20 Questions With Ray Peat

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Nov 26, 2012
Re: 20 Questions With Ray Peat -- Submit Your Questions

Would he have any plan to write an updated book combining a summary of his latest research on health and diseases, the brands of supplement/drug that he thinks are trustworthy to use and how, the food and cosmetic brands that he considers safe and finally other alternative therapies that he consider useful/important to treat diseases?


Jan 3, 2014
Re: 20 Questions With Ray Peat -- Submit Your Questions

Please clarify weight loss suggestions including how much coconut oil and role of endotoxin, adrenalin and cortisol.
Some say people gain weight with this approach - are they misunderstanding sucrose and coconut oil quantities or is some rebound inevitable when recovering?
If already obese, does the estrogen produced by fat cells make it impossible to get out of the trap?
Thank you!


Jan 3, 2014
Re: 20 Questions With Ray Peat -- Submit Your Questions

Insomnia characterized by easily falling asleep but multiple wakeups , restlessness and aching in spite of following all suggestions?


Feb 20, 2013
Re: 20 Questions With Ray Peat -- Submit Your Questions

I have seen in mainstream science and in many blogs that fat cells increases estrogen
production. But, my understanding of RP's writing is that only PUFA storage in
fat cells increases estrogen. He mentioned when excess carbohydrate increases
fat synthesis and storage it is safe, since it is all saturated fat. I have noticed in
many papers that they carefully avoid putting blame on PUFA, instead they blame
it on all types oil. May be because they think it is redundant to repeat saturated fat is bad.
It is good to have a clarification from him to dispel this internet rumor.


Oct 21, 2013
Re: 20 Questions With Ray Peat -- Submit Your Questions

Why do men with congenital 5-alpha-reductase deficiency never go bald? And in the same line, why is Finasteride despite its severe side-effects (e.g. depression and gynecomastia) so effective in halting sometimes even reversing Male-Pattern-Baldness? Do you see MPB as an indicator of health?


Oct 21, 2013
Re: 20 Questions With Ray Peat -- Submit Your Questions

Why do women live longer than men?


Oct 21, 2013
Re: 20 Questions With Ray Peat -- Submit Your Questions

What is your opinion on traditional eastern medical concepts like Traditional Chinese Medicine or Ayurveda? Is there anything we can learn from them? For example Yoga/Pranayama and Qigong have breathing techniques at the center of their philosophies with anecdotal stories about extreme longevity or even immortality by applying them (mostly breathing less), suggesting that they for example knew about the protective effects of CO2 retention.


Oct 21, 2013
Re: 20 Questions With Ray Peat -- Submit Your Questions

How dangerous is calcium when you are hypothyroid and magnesium deficient? Should large amounts of calcium be avoided in such a state?


Oct 21, 2013
Re: 20 Questions With Ray Peat -- Submit Your Questions

Aromatase inhibition often leads to joint pain/arthralgia (widely reported during breast cancer therapy and in the bodybuilding scene). I can easily induce it when using larger doses of either Progesterone/Vitamin-E/Vitamin-K or a low-dose combination of them together. Why do you think is this? Are such symptoms a sign that estrogen is too low or will it resolve after a while?

From: "Aromatase inhibitor-induced arthralgia: a review"
http://annonc.oxfordjournals.org/conten ... dt037.full

Nonetheless, the question remains: how does low estrogen cause joint pain? Several theories exist. Estrogen has naturally anti-nociceptive properties, which may be an evolutionary adaptation to help women better tolerate pain during childbirth, when estrogen levels are naturally increased. This is believed to be mediated by opioid-containing neurons in the spinal cord which express estrogen receptors [24]. Also, animal studies have shown that mice with surgically removed ovaries have accelerated cartilage turnover, presumably from their low-estrogen state [25]. Perhaps, this higher rate of cartilage turnover contributes to bone pain from lack of cushioning in the joints.
Jun 16, 2014
Re: 20 Questions With Ray Peat -- Submit Your Questions

My question is:
Why does your voice sound so warbled and stuttering? It seems there is some lack of coherence between your intention and live speech.

I have spoken to others who also wish to know this, that's why I post it here.


Jul 25, 2013
Re: 20 Questions With Ray Peat -- Submit Your Questions


I have only been able to get some sleep with the help of some herbs (skullcap, passionflower, valerian, hops). I recently tried again to get sleep without their aid but I couldn't. How safe is the long term use of herbs? Is there a safer option of supplement?


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Re: 20 Questions With Ray Peat -- Submit Your Questions

nograde said:
What is your opinion on traditional eastern medical concepts like Traditional Chinese Medicine or Ayurveda? Is there anything we can learn from them? For example Yoga/Pranayama and Qigong have breathing techniques at the center of their philosophies with anecdotal stories about extreme longevity or even immortality by applying them (mostly breathing less), suggesting that they for example knew about the protective effects of CO2 retention.

In line with this question, I would like Ray Peat to further discuss the role that Co2 plays in overall metabolic and cellular health and list as many ways as he can think of that would help boost Co2 retention (or production) in the body. I'm also curious about carbon dioxide therapy and if it is safe?


Nov 26, 2012
Re: 20 Questions With Ray Peat -- Submit Your Questions

What's his view when someone as Chris Masterjohn said that some individuals, for unknown reasons, seems to need higher EFA intakes and when he also said that the need for essential fatty acids increases during childhood, bodybuilding, recovery from injury, chronic disease states, pregnancy and lactation?

Same when some scientist, like Floyd H.Chilton, said that elevated omega 6 is not detrimental to any inflammation process in human body because our bodies aren't good at the first conversion of Linoleic acid to arachidonic acid. And especially when Floyd H.Chilton said the following: " Eating a lot of LA won't really have a major influence on AA, or on the number of inflammatory messengers you produce. We didn't always know this - for a very simple reason. Not all species so limit this conversion. Rodents, including mice, are actually very good at it, which means that they convert a great deal of the LA they eat into AA. Many of the studies examining how the body processes different fatty acids were carried out in mice, which means that some of the conclusions scientists drew about the connection dietary LA and elevated levels In humans were incorrect. LA would have made a convenient villain, since it's so prevalent in our diet, but our own inefficiency at making those fatty-acid conversions lessens its importance"

It would be great to have RP clarification on this.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Re: 20 Questions With Ray Peat -- Submit Your Questions

Does lacking the delta 6 desaturase enzyme that converts LA to DGLA have any negative health consequences for someone eating low pufa?


Re: 20 Questions With Ray Peat -- Submit Your Questions

Do you make money from Kenogen Progest-E? What was your real motivation for getting the patent? I ask this because the fact that you write about nutrition in the depth that you do, separates you from nearly all other physiologists, and that is why a barometer of selling a product or just being honest and empathic is brought up. You are in your own unique category because you write about nutrition, but you don't sell anything. My understanding is that you got the patent to get the patent before the estrogen industry did, in an effort to help the females who were consulting with you, and in the context of, if you did not get the patent, then such a good progesterone product would not be available because the estrogen industry would have just shelved it, keeping it unavailable for anyone to buy. In this context, there is nothing wrong with you making money from Progest-E. It is actually empathic, the opposite of everyone else. One cannot compare that to the level of scams that exists in this field. There is so much snake oil in the health/nutrition industry, as you well know with the so called "EFA'S, and resveratrol etc." It is on a level that is absolutely astounding. There are so many scams and multi level marketing hoaxes out there. Whenever I tell someone about you, I always make it clear to them that you do not sell anything, and that says a lot. I tell people that you don't want their money, and that people can't even buy a book from you, and I say that with a smile on my face trying to explain to them that you don't even have your own books for sale on Amazon, or even from your own website in a click and buy fashion. I tell them they actually have to send you a check or M.O. in the mail, and the books are not even in print at the moment so they have to wait until you get around to it, thus showing again, that you are not money hungry, like everyone else. In the natural foods/natural nutrition research filed, there is no one like you, because everyone else, is marketing and selling a product. You do not market anything. Like you said, there is a problem with referring to people as "the market." Thank you for everything that you do.


Oct 21, 2013
Re: 20 Questions With Ray Peat -- Submit Your Questions

Which internet resources (forums, blogs, etc..) do you frequent often? Do you sometimes read raypeatforum.com?


Aug 23, 2014
Re: 20 Questions With Ray Peat -- Submit Your Questions

There's a lot of calcium in the milk and some studies show that the calcium to magnesium ratio play a role in heart disease, they suggest that we should keep our calcium:magnesium ratio around 2:1, what are your thoughts on this? Sometimes i get blurred vision when i drink milk(also water) how much salt do you think is ideal for 1 liter of milk(or water).
I also have question regarding Homeostasis and Hormesis,
you suggest to add thyroid and other hormonal supplements to one diet, but don't you think that it interferes with homeostatis of the body, the body will eventually adapt to it but couldn't it be possible that there will be a price to be paid for it and it isn't optimal? Many bodybuilders supplement beneficial hormones and end up horribly and some people get negative effects from hormonal supplements on this forum.
Regarding Hormesis don't you think that friction is required for a body to evolve to a better state, if there's no demand how can a body evolve?If there's no need for a new idea how can a brain get smarter?By adapting to something a body could adapt to many other things as all our organs functions are related, It's documentented that some amount of stress is beneficial like a light amount of exercise could increase lifespan,intellect and other bodily functions obviously too much will have negative consequences, even endurance exercise, studies show that yes beneficial hormones will be depleted during stress but they also show that the body will overcompensate in a good way if it's well nourished,what's life purpose if not being a whole human being, you personally suggest that art can improve our scienfic minds and i agree with that but isn't it the same with everything else, isn't everything a little connected?. In your articles you say that growth hormone is a stress hormone and it's negative, but studies also show that growth hormone decreases with age and some of your nutritional reccomendation increase it, isn't there a beneficial contest for growth hormone too?
Forgive me if i sound too arrogant, i'm a little obessive compulsive regarding my research, i'm aware that there's interest behind medical studies but it must also be taken into consideration that not all research is bad and we must always keep an open mind.

I guess that i asked too many question, i'll bold my most important one.


Re: 20 Questions With Ray Peat -- Submit Your Questions

With the current understanding of the number of discovered galaxies in the universe, do you believe that it is very likely that complex organisms exist outside of our planet?


Aug 17, 2013
Re: 20 Questions With Ray Peat -- Submit Your Questions

Vaccines. Are they necessary? Harmful? All of them? Some/Which of them?


Nov 26, 2012
Re: 20 Questions With Ray Peat -- Submit Your Questions

Why did he use to recommend sardines, a fatty fish loaded with PUFA, in his book " Nutrition for women" as a good protein source that should not interfere with thyroid function for people with inflammatory disease?
What would be the reason to avoid it now?
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