97.7, Peating To The Nth Degree, Fun With Thermometers

Sep 24, 2012
Well 98.6 is my current temp. Whats yours? Think about if every time someone posted they started their post with their current temp what a fantastic sampling we could create. I've been obsessing in a fun way with my digital thermometer I bought for 3.50 at big lots, I sprang the extra buck to get the 9 sec. reading. Easy observations that I can get my temp. to 98.6 by driving around during the day with the ac off and only cracking the windows slightly to cool down when my temp goes over 98.6, I get an uneasy but not necessarily uncomfortable feeling in my stomach when my temps are at 98.6, although it seems less each day for the past two days I've been doing it. I'm pretty sure I've been living as a hypothermic being for a long time.

Now peating to the Nth degree. I sorta of like to think of myself as the Team Walmart Peatist( check my other post for elaboration and yes I agree Walmart is a summation of just about everything wrong with our society, but my priority is to make managing my health as inexpensive and convenient as possible). I apply the same justification to participating in the medical industry, as a device rep, and although my current income is very low, there is a good financial potential, I have ridiculously flexible work schedule and the trade off for those benefits is I'm regularly in the same room with x rays machines, I have to take vaccines which I'm loathe to do, and I regularly have to use my smart phone, to name a few. I mention all of this to say That I'm now less concerned about all of the negative environmental exposures because through a peat approach I continue to feel better, knowing I'm not getting it all exactly right but that I'm moving in the right direction. So that is why I wanted to talk about the Nth degree of peating. Let's take Carageenan and cheese with enzymes as an example, strict avoidance of just those two ingredients basically makes it impossible to eat out a restaurant or buy the primary calcium/fat rich foods at the grocery store. So while I believe RP has a good basis to recommend avoidance of these foods, invariably we've all eaten them our whole life, which for RP to say they create cancer in our body is similar to nwo's dramatic description of the doctor giving his patient a terminal diagnosis. The stress of the information is in itself enough to have an impact. Few people have the time and financial resources to pursue the peat approach to the nth degree, so to me I recognize a potential for stress inducing conflict between whats available, what I can afford, what do I find appetizing. For me I'm finding more comfort in accepting RP's particulars with more than a grain of salt, while enjoying meaningful benefits from his concepts.

Now fun with thermometers. To me I'm coming to believe body temperature is the perhaps the holy grail. Forget xray exposure, I've been polluting myself with air conditioning. Unfortunately I have no idea what an ideal daily temperature cycle should be. Dr. Barnes guidelines are basically waking temperature guidance only, what about the other 24 hours of the day? What are peat friendly methods of raising your temperature, wouldn't aspirin actually lower temperature. how many hours a day should we be at 98.6, if our temperatures and pulse are good and we feel good, is that enough? I look forward to replies on this subject.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
97.8-98.2 is the range for when you wake up in the morning before you get out of bed. By lunch it should be at least 98.6. I think it was nwo2012 that said it should at least 98.6 for around 12 hours?

If your temp and pulse are good. I would imagine things should be running fairly optimal inside the body or at least on the way to running optimal.


Jul 26, 2012
Los Angeles
Temp doesn't really have any significance without pulse, you can easily get temps high by being in warm weather or in a hot room.
Sep 24, 2012
Yes exactly, so why not get in a warm room and bag breathe and dial in a body temp/pulse combo that's optimum. Is this a good idea?
Sep 24, 2012
Cool, I'll definitely give it a go and report back. Would a target combo be 98.6/pulse in the nineties? Any concern with overrev or highertemps above that?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I wouldnt want to go much higher then 90 for pulse, very low 90's at most. As for temp, anything up to 100.2 would be great.

Anyone see anything wrong with those values?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Very cool, thanks Cliff!


Aug 28, 2012
texas peatatarian said:
Well 98.6 is my current temp. Whats yours? Think about if every time someone posted they started their post with their current temp what a fantastic sampling we could create. I've been obsessing in a fun way with my digital thermometer I bought for 3.50 at big lots, I sprang the extra buck to get the 9 sec. reading. Easy observations that I can get my temp. to 98.6 by driving around during the day with the ac off and only cracking the windows slightly to cool down when my temp goes over 98.6, I get an uneasy but not necessarily uncomfortable feeling in my stomach when my temps are at 98.6, although it seems less each day for the past two days I've been doing it. I'm pretty sure I've been living as a hypothermic being for a long time.

Now peating to the Nth degree. I sorta of like to think of myself as the Team Walmart Peatist( check my other post for elaboration and yes I agree Walmart is a summation of just about everything wrong with our society, but my priority is to make managing my health as inexpensive and convenient as possible). I apply the same justification to participating in the medical industry, as a device rep, and although my current income is very low, there is a good financial potential, I have ridiculously flexible work schedule and the trade off for those benefits is I'm regularly in the same room with x rays machines, I have to take vaccines which I'm loathe to do, and I regularly have to use my smart phone, to name a few. I mention all of this to say That I'm now less concerned about all of the negative environmental exposures because through a peat approach I continue to feel better, knowing I'm not getting it all exactly right but that I'm moving in the right direction. So that is why I wanted to talk about the Nth degree of peating. Let's take Carageenan and cheese with enzymes as an example, strict avoidance of just those two ingredients basically makes it impossible to eat out a restaurant or buy the primary calcium/fat rich foods at the grocery store. So while I believe RP has a good basis to recommend avoidance of these foods, invariably we've all eaten them our whole life, which for RP to say they create cancer in our body is similar to nwo's dramatic description of the doctor giving his patient a terminal diagnosis. The stress of the information is in itself enough to have an impact. Few people have the time and financial resources to pursue the peat approach to the nth degree, so to me I recognize a potential for stress inducing conflict between whats available, what I can afford, what do I find appetizing. For me I'm finding more comfort in accepting RP's particulars with more than a grain of salt, while enjoying meaningful benefits from his concepts.

Now fun with thermometers. To me I'm coming to believe body temperature is the perhaps the holy grail. Forget xray exposure, I've been polluting myself with air conditioning. Unfortunately I have no idea what an ideal daily temperature cycle should be. Dr. Barnes guidelines are basically waking temperature guidance only, what about the other 24 hours of the day? What are peat friendly methods of raising your temperature, wouldn't aspirin actually lower temperature. how many hours a day should we be at 98.6, if our temperatures and pulse are good and we feel good, is that enough? I look forward to replies on this subject.

OT but you shold always drive with windows open or at least air the car for a few minutes before driving off as many toxic chemicals degassing from upholstery and plastics. I always do even when raining.

Im 98.6 just now and that's at 01:22 so roughly 15 hours since waking and 12 hours into my 18 hour shift.
But I am using DNP (2,4 Dinitrophenol, a potent uncoupler of mitochondria) with a little NDT +T3 so that helps a lot.

I think aspirin only lowers temperature when one has a fever. Im also guilty as I work in the 'cancer industry' though I preach Peat eating and alternative therapies to all that will listen.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I wish there was some kind of software or a chart, or something, where a person could track their temperature and pulse. Would be cool if it was something on the computer you just type your results in and it made out a chart graph for you so you could watch the trend. I have been searching for one on line but have no luck finding one.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Anyone know how to make a spreadsheet in google docs or microsoft word? It would be cool if we had a spreadsheet to give out to forum members so they could track their temp and pulse. I know I would like one!


Aug 28, 2012
Charlie said:
Anyone know how to make a spreadsheet in google docs or microsoft word? It would be cool if we had a spreadsheet to give out to forum members so they could track their temp and pulse. I know I would like one!

Using MS Excel it's pretty easy. Try yourself, dont have time on my hands to do so anytime soon or I would.


i'm on the very lazy side, and i don't check my temps. i just have a TSH blood test every three months (i know it's not a full or very accurate measurement, but it's enough for me).


Aug 28, 2012
j. said:
i'm on the very lazy side, and i don't check my temps. i just have a TSH blood test every three months (i know it's not a full or very accurate measurement, but it's enough for me).

That's odd because this way requires less effort than attending an annoying allopath for blood test/results. And more accurate.


Oct 16, 2012
nwo2012 said:
Im 98.6 just now and that's at 01:22 so roughly 15 hours since waking and 12 hours into my 18 hour shift.
But I am using DNP (2,4 Dinitrophenol, a potent uncoupler of mitochondria) with a little NDT +T3 so that helps a lot.

nwo2012: Can you describe the effects of DNP you've experienced?
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