimentally that treating their patients with SERM or AI drugs restores androgens to youthful levels, but the...
  11. MetabolicTrash

    Muscle & Growth Overall = (mostly) Unsaturated; Estrogenic? Is this why some people have bigger muscles or bigger bones; others smaller/less mass?

    Obviously it's more complicated than that to a degree, but I got to reading this old thread by @haidut on saturatedness or unsaturedness: https://raypeatforum.com/community/threads/unsaturation-estrogenic-saturation-androgenic.13162/#post-180467 Here is the study he referenced: Oestrogenic...
  12. J

    Alphagels 10% DHT gel?

    Has anyone heard of or used alphagels? Apparently a T and dht gel online source. A few of the bros from reddit linked me to their profile for 10% dht gel. Inboxed them and seems legit but wanted some reviews before placing an order. Thanks.
  13. haidut

    Alzheimer's Severity Tied to Longer Estrogen Exposure in Women

    A neat study, which somehow managed to slip through my "radar" when it was first published the middle of last (2021) year. The study is pretty straighforward in its claim that longer exposure to endogenous estrogen was associated with exacerbated/higher biomarkers of Alzheimer disease (AD), as...
  14. A

    How fingers could point to a link between low testosterone and COVID hospitalizations

    https://www.swansea.ac.uk/press-office/news-events/news/2022/03/how-fingers-could-point-to-a-link-between-low-testosterone-and-covid-hospitalizations.php Could the length of a person’s fingers provide a clue to how ill they might get after contracting Covid-19? It is widely recognised that a...
  15. haidut

    Not a "male" hormone - testosterone (T) beneficial for female heart health

    It always feels good to read an article on a scientific discovery and have one of the authors put on his Peat-y hat and quote Peat directly. I am joking, of course, but the study below and the statements from its lead author do sound like Peat had a significant participation in the study...
  16. haidut

    Prostate levels of androgens/DHT drastically lower in prostate cancer patients

    Yet another study, which raises serious doubts about the so-called "androgen hypothesis" of prostate cancer (PC). The study found that androgen levels, and especially DHT, are drastically (90%+) lower in PC than in people with benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). In fact, 1/3 of the PC patients...
  17. A


    I've heard that what alot of fitness models are doing to give themselves an edge is microdosing t. Say you are 600 ng/dl t and bring yourslef up to 950/1000, how is this done technically speaking, what t do they use and where do u get it from
  18. Jonnie

    Experience with micronized T base?

    So I recently ordered some micronized T base from PPL (still hasnt arrived it’s been 5 weeks.) When and if it does arrive I’d like to test the stuff to check if it is what it’s supposed to be but it seems exceptionally hard to find a commercial lab in Holland that does tests. Anyone have any...
  19. Cameron

    Interesting study on testosterone gel topically for increasing terminal facial hair growth in young men. Topical androgens

    Topical androgens like androsterone and dht would likely have similar localized maturation effect of terminal hairs. Hacking beard growth. Male bio hacking. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17852629/ —————————- Objectives: To determine whether the medical prescription of testosterone gel can...
  20. Cameron

    Androsterone’s correlation to 5-AR

    High levels of androsterone in males correlate with higher overall 5-AR activity as well as DHEA.. “Androsterone: A DHEA metabolite derived from androstenedione via the activity of 5AR followed by 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3α-HSD), and therefore useful for monitoring 5AR. If androsterone...
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