A Record Number Of Americans Suffer From Severe Psychological Distress (SPD)


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Nice man, did you make that up? Or does it come from somewhere?

You can kind of tell the day care people out there too. They are the ones who don't need anyone, and double down on that continuously. Who can be the most detached and "okay."
Thanks; yeah, that's original. I may have gotten the idea from somewhere in the past.

Completely agree; I've never met a person who's happy to be alone. Unhappiness prompts that narrative, and happy people want to share their happiness with others.

Good write-up.

However depressing the current situation may be, I find confidence in the observation that nature is ruthlessly self correcting.
The further we deviate from the "natural norm", the sicker the individual and society as a whole gets.
If we fail to correct course, society will inevitably disintegrate and eventually something new will emerge.
Thanks; I also find comfort in that. It's very easy to take one thing in particular and to criticize it, but on the whole, the truth will overcome. I think this faith in nature is a deeply transcendental tenant that appears in this community (and indeed in Peat's own philosophy.) It doesn't entail passivity, but falsity can only persist for a brief time.


Nov 2, 2016
Most people for most of human existence have been under severe psychological distress. There's an undercurrent of edenism with this stuff: man has fallen from a state of bliss. Not so.


Thanks; I also find comfort in that. It's very easy to take one thing in particular and to criticize it, but on the whole, the truth will overcome. I think this faith in nature is a deeply transcendental tenant that appears in this community (and indeed in Peat's own philosophy.) It doesn't entail passivity, but falsity can only persist for a brief time.
Fantastic reflection here @DaveFoster I wholeheartedly agree with this "faith in nature".


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon


Jan 23, 2017
Good write-up.

However depressing the current situation may be, I find confidence in the observation that nature is ruthlessly self correcting.
The further we deviate from the "natural norm", the sicker the individual and society as a whole gets.
If we fail to correct course, society will inevitably disintegrate and eventually something new will emerge.

When we ignore spirit and refuse, on a less exalted level, to use our brains, nature intervenes with brutal, merciless Darwinism. Good news is we have a choice. Bad news is, we have a choice.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Most people for most of human existence have been under severe psychological distress. There's an undercurrent of edenism with this stuff: man has fallen from a state of bliss. Not so.

I agree with that, it is the trend for increasing stress that is troubling.
Dec 25, 2014
With genetically modified babies coming along soon,all of this will be gone so "they" will say.....
Just edit out the bit you don't like about having children to fit the modern world,sounds like a joke doesn't it.......

GMO humans doesn't work the way it does in movies. A person's psychology is more defined by their environment, electrical frequencies, and energy levels.

Most people for most of human existence have been under severe psychological distress. There's an undercurrent of edenism with this stuff: man has fallen from a state of bliss. Not so.

Disagree. For most of human history we lived in large clans with lots of social support and social validation, which is known to reduce perceived stress significantly.

Not to mention there was a pre-deluvian time where earth was a paradise


Feb 2, 2016
This is a very interesting subject to me.

The part that confuses me is how is SPD different from the slew of mental disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, various schizoaffective disorders, etc that share the same symptoms and why it is counted as a separate condition.

I think you are spot on @haidut , experts in the field are coming to the same conclusion.

The whole DSM categorising of various personality disorders , is now under question .

Peter Walker, who has written extensively on treatment for C-PTSD says...

In my experience, many clients with Complex PTSD have been misdiagnosed with various anxiety and depressive disorders, as well as bipolar, narcissistic, codependent and borderline disorders. Further confusion arises in the case of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), as well as obsessive/compulsive disorder, which is sometimes more accurately described as an excessive, fixated flight response to trauma. This is also true of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and some dissociative disorders which are similarly excessive, fixated freeze responses to trauma.

The belief is that they can all be categorised under C-PTSD, that is chronic stress and trauma in childood leads to a whole host of behaviourable and pyschological problems and ultimately physical as well.

High or low base cortisol levels that do not return to normal have been traced to early childhood stress, maybe begining in the womb and a highly stressed mother. An anxious stressed baby is then harder to rear by an already stressed parent and so the problems are further exascerbated. Poor daycare is another factor as mentioned

Children's cortisol levels and quality of child care provision. - PubMed - NCBI

The Rise in Cortisol in Family Daycare: Associations With Aspects of Care Quality, Child Behavior, and Child Sex

Eventually all pyschological issues will be accepted as trauma of one sort or another


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


Mar 10, 2016
My mom and I were talking last night about the way some people treat their kids in public, yelling, verbal abuse, being rude to others in front of the kid... and we realized that between us we had seen 3 things in the last two days, that we felt bad about not stopping it or saying something to the parent. we were pretty amazed at how common child abuse is now, ranging from mild to abuse that really messes up the kid for the future. it was one of those moments where neither my mom or I had an answer, or a "this is what's wrong with people today". we were kind of speechless. We were like, who messed up these people so bad and taught them to be bad parents?


Aug 17, 2016
This is a very interesting subject to me.

I think you are spot on @haidut , experts in the field are coming to the same conclusion.

The whole DSM categorising of various personality disorders , is now under question .

Peter Walker, who has written extensively on treatment for C-PTSD says...

In my experience, many clients with Complex PTSD have been misdiagnosed with various anxiety and depressive disorders, as well as bipolar, narcissistic, codependent and borderline disorders. Further confusion arises in the case of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), as well as obsessive/compulsive disorder, which is sometimes more accurately described as an excessive, fixated flight response to trauma. This is also true of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and some dissociative disorders which are similarly excessive, fixated freeze responses to trauma.

The belief is that they can all be categorised under C-PTSD, that is chronic stress and trauma in childood leads to a whole host of behaviourable and pyschological problems and ultimately physical as well.

High or low base cortisol levels that do not return to normal have been traced to early childhood stress, maybe begining in the womb and a highly stressed mother. An anxious stressed baby is then harder to rear by an already stressed parent and so the problems are further exascerbated. Poor daycare is another factor as mentioned

Children's cortisol levels and quality of child care provision. - PubMed - NCBI

The Rise in Cortisol in Family Daycare: Associations With Aspects of Care Quality, Child Behavior, and Child Sex

Eventually all pyschological issues will be accepted as trauma of one sort or another
Thanks for posting Peter Walker's insight.
It would be great to release these labels to see what's really and physiologically going on. Perhaps some of the potent fear of the behaviours can be diminished as we shine more light onto it.


Nov 2, 2016
Disagree. For most of human history we lived in large clans with lots of social support and social validation, which is known to reduce perceived stress significantly.

Do you have any idea what the murder rate is in hunter gatherer tribes? Or in the bronze/medieval era? Never mind the constant state of warfare and night raids. The constant abductions of girls and so-forth. Your position is exactly what I was referring to. We have a lot of problems now, but for the moment dying in a famine, murdered on a whim, or being abducted into slavery aren't sources of stress.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Just one observation. A young woman where I train is married to another female and they just had a baby. Her wife carried the pregnancy. I found it odd that the baby is dropped off at daycare 5 days a week. She's only a few weeks old. The mothers are both in grad school. I am of the generation where my mom stayed home while we were little. No day care. My nephews though had working mothers; they were dropped off at day care every weekday. I must admit, they have grown up to be rather narcissistic. I think DSM considers the category "Cluster B." Ray has said that early maternal neglect can cause damaged serotinergic systems. What I see is a clear issue with attachments and bonds.

Increased daycare leads to increased violent crime


Apr 30, 2015
My mom and I were talking last night about the way some people treat their kids in public, yelling, verbal abuse, being rude to others in front of the kid... and we realized that between us we had seen 3 things in the last two days, that we felt bad about not stopping it or saying something to the parent. we were pretty amazed at how common child abuse is now, ranging from mild to abuse that really messes up the kid for the future. it was one of those moments where neither my mom or I had an answer, or a "this is what's wrong with people today". we were kind of speechless. We were like, who messed up these people so bad and taught them to be bad parents?

Yeah I see that a lot. People treating their kids like those kids are never going to be bigger and stronger then them. Derp

I like the R verse K reproduction selection theory. As stress rises, K selected people who invest in their children tend to have less children. This is a response to living in a very cold climate where something going wrong could mean not enough food, and more mouths to feed could lead to a collapse in the entire tribe.

As stress rises, R selected people have more kids, reflecting perhaps life at a more tropical region of the earth where stress may come from disease, and other sources that mean more people are required.

Just a theory but I like it. Maybe we are just seeing the people who are having kids under this stressful environment are the people who invest the least in their children. The rabbits, not the elephants.
Dec 25, 2014
Do you have any idea what the murder rate is in hunter gatherer tribes? Or in the bronze/medieval era? Never mind the constant state of warfare and night raids. The constant abductions of girls and so-forth. Your position is exactly what I was referring to. We have a lot of problems now, but for the moment dying in a famine, murdered on a whim, or being abducted into slavery aren't sources of stress.

Intra-tribal violence was actually quite low depending on the tribe. Some of those anthropological studies that showed high violence in tribes were "rigged" so to speak.

But you're right we don't have to worry about starvation or violence as much as third worlders.

Yeah I see that a lot. People treating their kids like those kids are never going to be bigger and stronger then them. Derp

I like the R verse K reproduction selection theory. As stress rises, K selected people who invest in their children tend to have less children. This is a response to living in a very cold climate where something going wrong could mean not enough food, and more mouths to feed could lead to a collapse in the entire tribe.

As stress rises, R selected people have more kids, reflecting perhaps life at a more tropical region of the earth where stress may come from disease, and other sources that mean more people are required.

Just a theory but I like it. Maybe we are just seeing the people who are having kids under this stressful environment are the people who invest the least in their children. The rabbits, not the elephants.

R selected people would be quicker to develop sexually and show more sexual dimorphism. I believe that is what we're seeing today.

Girls and boys are hitting puberty earlier and earlier, and heir secondary sexual traits are being exxagarated


Feb 13, 2016
Lol is this why everyone is super right wing on here? They want to consider themselves "k-selected"


Jan 4, 2017
Yep, and serotonin is heavily involved in that process so metabolism is once again at the forefront.
Serotonin Is Involved In The Formation Of Traumatic Memories
Emotional Response To Pain Is Driven By Serotonin And Prostaglandins

I suppose blocking serotonin could prevent the development of trauma and maybe even reverse it??
Yes serotonin is quite a destructive amine...
here(my country) the increase of ssri prescriptions came together with an increase of suicides...and this made government to send an alert through media for doctors and patients to avoid using these drugs as panacea...for treating simple issues that can be solved with simple stress reduction or nutrition...
Dec 25, 2014
Lol is this why everyone is super right wing on here? They want to consider themselves "k-selected"

I'm not right wing or left wing. I'm off the bird.

But I suppose it's the high IQ, slow sexual maturity, and low sexual dimorphism that makes me think I'm K selected.

As far as rise in mental illness and people treating their children badly in public...I would wager these were low class people. High stress, high cortisol, high estrogen, high aggressiveness.

With the economic decline in the West and the destruction of the middle class, were all turning into poor, child abusing, overworked overstressed proles.
Last edited:


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Do you have any idea what the murder rate is in hunter gatherer tribes? Or in the bronze/medieval era? Never mind the constant state of warfare and night raids. The constant abductions of girls and so-forth. Your position is exactly what I was referring to. We have a lot of problems now, but for the moment dying in a famine, murdered on a whim, or being abducted into slavery aren't sources of stress.

What is the murder rate for hunter gatherer tribes? I don't know of any records about that stuff. But if you know, please tell, what is it?


Feb 18, 2016
GMO humans doesn't work the way it does in movies. A person's psychology is more defined by their environment, electrical frequencies, and energy levels.

Disagree. For most of human history we lived in large clans with lots of social support and social validation, which is known to reduce perceived stress significantly.

Not to mention there was a pre-deluvian time where earth was a paradise

This seems to be the piece of the puzzle the clone community are ignoring,creating a super powered being will require super levels of fuel,unless they can modify the new organism to run on light but then clouds are an issue just like solar power.
Reminds me of smart phones,can't move forward until we improve battery supply,batteries currently not evolving.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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