10 Years On Zero Carb - Blood Test Results


Dec 10, 2016
Another year, another bloodwork screen | My Zero Carb Life

“I eat meat, mostly in the form of beef, bacon, or chicken. I also occasionally eat eggs and dairy (a little cheese and heavy cream). I eat only from the animal kingdom and never anything with a sweet taste at all.”

Do you ever cheat? “By eating carbs or sweets? No, never. Not even on my birthday or at a first-cousin’s wedding. NEVER. Eating even a small amount of carbs would likely trigger the same withdrawal symptoms that I suffered the first time around. It just isn’t worth it to me. Plus, I’ve lost all desire for sweets and carbs. I would probably gag if I tasted something sweet. That’s’ hard to believe, I know! I spent my whole life with a horribly strong sweet tooth, but now, I have no desire for that stuff at all.”

Have your children ever tasted candy? “No. And they’ve also never tried bread, crackers, or grains of any kind. They’ve never tasted anything sweeter than natural, fresh, unsweetened fruit. And even then, it’s been very limited. Because of their limited exposure to anything sweet, they have NO sweet tooth at all. They can’t even stand the smell of baked goods.”

“I have taken some prenatal vitamins over the past few years of having babies, but in general, no, I don’t. If I felt deficient in any area, I would consider them, though.”

“My energy levels are excellent. I have no trouble going to the bathroom. I don’t take a single supplement, yet my nutrient levels are all well within normal range. And best of all, I feel great, have a strong immune system, and never have to worry again about getting dreadful boils.”




May 30, 2018
Another year, another bloodwork screen | My Zero Carb Life

“I eat meat, mostly in the form of beef, bacon, or chicken. I also occasionally eat eggs and dairy (a little cheese and heavy cream). I eat only from the animal kingdom and never anything with a sweet taste at all.”

Do you ever cheat? “By eating carbs or sweets? No, never. Not even on my birthday or at a first-cousin’s wedding. NEVER. Eating even a small amount of carbs would likely trigger the same withdrawal symptoms that I suffered the first time around. It just isn’t worth it to me. Plus, I’ve lost all desire for sweets and carbs. I would probably gag if I tasted something sweet. That’s’ hard to believe, I know! I spent my whole life with a horribly strong sweet tooth, but now, I have no desire for that stuff at all.”

Have your children ever tasted candy? “No. And they’ve also never tried bread, crackers, or grains of any kind. They’ve never tasted anything sweeter than natural, fresh, unsweetened fruit. And even then, it’s been very limited. Because of their limited exposure to anything sweet, they have NO sweet tooth at all. They can’t even stand the smell of baked goods.”

“I have taken some prenatal vitamins over the past few years of having babies, but in general, no, I don’t. If I felt deficient in any area, I would consider them, though.”

“My energy levels are excellent. I have no trouble going to the bathroom. I don’t take a single supplement, yet my nutrient levels are all well within normal range. And best of all, I feel great, have a strong immune system, and never have to worry again about getting dreadful boils.”

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View attachment 16798
Interesting. What’s her story? Why is she so sensitive to carbs?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Interesting. What’s her story? Why is she so sensitive to carbs?
She was more than 100 pounds overweight and had recurring boils in her 20’s when her family doctor put her on low carb. Five years later she went carnivore.


Jan 7, 2020
This blood work doesn’t really seem to fit with that diet
I would expect cholesterol to be way higher


Mar 27, 2018
Honestly I don’t believe him/her.

Literally everyone cheats on Keto because it’s difficult and unsustainable and the body senses it’s unnatural.

Also not allowing your kids sweets is bad parenting.


Jun 1, 2017
My Opinion is Keto can work very welk IF you eat the whole Animal (organs ect) and all kinds of Animals (Fish ect) + don‘t overdue with extra fat + Live a relaxed life AND/OR have a stable (high Gaba) personality /mindset


Feb 22, 2017
I can relate to losing the taste for anything sweet, on a predominantly meat diet it can be as if anything else, particularly vegetables, are no longer seen as food.

I find that eating lots of fruit/juice has the reverse effect and was going to make a thread asking if anyone else experiences the same, where when you're burning predominantly fruit sugar, whether you also lose the taste for meat? I still find the smell of steak cooking appetising, but when I actually eat it, it borders on disgusting now.
Jun 16, 2017
Her c- reactive protein is pretty low.


Oct 21, 2013
Should I Eat Zero-Carb While Pregnant?
My husband and I had been trying and praying for a baby for a couple of years, but my low-fat, calorie-restricted diet had left me without a menstrual cycle. After wondering if I would ever be able to have children, I was completely thrilled to finally be pregnant.
Seems like something got left out of the story here.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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