>70 g of PUFA a day | Does diet even matter?


Aug 30, 2013
I am confused. Wouldn't delayed aging and her staying healthy and beautiful like a 17 year old resulting in her being able to concieve alot better into "older" years? You know, like being more fertile than other woman her age? Aging research managed to make a old woman fertile after she had already been trough menopause. That would imply to me that the biological clock is determined by once health not by the number on a birth certificate.

Btw, what do you mean by sexual maturity? Was she just not open for ... kinky stuff? Or was it just about having children? Some people just don't want children.

You are missing the larger picture; information from fertility research and the effects of modern social norms on replacement birth rates in populations. If women's childbirth can be delayed 10 years, you effectively can decimate a population in a few generations. Furthermore, aging does negatively effect the quality of the eggs (there in there from gestation). Even "appearing" healthy (fertile) by way of delayed maturation (hormonal deficit delay) the end result will be degraded offspring with lower multi-generational reproductive rates. That's one big reason that there has historically never been a surviving vegetarian civilization, only subpopulations such as in India which are in effect a form of lower caste proletariat. The aristocracy in Brithish occupied India were literally known as "Beef-Eaters".

TLDR; no matter how hot she looks, those eggs are a cookin. Being 50, childless and appearing 35 isn't the best life strategy if you are looking to avoid genetic extinction or assisted living
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Oct 1, 2019
It's about eating HARD foods to develop proper tongue posture and build muscle mass that will help with bone remodelling. Switching to liquids and removing tough meats + pacifiers are to blame.

That's Dr. Mew's argument, but tongue posture changes for one because of congenital or acquired hypothyroidism (caused by malnutrition) and subsequent mouth breathing. Early weaning off of breast feeding could play a role too, but it again adds up to the malnutrition aspect.

I think looking back at Prices work through the angle of metabolic health paints a clearer picture of what he was actually observing. Dr. Mew sees it from a purely mechanical standpoint, I think that's wrong.
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Oct 21, 2020
I wouldn't only point the finger to PUFA. I've been low PUFA for almost 6 years (Peating 3 months) and i have exaggerated wrinkles for my age (26). As others have pointed out. Cortisol will cause you to age. Internally and externally.
Will be adding progesterone, to see if it helps.

just my own experience.


Dec 5, 2020
I wouldn't only point the finger to PUFA. I've been low PUFA for almost 6 years (Peating 3 months) and i have exaggerated wrinkles for my age (26). As others have pointed out. Cortisol will cause you to age. Internally and externally.
Will be adding progesterone, to see if it helps.

just my own experience.
Pufa avoidance will dry out skin in some individuals, many anecdotes here
First of all, Peat is in his mid 80's, and still communicates fluently. Go listen to one of his livestreams with Danny Roddy from this year, and this basically destroys your comment.

But if you really feel this way...... why are you here? Did you mistake this for the RaymondPearlForum?

Funny though, Pearl couldn't communicate very well in his mid 60s. In fact, he couldn't communicate at all. Pearl died at 61.
Peat is a health guru and his health is pretty average, despite the bar being low
You're pimping the "Rate of Living" theory, and you don't even know who came up with that hypothesis? Nor do you care? Sad!

"The Rate of Living Hypothesis enjoyed prominence as one of the foremost theories of aging for nearly 50 years. The Rate of Living Hypothesis is undermined by the observation that a rat and a bat have similar metabolic rate, but a bat lives several times longer.[17] More recently, further doubts have been raised on the Rate of Living Hypothesis by the demonstration that, when modern statistical methods for correcting for the effects of body size and phylogeny are employed, metabolic rate does not correlate with longevity in mammals or birds.[18] (For a critique of the Rate of Living Hypothesis see Living fast, dying when?.[19])"
Not just metabolic rate, also reproductive stuff
Being low androgens (low rate of living by different measurement) is the best way to delay aging
Only here people pretend you can have the best of all worlds, when it’s pretty clear peating isn‘t anti aging at all, quite the opposite. It’s live now/get healthy diet, not a diet that delays aging
If you want to delay aging eat less, especially meat
Ask roddy how big his meals are as he seems to be the only one delaying aging with this diet out of the public figures subscribing to peating. And also have a guess how his t levels are. Hint: low


Oct 21, 2020
Pufa avoidance will dry out skin in some individuals, many anecdotes here
Thanks for pointing this out, i would bet on it being cortisol, rather then PUFA depletion. As my bloodlabs show increased cortisol/prolactin.

Will start a thread when the prog gets in.


Feb 12, 2020
Olives diet is the best one, he had it figured out. I’ll just have to move to Australia and work three jobs to be able to access/afford the foods


Dec 5, 2020
Olives diet is the best one, he had it figured out. I’ll just have to move to Australia and work three jobs to be able to access/afford the foods
I think I remember seeing a pic of him and he looked good.

Do you have a link to his diet


Feb 12, 2020
I’ll lay out a normal day:

Wake at 7AM
Brew French press with coffee/green tea/yerba/pau d’arco
While it’s brewing skip rope for 3-ish minutes to get lymphatic fluid moving
Sit down in the sun and drink a few cups of coffee/tea brew while stretching and allowing sun to hit retina
Cold-only shower
Shea butter moisturiser (topical stearic acid)
Make a big fruit/greens shake;
- 2 cups cranberry juice
- 2x kiwifruit
- 2x carrots
- 1x pineapple
- 50g baby spinach
- 50g frozen blue/black berry
- 50g jejube (chinese red date)
- 50g capers
- few shakes of pepper, rosemary, thyme, ginger, mint
- 5g taurine
- 5g kelp
- 1.5g calcium carbonate
- 1g l-threonine
- 500mg l-tyrosine
- 100mg niacinamide
- 100mg olive leaf extract (20% oleuropein)
Throughout the day I’ll drink 2L of the coffee/tea brew, 1L of coconut water and snack on apples/dried figs/dried apricots/medjool dates
At the beginning of the week I’ll cook up a batch of kale in coconut water and chicken broth, then store it in the fridge - I eat a ~1cup per day
Throughout the day I try to walk for at least 10 minutes in the sun; usually just to the grocery store and home
For dinner it’s usually as much rice or potato I can eat with 100-150g shellfish or grass fed red meat cooked with a little red palm oil
- for example tonight’s dinner was 1cup (dry) basmati rice cooked in 2g palm oil and chicken stock, 150g cannelloni beans, 50g dried cranberries, 100g prawns baked in garlic, lemon juice and parsley
After dinner I take 5g glycine to offset methionine from the shellfish/red meat
If I haven’t eaten sufficient calories I’ll supplement with medjool dates/honey/dextrose powder
Bed by 10PM

Today’s macros came to:
- 73g protein
- 528g carbs (-58g fibre = 470g net carbs)
- 11.7g fats (2.1 mono, 2.6 PUFA, 3.8 saturated)

I hit all my micronutrients except:
- 1300mg/1500mg calcium
- 985mg/1500mg phosphorus
- 1.5ug/2.4ug vitamin b12

- 7000mg potassium
- 650mg magnesium
- 1500ug vitamin K
- 15.3mg vitamin E

I supplement with 80mg aspirin (health natura) twice per day

I supplement with Vitamin E when cranberry juice isn’t available

Twice a week I’ll eat 2x pasture raised eggs for choline

Once or twice a week I’ll eat hard goats cheese with fruit for dessert (for the extra calcium), always with a coffee to offset beta-casomorphin

Twice I week I deadlift; one heavy day (1x5 reps) and one lighter day (2x10 reps)
Each week I add 2.5kg to the bar on the heavy day, deloading when necessary
When I deadlift I drop the bar from the top, only doing the concentric movement

Twice a week I’ll do pushups to close-to-failure

After working out I consume the following mixture:
- espresso shot
- 1 cup fruit juice (cranberry/pomegranate/orange)
- 50g dextrose powder
- 2g baking soda

Regarding your question regarding hunger; I honestly struggle most days to hit my caloric intake and often force myself to eat a bunch of medjool dates or honey to ensure I don’t become catabolic

I hit all my micros every day. Some I purposely exceed in excess, like copper, zinc and potassium.

My daily diet looks something like:
- coffee
- cranberry juice
- pineapple/papaya
- blueberries
- tomato
- coconut water
- spinach
- purple sweet potato
- white fish/shellfish/grass fed red meat
- calcium carbonate

I attached my cronometer reading for today - this is without the use of liver. Only supplement used was calcium carbonate. And some glycine to offset methionine. 6g of PUFA - could be lowered by replacing the fish with red meat. That would also fix the high phosphorous, if one was concerned - personally I am not.
It’s a bit over the top but those white flesh sweet potatoes he was eating 3-5 kg a day of are an amazing food and the best staple
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Jan 25, 2014
Not just metabolic rate, also reproductive stuff
Being low androgens (low rate of living by different measurement) is the best way to delay aging
Only here people pretend you can have the best of all worlds, when it’s pretty clear peating isn‘t anti aging at all, quite the opposite. It’s live now/get healthy diet, not a diet that delays aging
If you want to delay aging eat less, especially meat
Ask roddy how big his meals are as he seems to be the only one delaying aging with this diet out of the public figures subscribing to peating. And also have a guess how his t levels are. Hint: low
Suuuuuuure. Go ahead with that. Got any human studies to back that up?

Being low androgens is one of the surest ways to accelerate aging. Same with being low thyroid. You seem to have confused "life extension" with aging. Well, Roy Walford, Calorie Restriction advocate, pretty much destroys your argument-


The picture of Walford on the left is right after experiencing CR for several months. Clearly, he looks "aged" there, with little muscle tone, veins sticking out and such. The picture on the right is after refeeding and recovery, and he looks both younger and healthier there, despite being older.

Of course, it's dubious if CR even works for life extension in humans. Walford died at 79. If an expert proponent of the strategy can't make it work, what hope is there for an average person?

You're whole "eat less" theory is just mainstream nonsense that comes from Pearl's work. Nothing really to back it up. Eat less? Eat less that what? Then what you were eating? Than an elephant? That a 20 pound dog? Than what maintains your current bodyweight? And how long do you have to maintain that deficit? If you get weight stable, do you have to reduce calories more? Do you have to keep doing this till you're an anorexic waif? Without context, it's meaningless.

Peat (and others) have stated that any life extension seen in animal studies (and captive animals at that) likely have to do with eating fewer overall toxins, like iron, PUFA, heavy metals, and inflammatory amino acids, like tryptophan and methionine.

I'd also be interested as to where you got your intimate knowledge of Roddy's eating habits. Do you have access to his food logs? Are you a close personal friend?

Good luck with your strategy. I think you'll need it, especially since you offer nothing in the way of evidence to back up your ideas.


Dec 5, 2020
Suuuuuuure. Go ahead with that. Got any human studies to back that up?
There are studies on everything, that then get discussed here for example with double standards. Means nothing.
Being low androgens is one of the surest ways to accelerate aging. Same with being low thyroid. You seem to have confused "life extension" with aging. Well, Roy Walford, Calorie Restriction advocate, pretty much destroys your argument-

View attachment 21043
low t men age slower in terms of hair and skin at least. asians, castrati, and men who should be on trt.
The picture of Walford on the left is right after experiencing CR for several months. Clearly, he looks "aged" there, with little muscle tone, veins sticking out and such. The picture on the right is after refeeding and recovery, and he looks both younger and healthier there, despite being older.
he looks like ***t, in both pictures, just like ray peat
Of course, it's dubious if CR even works for life extension in humans. Walford died at 79. If an expert proponent of the strategy can't make it work, what hope is there for an average person?
if ray peat isn't a great example of health, what hope is there for an average person?
You're whole "eat less" theory is just mainstream nonsense
sh***ing on every mainstream idea for the sake of it being mainstream is nonsense.
If you never fast and constantly refeed, you are not getting lots of anti aging benefits.
If you want to stay young, eat less. If you want to build yourself, eat more, and that will come with aging.
that comes from Pearl's work. Nothing really to back it up. Eat less? Eat less that what? Then what you were eating? Than an elephant? That a 20 pound dog? Than what maintains your current bodyweight? And how long do you have to maintain that deficit? If you get weight stable, do you have to reduce calories more? Do you have to keep doing this till you're an anorexic waif? Without context, it's meaningless.
Sure. So are generalizations. Maybe, idk, listen to your body and decide from there when, how long, how and if to fast for example? You could also use a mirror, and mine is telling me that I always look several years younger after a fast. Maybe you won't, who knows we are all different. You can also trust the studies that confirm your current worldview, or not. Basically using studies and forum dogma is a way to avoid responsibility in everyday life. You should always be open to change your perspective and your senses and feelings should guide you through life. Perceive, think, act should be based on that, not studies interpreted by pseudo scientists who are dunning kruger maxxed to oblivion

Peat (and others) have stated that any life extension seen in animal studies (and captive animals at that) likely have to do with eating fewer overall toxins, like iron, PUFA, heavy metals, and inflammatory amino acids, like tryptophan and methionine.
idc about studies, they contradict themselves and are incredibly context dependent. they offer ideas, nothing else
I'd also be interested as to where you got your intimate knowledge of Roddy's eating habits. Do you have access to his food logs? Are you a close personal friend?
stated it in email exchange
Good luck with your strategy.
Says someone with 5k posts


Jan 25, 2014
Sure. So are generalizations. Maybe, idk, listen to your body and decide from there when, how long, how and if to fast for example? You could also use a mirror, and mine is telling me that I always look several years younger after a fast. Maybe you won't, who knows we are all different. You can also trust the studies that confirm your current worldview, or not. Basically using studies and forum dogma is a way to avoid responsibility in everyday life. You should always be open to change your perspective and your senses and feelings should guide you through life. Perceive, think, act should be based on that, not studies interpreted by pseudo scientists who are dunning kruger maxxed to oblivion

Oh, so now the strategy is different! Before, it was "eat less, especially meat." Now it's "listen to your body" and "use a mirror." But what if "listening to your body" and the mirror both tell you to eat more? What if your body craves 20 pounds of meat? Well, that's a real pickle, isn't it? So I guess your advice is "Always do something, unless you shouldn't do it." Completely solid.

If you never fast and constantly refeed, you are not getting lots of anti aging benefits.
If you want to stay young, eat less. If you want to build yourself, eat more, and that will come with aging.

Again, I don't think you understand what "aging" refers to. "Aging" means degeneration. If you are "building yourself up," that is the opposite of "degeneration," literally by definition.

And now you are suggesting a different strategy, fasting. Fasting doesn't necessarily mean "Eating less," just going for a period without food. Many people, when fasting, make up those calories in the eating window (whether that's IF, a 24 hour fast, or longer). The classic example is that, during the month of Ramadan, food consumption actually goes up despite the fast from sunrise to sundown in Muslim countries. Nothing about the daytime fast says they can't eat as much, or more, during their pre-dawn and post-dusk meals. And many apparently do eat more.

At this point, not only do you seem not to really understand Peat's or Pearl's ideas, but you don't even seem to have a firm grasp on your own. Nothing productive will come of this, so I will be hitting the ignore button at this time, I suggest you do the same.


Jul 8, 2014
Since we are bashing vegans I had to get to my keyboard and join the festivities. I have a slight nuianced perspective having fell into the love spell with a gorgeous supergodess from the Midwest. She had been vegetarian since very young. I was 35 and she was 27, but people mistook her for my daughter because she literally looked about 17. I have no doubt the veg diet delayed her aging (maturation) as she looked incredible and was a picture of health and beauty. However she was also sexually immature (not inexperienced, undermatured as in her sex hormones probably never took off). I can see why women go for this as it makes them look younger much longer. However it's a double edged sword, she wasn't remotely mature enough to want or think about children and eventually after several years I broke it off. It was like dating a little girl. She was beautiful, just not sexually mature. I believe it resulted in her missing her biological clock and now she is to old to have children.

Traditionally for men, the delayed sexual maturation that results from veg diets isn't nearly as attractive to the fairer sex, even superficially.
My appologies for not understanding but do you mean her blood work showed she was deficient in sex hormones or that you believe she was deficient in them because she didn’t want children? If it’s the former, I wonder if the type of vegetarian diet she consumed played a role. I was vegetarian starting at a very young age and have been vegetarian/vegan (fruit-based) for the majority of my life and my hormone levels (frequently tested), cycle and libido were, surprisingly, at their best on a fruitarian diet, and now lacto-fruitarian diet (not sure what else to call it lol), and at their worst on a lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet abundant in grains and legumes. My hormones and cycle were also poor on meat heavy diets—WAPF and both raw and cooked carnivore.


Mar 9, 2022
United States
The best way to look young is probably to consume a significant amount of stearic acid, as this appears to increase the ratio of subcutaneous to visceral fat. Estrogen will also appear to decrease aging, since edema hides wrinkles. But people are quite vain, they only care about looks and physical performance. I tend to think in terms of intellect and humaneness, qualities Ray Peat excelled in tremendously.


Aug 9, 2019
The best way to look young is probably to consume a significant amount of stearic acid, as this appears to increase the ratio of subcutaneous to visceral fat. Estrogen will also appear to decrease aging, since edema hides wrinkles. But people are quite vain, they only care about looks and physical performance. I tend to think in terms of intellect and humaneness, qualities Ray Peat excelled in tremendously.
I've encountered various products for facial "rejuvenation" which essentially heavily injure the facial skin and induced 1-2 month long edema. Lol! Crazy what people do to their bodies for a quick change.


Mar 15, 2014
whole-food PUFA makes a difference as well
I feel horrible after eating ranch dressing, but great after eating pistachios


Aug 17, 2018
The best way to look young is probably to consume a significant amount of stearic acid, as this appears to increase the ratio of subcutaneous to visceral fat. Estrogen will also appear to decrease aging, since edema hides wrinkles. But people are quite vain, they only care about looks and physical performance. I tend to think in terms of intellect and humaneness, qualities Ray Peat excelled in tremendously.
Personally, I disagree with this. Edema due to excess estrogen actually makes wrinkles worse and makes your face looks saggy.


Oct 6, 2020
The best way to look young is probably to consume a significant amount of stearic acid, as this appears to increase the ratio of subcutaneous to visceral fat. Estrogen will also appear to decrease aging, since edema hides wrinkles. But people are quite vain, they only care about looks and physical performance. I tend to think in terms of intellect and humaneness, qualities Ray Peat excelled in tremendously.

I would actually argue that looks, physical performance and intellect/humaneness can all be considered markers of health or youth. Ideally we improve all of thoose.
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