A Timeline of “The Great Reset” Agenda





Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020

Iain Davis on the New World Order and How to Oppose It​

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/B19NMHfW3i08/

Great interview. Thanks Pina.




Sep 21, 2014
Wasn't sure where to post this.

The Italian city of Bologna wants to introduce a "voluntary" social credit score system.

Translation with deepl
At the end of March, the city government in Bologna, Italy, announced a pilot project. Virtuous citizens are to receive points that they can exchange for rewards. The similarities to Chinese social credit systems for educating and controlling citizens are unmistakable.

At the end of March, Mayor Matteo Lepore and Massimo Bugani, who is in charge of the Digital Agenda, announced a plan for Digital Innovation 2022-2024. Part of the plan is to use artificial intelligence to measure and control traffic, including by informing citizens about traffic flow. One can sense certain dangers here in the direction of movement profiling, if the city government is to be accused of a penchant for surveillance, control and manipulation of its citizens.

Lepore and Bugani gave every reason for this at the same press conference. For they also announced a pilot project for September in which citizens can collect points if they behave in an exemplary manner in the sense of the city administration. Bugani described the planned "Smart Citizen Wallet" (English name in the original Italian) thus:

"At the center is the virtuous citizen who, for example, separates garbage well, doesn't waste energy, uses public transportation, doesn't get fined, or is committed to the Bologna Welcome Card. To these people, the city says 'we'll give you points' as part of a reward system with rewards that can be used individually."

I cringe when a public official flaunts his partriarchal view of humanity in such a shame-free manner and apparently doesn't even face any fierce opposition for it.

Voluntarily in the neologism sense
The matter is harmless, he says, because the action is based on voluntariness. Only those who use the corresponding app take part. That's not a very reassuring argument. Here, the city wants to use taxpayers' money to offer monetary rewards for citizens to make themselves data-naked and prove their virtue. That in itself is outrageous.

At the latest since the excessive exclusion of those not vaccinated against Corona by 3G and 2G or 2G+, we know very well how extremely fluid the boundary between voluntariness and coercion can be and how pseudo-voluntariness can be used to deprive people of their freedom. One did not have to be vaccinated, but then one just "voluntarily" gave up the "advantage" of being allowed to participate in public life. It is voluntariness from the Corona neologism dictionary that is invoked here.

In China, which pioneered a social credit system as envisioned here with many government and private projects, it is clear that once such a system reaches a certain level of importance, it always includes the allocation of disadvantages or penalties for undesirable behavior. Those who score too poorly in the social point systems of the social media giants have to contend with extremely diverse and serious disadvantages in their daily lives: be it when looking for an apartment or a life partner.

Such a system is inevitably anti-individualistic and directed against a free society. Those who hand out the points determine from on high what constitutes virtuous behavior, and use gentle or not-so-gentle pressure to force people to follow foreign preferences and values. This goes so far in China that people with low social scores are cut by others because they fear point deductions if they are friends or have contact with such people.

If you have such an instrument at your disposal, you can force the people of an entire country to "voluntarily" do what the ruling class wants.

However, this monstrous project of the Bolognese would-be educators of the people has yet to be submitted to the data protection authority. Maybe it will at least stick there. But in any case, it's shocking how much values must have changed for an authority to dare to announce something like this.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Dec 8, 2016
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