25-year-old Canadian Woman Looking for Love

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
I gotta tell you ... That's assuredly a fact I couldn't disagree with even if I wanted to. lol

It's ultimately a shame the ladies just can't understand this/bear with it much, but I suppose they might have some qualities we can't appreciate much either....
most men do have a better resilience potential for a higher degree of environnement stimulations,it does still require ressoures to optimise it.having a penis in it self does not guarantee you in it self a higher resilience to your environnements stimulations than a girl or a woman,its a higher potential than can be exploited given the necessary ressources and stimulus


most men do have a better resilience potential for a higher degree of environnement stimulations,it does still require ressoures to optimise it.having a penis in it self does not guarantee you in it self a higher resilience to your environnements stimulations than a girl or a woman,its a higher potential than can be exploited given the necessary ressources and stimulus
not the penis (even tho it's useful to pee when in a laborious situation), the testes.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
not the penis (even tho it's useful to pee when in a laborious situation), the testes.
i mentionned the penis as a characteristic that if a person posses he would be consider as a male gender(you can include testes),yet this characteristic it in self does not necessary give him a better resilience than most girls and women independently of other factors


Aug 17, 2018
Patriarchy is the masculine form of goodness - it is the spirit of an executive person sacrificing all, in order to see a goal to fruition.

Matriarchy is the feminine form of goodness - it is the spirit of nurture and comfort unto healing, so that the goal-person can bring the goal to fruition.

The Human social order is fundamentally, family.

You'll notice in general, that in professional contexts, women are superior in organization and administration (necessary attributes of a good follower), and men are superior in suffering and creative overcoming (necessary attributes of a good leader).

I gotta tell you ... That's assuredly a fact I couldn't disagree with even if I wanted to. lol

It's ultimately a shame the ladies just can't understand this/bear with it much, but I suppose they might have some qualities we can't appreciate much either....

I think someone on some redpill-esque site said something like, "Women sit at the finish line and just wait for the winners," or something like that.

It's a testament to just how replaceable and workhorse-like men mostly are seen. We have to work hard to be expected to "settle" when that's not the case for most women. As a guy I think all of my hardships should pay off ... And it pains me to say that "settling" doesn't feel right when I'm expected to work and suffer years to reach "settle."

It's like telling someone, "A doctor makes a lot of money, so work hard for it!" Yeah, but they also tend to go MASSIVELY in debt so they must end up agreeing to give a lot of said money back/pay it back as they work, along with any other financial burdens, stresses and insane work/schedules expected of such. It isn't like you just go to school and "work hard" and end up a happy, stress-free, lovable doctor of high prestige, no. In most cases you trade lots of SUFFERING for SOME REMEDIATION but must alas keep the struggle/play "catch up" even years past your "solidifying" of "doctor" or whatever achievement or status.
The real men are the ones who speak for women. And real women are the ones who speak for men.

Responses like this are nothing but bunch of whining. Wouldn't be surprised if 'conscious' just checked out of this thread.


I gotta tell you ... That's assuredly a fact I couldn't disagree with even if I wanted to. lol

It's ultimately a shame the ladies just can't understand this/bear with it much, but I suppose they might have some qualities we can't appreciate much either....

I think someone on some redpill-esque site said something like, "Women sit at the finish line and just wait for their pick of the winners," or something like that.
I believe this is good. Women aren't fundamentally made for "the race," but in a wholistic, communal environment, aid it.
It's a testament to just how replaceable and workhorse-like men mostly are seen. We have to work hard to be expected to "settle" when that's not the case for most women. As a guy I think all of my hardships should pay off ... And it pains me to say that "settling" doesn't feel right when I'm expected to work and suffer years to reach "settle."
I'd say this is an extended point of the first comment, so, agree.
It's like telling someone, "A doctor makes a lot of money, so work hard for it!" Yeah, but they also tend to go MASSIVELY in debt so they must end up agreeing to give a lot of said money back/pay it back as they work, along with any other financial burdens, stresses and insane work/schedules expected of such. It isn't like you just go to school and "work hard" and end up a happy, stress-free, lovable doctor of high prestige, no. In most cases you trade lots of SUFFERING for SOME REMEDIATION but must alas keep the struggle/play "catch up" even years past your "solidifying" of "doctor" or whatever achievement or status. Put simply you work hard/struggle to reach a point of slightly less struggle, which is why I don't believe most people really "ascend" in life mostly AKA climb up the ladder. Who wants to trade peace & poverty for suffering & poverty?
Yes-ish, but if you asked them if they'd rather dig ditches the rest of their life, they'd unequivocally pick being a doctor. certain rewards beget certain suffering, and are inescapable. those doctors also become very stable men, ergo leading and producing the next generation of good people - suffering filters the bad out (mileage varies in all my broad general statements of course).


i mentionned the penis as a characteristic that if a person posses he would be consider as a male gender(you can include testes),yet this characteristic it in self does not necessary give him a better resilience than most girls and women independently of other factors
the testosterone gives drive to accomplish a goal - healthy men have like 20 times that of a woman.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
the testosterone gives drive to accomplish a goal
drive to accomplish a goal does not mean the highest degree of resilience to your environnement or a higher degree of of resilience that girls and women
- healthy men have like 20 times that of a woman.
i dont know to wich part of my comments you are answering this,i didnt claim anything that oppose that.
Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
The real men are the ones who speak for women. And real women are the ones who speak for men.

Responses like this are nothing but bunch of whining. Wouldn't be surprised if 'conscious' just checked out of this thread.

I'm telling the truth as I see it. If you want "whining" I have plenty of other threads for that, but not today....

Also, I could care less if she "checked out." As I said I have nothing against her but was just being realistic. Women and men often do not live in the same plane of reality or struggle or even experience, yet women/men love to tell men they "whine" when they are telling them in an honest, rightful manner just how hard life is for them vs. what they see it is for women. Apparently women hate hearing that men have it difficult in life ... Okay, so just write these men off on ignore then and continue interacting with the men good enough for you/those that do not "whine" or whatever. This is the BEST PLACE TO BE HONEST BECAUSE IT'S ANONYMOUS. In real life I'd be a fool to complain as a low-value man. See, even in anonymity men are judged for explaining the struggles they face in life, even in a respectable manner. I'm not surprised some guys just lose the plot/go insane ... There's no salvation for most men anymore. In the past they at least believed they were becoming accomplished, but these days more and more men are not feeling optimal with their QOL anymore. I'm sure it's their fault though and no one else is to blame -- us men struggle by self-choice, NEVER by consequence.

No one ever thought that men whine because they actually have it hard? Perhaps women are not complaining, whiny, or angry much because ... They *gasp* might have it WAY easier (life)? Because I keep reading comments here saying guys complain too much, yet I rarely see women complaining. Maybe they have little to complain about?


how do you know that there was a "refining process to coming of age for men (some call "coming of age," or "rite of passage") since human inception" if you were not there to witness it at all times on all places on earth?how is that fundamental to human existence considering that a group of human can potentially manage their environnement to reach a state where there is no need for such process,and it does not impair the ability to reproduce?
it's actually the nature of working with a father - the skills that brought him to that place, get passed to the child. if you survived, your mindset/logic worked, insofar as that situation is concerned.
there is nothing wrong with confort in it self,if this confort increase your well being and energy,there is nothing valuable to live with your father in it self,a lot of fathers have a mediocre or bad impact on their childrens.
this is true, and this is the matriarchal side of the family coin - but we've removed or reduced the significance of the role of patriarch - which contains the most effective psyche of enduring discomfort for goals survival/goals. I'm obviously not saying there are not bad fathers who have made things worse for their children. If you're a bad father, you contribute to the spiritual fatherless mindset I described earlier.
what if there is little to no need for these attributes in the life of a person?why do you assume that someone growing with out ""profound admiration and honor for the Patriarchal position of Fatherhood, and esteem to enforce and live by all it's attributes (man), and support and receive protection in it (woman),"can not later develop these masculine or feminine characteristics when it is relevant to his environnement with out the influences of these "admiration" figures?what about child feeling people that do not fill into your 2 "goodness" category?

does not mean its optimal for them to feel this way
with all due respect, we are living out the real world consequence of refusing instinctual patriarchy, right now.

men have no tact to suffer for good goals, which is why I responded to this thread in the first place - sufferings and sacrifices, are best overcome by these patriarchal attributes I describe.

Yes, life is physically easier now, but there are different needs to sacrifice and suffer thru, today, and people give up /give out quicker, opting for non-family lifestyles because it's too difficult - we now face an extinction crisis in the west.


drive to accomplish a goal does not mean the highest degree of resilience to your environnement or a higher degree of of resilience that girls and women

i dont know to wich part of my comments you are answering this,i didnt claim anything that oppose that.
more resilience means your drive to accomplish a goal lasts longer. for logic's sake: men have 20x the resilient drive to accomplish a goal, than a woman.

testosterone and progesterone have complimentary contributory factors to humans, but humans are divided into 2 categories: they are binarily dominant in production of either of those hormones, but not both.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
more resilience means your drive to accomplish a goal lasts longer. for logic's sake: men have 20x the resilient drive to accomplish a goal, than a woman.
you can have a longer lasting drive to accomplish a goal than a person,with out having a higher degree of resilience than the person to things that would spark negatives emotions,peoples these days still have enough drive to go to work for most of them try to make money,try to get a better life,yet most of the people i know do not have a a high or the highest degree of resilience to the environnement quite the contrary,motivation to accomplish a goal does not equate high resilience.you can be highly resilient to your environnement and yet not have the highest/high/higher degree of motivation overall.Most men i do know do not have a "20x the resilient drive to accomplish a goal than a woman".
testosterone and progesterone have complimentary contributory factors to humans, but humans are divided into 2 categories: they are binarily dominant in production of either of those hormones, but not both.
have you blood tested all humans or most humans on earth to observe their hormones lvls?do you assume than a higher degree of testosterone than a woman give you a longer lasting drive than this woman independently of other factors?


you can have a longer lasting drive to accomplish a goal than a person,with out having a higher degree of resilience than the person to things that would spark negatives emotions,peoples these days still have enough drive to go to work for most of them try to make money,try to get a better life,yet most of the people i know do not have a a high or the highest degree of resilience to the environnement quite the contrary,motivation to accomplish a goal does not equate high resilience.you can be highly resilient to your environnement and yet not have the highest/high/higher degree of motivation overall.Most men i do know do not have a "20x the resilient drive to accomplish a goal than a woman".
well, no, men today don't have near the resilience to fight. in fact, i believe that paradoxically, if the basic skills of endurance is not taught to a boy, he fails faster at life.
lack of these fundamental skills of endurance, is also why men dominate the bottom of society - suicide, homelessness, poverty, school dropout, etc. men are clearly way more sensitive to whether they learn resilience. [[[this will tie into the below in brackets]]]

(I'm not bothering to distinguish between resilience and drive, but clearly women are more resilient at being mothers, than a man is at nurturing a kid, and men are more resilient at suffering to accomplish a goal, as 2 examples)

I notice in working with children in daycares: boys need way more comforting affection and mother time, than girls, especially the more stereotypical boys. it's a paradoxical phenomena that, if respected, will aid in yielding high performing masculine men.
have you blood tested all humans or most humans on earth to observe their hormones lvls?
no. but it's pretty standard science, that healthy men have Testosterone ranges way higher than women (I last recall those levels being about 20x greater).
do you assume than a higher degree of testosterone than a woman give you a longer lasting drive than this woman independently of other factors?
longer lasting to accomplish a goal, yes. this is basic sociological understanding - it's why men dominate all upper echelons of leadership and discovery, and accomplishment. it's why they have way higher work related death/injury rates, as well (up to 90% and more). [[[this ties in with the above in brackets]]]. it's well known that men inhabit both sides of a curve in any topic or profession.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
it's actually the nature of working with a father - the skills that brought him to that place, get passed to the child. if you survived, your mindset/logic worked, insofar as that situation is concerned.
according to this,therefore any father that survived and had childrens has a valuable mindset/logic to offer to his childs,even if he is unhappy,and any person that did not get this experience passed from his father is a "headless soul with no direction hope sacrifice or self control"?why do you assume that a person can not get these "valuables"attributes relevant to his environnement with out his father experience?
this is true, and this is the matriarchal side of the family coin - but we've removed or reduced the significance of the role of patriarch - which contains the most effective psyche of enduring discomfort for goals survival/goals. I'm obviously not saying there are not bad fathers who have made things worse for their children. If you're a bad father, you contribute to the spiritual fatherless mindset I described earlier.
i do not think the"removal or reduction of the significance of the role of patriarch"is a conscious choice,its mainly people biological state due to their environnements and mainly diet that prone them to not do what is potentially necessary to do when events/phenomenons in their environnement threaten their health and well being and those of their family and peoples they care about.
with all due respect, we are living out the real world consequence of refusing instinctual patriarchy, right now.
i did not imply that "patriarchy"has no value in our actual environnements,on the contrary it would have a very high value in the life of most people i know
men have no tact to suffer for good goals, which is why I responded to this thread in the first place - sufferings and sacrifices, are best overcome by these patriarchal attributes I describe.

Yes, life is physically easier now, but there are different needs to sacrifice and suffer thru, today, and people give up /give out quicker, opting for non-family lifestyles because it's too difficult - we now face an extinction crisis in the west.
i agree with both of these,exept the extinction crisis i have no opinion on it


Jul 31, 2020
Consider, if You will:
Since human inception, there was a sacrificial refining process to coming of age for men (some call "coming of age," or "rite of passage") - just by nature of working alongside your father in the fields, from childhood, will pass this on to a man. That pruning process is fundamental to human existence - without it we all go extinct - in a very isolated example of it's use, it creates the grit and tact to make a man climb mountains and lose a nut fighting lions to GIT SUM, lol.

In the last 100 years in the West, we thought we could remove this with enough creature comfort (and consequently, removing sons from the lives of their fathers via hyper isolative careers/school)... but we lied to ourselves - the way that tact/grit/sacrifice manifests, just changed in our modern era. It is, of course, toxic, as apposed to the historic and healthier ways a man used his skills via physical labor and life/death scenarios, but if we don't get ahold of this, we will go extinct. <3
beautifully written man
Jul 17, 2021
Lookit, this girl who started this thread is wanting to make a love connection with some likeminded bioenergetic guy who shares her interests. Don’t bring it down ya’ll. Love is in the air ❤️ There’s enough other stuff to discuss in other threads.

Peat, Meet and Complete is a great idea imo ?


according to this,therefore any father that survived and had childrens has a valuable mindset/logic to offer to his childs,even if he is unhappy,and any person that did not get this experience passed from his father is a "headless soul with no direction hope sacrifice or self control"?why do you assume that a person can not get these "valuables"attributes relevant to his environnement with out his father experience?
there's always going to be a curve, sliding scale, varying mileage, what have you... it's not perfect, as most people aren't.
and of course, you can learn every skill without the aid of a human, but we are social creatures, and why learn mathematics alone when you can have a tutor?
i do not think the"removal or reduction of the significance of the role of patriarch"is a conscious choice,its mainly people biological state due to their environnements and mainly diet that prone them to not do what is potentially necessary to do when events/phenomenons in their environnement threaten their health and well being and those of their family and peoples they care about.
I agree with that
i did not imply that "patriarchy"has no value in our actual environnements,on the contrary it would have a very high value in the life of most people i know
totally agreed. I think we agree with more than we disagree on, fam.
i agree with both of these,exept the extinction crisis i have no opinion on it
this is a very commonly understood problem in the west today, and even if you disagree with future forecasts, the last 30 years of data is enough to state that western populations are too low (with western countries enacting policies of replacement migration to mitigate the consequences). Note: i'm not talking about total world population, but localized societies, like the west - it's a symptom of toxic social phenomena where-ever it presents itself - and if any native population is practically diminished, I consider that a tragedy.


David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Lookit, this girl who started this thread is wanting to make a love connection with some likeminded bioenergetic guy who shares her interests. Don’t bring it down ya’ll. Love is in the air ❤️ There’s enough other stuff to discuss in other threads.

Peat, Meet and Complete is a great idea imo ?


Oct 5, 2014
@Amazoniac according to the latest research in anesthesology, when lobsters become anesthesized in a laboratory setting, they start attacking the opposite sex jail-partners and dedicate their efforts to go up the hierarchy ladder instead, but never defying the alpha-crustacean of the crew. Jordan Peterson recently stated that this could be because of the anesthetic agent causing some unbalance in primitive hormonal-like extracellular signals that crustaceans also posses imitating more complex biochemical hormones from higher mammals.

Do you think aspirin and high dose Vitamin D could reverse learned-missogeny in captivity grown lobsters?
Dec 28, 2021
They do - any women who makes the claim she never gets hit on or doesn't get attention is absolutely lying and for men who would actually believe this to be the truth - all you need to do is spend a day walking around a city with them or better yet - ask to see their phone and login to their social media accounts and prepare yourself for that nightmare
No, they don't.

"OOGLING", cat calls, and thirsty DM's on Instagram - these are not the same as a guy actually approaching a girl in a calibrated manner during the daytime (aka "daygame"). It NEVER happens. You are lying to OP if you tell her this is so. There are TONS of posts on this forum about the crisis of masculinity, people being lonely, testosterone levels falling, etc. - and you think all these damaged guys are out here approaching girls IRL? NOPE!

The only reason hot girls would be seen with an average looking man is because they are in total control of him - they wear the pants in a relationship - Guaranteed (100% fact) that hot girl is smashing hot guys behind his back or even in front of him. And guaranteed - the girl in that relationship decides when sex happens and guaranteed - The guy is doing the most for her on her birthday and special events.

Every hot girls dream is to have an average looking guy that pays for all her sh** and supports her so she doesn't work while she goes around smashing all the hot guys in the world - she will give the average dude sex but it will be an exchange.

Hot girls don't "date" hot guys because hot guys are too busy smashing girls from the array of women chasing him - hot guys don't actually tend to "care" for dating
This is some really black-pill material dude. I don't know you, but if I did, I'd be worried about you. I get that there are some bad women out there, but extrapolating the tendencies of a bad minority of women to the good majority of women out there is going to really mess you up. If this is the type of vibe you put out into the world, the world is going to give you this vibe back.
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