A Case Of Chronic Low Grade Acidosis



Aug 23, 2018
Would not be surprised if hair loss started, eyes issues, etc.

Spot on! He had kidney stones a few years back and also developed some vitiligo around the eyes. This winter he already got pink eye twice. Having a toddler around that goes to daycare sure isn't helping.


Jan 25, 2014
Oh, I forgot in my original post to mention this. I was eating yogourt with puffed wheat as an evening snack for a few days and noticed that it waked me up at night and I needed to go to the toilet. So, retinoic acid, chloride, lactic acid and maybe, citric acid (from the electrolyte drink) seem to be huge triggers for me. Meat not so much. I'm thinking I might have more trouble getting rid of those than sulfur containing AA and phosphoric acid from meat.

I think yogurt (even greek yogurt) was a huge problem for me, and I was thinking that you might have had the same issue, and looks like that's the case. I also noticed eating eggs seemed to cause some digestive issues for me, recently. I noticed my GI tract would seem sluggish or bothered after eating either of those. But I dropped both yogurt and eggs this week (I was eating yogurt for breakfast during the weekdays, and eggs about 3 times a week or so), and have felt so much better. I talked about it a little more in depth at this part of this thread-
Probiotics- Better Off Dead. (And More Effective!)

(You can always skip to the beginning if you're at all interested in how dead lactobacillus are still anti-inflammatory, and clearly don't produce lactic acid in that state)

Haidut has a few threads about how B1 and biotin can reduce lactate, so you may want to check something like nutritiondata for what foods are high in those (I would suspect beef to be a good source). Beta Alanine was originally marketed as a way to reduce lactic acid in muscles, so looking for high alanine proteins might also be of benefit (if you want to avoid supplements).


Aug 23, 2018
Haidut has a few threads about how B1 and biotin can reduce lactate, so you may want to check something like nutritiondata for what foods are high in those

Yeah, I think Thiamin helps me. I was eating more oats before the holidays when I was better. I also see pork, sunflower seeds and beans as good sources.

I've noticed that congestion often lessens in my nose when I eat sunflower seeds.

Sunflower seeds also contain biotin and my favorite nut, almonds, as well.


Aug 23, 2018
I slept great yesterday and had a good bowel movement this morning. I think I'm back on the right track.

My pee also had some particles in it and was dark, indicating that I'm excreting stuff.

If you are considering looking into the acidosis I would suggest this book by Arnold Ehret:

Pretty interesting read thus far. I've read about a third of the book. It aligns pretty well with the beliefs I was building in my head after having success with low A. I agree that we have overcomplicated health/nutrition and that the answer should be simple and easy to understand and implement. We are supposedly the most intelligent species yet we have the most disease, we must be doing something very wrong in medical/nutritional science.

I am more and more convinced that vitamins and RDAs don't matter much and that most importantly, we have to stop poisoning our body. I believe the poison can differ depending on the body's state.

I also find it interesting how he mentions cows only eat grass yet they have muscles, hair, etc. I often see the same analogy with apes and fruits.

Macros shouldn't matter. In the past, we were foraging for food. So, access to any macro/micro could be compromised for a while, yet we survived.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the book. I won't be doing a fruit diet anytime soon, but will remove food that seems to hurt my vitality.


Aug 23, 2018
Another thing that makes me like this theory is that we know we can survive weeks without food, days without water and minutes without air. So, which one is most important for health? Air, then water, then food. Yet, most emphasis is put on food, or supplement intake.


Jan 25, 2014
Pretty interesting read thus far. I've read about a third of the book. It aligns pretty well with the beliefs I was building in my head after having success with low A. I agree that we have overcomplicated health/nutrition and that the answer should be simple and easy to understand and implement. We are supposedly the most intelligent species yet we have the most disease, we must be doing something very wrong in medical/nutritional science.

Personally, I do the think the majority of solutions are simple and straight forward- Stop eating industrial waste products, like "vegetable" and fish oils, wheat that had been adulterated with iron shrapnel, and using water that has been poisoned with waste grade fluorine. Each one of those would be a radical a leap forward in health as hauling away garbage, indoor plumbing, or doctors washing their hands before dealing with patients. All very straight forward...... but with the mechanisms that have been put in place in this world, not exactly "easy."

I think the answer to your last sentence is contained in the sentence itself. It starts off "We are supposedly..." and you have the answer right there. This ambiguous collective, referred to as "we" or "species," is prioritized over all the individuals that supposedly make up this collective. Impossible for someone to "Perceive, Think, Act." if every individual is treated as completely unimportant.

Of course, another issue could be the council that people seek out for health advice. The majority of people tend to trust Time Magazine, random health bloggers, and drug company shills, over great brilliant minds like Linus Pauling/Abram Hoffer/Ray Peat, and their own experimentation and internal guidance. As Albert Szent-Györgyi said, the mystery is not why people get sick and die, the mystery is how people ever manage to stay alive in the first place.
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Mar 3, 2016
Palm oil exacerbates VA symptoms. I would drop the nutella if I were you.


Aug 23, 2018
Palm oil exacerbates VA symptoms. I would drop the nutella if I were you.

Thanks for the tip. It's not the Nutella brand, but Kirkland made with sunflower oil and coconut oil. I tried another brand that had palm oil in it and I didn't feel great eating it.


Mar 3, 2016
Thanks for the tip. It's not the Nutella brand, but Kirkland made with sunflower oil and coconut oil. I tried another brand that had palm oil in it and I didn't feel great eating it.
It's the same situation with coconut oil.


Aug 23, 2018
It's the same situation with coconut oil.

You may be right, but it's at the end of the ingredient list. The fat is mainly sunflower oil.
I've never really tested coconut oil, so I don't know how I react to it.

If I was feeling like I stalled, the spread would probably be one of the first thing I try to swap since it's highly processed mainly sugar and oil. It's currently an indulgence of mine. When I get my hands on more maple syrup, I will surely switch back to homemade pancakes and we'll see if it makes a difference.


Sep 13, 2012
Personally, I do the think the majority of solutions are simple and straight forward- Stop eating industrial waste products, like "vegetable" and fish oils, wheat that had been adulterated with iron shrapnel, and using water that has been poisoned with waste grade fluorine. Each one of those would be a radical a leap forward in health as hauling away garbage, indoor plumbing, or doctors washing their hands before dealing with patients. All very straight forward...... but with the mechanisms that have been put in place in this world, not exactly "easy."

I think the answer to your last sentence is contained in the sentence itself. It starts off "We are supposedly..." and you have the answer right there. This ambiguous collective, referred to as "we" or "species," is prioritized over all the individuals that supposedly make up this collective. Impossible for someone to "Perceive, Think, Act." if every individual is treated as completely unimportant.

Of course, another issue could be the council that people seek out for health advice. The majority of people tend to trust Time Magazine, random health bloggers, and drug company shills, over great brilliant minds like Linus Pauling/Abram Hoffer/Ray Peat, and their own experimentation and internal guidance. As Albert Szent-Györgyi said, the mystery is not why people get sick and die, the mystery is how people ever manage to stay alive in the first place.
Great post! :goodpost
"Iron shrapnel" haha. Like bombs of iron going off in our body.
And hurray for doctors washing their hands!


Aug 23, 2018
Ehret's advocating lemonade to loosen mucus and help cleansing. It seems like I was intuitively making the right choices.

He also warns about too much fruits when in a degenerative state and advises to start with cooked fruits and vegetable broth discarding the cooked veggies. I found this study that mentions no lutein was found in the boiling water: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1021949813000744. That means that vegetable broth can be safely consumed even when on a low carotenoid diet.

So, incorporating veggie broth and more fruits while using lemonade for hydration seems the way to go for me.

Ehret's quite Peaty in some ways. He's a fan of fruits and sugar. He advocates very low fat. Peat's dark greens broth matches well with Ehret's view too. Both also promote laxatives/enemas to clean the gut. Oysters also seem to be a rare animal food that is actually alkalinizing.
Jun 16, 2017
Yeah, I think Thiamin helps me. I was eating more oats before the holidays when I was better. I also see pork, sunflower seeds and beans as good sources.

I've noticed that congestion often lessens in my nose when I eat sunflower seeds.

Sunflower seeds also contain biotin and my favorite nut, almonds, as well.
Niacinamide could also be useful for increasing NAD+, which would help with lactate. It also lowers phosphate, so that's another way it can help. I would be careful with sunflower seeds. They are really high in PUFAs. Just one ounce has more than 6 grams of PUFA and not a lot of vitamin B1. Lean pork could be good, and beans, although not ideal as a staple, could be interesting if prepared correctly, since they also have some molybdenum and don't really have a lot of polyunsaturates. I think minimizing PUFA as much as you can will help, since PUFAs are known to steal the oxygen that would be used in the process of cell respiration, which will lead to lactate accumulation. Bag breathing and using bicarbonate salts, such as potassium bicarbonate and magnesium bicarbonate, help with increasing CO2, which lowers lactate levels. As @Blossom has mentioned, not enough carbs increases acidity, since cortisol will break down muscle tissue, which will liberate into the bloodstream aminoacids, which will be broken down and will, thus, increase ammonia levels, which are hard on the kidneys and on the nervous system. Ceylon cinnamon lowers ammonia, so you could include that in your recipes if you want.


Aug 23, 2018
I think I went too far with the fruits this morning. My gut feels irritated and I have gas building up.

I would be careful with sunflower seeds. They are really high in PUFAs.

I'm not following Peat's advice closely anymore. I go with intuition and use the community to feed ideas. As I mentioned earlier, I often feel a positive response from sunflower seeds.

@charlie How can one differentiate between the disease state and detoxing?

Also, I'm curious of the quantities you're consuming on fruit fasts and juice fasts.


Aug 23, 2018
Lemonade really is a plus in my daily diet. It helps keep hunger at bay between meals and calms me. I need to be careful with fruits. Depending on the state of my gut, fruits can exacerbate issues instead of helping.

I won't be doing anything drastic as mentioned either by Ehret or Morse. I firmly believe that cooking is what made humanity so advanced. Going 100% raw can probably help cleaning the body, but is not a sustainable long term solution, at least that's my belief.

I do think they are correct about the often disregarded sewage system in our bodies, the lymphatic system, though. The problem might not be that my diet is too acidic, but rather that my body has trouble getting rid of the acids.

To help my lymphatic system, I must first stop to poison myself with foods or food combinations that make me feel worse. In my case, lutein seems to be a major culprit and I will continue using intuition to fine tune my diet.

Once my body is in a good state, elimination will get better. I will also look at ways to help natural elimination by using foods with a laxative effect and will continue to use lemonade to help loosen the mucus in my body.

Other options that could help this process: stretching, light exercise, IBT, better posture, massage, chiropractic.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I think I went too far with the fruits this morning. My gut feels irritated and I have gas building up.
Proper food combing is important. Mono meals being the best. It could have been fermentation due to improper combining, or, sulfur starting to move out. If you have taken antibiotics, MSM, flowers of sulfur, DMSO, then there is a possibility of sulfur. Check your iris for confirmation.

@charlie How can one differentiate between the disease state and detoxing?
Once you start going in and out of detox, you will pick up on when it is, or is not.

Also, I'm curious of the quantities you're consuming on fruit fasts and juice fasts.
Never measured. Eating when hungry, stop before completely full, keeping in mind gluttony is a deadly sin which Ehret touches on well.

I need to be careful with fruits. Depending on the state of my gut, fruits can exacerbate issues instead of helping.
Fruits expose weakness. Proper food combining is most important though.

The problem might not be that my diet is too acidic, but rather that my body has trouble getting rid of the acids.
Cannot properly eliminate due to acidosis. No way around it. When things are alkaline they will flow.

Other options that could help this process: stretching, light exercise, IBT, better posture, massage, chiropractic.
Do not forget sun bathing!! :D
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Aug 23, 2018
Do not forget sun bathing!! :D

I was forgetting about it. Winter is getting the better of me, it seems. It's starting to get better though. The days are longer and the sun feels much warmer.

My gut is seriously irritated this week. I had some fish (haddock I think) which I hadn't had in a while and it destroyed me. I felt cold immediately after starting to eat it. Acidosis is staying with me this week, but my mood has improved.

Today will be my first day doing IBT. I'm starting with about 3 inches. I used hockey pucks I had lying around the house :joyful: We'll see if it improves things.

I'm also considering chiropractic since I had one of my most energetic period after going for treatments for my jaw and getting some back adjustments at the same time. I always thought that it wasn't the main factor that gave me energy back then. I was attempting to address multiple issues with my health and thought that simply taking action was revigorating me, but now I'm wondering if it was chiropractic after all since I haven't been able reproduce this state.


Aug 23, 2018
I started a protein fast after lunch yesterday since I was reading about it in other threads and it was pretty easy to implement. I just avoided meat, grains and dairy. It really helped relieve my constipation. I ate roasted potatoes with onions for dinner and satisfied my hunger with bananas, strawberries, lemonade and grape juice since. I thought I would feel worst than this appetite wise honestly, but I'm just starting to get real hungry. I've got a new tool in my arsenal!

IBT doesn't seem to help when I'm acidic. I had a very light sleep and woke multiple times in the last 2 days, but that's the norm when my body is in a dis-eased state.


Jan 30, 2014
From my experience, acidosis is from the kidneys failing to filter out the metabolic wastes via the lymphatic system. These acids continue to back up and cause lymphatic congestion and everything we know as dis-ease. The kidneys fail due to eating protein. A high fruit diet turned it around for me and rather quickly. The benefits of the high fruit diet is incredible. The edema comes on because the body is doing all it can to buffer the acids, so it uses water to do that. It will also use cholesterol and pull calcium from the bone matrix.

That sounds like a quote right from Dr. Morse himself. I see you quoting a lot of his ideas around here often, as I once did.

I felt great following his strategies for a few months, then things went south quick. I was peeing over 20 times a day, always ice cold, and my blood and hair tests were never worse. My triglycerides were sky high and cholesterol (especially HDL) was extremely low, basically signaling insulin resistance. Also, I lost 25 lbs, getting down to 125 lbs (I’m a 6’0 male and always have been very lean and my normal weight is 155-160 lbs). I was so weak I couldn’t do 1 pull-up (I can normally do up to 20 pretty effortlessly). I got about about 7 cavities in 5 months after not having one cavity my first 35 years of existence on this planet.

Of all the things I’ve ever tried, the Morse stuff was the only thing I ever regret doing. Go search YouTube of the horror stories people have long-term trying to stick to that. I heard from someone I trust that knows that staff that work at his detox centers and none of them follow his protocols because they made them unwell after doing it for an extended period as well. Morse himself doesn’t even follow it.

You might be feeling great now, as I did at the start, but I would be very careful recommending this idea to others here. Long-term, it’s not safe nor sustainable at all
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